Научная статья на тему 'Sustainable transport: Austria’s experience'

Sustainable transport: Austria’s experience Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Khaikhadaeva Oktiabrina Dmitrievna

Vienna has one of the best public transport system in the world. The road to sustainable public transport was long, through gradual changes. In fact, Vienna was not a pioneer in introduction of any particular policy concerning public transport, but it successfully adopted and implemented other cities good experience. This paper studies Vienna’s experience of promoting sustainable transport. It analyzes the range of policies adopted and implemented and political process that enabled implementation of policies. Vienna’s experience reveals that implementation of sustainable transport policies is a long process which demands compromises, trials and errors. Vienna’s success would be probably modest without generous federal support.

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Устойчивый транспорт: опыт Австрии

Система общественного транспорта Вены является одной из лучших в мире. Дорога к устойчивому общественному транспорту была длинной, через постепенные изменения. На самом деле, Вена не является пионером в принятии какой-либо особенной транспортной политики, но она успешно применила хороший опыт других городов. В данной статье рассматривается опыт Вены в продвижении устойчивого транспорта, анализируются реализованные политики. Опыт Вены показывает, что реализация политики устойчивого транспорта представляет собой продолжительный процесс, который связан с компромиссами, попытками и ошибками. Кроме того, успех Вены, вероятно, был бы несколько скромным без щедрой поддержки федерального правительства.

Текст научной работы на тему «Sustainable transport: Austria’s experience»

на посещение бухты для туристов. Чтобы не допустить такой ситуации на берегах Байкала мы должны заранее позаботиться о состоянии озера и проводить постоянные профилактики

восстановления его экосистемы.

Несмотря на попытки государства улучшать экосистему озера, на данный момент его экологическое состояние все еще находится в плачевном положении. Мы можем сделать вывод, что недостаточно лишь государственного участия в решении данной проблемы. Проблема экологии — это проблема не только исключительно органов власти, это вопрос для всех нас, для каждого. Пока общество не поменяет свое отношение в данному вопросу, мы не сможем кардинально изменить сложившуюся ситуацию. Причем, речь не только о непосредственных жителях Прибайкальского края, но и о всех туристах, которые приезжают посетить это по истине необыкновенное место. ■

1. Байкальский целлюлозно-бумажный комбинат, антропогенное влияние [Электронный ресурс] // Энциклопедия и новости Приангарья, 2011-2017 - URL: http://irkipedia.ru/content/baykalskiy_cellyulozno_bumazhny y_kombinat_antropogennoe_vliyanie (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)

2. РАН: в программе сохранения Байкала должны быть меры снижения антропогенной нагрузки [Электронный ресурс] // ТАСС, информационное агентство1999-2019. - URL: https://tass.ru/sibir-news/3831687 (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)

3. Новости [Электронный ресурс] // 1991-2019 Интерфакс URL: https://tourism.interfax.ru/ru/news/aticles/53449/ (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)

4. Запрет на вылов байкальского омуля [Электронный ресурс] // ТАСС, информационное агентство 1999-2019. - URL: https://tass.ru/sibir-news/4924906 (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)

5. Что делать с наследием БЦБК? [Электронный ресурс] // © 2017 «Первый Байкальский». Информационно-познавательный интерактивный портал, посвященный озеру Байкал - URL: https://1baikal.ru/soxranim-bajkal/bajkal-pod-oxranoj/chto-delat-s-naslediem-bczbk (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)

6. Байкальский целлюлозно-бумажный комбинат [Электронный ресурс] // Свободная энциклопедия - URL: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Байкальский_целлюлозно-бумажный_комбинат (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)

7. Текущее состояние дел по ликвидации накопленных отходов БЦБК обсудили в Иркутске [Электронный ресурс] // ИА «Сибирские новости», 20012018 гг. - URL: http://snews.ru/news/tekushchee-sostoyanie-del-po-likvidacii-nakoplennyh-othodov-bcbk-obsudili-v-irkutske (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)


Байкальский целлюлозно-бумажный комбинат, антропогенное влияние [Электронный ресурс] // Энциклопедия и новости Приангарья, 2011-2017 -URL:

http://irkipedia.ru/content/baykalskiy_cellyulozno_bum azhnyy_kombinat_antropogennoe_vliyanie (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)

Байкальский целлюлозно-бумажный комбинат [Электронный ресурс] // Свободная энциклопедия -URL:

https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Байкальский_целлюлозн о-бумажный_комбинат (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)

Запрет на вылов байкальского омуля [Электронный ресурс] // ТАСС, информационное агентство 1999-2019. - URL: https://tass.ru/sibir-news/4924906 (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)

Новости [Электронный ресурс] // 1991-2019 Интерфакс URL:

https://tourism.interfax.ru/ru/news/aticles/53449/ (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)

РАН: в программе сохранения Байкала должны быть меры снижения антропогенной нагрузки [Электронный ресурс] // ТАСС, информационное агентство 1999-2019. - URL: https://tass.ru/sibir-news/3831687 (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)

Текущее состояние дел по ликвидации накопленных отходов БЦБК обсудили в Иркутске [Электронный ресурс] // ИА «Сибирские новости», 2001-2018 гг. - URL:

http://snews.ru/news/tekushchee-sostoyanie-del-po-likvidacii-nakoplennyh-othodov-bcbk-obsudili-v-irkutske (Дата обращения: 18.02.2019)

Что делать с наследием БЦБК? [Электронный ресурс] // © 2017 «Первый Байкальский». Информационно-познавательный интерактивный портал, посвященный озеру Байкал - URL: https://1baikal.ru/soxranim-bajkal/bajkal-pod-oxranoj/chto-delat-s-naslediem-bczbk (Дата

обращения: 18.02.2019)

The description of the condition of the water protection zone of the irkutsk region, the problems associated with its pollution and their solutions

© Tuleneva V., 2019

The condition of the water protection zone of the Irkutsk region is one of the most significant aspects considered by environmental organizations in Russia both at the regional and national level.

Keywords: nature protection zone, ecology, tourism, industry

УДК 330.342.44


Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude

Vienna has one of the best public transport system in the world. The road to sustainable public transport was long, through gradual changes. In fact, Vienna was not a pioneer in introduction of any particular policy concerning public transport, but it successfully adopted and implemented other cities good experience. This paper studies Vienna's experience of promoting sustainable transport. It analyzes the range of policies adopted and implemented and political process that enabled implementation of policies. Vienna's experience reveals that implementation of sustainable transport policies is a long process which demands compromises, trials and errors. Vienna's success would be probably modest without generous federal support.

Keywords: transport, public transport, public transport policy, Vienna

Recent research suggest that in Western Europe, North America, and Australia car ownership, use, and driver licensing have been declining since 2000. Studies of travel mode for some high-income cities also find a decline in the share of car trips and an increase in the share of walking, bicycling and public transport during the past twenty years (Cervero 1998; Newman&Kenworthy 2015; UN habitat 2013). For example, Vienna (Austria) decreased car mode share by 13 % over the past two decades, Paris — by 10 %, Copenhagen — by 9 %, Amsterdam and London — by 8 %, Munich, Stockholm and Zurich — by 7 %, Hamburg — by 6 %, Berlin — by 5 %. It is indeed impressive that many European cities have been successful in adoption and implementation certain policies to reduce car mode share and promote public transport, cycling and walking. No doubt, the falling car mode share have had positive impact on quality of life.

This paper studies Vienna's experience of promoting sustainable transport. It analyzes the range of policies adopted and implemented and political process that enabled implementation of policies. Vienna's experience reveals that implementation of sustainable transport policies is a long process which demands compromises, trials and errors, coalition-building among stakeholders and political parties.

Transport history

Historically, Vienna has been reluctant in the adoption of car use. Nowadays, Vienna remains a compact, monocentric city (Csendes&Opil 2006; Pirhover&Stimmer 2015; Buehler 2017). It has large areas used as pars, forests, vineyards (Solicker 2015). The share of land use for urban development and transport infrastructure remains below 50 % (Buehler 2017).

Economic growth in period of 1980-1990 led to increase of motorization rate from 90 to 257 cars per 1000 population (Csendes&Opil, 2006; Pirhofer&Stimmer 2007, Buehler 2017). As a result, the problems of congestion, parking, air pollution, noise, traffic injuries have increased (Knoflaeber 2015). Transport plans in 1960s and 1970s considered the construction of autobahns in the city, but public opposition was able to block almost all of these proposals. Since the beginning of the 1970s, preservation of the old town with narrow streets and town squares became a top priority. Both public and ruling coalition (Democrats and Conservatives) supported this policy.

Population of Vienna decreased from 1.63 million in1961 to 1.49 million in 1990, then increased to 1.80 in 2015 (City of Vienna, 2015). Recent population growth was partly due to immigration from other countries (Buehler et al. 2017). According to official statistics, about 1/3 of Vienna's residents have immigrant origin. More than 50 % of Vienna's immigrants came from Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Probably, these immigrants also contributed to the rise of public transport use and cycling.

Politics and transport plans

Vienna is a capital of Austria. It has a special status as both a city and federal state. The mayor of the city is also the prime minister of the state (Pelinka 2013). Since 1945, all Vienna's mayors were Social Democrats, and all transport ministers were Social democrats till 2010, when a Green became transport minister (City of Vienna 2015c). Social Democrats have traditionally been strong supporters of public transport, social housing, and labor (Buehler et al. 2017). The Greens have supported environmental protection, public transport, bicycling, walking, restrictions on car use and parking. As for Conservative Party, in 1970-1980s they had a strong pro-environmental wing that supported public transport, car-free zones, green-space protection, and traffic calming (Csendes&Opil 2006).

Vienna's suburbs are located in the state of Lower Austria, which have been governed by the Conservatives from more than fifty years (Buehler et al. 2017). Lower Austria government (Conservatives) strongly supported investments in autobahns in contrast with public transport which had got only minor investment. Nowadays, car mode share amounts 64 % of daily trips to Vienna suburbs, whereas in the city itself it amounts only 27 %.

Since 1993, there has been a dramatic shift towards public transport within the city. It can be explained by public transport improvements, especially expansion of the U-Bahn (metro). These policies of public transport improvements have been evolving over decades, gradually with one policy building on another (Buehler 2017).

The City of Vienna has adopted a number of Transport Plans (1980, 1983, 2003, 2014), which highlight the continuity of transport policy. Being formally adopted by Vienna parliament, thee plans have served as policy guides. The goals, contained in these plans, included expansion of public transport, limitation of roadway expansion, restriction of on-

street parking, improvement of walking and cycling, expansion of car-free zones.

Public Transport Improvement

Vienna's public transport is one of the best in the world. By 1910, Vienna already has an extensive tramway system. For decades, tramway was the main public transit; nowadays, it remains the key part of public transport in Vienna. In recent years, tramway tracks, stations were significantly modernized. The tramway provides services outside of the U-Bahn corridors. It remains an integral part of streetscape of Vienna, and no political party advocates its elimination (Buehler 2017).

Interestingly, but tramway trip increased with the expansion of the U-Bahn, from 242 million in 1990 to 294 million in 2013 (Wiener Linien 2000-2015). During the same period, U-Bahn rideship has grown from 246 million to 429 million. Due to its greater speed, the U-Bahn is the main transit mode in contemporary Vienna (Buehler et al. 2017).

Construction of the U-Bahn in Vienna began in 1969. The first line was opened in 1978. By 2015, the U-Bahn network reached 80 km (Prillinger 2015). During considered period of time, improvements of the U-Bahn included increases in frequencies and hours of services, more comfortable vehicles, modernized and more accessible stations.

In addition to the U-Bahn, the tramway, bus and regional rail system form an integral network of complementary services. Since 1990, all types of public transport have been improves: new bus and rail vehicles, modernized stations (tram, bus, railway), shorter headways, time information.


Funding is always an important issue. As for Vienna, its finance minister from 1973 to 1994, Hans Mayrs, was able to negotiate a 50 % federal share of funding of U-Bahn investments. The federal contribution was facilitated through an agreement of 1978, which remains in effect to this day.

The federal government owns and operates the S-Bahn (the U-Bahn is owned and operated by the City of Vienna). The federal government finances 80 % of the S-Bahn capital costs and 100 % of the S-Bahn operating subsidies for a basic level of services. All other costs are covered by the City of Vienna and the state of Lower Austria. The main problem with the S-Bhan is that it needs thorough modernization (Buehler et al. 2017).

The federal government supports public transit in three ways. Firstly, the cost of public transport fares for daily commutes of school students are covered by the federal government . Second, administrative and planning costs of coordination are paid by the federal government. Third, the city gains revenue sharing funds from the federal government. Due to its capital status, the City of Vienna revenues are twice as much as proceeds of the states (in per capita term).

In addition to mentioned above funding, Vienna has three local sources of public transit finance. Passenger fare revenues cover about 55 % of operating costs of

public transit. Second. The city levies a public transport tax on large employers. Third, the city gets revenues from on-street parking and city-owned parking garages (Buehler et al. 2017).

Fare policy

In Vienna, fare rates have been low for decades (in contrast with other European cities) (Civity 2011). In 2012, the price for an annual ticket for unlimited travel within the city was reduced from 449 euro to 365 euro (by 20 %). In the same year, the monthly passes were reduced from 49.5 euro to 45 euro (10 %). The annual ticket for school students costs 60 euro, semester-long tickets for university students — 75 euro.

In general, 92 % of all transit trips to Vienna are paid for with annual, monthly, weekly, semester passes (Buehler et al. 2017). The public transport mode share in Vienna has risen by 3 % (36 %-39 %) from 2011 to 2013 (the years immediately before and after the fare reduction). This is significant rise.

The fare cuts were opposed by managers of the city's public transport system until the city government agreed to cover all revenue losses. In fact, fare reduction led to significant increase of total fare revenue. On the other hand, operating costs also increased because of increased service to satisfy the increased demand (Buehler et al. 2017).

Political and public support

In Vienna, support for public transport have traditionally been strong and widespread. Even the right-wing Freedom Party supports further expansion of the U-Bahn. Labor unions and business communities also appear to be strong supporters of public transit. A lot of public transport construction firms, suppliers, public transport itself are major employers who provide jobs for many people.

Public support for public transport is expressed by public opinion. In a 2014 survey, 98 % of Vienna's residents described public transport as good or very good (Omnitrend 2015).


Vienna has one of the best public transport system in the world. The road to sustainable public transport was long, through trials and errors, gradual changes. In fact, Vienna was not a pioneer in introduction of any particular policy concerning public transport, but it successfully adopted and implemented other cities good experience. Vienna gradually and cautiously introduced new policies, beginning with projects and then expanding. Vienna has always conducted before and after surveys to measure success (or failure) of implemented policy. In addition to surveys, Vienna has conducted public referenda to find out public opinion on controversial policies.

Finally, Vienna's success would be probably modest without generous federal support. Vienna as political, economic and cultural capital enjoys excellent financial support from the federal government. ■

1. Buehler, R., Pucher, J., Gerike, R., and Goetschi, T. (2017). Reducing car dependence in the heart of Europe:

Lessons from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Transport Reviews, 37(1), 4-28.

2. Buehler R., Pucher J.& Altshuler A. (2017) Vienna's path to sustainable transport, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11:4, 257-271,

3. Cervero, R. (1998). The transit metropolis. A global inquiry. Washington, DC: Island Press.

4. City of Vienna. (1980). Transport plan. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

5. City of Vienna. (2013). Results of referendum on parking management. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

6. City of Vienna. (2014). Transport plan. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

7. City of Vienna. (2015a). Transport planning. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

8. City of Vienna. (2015b). Statitics for Vienna. Vienna, Austria: Statistik

9. City of Vienna. (2015c). Political system and history of Vienna governments. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

10. City of Vienna. (2015d). Revenue sources for the city. https://wien1x1 .at/site/wo-kommt-das-geld-her/.

11. Civity. (2011). Audit of transit fares in Europe. Vienna, Austria: OVG Seminar, Austrian Transport Science Association.

12. Csendes, P., and Opll, F. (2006). Vienna. History of a city. Vienna, Austria: Boehlau.

13. Goodwin, P., & van Dender, K. (2013). Peak car— Themes and issues. [Special issue]. Transport Reviews, 33(3), 240-375.

14. Grune Wien. (2002). One decade of green party in city parliament. Vienna, Austria: Green Party. http://kurier.at/chronik/wien/

15. michael-haeupl-kaerntner-strasse-waere-mein-vorbild/24.694.768.

16. Kalender, U. (2012). History of transport planning in Berlin. Cologne, Germany: FGSV.

17. Knoflacher, H. (2007). The car drives us crazy. Die Zeit, 38, 12. http://www.zeit.de/2007/38/Interv_-Knoflacher.

18. Krause, R. (2009). History of Hamburg's Regional Transport Association,1965 to Today. Hamburg, Germany: HVV

19. Kuhnimhof, T., Armoogum, J., Buehler, R., Dargay, J., Denstadli, J., &Yamamoto, T. (2012). Men shape a downward trend in car use among young adults—Evidence from six industrialized countries. Transport Reviews, 32(6), 761-779.

20. Mercer. (2005-2015). Quality of life rankings. https://www.imercer.com/content/quality-of-living.aspx.

21. Millard-Ball, A., & Schipper, L. (2011). Are we reaching peak travel? Trends in passenger transport in eight industrialized countries. Transport Reviews, 31(3), 357-378.

22. Monocle Survey. (2010-2015). Monocle quality of life surveys. http://monocle.com/film/affairs/the-monocle-quality-of-life-survey.

23. Neuwahl. (2015). Opinion surveys, Vienna. http://neuwal.com/wahlumfragen/stream.php?cidD2#facts.

24. Newman, P., & Kenworthy, J. (1999). Sustainability and cities: Overcoming automobile dependence. Washington, DC: Island Press.

25. Newman, P., & Kenworthy, J. (2015). The end of automobile dependence. Washington, DC: Island Press.

26. Omnitrend. (2015). Market analysis for Wiener Linien. Vienna, Austria: Omnitrend.

27. OMNIL. (2011). Mobility in the Isle de France Region 2010 (EGT—

28. Enquetes Globales Transport). Paris, France: Observatoire de la mobilit_eenAlle de France (OMNIL).

29. Ossberger, M. (2014). Mass transit in Vienna. Vienna, Austria: Wiener Linien.

30. Pelinka, A. (2013). Policial system of Austria. In: Ismayr, W. (Ed.), Political systems of Western Europe (3rd ed., pp. 521-553). Wiesbaden, Germany: VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften.

31. Pirhofer, G., and Stimmer, K. (2007). Plans for Vienna 1945 to 2005. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

32. Prillinger, H. (2015). The Vienna subway. Vienna, Austria: University Library Vienna.

33. Pucher, J., & Buehler, R. (2008). Making cycling irresistible: Lessons from the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany. Transport Reviews, 28(1),495-528.

34. Raab, M. (2014). Effects and policies for parking management expansion. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

35. Riedel, R. (2014). Principles of parking management. Zeitschrift fur Verkehrsrecht, 12a, 453-461.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

36. Sammer, G. (2012). Data and information to support the decision for or against expansion of parking management. Vienna, Austria: ZISCP Verkehrsplanung.

37. Siemens Green City Index. (2009). Green city index. http://www.siemens.com/entry/cc/en/greencityindex.htm.

38. Smart City Index. (2015). The smartest cities in the world.

39. http://www.fastcoexist.com/3038765/fast-cities/the-smartest-cities-inthe-world.

40. Socialdata. (2015). Mobility indicators of cities. Munich, Germany: Socialdata.

41. Statistics Austria. (2015). Characteristics of the population in Austria's states. Vienna, Austria: Statistics Austria.

42. The Economist. (2006-2015). The Economist Intelligence Unit's quality-of-life index. http://www.economist.com/topics/economist-intelligence-unit.

43. Trafa. (2015). Stockholm travel survey results. Stockholm, Sweden: Trafa.

44. Transport for London. (2011). Travel in London. London, UK: TFL.

45. Transport for London. (2015). London travel demand survey. London, UK:TFL.

46. TRB. (2001). Making transit work. Special Report 257. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.

47. UBA. (2015). Environmental zones. Berlin, Germany: German Federal Ministry of the Environment.

48. UN Habitat. (2013). Planning and design for sustainable urban mobility: Global report on human settlements. New York: Routledge.

49. VOR. (2015). Public transport ridership. Vienna, Austria: Regional Public Transport Association for the Vienna Region (VOR).

50. Wiener Linien. (2000-2015). Annual report. Vienna, Austria: Wiener Linien.

51. Wiener Zeitung. (2013). Haupl wants pedestrian zone without bicycles.

52. http ://www. wienerzeitung. at/do ssiers/mariahilfer_stra sse/576478_Haeupl-will-Fuzo-ohne-Radler.html.


Buehler, R., Pucher, J., Gerike, R., and Goetschi, T. (2017). Reducing car dependence in the heart of Europe: Lessons from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Transport Reviews, 37(1), 4-28.

Buehler R., Pucher J.& Altshuler A. (2017) Vienna's path to sustainable transport, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11:4, 257-271,

Cervero, R. (1998). The transit metropolis. A global inquiry. Washington, DC: Island Press.

City of Vienna. (1980). Transport plan. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

City of Vienna. (2013). Results of referendum on parking management. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

City of Vienna. (2014). Transport plan. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

City of Vienna. (2015a). Transport planning. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

City of Vienna. (2015b). Statitics for Vienna. Vienna, Austria: Statistik

City of Vienna. (2015c). Political system and history of Vienna governments. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

City of Vienna. (2015d). Revenue sources for the city. https://wien1x1.at/site/wo-kommt-das-geld-her/.

Civity. (2011). Audit of transit fares in Europe. Vienna, Austria: OVG Seminar, Austrian Transport Science Association.

Csendes, P., and Opll, F. (2006). Vienna. History of a city. Vienna, Austria: Boehlau.

Goodwin, P., & van Dender, K. (2013). Peak car— Themes and issues. [Special issue]. Transport Reviews, 33(3), 240-375.

Grune Wien. (2002). One decade of green party in city parliament. Vienna, Austria: Green Party. http ://kurier.at/chronik/wien/


Kalender, U. (2012). History of transport planning in Berlin. Cologne, Germany: FGSV.

Knoflacher, H. (2007). The car drives us crazy. Die Zeit, 38, 12. http://www.zeit.de/2007/38/Interv_-Knoflacher.

Krause, R. (2009). History of Hamburg's Regional Transport Association,1965 to Today. Hamburg, Germany: HVV

Kuhnimhof, T., Armoogum, J., Buehler, R., Dargay, J., Denstadli, J., &Yamamoto, T. (2012). Men shape a downward trend in car use among young adults—Evidence from six industrialized countries. Transport Reviews, 32(6), 761-779.

Mercer. (2005-2015). Quality of life rankings. https://www.imercer.com/content/quality-of-living.aspx.

Millard-Ball, A., & Schipper, L. (2011). Are we reaching peak travel? Trends in passenger transport in eight industrialized countries. Transport Reviews, 31(3), 357-378.

Monocle Survey. (2010-2015). Monocle quality of life surveys. http://monocle.com/film/affairs/the-monocle-quality-of-life-survey.

Neuwahl. (2015). Opinion surveys, Vienna. http://neuwal.com/wahlumfragen/stream.php?cidD2#fa cts.

Newman, P., & Kenworthy, J. (1999). Sustainability and cities: Overcoming automobile dependence. Washington, DC: Island Press.

Newman, P., & Kenworthy, J. (2015). The end of automobile dependence. Washington, DC: Island Press.

Omnitrend. (2015). Market analysis for Wiener Linien. Vienna, Austria: Omnitrend.

OMNIL. (2011). Mobility in the Isle de France Region 2010 (EGT—

Enquetes Globales Transport). Paris, France: Observatoire de la mobilit_eenAlle de France (OMNIL).

Ossberger, M. (2014). Mass transit in Vienna. Vienna, Austria: Wiener Linien.

Pelinka, A. (2013). Policial system of Austria. In: Ismayr, W. (Ed.), Political systems of Western Europe (3rd ed., pp. 521-553). Wiesbaden, Germany: VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften.

Pirhofer, G., and Stimmer, K. (2007). Plans for Vienna 1945 to 2005. Vienna, Austria: City of Vienna.

Prillinger, H. (2015). The Vienna subway. Vienna, Austria: University Library Vienna.

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Устойчивый транспорт: опыт Австрии

© Хайхадаева О. Д., 2019

Система общественного транспорта Вены является одной из лучших в мире. Дорога к устойчивому общественному транспорту была длинной, через постепенные изменения. На самом деле, Вена не является пионером в принятии какой-либо особенной транспортной политики, но она успешно применила хороший опыт других городов. В данной статье рассматривается опыт Вены в продвижении устойчивого транспорта, анализируются реализованные политики. Опыт Вены показывает, что реализация политики устойчивого транспорта представляет собой продолжительный процесс, который связан с компромиссами, попытками и ошибками. Кроме того, успех Вены, вероятно, был бы несколько скромным без щедрой поддержки федерального правительства.

Ключевые слова: транспорт, общественный транспорт, политика общественного транспорта, Вена

УДК 330



© Харченко А. А., 2019

Иркутский государственный университет, г. Иркутск

В данной статье приведено описание структуры проводимого научного исследования, направленного на выявление путей увеличения эффективности работы текущей системы поддержки малого и среднего предпринимательства на территории Иркутской области. Обозначены цель и задачи проведения данного исследования, отображены объект и предмет изучения в данном исследовании. Также приведено описание процесса планирования, составления структуры, и написания итоговой научной работы по результатам проведенного исследования, в виде магистерской диссертации, в том числе обозначены критерии актуальности и целесообразности использования различных научных ресурсов при составлении и написании данной работы;

Ключевые слова: экономика, малое и среднее предпринимательство, развитие малого и среднего предпринимательства в Иркутской области, экономические науки, научно-исследовательская работа

Актуальность данного исследования заключается в том, чтобы провести анализ текущей ситуации, связанной с эффективностью работы государственных и негосударственных структур, занимающихся оказанием поддержки в функционировании субъектам малого и среднего предпринимательства на территории Иркутской области, целью работы которых является комплексное развитие малого и среднего предпринимательства на территории области, как одного из приоритетных направлений развития экономики Байкальского региона, с последующей выработкой предложений по улучшению эффективности работы данных структур, в комплексе составляющих инфраструктуру поддержки малого и среднего бизнеса на территории Иркутской области [1].

Объектами данного исследования являются анализируемые текущие механизмы

государственной и негосударственной поддержки малого и среднего предпринимательства на территории Иркутской области.

Предметом изучения в данном исследовании является эффективность работы анализируемых структур государственной и негосударственной поддержки малого и среднего

предпринимательства на территории Иркутской области [2].

Цель работы: провести комплексный анализ инфраструктуры поддержки малого и среднего предпринимательства на территории Иркутской области, исходя из результатов анализа дать независимую оценку эффективности работы данной системы, и предложить пути повышения эффективности её работы.


1. Охарактеризовать составляющие и описать текущий механизм работы инфраструктуры поддержки малого и среднего

предпринимательства на территории Иркутской области (включая в себя государственные и негосударственные институты поддержки и развития)

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