Научная статья на тему 'Sustainability of the socio-economic development of Ukraine’s regions'

Sustainability of the socio-economic development of Ukraine’s regions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Mykhailenko Daria H.

The priority direction of the socio-economic development of Ukraine and its regions is the vector of ensuring sustainability of national, regional and local interests. Their provision will contribute to high social standards of quality and population's standard of living as well as increasing the level of competitiveness of Ukraine’s regions. The article is aimed at analyzing the indicators of socio-economic development of Ukraine’s regions, identifying regions-leaders and the regions requiring additional state-funding programs. The calculations presented in the publication demonstrate that a significant part of Ukraine’s regions is not self-sufficient and requires subsidies from the budget, which results in poor sustainability in the socio-economic sphere; therefore, it is necessary to elaborate a program to overcome socio-economic polarization of the regions based on the involvement of the local potential.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Sustainability of the socio-economic development of Ukraine’s regions»

UDC 332.1




Mykhailenko D. H. Sustainability of the Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine's Regions

The priority direction of the socio-economic development of Ukraine and its regions is the vector of ensuring sustainability of national, regional and local interests. Their provision will contribute to high social standards of quality and population's standard of living as well as increasing the level of competitiveness of Ukraine's regions. The article is aimed at analyzing the indicators of socio-economic development of Ukraine's regions, identifying regions-leaders and the regions requiring additional state-funding programs. The calculations presented in the publication demonstrate that a significant part of Ukraine's regions is not self-sufficient and requires subsidies from the budget, which results in poor sustainability in the socio-economic sphere; therefore, it is necessary to elaborate a program to overcome socio-economic polarization of the regions based on the involvement of the local potential. Keywords: sustainability, socio-economic development, region. Fig.: 1. Tbl.:2. Bibl.:10.

Mykhailenko Daria H. - PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow of the Department ofMacroeconomic Policy and Regional Development, Research Centre oflndustrial Problems ofDevelopment ofNAS of Ukraine (2fioor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: mikhailenko.dg§gmail.com


МихайленкоД. Г. Збалансованкть соц1ально-економ1чного розеитку регюшв Украши

Пр'юритетним напрямом соц1ально-економ!чного розеитку Украши та и регюте е вектор забезпечення збалансованост1 загальнодержавних, регюнальних iмщевих mmepecie. Ixзадоволення сприятимезабезпечен-ню високих соц1альних стандарт1в якост! та р1вня життя населения та тдвищенню р1вня конкурентоспроможност! регюте Украши. Мета cmammi полягае в анал'в! показнише соц!ально-економ1чного розеитку регюте Украши, еизначенн1рег1он1е-л1дер1е та регюте, що потребують додаткоеих програм ф'шансуеання з боку держаеи. Haeedeni у cmammi розрахунки се!дчать, що значна частина регюте Украши не е самодос-татн1ми i потребують дотацш /з бюджету, що призеодить до eidcym-Hocmi збалансоеаност! е сои/ально-еконотчнш сфер!. Узе'язку зцим необидна розробка програми подолання соц1ально-економ1чно1поляризацИ регюте на засадах еикористання мкцевого потенц!алу. Ключом слова: збалансоватсть, соц1ально-економ!чний розеиток, ре-гюн.

Рис.: 1. Табл.: 2. БШл.: 10.

Михайленко Дар'я ГеннадП'ена - кандидат економ1чних наук, доцент, старший наукоеий сп'юробтник eidd'rny макроеконом1чно1 полтики та регюнального розеитку, Науково-досл!дний центр шдустр'шльних проблем розеитку HAH Украши (прое. 1нженерний, 1-а, 2 пое., Харк1е, 61166, Укра'ша)

E-mail: mikhailenko.dg§gmail.com


МихайленкоД. Г. Сбалансированностьсоциально-экономического развития регионов Украины

Приоритетным направлением социально-экономического развития Украины и ее регионов является вектор обеспечения сбалансированности общегосударственных, региональных и местных интересов. Их обеспечение будет способствовать обеспечению высоких социальных стандартов качества и уровня жизни населения и повышению уровня конкурентоспособности регионов Украины. Цель статьи заключается в анализе показателей социально-экономического развития регионов Украины, определении регионов-лидеров и регионов, нуждающихся в дополнительных программах финансирования со стороны государства. Приведенные в статье расчеты показывают, что значительная часть регионов Украины не являются самодостаточными и требуют дотаций из бюджета, что приводит к отсутствию сбалансированности в социально-экономической сфере. В связи с этим необходима разработка программы преодоления социально-экономической поляризации регионов на основе использования местного потенциала. Ключевые слова: сбалансированность, социально-экономическое развитие, регион. Рис.: 1. Табл.: 2. Библ.: 10.

Михайленко Дарья Геннадьевна - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, старший научный сотрудник отдела макроэкономической политики и регионального развития, Научно-исследовательский центр индустриальных проблем развития НАН Украины (пер. Инженерный, 1-а, 2 эт., Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: mikhailenko.dg§gmail.com

The priority direction of socio-economic development of Ukraine and its regions is the vector of ensuring sustainability of national, regional and local interests. However, the solution to these issues is associated with a large number of problems, the ways of overcoming which require scientific substantiation. Ensuring sustainability of national, regional and local interests shall contribute to high social standards of quality and population's standard of living as well as increasing the level of competitiveness of Ukraine's regions [1]. These theses are also reflected in the State Strategy for Regional Development for the period to 2020. The Strategy was adopted on August 06, 2014, No. 385 by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine [2], and is aimed at solving the problems of growing inter-regional

socio-economic disproportions and uneven development of territories. The Strategy focuses on the implementation of the state regional policy, which provides for the creation of conditions for the dynamic, sustainable development of Ukraine's regions at the expense of the objective assessment of each region. It will promote social and economic unity of the state, increase the level of competitiveness of the regions and living standards of the population, adhere to state-guaranteed social and other standards for every citizen irrespective of his/her place of residence [2].

Scientists of the Research Center for Industrial Development Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine analyze the balance of socio-economic development of Ukraine's regions as one of the factors of sus-

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tainable development of the state [3]. Regional socio-economic unevenness of Ukraine's development is reflected in the works of I. Vakhovych [4], I. Storonianska, S. Shults [5], Z. Varnalii [6]. However, despite a large number of developments, due to the dynamic changes in external and internal environment, the scientific and practical bases of sustainability of socio-economic development of Ukraine's regions require constant elaboration.

Paper object is to analyze the indicators of socioeconomic development of Ukraine's regions, identify regions-leaders and regions that require additional statefunding programs.

The problems of sustainability of the socio-economic development of the regions are a matter of high priority. When analyzing the data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the lack of sustain-ability of social and economic development of Ukraine's regions should be noted [7].

In most regions, gross regional product per capita is lower than per capita consumption. Table 1 shows calculations of gross regional product per capita to per capita consumption ratio in Ukraine's regions [8-10].

The data in Table 1 indicate that the level of production consistently exceeded the level of consumption only in Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Donetsk and Kyiv regions. Such regions can be called "leaders". Indicators of Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Ivano-Frankivsk and Cher-kasy regions during the analyzed period also reached the level, similar to the one of regions-leaders; however, no constancy of the necessary and sufficient predominance of the production over the consumption was observed. In the period from 2015 to 2016, the value of the analyzed indicator changed to the negative side in Ivano-Frankivsk (2015 - 0,901, 2016 - 0,8558), Sumy (2015 - 1,065, 2016 -0,9828), Cherkasy (2015 - 1,0992, 2016 - 1,08), Cherni-hiv (2015 - 0,9782, 2016 - 0,9508), Kirovohrad (2015 -1,0724, 2016 - 1,0587), Khmelnytskyi (2015 - 0,9288,

Table 1

Calculations of gross regional product per capita to per capita expenses ratio in Ukraine's regions

Regions GRP per capita to per capita consumption ratio

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Poltava 1,5519 1,4984 1,5372 1,7133 1,7654

Dnipropetrovsk 1,4766 1,4012 1,3848 1,4089 1,3841

Kyiv Region 1,4404 1,2196 1,1892 1,1967 1,2903

Kyiv City 1,4361 1,4782 1,5605 1,6515 1,8337

Donetsk 1,3514 1,1784 1,1032 1,5536 1,6399

Luhansk 1,1032 0,9004 0,8617 1,0547 1,1493

Zaporizhzhia 1,0491 0,9696 1,0206 1,1569 1,1488

Ivano-Frankivsk 1,0327 0,9219 0,8817 0,901 0,8558

Cherkasy 1,0029 0,977 0,9878 1,0992 1,08

Chernihiv 0,9869 0,9132 0,9014 0,9782 0,9508

Mykolaiv 0,9853 0,9822 0,9436 1,0722 1,0846

Sumy 0,971 0,9713 0,9319 1,065 0,9828

Lviv 0,9616 0,9303 0,9458 0,9728 0,9847

Kirovohrad 0,9582 1,0248 0,9964 1,0724 1,0587

Kharkiv 0,9078 0,8718 0,8454 0,9025 0,9744

Khmelnytskyi 0,8967 0,8489 0,8721 0,9288 0,914

Vinnytsia 0,8919 0,8813 0,9004 1,0176 1,0563

Zhytomyr 0,8644 0,8068 0,8058 0,8467 0,8869

Zakarpattia 0,8548 0,7885 0,7524 0,7355 0,701

Rivne 0,8389 0,7832 0,8775 0,8885 0,8516

Volyn 0,8312 0,7637 0,7583 0,7916 0,7926

Odesa 0,8193 0,8091 0,7599 0,8522 0,8635

Ternopil 0,7976 0,7578 0,7666 0,7803 0,763

Kherson 0,7795 0,7606 0,702 0,7839 0,8015

Chernivtsi 0,6824 0,6689 0,6108 0,6204 0,6053


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Source: according to [7]. 112

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2016 - 0,9140), Zakarpattia (2015 - 0,7355, 2016 -0,701), Ternopil (2015 - 0,7803, 2016 - 0,763) and Cher-nivtsi (2015 - 0,6204, 2016 - 0,6053) regions. During 2015-2016, in addition to the regions-leaders, the level of production exceeded the level of consumption in Luhansk (2015 - 1,0547, 2016 - 1,1493), Zaporizhzhia (2015 - 1,1569, 2016 - 1,1488), Cherkasy (2015 - 1,0992, 2016 - 1,08), Mykolaiv (2015 - 1,0722, 2016 - 1,0846), Kirovohrad (2015 - 1, 0724, 2016 - 1.0587) and Vinnytsia (2015 - 1,0176, 2016 - 1,0563) regions. The calculations show that most Ukraine's regions are not self-sufficient and require subsidies from the budget, which leads to poor sustainability in the socio-economic sphere. Particularly acute this problem is facing Chernivtsi region, where comprehensive programs contributing to the increase of production in the region and the balance of socio-economic indicators are required.

Based on the data of the State Statistics Service, we will compile the rating of Ukraine's regions by the average indicator of the ratio of gross regional product per capita and per capita consumption (20122016) (Table 2).

Table 2

Rating of Ukraine's regions (2012-2016)

Rating Position Regions Rating Place Regions (areas)

1 Poltava 13 Vinnytsia

2 Kyiv City 14 Chernihiv

3 Dnipropetrovsk 15 Ivano-Frankivsk

4 Donetsk 16 Kharkiv

5 Kyiv Region 17 Khmelnytskyi

6 Zaporizhzhia 18 Rivne

7 Cherkasy 19 Zhytomyr

8 Kirovohrad 20 Odesa

9 Luhansk 21 Volyn

10 Mykolaiv 22 Ternopil

11 Sumy 23 Zakarpattia

12 Lviv 24 Kherson

25 Chernivtsi

Source: according to [7].

Analysis of Table 2 showed that Poltava, Kyiv, Dni-propetrovsk, Donetsk, and Kyiv regions occupy leading positions in the rating. The last five positions of the rating occupy Volyn, Ternopil, Zakarpattia, Kherson and Cher-nivtsi regions.

For a more comprehensive analysis, we will calculate the average value of the indicator of gross regional product per capita to per capita consumption ratio in Ukraine during 2012-2016 (Fig. 1).

In general, a positive dynamics of the indicator (Fig. 1) has been being observed in Ukraine since 2014.

So, in 2012, the average value of the ratio of gross regional product per capita to per capita consumption in Ukraine was at the level of 1.0189. The gradual decrease of this indicator took place in 2013-2014 (2013: 0.9643, 2014: 0.9559). However, in 2015, the average value of the ratio of gross regional product per capita to per capita consumption in Ukraine increased by 0.0229 compared to 2012 and by 0.0379 in 2016.


Sustainability of socio-economic development of Ukraine's regions requires revision of approaches to solving regional problems. Public authorities should pay attention to the development and formation of the state regional policy that would meet the requirements of external and internal environment. Regional authorities shall develop a program to overcome socio-economic polarization of regions based on the use of local potential for conducting cost-effective regional policies aimed at reconstructing and reforming the economy, attracting investments, developing and implementing regional development plans. ■


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Indicator value

1,08 —

1,06 1,04 1,02 1,00 0,98 0,96 0,94 0,92 0,9

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year

Fig. 1. The average value of gross regional product per capita to per capita consumption ratio in Ukraine (2012-2016) [7]


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