Научная статья на тему 'Surgery for foreign students and preparation of foreign surgeons-interns with use of medical simulators'

Surgery for foreign students and preparation of foreign surgeons-interns with use of medical simulators Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Sulyma V. P.

Central to the preparation of a high-level qualification of the doctor in the first place in gradatatsionnyh education systems in different countries and societies are getting quality medical education, facilitated the introduction of credit-modular system in the learning process. The results obtained using medical simulators in training students and medical interns in surgery improves objectivity in the assessment of students' knowledge on the part of teachers and increasing interest among foreign students and medical interns to the subject of education, which will improve the training of a GP surgery, will integrate more effectively into future health-care practice in different countries.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Surgery for foreign students and preparation of foreign surgeons-interns with use of medical simulators»

про дощльн1сть початку вивчення анатомп i пстолги у другому семестра шсля iнтенсивного вивчення в першому ceMecTpi сощально-гумаштарних дисциплiн. Запропоновано впровадження в навчальний процес системно! штеграцп, на пiдставi модульно! системи, мiж такими дисциплшами як анатомiя, гiстологiя, фiзiологiя i бiохiмiя.

Ключов1 слова: iноземнi студенти, морфологiчнi дисциплiни, навчальний процес.

studying anatomy and gistolgii in the second semester, after intense study in the first semester of social and humanities. Proposed introduction in the educational process of system integration based on a modular system, between disciplines such as anatomy, histology, physiology, and biochemistry.

Key words: international students, morphological discipline, educational process.

УДК 617 : 378.22 : 378.147 : 336.77

|State Organization "Dnipropetrovs'k Medical Academy", Dnipropetrovsk|


Taking into account that the level of qualification of the doctor is in the first place in various gradational system of educational societies it's understood the necessity to improve the quality of the doctor in institutes of higher education, in which directed implementation of the credit-module system to the educational process [1,4,6, 13,14,15,16,17].

Received results underscore the increased objectivity in the control of knowledge on the part of teachers' interest and increasing of foreign students and of foreign medical interns' interest to master a subject, that allowed to prepare a general practitioner in surgery and surgeons, and integrate in the future in practical public health in worldwide. Preparation of doctor's of the general practice is the principal task of the medical institution of higher education, and therefore the proper teaching of surgery in the whole complex of other disciplines will create conditions for quality medical practice doctor in the future, especially for those professionals who plan to work as surgeons in around world of countries. The doctor's of the general medical practice tasks determinates basic requirements of scope of knowledge and practical skills for graduating of foreign student of institute of higher education of IV level of accreditation: goal-directed methodic algorithm of questioning of the patient (getting anamnesis), physical examination, substantiation of provisional diagnosis, determinate algorithm of additional methods of investigations with analysis of received results, differential diagnosis, forming clinical diagnosis, substantiation of treatment program and it's implementation [3,7,8].

And for of foreign the intern-surgeons it's important to mastering of surgical manipulation and stages of surgical interventions in treating the most common surgical diseases or providing an emergency assistance in case of emergency conditions. Development of modern surgery is impossible without modern techniques, including laparoscopic technology, so it's necessary to prepare medical interns to work on equipment that meets the time. This requires to reconstruct the process of teaching surgery both students and medical interns towards a positive effect - mastering the full range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills with the help of modern equipment.

To implement the system of planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education quality for a real degree of assimilation of foreign students with specific components of the program during the academic year of surgery training and discipline for module "Abdominal surgery" in general based on the cumulative number of ranking points for the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) [2,3,4,6,5,9,10,11,12,13,16,17]. This will improve the quality of learning discipline among the four-year of foreign students of enrolled this year, and develop common indicators for professionally-oriented exam after 6 year of study to get a general level of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of foreign physicians interns of surgery.

The Department of Surgery № 1 (in 2012 - 90 years founded) of the State Organization "Dnipropetrovs'k Medical Academy Ministry Health of Ukraine" (in 2011 - 95 years founded) was conduct structured, multiple planning of the study process and the use of different forms of the staging control. Taking into account the Standard program of the discipline, curriculum, Working program for the department was create the specific actions by teachers, of foreign students and of foreign interns of surgery to achieve theoretical and practical knowledge, necessary resources and sequence of technological operations with the use of credit-modular system [2].

Thus, there were additionally created classes for training with medical mannequin and simulators to master the practical skills of foreign students in educational time and time for self preparation on products firm "3B Scientific".

In 2011 on Department of Surgery № 1 of the State Organization "Dnipropetrovs'k Medical Academy Ministry Health of Ukraine" was founded Ukraine's first training center "Endoscopic technologies in medicine", bases on which of foreign interns learn to use mini invasive operating technologies in surgery.

This center was open thanks to involving special training and instruments of the company "Karl Storz-Endoscope" and "Ethicon Endosurgery" (subsection "Ethicon a Johnson and Johnson Company").

Nosological principle of training that exists in most clinical departments, unfortunately, does not meet the practical work of a doctor, so we came to forming the curriculum by the syndrome principle: a practical training combines several pathological conditions, with oriental features, such as the module "Abdominal surgery", consists of two modules of content (substantial modules): "Urgent abdominal surgery" and "Surgical Gastroenterology and Proctology".

Thus, the substantial module "Surgical Gastroenterology and Proctology" includes "Syndrome of chronic pain in the upper region of abdominal cavity", "Syndrome of mechanical jaundice", "Syndrome of an acute pain in perianal area", "Syndrome of rectal prolepses" and "Diarrheic-inflammatory syndrome", combining similar diseases or their complications in the form of so-called educational elements, where, for example, a practice training for "Syndrome acute

pain in perianal region" contains "Acute hemorrhoids", "Acute anal fissures", "Acute paraproctitis" and "Inflammation of the epithelial coccygeal passage"

This approach is appropriate to expediently use the time of practical training, examine patients according to pathological syndrome, mastering the skills in classes with medical simulators, perform differential diagnosis with the definition of a rational treatment program.

To support the learning process developed by the principles of credit-modular system using multimedia lectures, the textbook "Surgery" in 3 volumes (5 books) [8], in this time -process translated this books on English, methodological guide of development for foreign students and of foreign interns, methodological guide of development for teachers, hand book and individual plans for students and interns, journal of the teacher.

For the practical training used division's computer class (10 computers) - for computer testing of students and interns, two classes of medical mannequins and simulators (products firm "3B Scientific") - for acquiring and mastering practical skills, supervision of patients in the surgical department, supervised and theoretical survey in training rooms.

For the interns besides the basic work in the surgical department with patients it's necessary to mastery of the operational equipment in operation and manipulation rooms, as well as mastering of mini invasive surgery technology in the learning center "Endoscopic technologies in medicine".

The algorithm of training and preparation on surgery of foreign students of 4th course on practical studies (2 hours 40 minutes):

1. Muster, the announcement of a theme and the purpose of practical studies - 5 minutes;

2. Carrying out of theoretical computer testing on an studies theme in a computer class of chair (30 tests for 30 seconds on everyone students) - to 15 minutes;

3. Control of the mastered two concrete practical skills on an studies theme on simulators and firm training apparatus "3B Scientific" - to 50 minutes;

4. Investigation the thematic patient in surgical division of clinic after development of practical skills on simulators and firm training apparatus "3B Scientific" - to 30 minutes;

5. Theoretical analysis of results investigation the thematic patient and a theme of study with poll of each student - to 50 minutes;

6. Analysis of the basic errors admitted by students - 5 minutes;

7. The information on the task on preparation for following practical studies - 5 minutes.

After each study to of foreign students' time for independent development of practical skills by preparation for following study is allocated.

The algorithm of training and preparation on surgery of surgeons-interns on practical studies (8 hours):

1. Muster, the announcement of a theme and the purpose of practical studies - 5 minutes;

2. Work in surgical division on inspection of patients, participation in medical and diagnostic manipulations, on operations - 4 hours;

3. Theoretical analysis of a theme of study - 50 minutes;

4. Development of practical skills of performance of medical and diagnostic manipulations on firm "3B Scientific" productions - 1 hour;

5. Development of practical skills of performance surgical, including, laparoscopy operations in a special class of firms "Karl Storz-Endoscope" and "Ethicon Endosurgery" (subsection "Ethicon a Johnson and Johnson Company") - 1 hour;

6. The information on the task on preparation for following practical studies - 5 minutes.

Experience of using credit-modular system in teaching and measuring knowledge of surgery since 2005 suggests that this approach is effective. Received results underscore the increased objectivity in the control of knowledge on the part of teachers' interest and increasing of foreign students and of foreign medical interns' interest to master a subject, that allowed to prepare a general practitioner in surgery and surgeons, and integrate in the future in practical public health in worldwide.

It is necessary the cooperation of the educational institution, clinical department and companies - manufacturers of medical and educational equipment, as in our case, working with "3B Scientific" and "Karl Storz-Endoscope", "Ethicon Endosurgery" (subsection "Ethicon a Johnson and Johnson Company").

Use of medical simulators and training mannequins for acquiring practical skills and new technologies of operative interventions using modern endoscopic equipment, tools, and simulators allows to imitate the real clinical situation during operative interventions and learn steps to resolve it.

As illustrated by the medical literature, the main errors in the operative interventions falls on the first 30-40 operations. That's why the working out of these first surgical interventions should be conducted on medical simulators for the purpose of reduce the risk of mistakes in the future.

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Главным в подготовке высокого уровня квалификации врача на первом месте в градатационных системах образования различных стран и обществ находится получение качественного высшего медицинского образования, чему способствует внедрение кредитно-модульной системы в учебный процесс. Полученные результаты использования медицинских тренажеров в подготовке студентов и врачей-интернов по хирургии повышает объективность в оценке знаний студентов со стороны преподавателей и повышает интерес самих иностранных студентов и врачей-интернов к предмету обучения, что улучшит подготовку врача общей практики по хирургии, позволит эффективнее интегрироваться в будущем в практику здравоохранения различных стран.

Ключевые слова: хирургия, интерны, тренажеры.


Головним в подготовщ високого piвня квaлiфiкaцii лкаря на першому мющ в градатацшних системах освгти piзних кра!н та сусшльств знаходиться отримання ягасно! вищо! медично! освгти, чому допомагае втшення кредитно-модульно! системи в навчальний процес. Отримаш результати використання медичних тpенaжеpiв в шдготовщ студентов i лiкapiв-iнтеpнiв по хГрурги шдвищуе об'ектившсть в оцшщ знань студенив з боку виклaдaчiв та шдвищуе штерес самих шоземних студенив i лiкapiв-iнтеpнiв до предмету навчання, що покращить шдготовку лкаря агально! практики по хГрургп, дозволить ефектившше штегруватися в майбутньому в практику охорони здоров'я рГзних кра!н.

Ключов1 слова: хГрурпя, штерни, тренажери.

УДК: 616.31-053.3-089+376.68


Кафедра дитячо! хГрурпчно! стоматологи з пропедевтикою хГрурпчно! стоматологи е випускаюча i вiдirpaе вагому роль у процес становлення майбутнього лiкapя-стoмaтoлoгa. Результатом цього складного та тривалого процесу е формування високо! пpoфесiйнoi кoмпетентнoстi майбутнього фaхiвця незалежно вщ мюця проживання та нацюнально! належностГ Тому завданням педaгoгiчнoгo колективу кафедри ми вбачаемо запровадження нових методолопчних шдходГв та застосування новгтшх технoлoгiй при вивченш дитячо! хГрурпчно! стоматологи з метою шдвищення результативности навчання.

Ключов1 слова: дитяча хipуpгiчнa стoмaтoлoгiя, пpoфесiйнa компетентшсть, студенти-iнoземцi.

Формування професшно! кoмпетентнoстi, яке вщбуваеться на вах етапах професшного навчання, залежить вщ багатьох чинниюв i спрямовано на !! основш структурш компоненти: цiннiснo-мoтивaцiйний, когштивний, дГяльшсний, кoмунiкaтивний, творчий. Знaчимiсть кожного окремого компоненту пов'язане зГ формуванням його характеристик i особливостей як цшсно! системи сприйняття об'ективно! реальносп [1,2].

Кафедра дитячо! хГрурпчно! стоматологй з пропедевтикою хГрурпчно! стоматологй е випускаюча i вдаграе вагому роль у процеа становлення лГкаря-стоматолога при переход! вгд засвоення теоретичних знань до самостшно! практично! дГяльносп, яка вимагае високо! професшно! компетентностГ незалежно вщ мкця проживання та нацюнально! належностг

Метою роботи було шдвищення рГвня професшно! компетентносп майбутшх лГкарГв шляхом запровадження нових методолопчних шдходГв та застосування новишх технолопй при вивченш дитячо! хГрурпчно! стоматологй студентами-шоземцями.

Напрямки формування цшшсно-мотивацшного компоненту визначаються мотивами, цшями i запитами майбутнього фахГвця стосовно професшного навчання, удосконалення, самовиховання, визначення цшнюних установок в подальшш професшнш дГяльностг Однак, нами при аналГзГ опитування студенпв-шоземщв

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