SUPPORTING SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED BUSINESSES AND IMPROVING THE INDICATOR SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
entrepreneurship / market economy / financial stability
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УДК 33

Акыева Г.К.,

кандидат технических наук, старший преподаватель

Черкезова О.А., преподаватель Мухамметгелдиева О.К.,


Туркменский государственный институт финансов



entrepreneurship, market economy, financial stability.

Small and medium-sized businesses create a heterogeneous economic environment. Taking into account its great role in the economic power of the region and the difficulties that exist in the initial stage of its development, many countries consider it normal to encourage small and medium business by the state based on the interests of the nation. In this case, the role of the state is not limited to providing financial, technical and other resources to small and medium-sized enterprises under favorable conditions, and supporting private initiative in any case. First of all, the state should create legal and economic conditions that will allow small and medium-sized businesses not only to "move", but also to grow and gain strength.

In transitioning to a market economy in Turkmenistan, it is important to focus on creating a business environment not only at the state level, but also at the regional level. There are several reasons why telecommunications should be considered regionally. First, entrepreneurship is initially carried out within the framework of small business in forming its own organizational structure, which is under the control of local government authorities. Secondly, a characteristic feature of the market economy is that efficient solutions are adopted at the micro level, at the level of the firm, the enterprise. A specific environment must be conducive to the adoption of effective solutions, which are formed in regions. Thirdly, regions of the country differ from each other in terms of their characteristics. Therefore, establishing and developing entrepreneurship in the regions requires the adoption of specific and clear solutions for each region.

It is also important to look at SMEs from a national perspective. The combined forces of the state administrative bodies and regional administrative authorities will promote the development of small and medium-sized businesses, which are the driving force necessary in the conditions of the market economy.

It is useful to distinguish between two main areas of telecommunication support:

- strong and thoughtful development of the system of state support by the state and regional administrative bodies of the non-state sector of the economy;

- includes such areas as assistance in the provision of all kinds of funds with the condition of repayment by large enterprises or specialized organizations in the regions.

The goal of any regional economy system can be considered to be its effective development. Widespread development of telecommunications in the regions has a great impact on the effective economic development of the regions. Completing the stage of development of small and medium-sized business requires solving the problems of planning its sectoral structure, equalizing regional disproportions, and increasing the efficiency of this part of the economy. Its future development should solve a number of socio-economic tasks: creating conditions for ensuring financial stability in society, forming the planned structure of the economy, facilitating the transition to market relations, developing the profitable part of the two-level budget, and others. The main activities of regional development programs include the following areas: regulatory and legal provision of small

and medium-sized businesses; development of advanced financial technologies by introducing soft loans to the entrepreneurial sector for business plans; improving the efficiency of use of the established infrastructure of supporting small business and information systems; science and technology and staffing; further development of international cooperation in this field.

At present, a small part of the total number of micro and small enterprises in the non-state sector of the economy consists of transport and trade and repair services. The attractiveness of this system is, first of all, that the invested funds pay off relatively quickly. It is explained by stable consumption demand. The number of small businesses is also increasing in industry and construction. A large part, that is, from the total amount of economic activity, is the share of enterprises engaged in such types of real estate transactions, leasing to enterprises and services. However, the issue of regional alignment cannot be considered only from a macroeconomic point of view across the country. The marginal development of each region of Turkmenistan, including small and medium-sized businesses, must be analyzed and implemented, taking into account the socio-economic differentiation of the regions. This is largely determined by objective factors, including natural and climatic conditions, availability and distribution of resources, road infrastructure, cultural heritage, and the level of gender development of each region. Such a connection is also confirmed by the results of the activities of economic entities in the non-state sector of the economy. Taking into account the fact that small business entities do not have the opportunity to obtain loans at the time of their start-up, as well as to find high-level guarantees for their return, the Government of Turkmenistan has established a number of institutions aimed at developing insurance, credit and other institutions that provide access to financial resources for small and medium-sized businesses. the task is to implement the measures. Microfinance is the most effective way to simplify access to finance for small businesses. Therefore, within the framework of the legislation of Turkmenistan, special importance is attached to the development of credit institutions that provide funds for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Given the importance of information, legal, consulting and other support for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, relevant institutional reforms are underway.

In global practice, the infrastructure of business support uses the development mechanism in the following main areas:

- creation of centers providing legal and information services;

- creation and development of business-incubators that provide production houses, equipment and provide necessary services to start-up enterprises-producers and provide integrated support;

- encouraging the development of the industrial infrastructure of small and medium-sized businesses by providing preferential loans and exempting capital invested in industrial constructions from taxation;

- supporting the organization of specialized wholesale markets, markets of products (works, services).

The majority of small business representatives operate in limited domestic markets. Therefore, holding

interregional and regional exhibitions and markets is of great importance. At the same time, with the help of small enterprises, comprehensive assistance is provided to the production of export products, as well as an opportunity is created for them to participate in international exhibitions and markets. When creating structures that support small and medium-sized businesses, priority should be given to their development at the city and provincial levels, since the necessary infrastructure should be directly close to small businesses.


1. Law of Turkmenistan on State Support of Small and Medium Business, 2009.

2. Fetisov G. G., Oreshin V. P. Regional economy and management. - M.: INFRA-M, 2006.

3. Bainev V. F., Pelich S. A. The economy is regional. - Minsk: Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, IVC Ministry of Finance, 2007.

4. Filimonova N. M. Regional aspects of small business development: Vestnik OGU. - 2004. - No. 4

© AKbieBa r.K., HepKe30Ba O.A., MyxaMMeTre^g^eBa O.K., 2023

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