Научная статья на тему 'Support tools for functional programming distance learning and teaching'

Support tools for functional programming distance learning and teaching Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Support tools for functional programming distance learning and teaching»

This work was carried out under state contract with ICMMG SB RAS (0251-2021-0001).


1. Born M., Wolf E. Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic theory of propagation, interference and diffraction of light.

Cambridge Univ. Press, 1980.

2. Debelov V.A., Vasilieva L.F. Visualization of interference pictures of 3D scenes including optically isotropic trans-

parent objects // Scientific Visualization. - 2020. - V. 12, N. 3. - P. 119 - 136.

3. Harvey J. E., Irvin R. G., Pfisterer R. N. Modeling physical optics phenomena by complex ray tracing // Optical Engi-

neering, 2015, V. 54, N. 3.

Library to process linear polarized light rays by spherical lenses

V. A. Debelov1, N. Yu. Dolgov2

1Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS

2Novosibirsk State University

Email: debelov@oapmg.sscc.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-02-24

In [1], an approach to calculating the interaction of transparent optically isotropic objects with polarized

light rays is proposed. While mathematical modeling spherical lenses are the most commonly used elements

of 3D scenes, which are computer counterparts of an optical experiment setups.

To facilitate the use of such lenses in experimental programs, a library of spherical lenses was developed.

Each lens is constructed using set-theoretic intersections of the inner or outer space of geometric primitives: a

sphere, a cylinder, a cone, and a half-space (plane). For a linearly polarized light ray incident on the lens, the

library calculates the output linearly polarized light rays: the reflected and the required number of transmitted


Obviously, there are several huge software products like TracePro�, ASAP�, which allow to solve analo-

gous tasks. However, systems are huge, expensive, autonomous and do not allow to use some parts in a user

program. On the contrary, the proposed lens library can be used in C++ applications dedicated to carrying out

and demonstrating optical experiments.

This work was carried out under state contract with ICMMG SB RAS (0251-2021-0001).


1. Debelov V. A., Kushner K. G., Vasilyeva L. F. // Lens for a Computer Model of a Polarizing Microscope // Mathemat-

ica Montisnigri. 2018. V. 41. P. 151�165.

Support tools for functional programming distance learning and teaching

V. N. Kasyanov, E. V. Kasyanova, A. A. Malishev

A. P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems SB RAS

Email: kvn@iis.nsk.su

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-02-25

The Cloud Sisal language carries on the traditions of previous versions of the Sisal language while remain-

ing a functional data-flow language focused on writing large scientific programs and expanding their capabili-

ties by supporting cloud computing [1]. The cloud parallel programming system CPPS is based on the Cloud

Sisal language [2]. This paper considers the online environment [3] of the CPPS system which allows a user on

any device with Internet access to develop and execute Cloud Sisal programs.

This work was partially supported by the Russia Science Foundation (grant 18-11-00118).


1. Kasyanov V., Kasyanova E. Methods and system for cloud parallel programming // Proc. of the 21st Intern. Conf. on

Enterprise Information Systems, 2019, V. 1, P. 623-629.

2. Kasyanov V. N., Gordeev D. S., et al. The cloud parallel programming system CPPS: visualization and verification of

Cloud Sisal programs. Novosibirsk: NSU, 2020. (in Russian).

3. The web-site of the CPPS system. [Electron. resource]. URL: http://cpps.iis.nsk.su/description/ (the date of access:


A circular layout algorithm for attributed hierarchical graphs with ports

V. N. Kasyanov, A. M. Merculov, T. A. Zolotuhin

A. P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems SB RAS

Email: kvn@iis.nsk.su

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-02-26

Information visualization based on graph models is a key component of support tools for many applica-

tions in science and engineering [1]. The Visual Graph system [2] is intended for visualization of big amounts of

complex information on the basis of attributed hierarchical graph models [3]. In this paper, a circular layout

algorithm for attributed hierarchical graphs with ports and its effective implementation in the Visual Graph

system are presented.

This work was partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 18-07-00024).


1. Herman I., Melancon G., Marshall M. S., Graph visualization and navigation in information visualization: a survey //

IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2000. V. 6, P. 24-43.

2. Kasyanov V. N., Zolotuhin T. A. A system for visualization of big attributed hierarchical graphs // Intern. J. of

Computer Networks & Communications. 2018. V.10, N.2. P. 55-67.

3. Kasyanov V. N. Kasyanova E. V. Information visualization based on graph models // Enterprise Information

Systems. 2013. V. 7, N. 2. P. 187-197.

NUMA-aware MPI broadcast algorithms for shared memory systems

M. G. Kurnosov1,2, E. I. Tokmasheva1

1Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information

2Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS

Email: mkurnosov@gmail.com

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-02-27

Broadcast is an important communication operation in high-performance computing. For a significant

number of parallel algorithms and packages of supercomputer simulation, the performance of broadcast op-

eration is critical. The MPI standard defines an MPI_Bcast routine for single source non-personalized broadcast

operation, in which data available at a root process is sent to all other processes. On HPC systems, MPI appli-

cations usually run several processes per compute node and therefore the latency of intra-node communica-

tions can significantly impact the performance of the overall application. Thus, optimization methods that lev-

erage intra-node shared memory become increasingly crucial. We consider a data broadcasting only between

processes reside on a same compute node. It is a typical situation for hierarchical (topology-aware) collective

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