SUCCESS AS A PHILOSOPHICAL CATEGORY AND A SOCIAL PHENOMENON Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gelfond Mariya L., Mishchuk Oksana N., Miroshina Evgeniya Yu.

The urgency of the research is determined by the particular values-based orientations of the contemporary society. The purpose of the article is a system analysis of success as a fundamental and multifaceted sociocultural phenomenon. The research strategy is multidisciplinary. The authors introduce linguocultural, ethical and philosophical and sociological approaches to interpreting the conceptsuccess” in its personal and social facets. The comparative research of the key models of success understanding in the historical development of European and Russian culture is conducted as well as the present state of research in the field. The materials may be used for the further development of the theoretical and applied research of the phenomenon “success”.

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Nabi Ziyadullaev. // Central Asian countries and ways to integration // Nezavisimaya gazeta. 2018 September 18

Abdullaev I, Rakhmatullaev S (2015): Transformation of water management in Central Asia: from State-centric, hydraulic mission to socio-political control. Environ Earth Sci 73(2):849-861 .doi: 10.1007/s12665-013-2879-9

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Mirabdullayev I.M., Joldasova I.M., Mustafaeva Z.A., Kazakhbaev S., Lyubimova S.A. and Tashmukhamedov B.A. 2004. Succession of the ecosystems of the Aral Sea during its transition from oligohaline to polyhaline water body. Journal of Marine Systems, 47(1): 101-107.

Reimov P. and Fayzieva D. 2014. Chapter 7. The Present State of the South Aral Sea Area. In: Micklin P., Aladin N. and Plotnikov I. (Eds). The Aral Sea: The Devastation and Partial Rehabilitation of a Great lake. Springer, Heidelberg: 171-204.

Toman M.J., Plotnikov I., Aladin N., Micklin P. and Ermakhanov Z. 2015. Biodiversity, the present ecological state of the Aral Sea and its impact on future development. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 58(1): 45-59.

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The urgency of the research is determined by the particular values-based orientations of the contemporary society. The purpose of the article is a system analysis of success as a fundamental and multifaceted sociocultural phenomenon. The research strategy is multidisciplinary. The authors introduce linguocultural, ethical and philosophical and sociological approaches to interpreting the concept "success" in its personal and social facets. The comparative research of the key models of success understanding in the historical development of European and Russian culture is conducted as well as the present state of research in the field. The materials may be used for the further development of the theoretical and applied research of the phenomenon "success".


success, concept, philosophy, cultural linguistic, sociology, economics, moral, values, ethics of virtues, individual, personality, society, culture, civilization


Mariya L. Gelfond

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Humanities, Tula Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Tula 53, Lenin Prospect, Tula, 300000, Russia. E-mail: mlgelfond@gmail.com

Oksana N. Mishchuk

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor, Tula Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Tula 53, Lenin Prospect, Tula, 300000, Russia. E-mail: oksana_mishchuk@yahoo.com

Evgeniya Yu. Miroshina

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Tula Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Tula 53, Lenin Prospect, Tula, 300000, Russia. E-mail: Evgeniya-1808@yandex.ru

1. Introduction

The concept "success" is the object of study of many sciences but the experience of reflection exercise of the theoretical and applied-oriented aspects of the concept reveals a great deal of issues for scientific discussion disclosing the perspectives for such particular areas of expertise as philosophy, cultural science, linguistics sociology, etc. However, the cross-disciplinary research of the concept is substantiated on its linguistic analysis as any concept is interpreted with various means of language (Gelfond, Mishchuk, Miroshina, 2017 ).

In recent times a tendency that language is considered a cultural code of nation and not only a communicative and cognitive device is under development. Language is a way using which we can absorb the national mentality and go deep into the question concerning the ancients' ideas about social environment and their heritage which is alive in words (etymology), meanings, cultural symbols, metaphors, phraseologies. In the research we share the point of view of W. von Humboldt, Prussian philosopher and linguist, that languages are not mere shell of the global consciousness but different interpretations of the world. Every language bears authentic philosophy of life (Humboldt, 1985).

The way of world perceiving reflects in the linguistic world image as language is able to shape its native speaker. Language is not only a vehicle, but a form determining the mindset.

Following the idea of V.A. Maslova, we consider that the linguistic world-image can be expressed through the prism of phenomena formed within a particular social and cultural environment, in other words through the conceptual world-image (Maslova, 1997). The conceptual world-image is more extensive and richer than the linguistic one and is formed with the help of cognitive structures and concepts (Gelfond, Mishchuk, 2016). Consequently, studying the sphere of concepts contributes to discovering the peculiarities of the mentality of the ethnos, and, therefore, culture of the nation at different stages of its evolution development.

Success belongs to the fundamental cultural concepts. The growing interest to the phenomenon in anthropological and axiological as well as logical and gnosiological aspects illustrates and confirms the fact above. Moreover, at present the contemporary society

grounded on the material assets is rethinking the concept "success" cultivating the terminology in the social mindset.

Although today the advocacy of American values based on the national philosophic idea of a constant aspiration to success affects our perception and understanding the concept, it has the Old Russian roots. The word "success" derives from the Russian verb "спеть" with the following meanings: 1. to be in a hurry; 2. to prepare; 3. ho help; 4. to ripen.

In the course of time the meanings of the word were modified and replaced by one of its particular form "спешить" (to haste). This compression of the meanings influenced the evolutionary nature of the development of the noun "спех" (haste) which sided with the verb "спешить" (to haste). In the Old Russian language the word "спех" had a number of various meanings: 1. haste; 2. aspiration; 3. success, achieving a goal, happiness. The further development of the language forms led to narrowing the meaning and left the meaning "success, achieving a goal" in the ordinary language. Consequently, in the 17th century the semantic link among the words "спех' (haste), "спешный" (hasty), "спеть"^ hurry) and the verb "успеть" (to be in time) on the one hand, and "успех" (success), "успешный"(successful) on the other hand, slackened.

As previously stated, the language world image has different representations depending on the original linguoculture.

According to the lexicographical literature, the nuclear zone of the concept includes:

• achieving a goal;

• social approval, recognition, reputation;

• luck.

The peripheral zone consists of the following components;

• positive results;

• meeting a deadline;

• other facets: academic achievements; progress; well-being; perfection; happiness; victory.

The contextual analysis of different discourses made it possible to define a few images connected with the categories of time and movement: a path to success, steps to success, a pinnacle of success.

There is also one more representative segment of reification: a key to success, a price of success, art of success.

The associations of money are less frequency: a formulae of success, criteria of success.

Consequently, the concept "success" has passed through a certain number of stages of the linguocultural and historical evolution. That said, the latter includes its gradual philosophical interpretation.

The philosophical conceptualization of the concept "success" is the process traced back long before the disciplinatory thematisation, and even preliminary terminological framing of the issue in meaning-making space of self-consciousness of the European culture. Before being introduced to the ordinary scientific philosophical and social-political circulation, the concept "success" personified in the image of a successful individual became an inevitable part of socioeconomic, political, and ethical discourses typical of the Western civilization. It creates a foundation for a paradigm balance of philosophical doctrine of success and successfulness observed in two parallel frameworks. One of them shows the correlation of individual (civilian) and social (universal) dimensions in perception and evaluation of a successful personality; while the other traces the opposition between critical and apologetic intentions toward both the status of a successful personality and its social axiology. In other words it opposes the existing social competitive orientations of a moral discreditation of a successful personality against the way of cultivating the value of success.

The way of conceptualization of success proper to the classical European philosophy and socio-humanitarian knowledge in general is virtue ethics. It creates a foundation for the first model of understanding theological, gnoseological, ethical and axiological aspects of a successful personality as an aggregate expression and realization of the moral virtues of a person. The third meaningful component, begun upon this relative anchor and bookend the theoretical frame of the philosophical discourse of success, is dialectics of the internal and external determinants, that is correlating a certain number of the human immanent qualities which are fundamentals of the life, professional and business success, and transcendental social criteria applied to an individual while a particular society evaluates achievements of its members.

The Antiquity and the Middle Ages with their specific views on virtue ethics show a prototype of a successful person which is a model of the historical structure of virtues. So, "an ideal citizen" of the ancient world is a person of cardinal virtues (moderatism, courage, wisdom, justice), used by him in free and responsible workmanship (creative work, politics and other social activities); whereas the ideal of the Middle Ages is a manifestation of the triad of theological virtues (faith, hope and charity). The medieval individual trusts in the Lord and finds himself with the inner religious spirit in his self-sacrifice and asceticism of temporal and monacal devotion.

Renaissance and the Modern Age create a conceptually new identity of success. The contemporary view estimates success as socially recognized personal achievements in different spheres. A free creative genius of titans of Renaissance or a successful businessman and a solid citizen as a personification of "Franklin virtues" (hard work, liabilities, thrift) are more "extroversive" models of a successful person as opposed to "introversive" models of success as the maxim of an assumed duty, a personal duty as a moral ideal of the Hellenistic and Latin Antiquity; a duty to the Lord as a stereological paradigm of the Christian Medieval period.

Success is the principal criterion of a person in the Modern Age. The phenomenon of success in the modern European and North American cultures is a subjectified symbol of a social progress and a precursor of American Dream, ideals of human rights and an equal opportunity society.

This conceptual symbiosis assumes not only a certain rank of successfulness, but the utmost pluralism of its categories. The researchers of the following problem tend to point out three basic levels or kinds of a person's success in the modern community: success as recognition, success as overcoming and success as mission (Bakstanovsky, Sogomonov, Churilov, 1997). All while the number and option of categories of success are unlimited. Consequently, the modern postindustrial consumer society creates both perfectionistic conformism, in other words an opportunity and permissibility of the identification of personal success with overall media popularity, and precedents of criteria' substitution for excessive examples of conspicuous consumption and self-promotion (the vivid example is the phenomenon of elite youth). So, the question concerning the status of a successful person in various social circumstances especially the correlation of luck and person's efforts in achieving set goals is still critical. The corresponding dilemma of chance or merited success can be considered among eternal antinomies of justice (Gelfond, 2015).

Regarding the particular characteristics of the phenomenon success as overcoming, its axiological poles in the modern community are presented, on the one hand, by the heroic deed of serving own affairs or overcoming difficult life circumstances; but, on the other hand, by personal, politic and professional bravery sometimes leading to pathological narcissism and dangerous social behavior. The further assumption is that both situations describe an individual who is ready to take risk in achieving set goals.

The phenomenon success as recognition is also quite ambivalent viewpoint which can get materialized in personal experience and in different social practices. So that,

outstanding achievements of an individual in his profession, artistic endeavor or sport are unchanging reasons for establishing a fact of implementing his true vocation as a basis of his personal success. Meanwhile, success as recognition in its sociohistorical development often turns into ideological and political imposture, the creation of famous ideologemes and mythologemas of congregate success or utopia of general welfare, in other words, the aspiration of blessing all people beyond or against their will.

The disposition of ends and means is one more controversial facet of the ethical and philosophical conceptualization of personal and social success. The balance between these concepts is the formula for success. But the dispute occurs around the issue concerning the way of determining the combination of pragmatic and technical means of achieving success or the issue determining success as an integral way of the combination of practical and moral aspects. There is still no an unambiguous answer to the question in contemporary socio philosophical and socio publicistic discourses.

2. Materials and Methods

All of the above determines the originality and scientific value of the research project forming the basis of the article. Its methodological foundation is primarily an integrated approach to the analysis of the concept "success". Despite the fact that the problem of success has been widely analyzed for a long time by various branches of the humanities, the studies were restricted by narrow-disciplined approaches. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to form a multi-faceted view on the concept "success".

In light of this, the latter is of interdisciplinary nature. A comprehensive analysis of the concept "success" is made through multidisciplinary research strategy grounded on the synthesis of methods and techniques of the humanities: linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, historiography, cultural studies, etc. In the research the authors use such methods as linguoculturological, etymological, comparative, structural and functional analysis, the method of categorical and logical reconstruction, questioning, interviewing, content analysis, etc.

3. The results of the sociological research

The empirical material of the study is founded on the data of a sociological survey. According to them, it is obvious that achieving success ranks very high in the system of values of all generations. In accordance with the theory of universal aspects in the content and structure of human values proposed by S. Schwartz and U. Bilski, there are ten types of values-based orientations including the achievement of personal and social success. Using this classification, S.V. Molchanov conducted study that showed that success ranks first in the preferences of the Russian youth. In the research conducted in forty-five countries by S. Schwartz, this value ranks the fourth. The primacy was given to "favor" or care of closed people (Molchanov, 2005, p. 21).

The study carried out by I.A. Batanina and O.V. Paramonova showed that the value of success ranked lower. In 2012 50% of the respondents said that success was valuable in their life. Three years later (in 2015) only 44.6% of the respondents decided on it (Batanina I. A., Paramonova, 2015, p. 32).

Success is a multifaceted phenomenon. Therefore, one facet relates to the well-being of relatives and friends. There is no single point of view among researchers on the definition of success. And ordinary people determine the concept differently: the lack of financial problems, achievements in the professional sphere, business success, etc.

The data of the sociological studies conducted among students showed that success is associated with a high personal income (67.4% of the respondents), a high level of

professionalism (53.5% of the respondents), an interesting and challenging job (48.6%), social recognition and authority (41%) (Soboleva, 2011, p. 91-92). For the older respondents, material welfare is also a significant criterion for a person to be successful. Moreover, a successful individual is said to possess particular characteristics: a presentable appearance, expensive accessories, a luxury car, etc. T. Veblen, an American economist, wrote about conspicuous consumption that is a kind of consumption with the main purpose of demonstrating material prosperity (Veblen, 1984). The negative feature of conspicuous consumption is to show something that is not actually true. For example, an expensive mobile phone is a symbol of success for many people. And to purchase it, a person has to take a loan, deny himself every necessary in order to say to others, "I am rich", "I am successful", "I have achieved a lot." Conspicuous consumption is typical for 20% of the natives of Tula (Miroshina, 2015).

M. V. Kiryushina identified the prime attributes of a successful person: image, social status, material values, lifestyle, private life, education, social ties (Kiryushina, 2008). As you can see personal qualities do not practically affect the person's success. It is proved by the results of surveys of the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM). In 2013, almost a quarter of the respondents regarded money as a driving factor in achieving success, 21% thought that success could not be attained without networking. Such personal qualities as honesty, discipline, willpower and others were chosen by 1% of respondents.

Four years earlier, the results were somewhat different. Networking ranked top (58% of the respondents), high qualification and talent came second (48% each). Personal qualities played a significant role, for example, 27% of the respondents believed that it was impossible to get success without willpower. 3% of the respondents noted that success was a stroke of luck (Database of Russian Public Opinion Research Center).

The younger generation considers networking as one of the most important factors in achieving success (about 50% of the respondents). Few respondents mention the importance of personal qualities, but the older a person becomes, the less role he assigns to them. For example, almost 30% of the respondents at the ages from 18 to 29 believe personal qualities help to gain success; among the residents at the ages from 30 to 39 slightly more than 20% look the same way and in the older group - only 15% (Marshak A. L., Rozhkova, 2015).

4. Discussion

The contemporary society feels the need for a consolidating value platform. In our opinion, the multifaceted concept "success" can be one of its aspects, which includes both a powerful motivational beginning of human activity and an objectified image of its expected results.

However, there are ambivalent ideas about success, which have both negative and positive value characteristics in the public consciousness. In the first case, we are talking about such a vision of success, based on the shift of the value scale (the prevalence of wealth over spiritual values) and the predominance of a demonstrative type of behavior (the identification of success with the possession of the status symbols). In the second one, success is considered as a natural, well-deserved result of life, professional, creative and other achievements of an individual; and success is based on public recognition, external and internal overcoming, as well as the acquisition and realization of his true vocation.

In the present context, a comprehensive study of the problem of success understanding as a fundamental axiological category and a complex sociocultural phenomenon is relevant. Since this aspect of the study of this concept has not been considered before, the study is innovative. Since the concept has not been studied from

the above mentioned perspective, the submitted research is innovative and has broken new ground.

5. Conclusion

Thus, success insight, the essential factors of its achievement depend on a particular society, on the prevailing values, on the existing codes of conduct.

Nevertheless, the nature and criteria of success as a universal category, as well as the subordination of forms and levels of its implementation is an open problem, the way of statement and solution to which is an indicator of the available socio-economic condition and, at the same time, a criterion for assessing the future prospects of the development of a modern society. Obtaining success, the main motivating force for a man of today, can become an underlying trend of the socio-economic and spiritual and moral progress of a nation and a contemporary civilization as a whole. And the models and criteria of success can define the outlines of the national idea or competitive prognostic scenarios of the mankind: ranging from the eschatology of a consumer society to the soteriology of religious transformation.

6. Recommendations

The empirical and analytical materials of the article may be of interest and value for a number of categories of potential readers. Firstly, for specialists in various branches of the humanities, studying the diversity of features and characteristics of the phenomenon of "success", as well as other related socially significant phenomena.

Secondly, for students, undergraduates, graduate students, teachers in higher education.

Thirdly, for a wide range of readers interested in current problems of a modern society.


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Gelfond, M. L. (2015) Paradoxes of justice. Izvestiya TulGU. Humanities. Vol. 4. (151-161).

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Gelfond, M.L., Mishchuk, O.N. & Miroshina, E.Yu.(2017) Philosophical and terminological analysis of the term "success". Izvestiya TulGU. Humanities. Vol. 1. (161-168)

Humboldt, W. Von. (1985) Language and philosophy of culture. M.: Progress.

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Marshak, A.L. & Rozhkova L.V. (2015) Life success in the view of the Russian youth. Socis, 8. (157 - 160).

Maslova, V. A.(1997) Introduction to cultural linguistics. M.: Heritage.

Miroshina, E.Yu.(2015) Models of consumer behavior in modern Russia / Scientific and methodical electronic journal "Concept", 13, (1806-1810). http://e-koncept.ru/2015/85362.htm.

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Database of Russian Public Opinion Research Center. (2016, September 27). Retrieved September 27, 2016, from http://wciom.ru/database (access date: 27.09.2016).



The up-to-date significance of the article is explained by scientists' permanent interest in genre definition and its development in Literature. The objective of the article is to define genres of Ancient Greek Literature and Philosophy and explore their existence in modern literature based on works of Sigismund Krzhyzhanovsky. The key methods used by the author of the article are historical and typological ones. The paper examines Krzhyzhanovsky's prose which transforms the ancient genre of Menippean Satire into a key element of his experimenting realistic prose. The results of the investigation can be further used in the study of the main poetic methods and approaches of the Russian and Foreign Literature of the 1920-30s.


Sigismund Krzhyzhanovsky, genre, Literature, Menippean satire, intertextuality,

short story, Michael Bakhtin


Evgenia V. Livskaya

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Literature Chair, Kaluga State University named after K.E.Tsiolkovsky, Kaluga, Russia 26, Stepan Razin Street, Kaluga, 248023, Russia E-mail: liv-evgeniya@yandex.ru

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1. Introduction

In this article the author considers Sigizmund Krzhyzhanovsky prose as the inheritance of the Menippean satire genre. The peculiar feature of Krzhyzhanovsky prose is its allusions and reminiscences to numerous works of Literature, Religion, Philosophy. The writer's works are often referred to 'a post scriptum' to all existing literature and philosophy (Livskaya, 2012). In addition, they included references to contemporary inventions in biology and medicine, psychology and physics, archeology and other sciences. Their extraordinary intertextuality expands the semantic borders of

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