Научная статья на тему 'Substantiation parameter spherical coulter of reversible plough'

Substantiation parameter spherical coulter of reversible plough Текст научной статьи по специальности «Техника и технологии»

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Ключевые слова
диск / параметр / скорость / режим работы / колонка / действие / качество / модель / обработка / disk / parameter / tezlik / ish rejimi / ustun / harakat / sifat / model / ishlov berish

Аннотация научной статьи по технике и технологии, автор научной работы — Normirzaev A.R.

The article presents an experimental study of the determination of rational parameters values between racks is determined disks, the vertical load on disk, translational speed of qualitative indicators of the unit. Rational values of size of disks and operating modes of a disk skating rink defined the use of a method of mathematical planning of multiple-factor experiments and joint solution of received regression equations

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В статье представлено экспериментальное исследование по определению значений рациональных параметров между стойками дисков, вертикальной нагрузки на диск, поступательной скорости качественных показателей агрегата. Рациональные значения размеров дисков и режимов работы дискового катка определили использование метода математического планирования многофакторных экспериментов и совместного решения полученных уравнений регрессии.

Текст научной работы на тему «Substantiation parameter spherical coulter of reversible plough»

5. Osipov, G.L., Prutkov, B.G., Shishkin, I.A., Karagodina, I.L., Shaharlarni shovqin muhofazasi va unga qarshi kurashish bo'yicha tadbirlar, M., 1975, 215s.

6. Исломов, Ш. Э., & Одилов, Н. Э. У. (2022). АВТОМОБИЛ ТРАНСПОРТИ МАЖМУАСИ ИШТИРОКИДА АТРОФМУ^ИТ СИФАТИНИНГ ТЕХНОГЕН УЗГАРИШИ. Academic research in educational sciences, 3(5), 479-486.

7. Адилов, О. К., & Одилов, Н. Э. (2022). РАСЧЕТ РАМНЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ АВТОМОБИЛЬНЫХ ПРИЦЕПОВ. Вестник науки, 4(3 (48)), 210-216.

8. Одилов, Н. Э. (2021). Особенности эксплуатации двс газобаллонных автомобилей. Academic research in educational sciences, 2(12), 238-244.

9. Odilov, N., & Muxtorov, A. (2022). Avtomobillar harakatini xavfsiz tashkil etishda GPS tizimlaridan foydalanish samaradorligi. Academic research in educational sciences, 3(2), 298-303.

10. Nurmukhammad, O. (2021). Safety methods at gas filling stations for cars. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 1(1), 27-36.

11. Odilova, S. S. Q., & Odilov, N. E. O. (2021). Muqobil yonilg'ilardan motor yonilg'isi sifatida foydalanish istiqbollari. Academic research in educational sciences, 2(1).

12. Odilov, N. (2020). The analysis of the development of gas cylinder supply system. Academic research in educational sciences, (3).

13. O'G, O. N. E. L. (2022). Jamoat transportlarida yo'lovchilar oqimini aniqlashning zamonaviy usullari tahlili. Механика и технология, 4(9), 130-137.

14. Методические рекомендации по защите от транспортного шума территорий, прилегающих к автомобильным дорогам. M: 2011. 127 c. http://xn-7sbbsihqkmec5avi8eva1bg7a.xn--p1ai/images/files/met rec rad.pdf

15. Traffic noise reduction in Europe. Health effects, social costs and technical and policy options to reduce road and rail traffic noise. http://www.ce.nl

16. Highway Design Manual. Chapter 1100. Highway traffic noise abatement. June26, 2006. р.7. https://www.nysdot.gov/divisions/engineering/design/dqab/hdm

17. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/noise/design/index.htm

18. http://www.xabar.uz/uz/avtomobil/mamlakatlarda-kishi-boshiga-nechtadan-avtomobil-togri-keladi

19. https://www.env.go.jp/en/air/noise/noise.html

20. http://privetstudent.com/kursovyye/kursovyye-po-ekologii/1961-issledovanie-urovnya-shuma-v-zone-vliyaniya-avtomobilnyh-dorog.html.

UDK 631.31




NamECI, associate professor, candidate of technical sciences, nabducaum@mail.ru

Abstract. The article presents an experimental study of the determination of rational parameters values between racks is determined disks, the vertical load on disk, translational speed of qualitative indicators of the unit. Rational values of size of disks and operating modes of a disk skating rink defined the use of a method of mathematical planning of multiple-factor experiments and joint solution of received regression equations.

Аннотация. В статье представлено экспериментальное исследование по

определению значений рациональных параметров между стойками дисков, вертикальной нагрузки на диск, поступательной скорости качественных показателей агрегата. Рациональные значения размеров дисков и режимов работы дискового катка определили использование метода математического планирования многофакторных экспериментов и совместного решения полученных уравнений регрессии.

Аннотация. Maqolada disk ustunlari orasidagi ratsional parametrlarning qiymatlarini, diskga tushuvchi vertikal yukni, uning sifat ko'rsatkichlarining harakat tezligiga bog'liqligi bo'yicha eksperimental tadqiqot taqdim etilgan. Disk o'lchamlari va diskning ishlash rejimlarining ratsional qiymatlari ko'p faktorli tajribalarni matematik rejalashtirish usulidan foydalanishni va olingan regressiya tenglamalarini birgalikda echimi keltirilgan.

Ключевые слова: диск, параметр, скорость, режим работы, колонка, действие, качество, модель, обработка.

Kalit so'zlar: disk, parameter, tezlik, ish rejimi, ustun, harakat, sifat, model, ishlov


Key words: disk, parameter, speed, operation mode, column, action, quality, model, processing.

1. Introduction

Now, intermediate (repeated) growing crops in the Republic are cultivated after cleaning winter grain (generally wheat). Thus, on a surface of the soil, there is a significant amount of the vegetable remains, weeds and their seeds [1,2]. Employment of moldboard or minimum processing of the soil under intermediate (repeated) growing crops leads to the increased contamination of crops during their vegetation and therefore decreasing in amount of the nutrients consumed by the cultivated plants that oppresses the last and reduces their productivity [3,4,5]. Besides, the leafy layer mass remaining on a surface of the soil and in its top layers leads to deterioration of quality indicators of work of seeders and tools for interrow processing the row of cultures [6,7].

In modern world, practice the adaptation at the same time with ploughing are applied to a surface treatment of the soil with reverse ploughs, and their main working body is the disk sealing skating rink with a wedge-shaped profile of a working surface of a disk in combination with which various types of skating rinks, cultivating of condensing and leveling workers of bodies are applied [8,9,10,11].

The stated analysis shows that for soil climatic conditions of the Republic with farmlands, big percent of spaces occupies average and low-contour maps with average and heavy soils on mechanical structure [12,13], mostly we accept hinged option of the adaptation design of which will provide high maneuverability of the unit [14,15]; it is possible to apply disk skating rinks with a wedge-shaped profile of a working surface to consolidation of the lower horizons of an arable layer [16,17,18], dyeing of soil blocks and large lumps, and for high-quality performance of the chosen technological process of the combined processing of the soil [16,18,19], it is necessary to find the additional working bodies providing application of consolidation of the top horizon of an arable layer, alignment of a field and creation of leafy layer horizon on its surface [15].

2. Materials and methods

Rational values of size, row-spacing of disks and operating modes of a disk skating rink defined use of a method of mathematical planning of multiple-factor experiments and joint solution of received regression equations [15,19].

Parameters of adaptation have been chosen from regime for its investigation of received regression equations vertical loading of a disk and forward speed as its works which are the most

influencing quality and energetic indicators were chosen from regime parameters of the adaptation for researches [19-21].

As functions of a response 10 cm and the traction resistance of the adaptation falling on 1 m of width of a skating rink capture since the first has restriction according to agrotechnical requirements (not less than 80%) are accepted percentage of soil fractions less than 25 mm in size in horizon 0-10 sm, and the second has essential impact on a consumption of fuels and lubricants and productivity of the unit.

On the basis and aprioristic information and results of one-factorial experiments, the levels and intervals of a variation of factors given in table 1 were chosen.

Table 1

Levels and intervals of a variation of factors.

Factors Unit measurements The coded designation of factors Variation intervals Levels of factors

low (-1) basic (0) top (+1)

Size row-spacing disks, l sm X1 5 15 20 25

Vertical load of a disk, Q N/piece X2 37.5 537.5 575.0 612.5

Forward speed, V m/s X3 0.5 1.5 2.0 2.5

Thickness (30 mm), corner of sharpening (600) and diameter of a disk (400 mm) were accepted without any change. Corners of the condensing installation (260) and a bend leveling (1400) parts of the equalizer, income corner to the soil of the mulching plates (1540) and size of their row-spacing (10 cm) also didn't change.

Experiments were given with the use of three disk workers of skating rink bodies and according to the accepted levels of sizes row-spacing of disks of 15 cm, 20 cm and 25 cm. Width of capture of the equalizer with the mulching plates equaled 33 cm, 43 cm and 53 cm. These values are accepted by taking into account the thickness of a disk of a skating rink and need of the movement a trace of the extreme mulching plates and disks. Thus, on each equalizer, the quantity of the mulching plates (nn) which is determined by a formula was established

2 • I 1

nn =~r + 1 (1)

i.e. at l of equal 15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm and I1 =10 cm, the quantity of mulching plates made respectively 4 pieces, 5 pieces and 6 pieces.

Assuming that the most fully influence of factors on function of a response will describe a polynom of the second order, plan of B3 was realized. For reduction of influence of uncontrollable factors by function of a response on sequence of carrying out experiments, it was appointed with the use of the table of random numbers. 3. Results and discussion

As a result of realization of a matrix and the plan of B3, the regression equations which are adequately describing are received:

Percentage of fractions is less than 25 mm in size, % U1 = 82.975-6.363X1 + 1.947X2 + 7.837X3- 6.372X12 + I.82IX1X2 - 2.42IX1X3; (2) the traction resistance falling on 1 m of width of capture of the adaptation, kN/m.

U2 = 1.367 - 1.113 X1 + 0.104 X2 + 0.240 X3 - 0.068 X1X3 + 0.075 X2X3. (3) Calculation of coefficients of regression, checking of reproduction of process and

hypothesis of adequacy of the received equations were carried out by a well-known technique on the personal computer of the Pentium.

The hypothesis of uniformity of dispersion at identical number of repetitions of experiences was estimated by means of Kohren's criterion (To), the importance of coefficients of regression determined on Students' criterion, and adequacy of model of process determined on Fischer's (F) criterion. Values of coefficients of reproducibility and adequacy are given in tab. (2) from which it is visible that experiments are reproduced, and regression models (2), (3) adequately describe processes with confidential probability of 95% and don't contradict the obtained experimental data, as Ktabi>Kptct, "Ftabi>Fpict'.

The table value of criterion of Student for 5% a significance value put 2,048 for both regression models (2 and 3) describing process.

The analysis of the equations of repression shows that the row-spacing of disks happens to increase in size, decrease in fractions less than 25 mm in size and traction resistance (U2) in the capture of a skating rink falling on 1 m width, and at increase in vertical loading and forward speed of the movement these indicators increase. Moreover, the speed factor, and less essential -vertical loading has more essential impact on functions of a response.

Table 2

Designation of function of a response Dispersions Freedom degrees Criterion

Reproducibility Adequac y Repro-ducibilit y adequa cy to Kokhren's, K Pischers, F

Vi V2 V 1 V2 Tabl Calculation Tabl Calculation

Ui 7.i4i 2.557 2 14 7 28 0.33 0.229 2.36 i.074

U2 9.9*i0-3 2.05*10-3 2 14 8 28 0.33 0.i87 2.29 0.622

From the equations it is visible the influence that on the Ui function interaction o factors (Xi) and vertical loading (X2), row-spacing of disk (Xi) and the speed (X3), and has impact on the U2 function - interactions of factors of row-spacing (Xi) and the speed (X3) of vertical loading (X2) and speed (X3). These interactions have impact on intensity of response of the functions change them depending on the level of interaction component factors is fixed. So, for example, at smaller values of size of disks (Xi) with increase in the forward speed (X3), function of a response ( Ui and U2) increase with bigger intensity, than at great values of Xi or at great values of vertical loading (X2) change of speed leads to more intensive change of U2 and vice versa, to a t.a of function of a response the row-spacing of disks (Xi), vertical loading (X2) and speed of the movement (X3) are in difficult dependence on size.

The joint solution of the equations of regression (2) and (3) had been received optimum values of factors in the studied range of their change (Table 3) proceeding from Ui > 80% and U2 > min.

Table 3

Factors Unit of measurements Conventional sigh Code values Natural values

l sm Xi -0.2508 18.75

Q N/piece X2 -0.990 538

V м/s Хэ -0.3175 1.84

From table 3 it is visible that optimum size of a high-speed operating mode of the adaptation has low value which predetermines the small productivity of the unit. That's why optimization at preset values of forward speed was performed. Results are given in table 4

Table 4

Rational values of parameters

V (Хэ), м/s /(Xi), см Q (Х2), N/piece

Coded natural coded natural coded natural

-1.0 1.5 There is no decision

-0.5 1.75 -0.3 18.5 0.0 564

0 2.0 0.1 20.5 -1.0 527

+0.5 2.25 0.4 22.0 -1.0 527

+1.0 2.5 0.6 23.0 -1.0 527

4. Conclusions

Thus, during the work at speeds of movement of 1.75-2.50 m/s, the demanded maintenance of soil fractions is less than 25 mm in size in the horizon 0-10 cm at the minimum traction resistance will be provided if: l = 18.5-23.0 cm and Qd = 527-564 N/piece.

In the range of forward speeds of 2.25-2.5 m/s (Table 4) are available rational value of disks (l = 22.5 cm) entering l =22-23 cm which multiply and provide to width of capture of the case (45 cm), at a rational arrangement of a skating rink, influence of its adjacent disks serially on a hollow and a height of estuarine a surface of a cross profile of an arable land. Therefore, we accept this value row-spacing of disks l = 22.5 cm as rational. Besides, at such size, the row-spacing in the range above the marked speeds (V=2.25-2.5 m/s) doesn't change rational values of necessary vertical load of a disk of equal 527 N/piece, to a t.a for a three-case plough capture of 135 cm wide the necessary quantity of disks will be 7 pieces, and vertical loading of the kg Qk=347 adaptation.


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DemidenkoOlgaFedorovna Dr.sci., tel.: +375173171149, E-mail: orion_minsk@tut.by

Valiyev Bobur Fayzimuroto'g'li

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