Научная статья на тему 'Substantiation of parametres division drum with an elastic element spinning the device'

Substantiation of parametres division drum with an elastic element spinning the device Текст научной статьи по специальности «Физика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Djumaboev Gulomjon Xalilоvich, Djuraev Anvar Djuraevich, Jumaniyazov Kadam Jumaniyazovich

In article it is resulted a design and a work principle division drum with the elastic plug of spinning installation. On the basis of the numerical decision of a problem dependences of change of parameters drum are received, their best values are proved.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Substantiation of parametres division drum with an elastic element spinning the device»

Substantiation of parametres division drum with an elastic element spinning the device

and in volume of grain mass; changes are happened in both the direction oflosses and the direction of connections. These processes cause to change £ and tg during all experiment. The process that happens in the volume oflatter experimenting sample, which occurs after placing experimenting sample of grain into a primary changer-quiver-conden-sator, can be explained like that. At the moment of placing grain into a quiver all features are changed and the torn of energy happens. As a result, water molecules are linked much stronger and we can see the decrease of £ and tg. After placing the sample, new quiet state appears

and ties between water molecules and grain structure diminish. This causes the increase of £ and tg. After some time the process of stopping connection of independent and dependent moisture in grain occurs and ties of water molecules balance [3; 4].

The processes that are given above have complex character, which depends on the material of walls of sensitive element; it influences considerably on the exactness of dielcometric devices that measures moisture. The speed of exchanging wetness depends on the degree of moistening an experimenting sample of grain.


1. Matyakubova P. M., Gafurova D. A. Identifikator pokazateliy kachestva zerna//Materil' mejdunarodnoy NPK "Infotekstil' - 2005". -Tashkent, 2005. - P. 232-233.

2. Matyakubova P. M., Babaev G. G. Analysis of capacitor converters of humidity of grain//journal "Pribori". - Russia, 2016. - № 5. - P. 23-25.

3. Usmanova H. A., Boboev G. G., Turg'unbayev A. Methods of reducing the influence of the forms of communication moisture to error converter//International journal of advanced research in science, engineering and technology. - India, October 2015. -Vol. 2, Issue 10. - P. 964-969.

4. Matyakubova P. M., Boboyev G. G., Masharipov Sh. M. Question of the application of modern tools measured at determining the composition and properties of the particulate materials//Vestnik Tash GTU, special issue. - Tashkent, 2016. - P. 45-50.

Djumaboev Gulomjon Xalilovich, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, the Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]

Djuraev Anvar Djuraevich, technical sciences associate, professor of the Department "Theoretical and applied mechanics", Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry E-mail: [email protected]

Jumaniyazov Kadam Jumaniyazovich, technical sciences associate, professor of the Department "Theoretical and applied mechanics'"

Substantiation of parametres division drum with an elastic element spinning the device

Abstract: In article it is resulted a design and a work principle division drum with the elastic plug of spinning installation. On the basis of the numerical decision of a problem dependences of change of parameters drum are received, their best values are proved. Keywords: Division drum, a tooth, a fiber, a tape, diameter, rigidity, a friction, coupling.

The choice of optimum or best parameters and operating modes division drum basically depends on technology of digitization of fibred of a clap. The question of influence of fibres with teeth's division drum is well shined in works [1; 2]. In the given works process of rupture of fibres from a tape submitted to a digitization zone is insufficiently studied. Besides the problem becomes complicated that teeth's division drum are established on a screw line.

In a zone of combing of fibres teeth's division drum operate on fibres which is in attainability limits, and from a tape those fibres which communication with a tape is less than total force of influence of a tooth with a fibre are taken. At tooth influence division a drum from a small beard one or several fibres are taken. Follow to notice, that one fibre can be grasped two or several alternating teeth's барабанчика. Fibre separation comes under the influence of forward or lateral sides of teeth's. The arrangement of a separate fibre on set depends on its arrangement in a small beard. Fibres located under a corner to a direction of movement sets, or tightened can a life extended by a forward side of a tooth. Usually in existing designs

division drum fibres located under a corner to a movement vector tend to formation of small knots. And in an offered design division a drum the fibres located under a corner to a direction of movement also are separated at the expense of increase in the axial force, operating from teeths [3], and also additional angular fluctuations drum because of deformation of the elastic plug.

Division drum it is executed compound (see fig.1) including an axis 1, on it metal 2 and further rubber plugs 3, and also the external plug 4 with gear гарнитурой 5. In the course ofwork at the expense of deformation of the elastic rubber plug 3 in a circular direction to occur original torsional fluctuations of the external plug 4 with gear headset 5.

The amplitude and frequency of these fluctuations basically depends from inertsionno-zhestkostnyh system characteristics. Thus definition of parameters division drum, providing effective division of fibres from a submitted tape in the spinning car is important. In the course of digitization drawing out fibres from a small beard occurs under certain conditions.

Section 10. Technical sciences

Fig. 1 Scheme compound division drum

From a condition equilibrium fibres on a forward side of a tooth division drum the formula for definition of diameter drum [4] has been received:

2[mg(cos^ + f cosy)-Fsts • cos$]

D <-

. 30N 2 --) cosa


nnc At

where: m — weight of fibres; f — factor of a friction of fibres about a tooth surface барабанчика; F ф — force of coupling of fibres with a tape great bulk; ш — angular speed drum; g — acceleration of free falling; N — capacity on a shaft drum; n — number of turns division drum in minute; At — time for moving (plug deformation) Дф; Y, в, a — about the answer corners defining position of fibres on a forward side of a tooth division drum. Thus:

m = 3.0 -10-6 kg; Fs = 0.08gr; g = 9.81 m / s;

co = 628 rad / s; f = 0.32; у= 150; в= 850; a = 750;

ф = 20°; С = 9.2 -10-2nm / rad; N = 14.3 -10-3Kvt.

Fig. 2. Graphic laws of change of diameter division drum from circular rigidity of the elastic plug,

1 - m = 6.5 -10-6 kg; 2 - m = 5.5 -10-6 kg;

It is necessary to notice, that increase in diameter division drum a drive to increase of linear speed of a fibrous material. But, inertial indicators division drum thus increase, that can lead to the undesirable phenomena at digitization.

On the basis of research graphic dependences of change of diameter division drum from a variation of values of circular rigidity of the elastic plug division drum are received. The analysis of the received schedules shows (fig. 2) see, that with increase in circular rigidity ofthe elastic plug from 5.4-10-2nm / rad to 11.7-10-2nm / rad diameter division drum increases on nonlinear law. So, at weight of a bunch of the fibres grasped by teeth's drum 6.5 -10-6 kg. diameter increases from 3.76 -10-2 m. to 6.10 -10-2m, and at weight of fibres 3.5 -10-6kg . diameter increases to 9.4 -10-2m . speaks that with increases in weight of fibres force of a friction between fibres and a tooth increases that will be possible easily their separation I will overcome force of coupling of fibres with sheathe in weight of a tape. With the account of results of researches in work [5], the author recommends values of diameter and to accept in limits (6.7 ... 7.1)-10-2 m.which are considered as the best. Therefore for simplification these limits of values of diameter drum at high efficiency recommended values the circular.

Rigidity ofthe elastic plug is (9.4...10.2)-10-2 nm / rad. It is necessary to notice, that thus also it is provided necessary circular fluctuations gear sets division drum. The amplitude of fluctuations of angular speed reaches to (2.5 ... 5.0) % from average value of angular speed.

On fig. 3 graphic dependences of change of diameter division drum from change of force of coupling of fibres grasped by teeths drum with a tape lump are presented. It is known [2], that the more density of a fibrous tape, the more force of coupling between fibres. From the received schedules it is visible, that with increase of force of coupling F tk, values of diameter drum on nonlinear law considerably decrease. So, at increaseFstsot 0.76-10-1 gr. go 2.1 -10-1 gr. division drum decreases from 9.0 -10-2m. go 6.39 -10-2m. circular rigidity of plug 6.0 • 10-2 nm / rad. At circular rigidity 12.0 • 10-2nm / rad this reduction occurs in limits from 7.43 -10-2m. go 3.62 -10-2 m. For maintenance of recommended values of diameter division drum (6.7...7.1)-10-2m. and at (9.4...10.2)-10-2nm/rad figurative values F s = ( • 10-1 gr. and values of density of a fibrous tape corresponding to them are considered.


3 - m = 4.5-10-6kg; 4 - m = 3.5-10-

Fig. 3. Dependences of change of diameter division drum from a variation of force of coupling of fibres with a great bulk

1 - C = 12 -10-2 nm / rad;

2 - C = 9.0 -10-2nm / rad; 3 - C = 6.0 -10-2nm / rad


The results of testing of perforating metal trusses units to many times repeated loading

Fig. 4. Dependences of change of diameter division drum from a variation of factor of a friction of fibres about a tooth drum,

where: 1 - w = 750 s_1; 2 - w = 650 s-1; 3 - w = 550 s

On fig. 4 laws increases division drum from a variation of factor of a friction between fibres and before are presented diameter a side of teeth's drum which have linear laws.

The factor of a friction of fibres about a tooth surface division drum depends basically on properties of a fibre, its humidity, contact, weight of fibres on a surface of a forward side of a tooth and angular speed taking into account values of its fluctuations.

With the account of the above-stated the factor of a friction of fibres about a forward surface ofa tooth division drum changes in limits 0.25.. .0.35. Increase of force of a friction of fibres about a forward surface of a tooth барабанчика positively influences process of capture and extraction of fibres of a submitted tape process of digitization of fibres is intensified. From schedules it is visible, that with increase in

factor of a friction from 0.27 to 0.33 diameter drum increases from 6.48-10-2 m. to 8.2640-2 m. at a = 750s, and at c = 550s-, diameter drum increases from 4.41T0-2 m. to 6.2440-2 m. This results from the fact that, the more weight of fibres angular speed and size of its fluctuations, the is more than pressure ofa fibre upon a forward surface of a tooth of a drum and the more force of a friction. For maintenance of the demanded diameter division drum in repartitions (6.5...7.5)T0-2 m. for maintenance of linear speed of movement of fibres in repartitions km/s the friction factor should be


Use new division drum with an elastic element and recommended parametres improves process of spinning and quality of a received yarn.

1. 2.





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Mamajanov Rustam Rahimjanovich, Director of Development and Science, Institute of Joint-stock «Uztyajpromproekt» E-mail: [email protected]

The results of testing of perforating metal trusses units to many times repeated loading

Abstract: The article presents the results of the test pieces of flat knots perforating metal truss railway bridges with differenced connected elements. As a result, the dependences for determining the carrying capacity of elements perforating farms and their residual life, taking into account available manufacturing defects.

Keywords: truss, components, test pieces, shear deformation, re-loading.

Many years of experience in the construction and operation the geometric dimensions of the elements, unacceptable gaps (dif-of metal bridges with perforating farms shows that in the process ferences) in the connecting member, what raises the need for on of manufacture, transportation and installation of superstructures impact assessment studies of deviations to the operational reliability may occur deviations from the project — discrepancy between of superstructures.

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