Научная статья на тему 'Substantiation of parameters of equalizing-compacting operating element of the combined machine'

Substantiation of parameters of equalizing-compacting operating element of the combined machine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Ключевые слова
the combined machine / the equalizing-compacting operating element / equalizing part / compacting part / setting angle of compacting part / bending angle of part to be levelled / height of operating element

Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Tuhtakuziev Abdusalim, Mansurov Muhtorzhon Tohirzhonovich

the results of substantiating the parameters of the equalizing-compacting operating element of the combined machine for the pre-sowing soil tillage are specified in the article.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Substantiation of parameters of equalizing-compacting operating element of the combined machine»

Substantiation of parameters of equalizing-compacting operating element of the combined machine

3. Designing the working clothes for the construction, food and auto transport industries workers and employees in consideration with man's functional-ergonomically requirements should be

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4. Dunaevskaya T. N.i others. Dimensional typology of the population with the basics of anatomy and morphology. - M.: "Light industry". - 1980.

5. Surzhenko E. Y. The concept of the ergonomic design of special clothing. Work clothing and personal protective equipment. - M.: - 2001.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-1.2-241-242

Tuhtakuziev Abdusalim, Chief of the Laboratory, Mansurov Muhtorzhon Tohirzhonovich, Senior Researcher, Research-Scientific Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of agriculture (Republic of Uzbekistan) E-mail: ax-stajyor@mail.ru

Substantiation of parameters of equalizing-compacting operating element of the combined machine

Abstract: the results of substantiating the parameters of the equalizing-compacting operating element of the combined machine for the pre-sowing soil tillage are specified in the article.

Keywords: the combined machine, the equalizing-compacting operating element, equalizing part, compacting part, setting angle of compacting part, bending angle of part to be levelled, height of operating element.

We have developed combined machine for soil tillage operations before sowing the agricultural seeds and the research activities on substantiating the reasonable values of the parameters of its operating element have been implemented.

The combined machine consists of allocated on the framework consequently equalizing-compacting operating element and slat roller. At one time pass it ensures equalizing the field surfaces, compacting and crashing the top layers of soil.

Equalizing-compacting operating element (further on operating element) is constructed of two parts: equalizing 1 and compacting 2 (figure 1). It is installed to the framework by means of bars.

The main parameters of operating element are: j—installation angle to compacting part horizon; s — bending angle of equalizing part relatively compacting part; H — height.

Installation angle to compacting part horizon of the operating element were determined in terms in a purpose to ensure its equal time interrelation with soil particles were minimal as in this case, firstly, due to sticking the soil to its working surface, secondly the reliable performance of technologic process implementation at minimal energy costs.

Taking a chance to use a diagram on the fig. 2, a let's determine an interrelation time of the operating element compacting part with soil particles

t = =-K-, (1)

Ve sin/ VM (cosy- smytg0)siny where h0 — submergence depth of the operating element compacting part into a soil; Ve — soil particle sliding velocity throughout

the working surface of the operating element compacting part; VM — onward velocity of machine; $ — external friction angle of


Let's research the formula (1) base on s for extremum [1] and we will get the following:

n $

Y =

4 2


In a purpose to determine the bending angle of equalizing part of the operating element relatively its compacting part let's review forces influencing from its side to the soil particles (fig.2, b). In the process when machine is running from the equalizing part of operating element a normal force N and friction force F = Ntgfi influence onto the soil particle.

Let's put N normal force, influencing onto the soil particle over the containing NV and Nt , acting accordingly towards the operating element (machine) and alongside with its equalizing part.

NV = N /sm(y + e) (3)


Nt= Nctg (y + s). (4)

Obviously, that in effort to ensure the qualitative equalizing the soil surface the following term must be performed:

Nt< F, (5)

as in otherwise the soil particles are pressed into its deepside without any sufficient longititude motion and at result the required quality on soil surface equalizing will not be ensured.

Taking into account (2) and (4), as well as above mentioned value F, we will get the following:

£ > 90°-(y+$). (6)

height H of the operating element was determined due to exclusion term of sprinkling the soil through its topside edge. In this case we will have the following formula:

Section 12. Technical sciences

Figure 1. Scheme and parameters of compacting-equalizing operating element of the combined machine

Figure 2. Scheme for determining the installation angle of compacting part (a) and bending angle of equalizing part (b) of equalizing-compacting operating element of the combined machine


H >---, (7)

\jn[ctg j- ctg (P-e)]

where Zh , lH — average height and length longitudinal unevenness of the field surface; p — soil slope of the drawing prism, formed ahead of the equalizing part of operating element.

Calculations implemented base on the formulas (2), (6) and (7) in terms of 0 = 30°, p = 30°, ZH = 0,05 m and lH = 0,40 m

[2], show that the installation angle to horizon of the operating element must be 30 bending angle of its equalizing part relatively-compacting part — at least 30 height of equalizing device- at least 16 cm.

Conclusions: Thus in effort to ensure the required quality of soil tillage at minimum energy (power) costs the installation angle to compacting part of the equalizing-compacting operating element must be 30 bending angle of its equalizing part — at least 30 height of equalizing device — at least 16 cm.


1. Vygodskiy M.Ya. Reference book on higher mathematics. - M: AST: Astrel, - 2006. - P. 991.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-1.2-242-244

Xudoyberdiyev Tolibjon Soliyevich, doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Department.

Igamberdiyev Asqar Kimsanovich, Candidate of the technical sciences, assistant professor. "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration" Muradov Rahimjon Xakimjonovich, senior scientific employee-researcher, PhD in Technique. Agricultural Institute of Andijan, the Republic of Uzbekistan.

E-mail: mrahimjon@bk.ru

Substantiation of parameters of knife spade of the seeder

Abstract: the design of a seeder with knife-type opener (spade) type of a basic runner for autumnal wheat crops in cotton row-spacing is offered. Raises efficiency of technology of cultivation in comparison with traditional the maximum use of a profile of a furrow.

Keywords: requirements, spade, crops, seeder, cultivation, technology, efficiency, knife-type opener, seed funnel, crumple, form of a wedge.

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