YflK 504.054
Ye. Voronova, ass. prof., A. Bolekhan, master, KhNAHU
Summary. The article outlines the necessity of the monitoring system improvement as a first step to the gradual bettering the ecological state of the Azov sea.
Key words: pollution, discharge, oilproducts, accident, monitoring researches, stationary supervision posts.
The Azov Sea is one of the most studied seas of the World ocean. It has unique features such as small sizes, depth and volume, weak water exchange with other seas and a rich ecosystem. Specific abiotic conditions of the sea, namely its small depth, low salinity, high mid-annual water temperatures enabled the development of rich sea fauna (the Azov sea always was of important economic significance as a rich fishing reservoir).
Modern ecological state of the Azov sea is close to catastrophe. Million cubic meters of industrial waste waters are discharged into the sea and moreover their essential part is discharged without any clearing. Among other unfavorable facts it is necessary to name emergency floods of mineral oil and other polluting substances. All this leads to mass asphyxiation of fish becoming more and more frequent [1].
Analysis of publications
According to the data of Environmental Protection Ministry of Ukraine the maximum pollution of the Azov sea is produced by 7 enterprises located in coastal zones and discharging their wastewaters into the sea [2]. The basic contribution to pollution of the water basin of the Azov sea belongs to the Open Society «MK Azovstal». The exceeding of the normative values of contaminants MPD (maximum permissible discharge) in wastewaters in issue 9 «MK Azovstal» for the third quarter of 2008 is being held. Suspended matters constitute 2,2 MPD, BOD5 (biological
oxygen demand) constitute 1,67 MPD, nitrogen ammonium constitutes 5,1 MPD, general iron constitute 6,76 MPD, nitrites constitute 1,2 MPD, oilproducts constitute 4,92 MPD all this exceeded the norms [2].
According to the data of Environmental Protection Ministry of Ukraine the maximum pollution of the Azov sea is realized by 7 enterprises located in coastal zones and discharging their wastewaters into the sea [2].
In water area of the Mariupol trade sea port the condition of sea water did not correspond the norms for fishery reservoirs according to the following substances: oilproducts constitute -2,5 MPC (maximum permissible concentration), general iron constitute - 3 MPC, suspended matters constitute - 2,3 MPC. The basic pollution in the sea port water area is done by ten discharges of thundershower waste waters from the enterprise territory [2].
Purpose and issues
At present monitoring researches for the definition of water area pollution levels with oilproducts are not being performed. The organization of the network of stationary supervision posts is necessary for constant checking of pollution situation with oilproducts. It is also necessary to develop programs of monitoring research.
Ecological state of the Azov see
In Mariupol thundershower waste waters are discharged into the sea through four releases not
equipped with wastewater treatment equipment. They are located in the limits of city beaches. The condition of sea water at the selective control for the third quarter of 2008 did not correspond the norms for fishery reservoirs according to the following substances: general iron constitute - 6,2 MPC, suspended matters constitute - 4 MPC, BOD5 constitute - 1,9 MPC [2].
In Berdyansk (Zaporozhskaya oblast) thundershower waste waters are discharged into the sea through five main releases. Condition of the sea water at the control supervision posts for the third quarter of 2008 did not correspond the norms for fishery reservoirs according to the following substances: general iron constitute 3,8 MPC, suspended matters constitute - 1,4 MPC. In the area of the deep discharge after the construction of the wastewater treatment plant of Berdyansk the exceeding of nitrogen ammonium concentration (up to 1,4 MPC) are exposed [2].
And in water area of the Berdyansk sea and trade port the exceeding of MPC for fishery reservoirs according to nitrogen ammonium (1,52 MPC) and general iron (2 MPC) have been noticed [2]. The exceeding of contaminants MPD in different regions of the Azov see is presented on the paint. 1.
Kerch strait Tuzla, north- Tuzla, south- Kerch bay village Jukivka spit
w estern part eastern part Arshynzevska
Fig. 1. MPC exceeding in different regions of the Azov see
Special attention should be paid to the pollution of the Azov sea waters by oilproducts which because of their high toxicity belong according to UNESCO to ten the most dangerous contaminants of the environment [3]. The negative influence of oilproducts on the sea ecosystems results first of all in the formation of a thin oil layer which breaks gas-, water-, and heat exchange between the water environment and the atmosphere not allowing to penetrate solar beams and brings to decrease of the
dissolved oxygen concentration in water and all this in turn interferes with the development of plankton and suppresses the photosynthesis reaction. Besides that soluble components of oil display the mutagen, teratogenic and cancerogenic action and are capable to be transferred along the food chain and this shows their special danger towards men.
The problem of the Azov sea pollution with oilproducts has always been very serious in the view of frequent leeks of oil. Annually around 20 or 30 cases of oil leeks in the Black and Azov seas are marked.
The amount of oil to have been leaked into the Azov see since 2001 to 2005 is shown on the paint. 2 (according to the data of the report on a state of environment for 2005).
t/yaer 14000
12000 -
10000 -
8000 -
6000 -
2001 2003 2005
Fig. 2. The amount of oil leeks into the Azov see during 2001-2005
The problem of pollution with oilproducts is now of great importance in connection with the accident happened on November, 11th, 2007 when in the Kerch strait on depth of 7-12 meters there sunk five ships with dangerous cargos (toxic compounds): three ships with sulfurs cargo (the tonnage - 6,500 t), one with black oil cargo (approximately 4000 t), and one with scrap metals [2].
The monitoring researches performed in the first days after the accident had shown a very high exceeding of oilproducts content in the Kerch strait from 3 to 40 times o the established normative for fishery reservoirs. The maximum permissible concentration for oilproducts is 0,05mg/dm3 but the actual content varied from 0,15 to 0,82 mg/dm3 (the official data of Ministry of environmental protection of Ukraine).
Chart 3 represents the data on MPC exceeding in different regions (Kerch strait, island Tuzla, Kerch bay, village Jukivka, spit Arshynzevska) incurred oilproducts pollution after the accident (according to the data of November 18th 2007
According to the monitoring researches performed a month later the exceeding of oilproducts MPC was 1,6 - 1,8 times.
The organization of the network of stationary supervision posts and monitoring programs
At present monitoring researches for the definition of water area pollution levels with oilproducts are not being performed. The State ecological inspection of the Azov sea realizes the control of operation of 7 enterprises, checks 26 discharges of wastewaters and 20 control places in Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.
The organization of the network of stationary supervision posts is necessary for constant checking of pollution situation with oilproducts. For this purpose the usage of the existing network of hydrometeorological supervision posts is possible.
Besides, a regular supervision should be organized in zones suffered mostly of the accident on November, 11th, 2007. It is recommended to place supervision posts of II category directly in Kerch strait near village Glazovka, on the cape Zjuk near Kurortnoe, on the cape Kazantip, and also in the Kazantipsky gulf near Pesochnoe. The arrangement of the supervision posts is supposed to be carried out using the methods approved by the Environmental Protection Ministry of Ukraine [5, 6].
The supervision on posts of II category is to be performed once a month (in the middle of the month), and in icy conditions - once in a season according to the following indicators: polluting substances, parameters of the environment and elements of a hydrometeorological mode.
In addition to the estimation of ecosystem conditions of the Azov sea it is necessary to perform a supervision under the program of
biological monitoring according to which various parameters are estimated [7]. Basic parameters of biological researches are the following:
- number of individuals in population;
- variety of species in communities;
- distribution of populations, communities and so on;
- circulation of biomass and exchange of energy;
- individual growth rate;
- character of physiological and biochemical processes;
- genetic changes and changes in behavior;
- state of health and frequency of diseases;
- birth rate and death rate;
- migration change.
The improvement of the monitoring system for the estimation of influence of human activity on surrounding environment by the setting up of a wide network of supervision posts and performing regular monitoring supervision on them is the first stage of the nature protection measures assigned to the gradual improvement of the ecological state of the Azov sea.
1. www.nkau.gov.ua, 2007.
2. http://www.menr.gov.ua/cgi-bin, 2008.
3. Голицин А.Н. Промышленная экология и
мониторинг загрязнения природной среды. - М.: Оникс, 2007. - 336 с.
4. http://www.ulrmc.org.ua
5. Сдине мiжвiдомче керiвництво з оргаш-
зацп та здшсненню державного мош-торингу вод. - К., 2001. - 54 с.
6. Оргашзащя та здшснення спостережень за
забрудненням поверхневих вод (в сис-темi мшекоресурав). - К., 2003. - 64 с.
7. Бондар О.1., Коршько 1.В., Ткач В.М.,
Федоренко О.1. Мошторинг навколиш-нього середовища: Навч. пошбник. - К-Х.: ДЕ1-ГТ1, 2005. - 126 с.
Рецензент: С.В. Анисимова, доцент, к.т.н., ХНАДУ.
Статья поступила в редакцию 20 апреля 2009 г.