Научная статья на тему 'Subcarrier wave continuous-variable quantum key distribution with Gaussian modulation: composable security analysis'

Subcarrier wave continuous-variable quantum key distribution with Gaussian modulation: composable security analysis Текст научной статьи по специальности «Физика»

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continuous variables / subcarrier waves / quantum key distribution

Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Goncharov R.K., Kiselev A.D., Samsonov E.O., Egorov V.I.

In this paper, we continue the study of the quantum cryptographic GG02 protocol, performed using the approach based on the subcarrier waves. We modify the scheme via heterodyne detection and perform security analysis for the full trusted hardware noise model in the presence of collective attacks with finite-key effects. It is shown that the system can potentially distribute the key even if the level of losses in the channel is above 9 dB. This result is consistent with the general technical level and comply with modern standards of practical CV-QKD systems. Finally, the system under consideration fully meets the criterion of composability.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Subcarrier wave continuous-variable quantum key distribution with Gaussian modulation: composable security analysis»

Subcarrier wave continuous-variable quantum key distribution with Gaussian modulation: composable security analysis

R.K. Goncharov1, A.D. Kiselev',2, E.O. Samsonov1, V.I. Egorov1 1ITMO University, Leading Research Center "National Center of Quantum Internet", 199034, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Birzhevaya Line 16;

2 ITMO University, Laboratory of Quantum Processes and Measurements, 199034, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Kadetskaya Line 3


In this paper, we continue the study of the quantum cryptographic GG02 protocol, performed using the approach based on the subcarrier waves. We modify the scheme via heterodyne detection and perform security analysis for the full trusted hardware noise model in the presence of collective attacks with finite-key effects. It is shown that the system can potentially distribute the key even if the level of losses in the channel is above 9 dB. This result is consistent with the general technical level and comply with modern standards of practical CV-QKD systems. Finally, the system under consideration fully meets the criterion of composability.

Keywords: continuous variables, subcarrier waves, quantum key distribution.

Citation: Goncharov RK, Kiselev AD, Samsonov EO, Egorov VI. Subcarrier wave continuous-variable quantum key distribution with Gaussian modulation: composable security analysis. Computer Optics 2023; 47(3): 374-380. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1225.


Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) [1] allows two (Alice and Bob) or more legitimate parties to exchange symmetric cryptographic (secure) keys. The essence of the method is to encode the classical information into quantum states and use an authentic classical communication channel for key processing.

Theoretically, owing to the laws of quantum mechanics, QKD can be regarded as a reliable tool for distribution of unconditionally secure keys that cannot be intercepted by a third party (Eve). In practice, of course, the necessary technical clarifications are required. Importantly, the latter includes imperfections of the hardware used, whereas the equipment employed by an adversary is assumed to be perfect.

All the QKD protocols can be divided into two groups: the protocols using discrete variables (DV) [2] and the protocols using continuous variables (CV) [3]. One of the key differences between these two groups is the detection system: the DV-QKD systems use singlephoton detectors, whereas the CV-QKD ones employ coherent receivers. The latter are implemented with balanced detectors used in classical fiber-optic communication systems, not technically complex and expensive single photon detectors. It also means that due to the designated standardization of optical equipment, CV-QKD can be more successfully integrated into the telecommunications infrastructure.

Both approaches are quite diverse in the implementation and can be built on a variety of methods for encoding and decoding the information. One of these methods is the subcarrier wave method (SCW) where phase modulation is applied to encode information into the phases of subcarrier modes of weak multimode coherent

states [4, 5]. This method has a number of advantages. In particular, it does not require an additional reference signal (the reference is provided by the carrier wave on the central frequency) and it provides a versatile means for multiplexing purposes [6, 7, 8]. This approach has been demonstrated to be effective in implementations of DV-QKD in the fiber communication lines [9, 10] and in the free-space QKD [11]. In this paper, we are primarily concerned with the SCW implementation of CV-QKD protocols introduced in our previous studies [12, 13, 14].

We are aimed to expand the framework of the SCW method in the context of Gaussian modulation (GG02) CV-QKD protocol [3]. This protocol is notable for the presence of a theoretical base in terms of security proof in exact analytical form. At the moment, it is also the only point-to-point CV-QKD protocol that has been proven to be secure against general attacks in the regime of finite keys [1]. For this purpose, it is essential to fill the gaps in the security model discussed in [14] by supplementing it with proof against collective attacks and taking in to account finite-key effects. Our key result is the finite secure key rate of the SCW CV-QKD protocol evaluated as a result of the security analysis that meets the criterion of composability. The composability criterion naturally came from classical cryptography to quantum key distribution [1]. The main idea of composable security is to define an ideal protocol and use it as a reference against which an existing realistic implementation can be compared. The problem can be formulated as a game played by a so-called "distinguisher" whose task is to guess whether Alice and Bob implement the real protocol or the ideal protocol. Thus, the criterion can be formed as follows: D(pABE,pABE)<e, where D(-, ) is a trace distance, pabe denotes the tripartite quantum state held by a distinguisher interacting with the real system and p ABE

is the ideal where the registers "A" and "B" keep the final messages, and the register "E" only holds the state pe

resulting from an attack and attempts to steal the key. In the ideal case, there is no correlation between the register "E" and the pair of legitimate users' registers "AB". It is also necessary to take in to account the finiteness of the samples and the finiteness of the output keys, which require appropriate corrections (finite-key effects mentioned above). In simpler, but unrealistic, asymptotic regime with infinite keys, such corrections are omitted.

There are also several newly introduced effects. In particular, we show that in order to meet the symmetrization requirements of the described protocol [15] the detection scheme has to be changed homodyne to heterodyne. Another important point incorporated into our security analysis is that the trusted and untrusted noise and losses are explicitly separated. By trusted noise, we mean the noise that cannot be controlled by Eve. In turn, the so-called untrusted noise adjusted by Eve occurs exclusively in the quantum channel. The same applies to the losses: there are trusted losses that are set by the legitimate parties' equipment and remain outside the access of Eve, while losses in the channel (untrusted) Eve can completely simulate.

The paper is organized as follows. In section 1, we describe the GG02 protocol based on the SCW method

and its modifications. In section 2, we provide the security analysis and evaluate the performance of the protocol. In section 3, we discuss our results and make concluding remarks.

1. Gaussian modulation and detection using SCW

1.1. CV-QKD protocol

Fig. 1 presents a scheme of our setup where the SCW system is used to implement the GG02 protocol. In this setup, the laser on the Alice side generates pulses of duration T with the power P and the frequency rao at the

specified rate. So, the input state is 1® |rac)iA,

where \vac)sb indicates the vacuum state of the subcarrier modes and | -y/^ is the coherent state describing the

radiation at the central frequency with the mean photon number ^o = \ao\2 = PT/ hrao (h is the Planck constant).

In order to perform Gaussian modulation of the input state as required by the GG02 protocol Alice utilizes the electro-optic phase modulator. In the phase modulation process, the modulation index ma is assumed to be a small random variable governed by the Rayleigh probability distribution with the scale parameter JVA, whereas the phase 9a is uniformly distributed in the range from zero to 2n.

Fig. 1. Simplified scheme of SCW CV-QKD GG02 setup. PM is the electro-optic phase modulator; C is the circulator; SF is the spectral filter that cuts off the carrier; BD is the balanced detector; PD is the photodiode; MD is the measurement device. Diagrams in the Alice's block illustrate the quadrature distributions

An accurate theoretical treatment of this process requires using a quantum model of the phase modulator. There is a number of differently formulated models put forward in [16, 17, 18, 19]. Our subsequent calculations are based on the model developed in [18].

According to this model, there are 2S + 1 interacting frequency modes with frequencies rao + kQ, where k is the integer ranged from - S to S, and the multimode coherent state

N9)) = k ®J ak (9a ))k, with the amplitudes

ak (9a ) = V^dok (Pa ) exp(-/'9Ak),



represents the modulated output state, where doSk (pA) is the Wigner d-function [2o]. In the limiting case with S^-ro, the latter can be simplified as follows

dS„k (Pa ) Jn-k (ma ),


where Jn - k(mA) is the Bessel function of the first kind. This approximation is valid for the real SCW QKD systems [18, 1o] in which standard fiber electro-optical modulators are used. It is generally accepted that standard fiber phase modulators (e.g. Thorlabs LN53S-FC) have sufficiently large values of output modes S [1o] for the approximation to be valid.

Since the modulation index, ma, is small, we have

J\k\ (mA )



and the probability density function for the complex amplitudes of the first-order sidebands with k ± 1 is given by the normal distribution with vanishing mean value and the variance Va. Note that the vacuum noise must be taken in to account and the resulting variance that enter the covariance matrix will be V = Va + 1 in shot noise units (SNU).

In the bulk of previous studies, the above modulation procedure is carried out using two (amplitude and phase) modulators [21, 22, 23]. The subcarrier multiplexing technique with several phase modulators was also theoretically studied in [24] using the classical approach to phase modulation.

The modulated signal passes through the Gaussian quantum channel [25] with the transmittance T and the excess noise § to the Bob side. This side implements the coherent detection procedure described in [13, 12]. It implies that Bob uses two modulators with the modulation index optimized for detection tasks of the SCW method (mb ~ 1.13 in [13]). For the modulators in the first and second arms, he sets the values of the phase 9b = 0 and 9b = n / 2, respectively, thereby detecting both quadratures (in Fig. 1 p and q, respectively). Phase remodulation results in redistribution of the energy leading to a significant increase in the sidebands power. Information encoded into the transmitted signal is determined by the energy difference between the sidebands and the carrier wave.

After the remodulation, the carrier wave and the sidebands are separated by spectral filtering and are collected by photodiodes placed in the arms of balanced detector. The photocurrents registered by the photodetectors are subtracted. At the output of the balanced detector, Bob receives valid values correlated with those prepared by Alice. The next involves the standard procedures of parameter estimation, error correction, and privacy amplification [1].

Considering that we use the trusted hardware noise model, it is necessary to divide the scheme into blocks in order to clarify which noises they contain:

• trusted preparation (Alice) noise §prep (e.g., relative intensity noise and noise of digital-to-analog converter);

• untrusted quantum channel noise §ch (e.g., Raman noise if the quantum channel is wavelength-multiplexed with a classical one);

• trusted receiver (Bob) noise §rec (e.g., balanced detector noise).

It is usually assumed that various noise sources are independent of each other, so their variances are added to the total (separately trusted and untrusted) values. Various losses are distributed over the same blocks (Alice, channel, Bob).

It should be emphasized that, by contrast to the previous version of the method [14], the scheme is modified so as to utilize the heterodyne detection [26]. This modification is essential for subsequent security analysis as it allows us to incorporate the symmetry needed for discussing general attacks. The possibility to achieve a security against general attacks was shown using the recently proposed Gaussian de Finetti reduction approach to the GG02 protocol [15] that employs its invariance with respect the unitary group rather than the symmetric group. The matrix chosen from the unitary group describes the passive linear transformation through the transformation of the annihilation operators. In practice, this translates into applying a certain kind of permutation to classical data, given the quadrature pairs of Alice and Bob. A random choice of one quadrature per state (so-called "sifting") during homodyning leads to the information loss and breaks down the symmetry making impossible to apply the described analogy between classical data and quantum states. This means that, at the current state, it is impossible to analytically prove the security of CV-QKD protocol with homodyne detection against general attacks.

1.2. Peculiarities of SCW approach

There are two differences between the SCW approach and the standard method (see, e.g., [25, 27, 28]) that we need to take in to account [14]: a drop in the efficiency of the coherent detection scheme that results in reduction of the total trusted transmittance and the sideband-induced additional contributions to the channel excess noise.

The efficiency of the SCW coherent detection scheme is given by the following expression [13]

"Hscw =

1 - 4 J02 (m ) + 4 J04 (m )

(mA )(1 - Jo2 (mA ))'

4 J o2


where m = ma + mb. As is shown in [14], averaging over the Alice's modulation index ma gives the expected value of the efficiency <^scw> ~ 0.9 that corresponds to the insertion loss of about 0.5 dB.

Following the reasoning presented in [14] additional excess noise originated from high-order (k > 2) sidebands can be written in the form

= 2tcV f dx-

tlu (2*k !)2

' exp(--)

1 2VA



Fig. 2 presents the dependence of the excess noise (6) on the scale parameter VA/2. It turned out that the values of §scw are of the same order as small contributions to the excess noise such as the relative intensity noise (RIN) and the noise of digital-to-analog-converter reported in Ref. [29].


Fig. 2. Dependence of the excess noise §scw induced by the high-order sidebands on the scale parameter JVA set on the electro-optic modulator

2. Security analysis 2.1. Asymptotic security

In this section, we, following Refs. [3o, 31], use the trusted noise scenario and obtain an accurate estimate of the Holevo bound [32] using an appropriately modified covariance matrix.

The theoretical study of the GGo2 security, by analogy with some DV-QKD protocols, is based on the concept of the virtual entanglement [33]. According to this concept, the event of sending a single-mode coherent state to the Gaussian quantum channel by Alice and the subsequent detection by Bob is completely analogous to the event in which modes of the two-mode squeezed vacuum state (TMSVS) are distributed between the legitimate users. Both events are described by the same covariance matrix up to some constants. In the considered trusted noise scenario, Eve can manipulate only the state in the channel, and purify it there. This means that the state of the system must be considered through three separate subsystems [31]: Alice (sender), Eve (adversary that may control the parameters of the channel), and Bob (receiver).

In the SCW protocol, independent first-order sidebands are considered as separate single-mode states containing the same information [18, 24, 14].

The mutual information between Alice and Bob can be calculated as follows [29]


I ab = - log(1 + SNR) =£ log

— i

1 +

1 A

- TVa


1+1 ? -


where -e{1, 2} is the homo-/heterodyning parameter, SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio, T is the total transmittance, and § is the amount of total excess noise.

Since the GGo2 protocol uses Gaussian quantum channel and Gaussian modulated states, the optimal attack is known to be Gaussian [34, 35]. In this case, the Holevo bound can be estimated as follows

%EB — SE SE\B ,

s = ? [ ^ ^ (^)-¥ ^ i ¥

(8) (9)

where S is the von Neumann entropy and vi is the symplectic eigenvalue of the corresponding covariance matrix. Subscripts show predestination: "A" stands for Alice, "B" stands for Bob, and "E" stands for Eve. Vertical bar determines the conditionally of entropy and sets the case after the measurement.

Assuming that the Bob side is fully trusted, Trec and §rec are out of Eve's reach. The symplectic eigenvalues of the covariance matrix before Bob's measurement (it is needed to calculate the von Neumann entropy SE) are

V1, 2 = 2 Q(V + Tch (V -1) +1 + §ch)2 - 4Tch (V2 -1) + +(Tch (V -1) + 1 + §ch - V)),


where V = Va + 1.

The conditional von Neumann entropy SE\B that determines Eve's information after the measurement on the Bob side is estimated via the following symplectic eigenvalues

V34 =

yj(e1 + e3)2 -4e22 + (3 -e1)

(11) (12)

2(TVA /- + 1 + §/- + 1) '

e1 = V ((1 - Trec )Wrec + TW + 1) + +Tch (ch - V)(1 + (1 - Trec )Wrec ),

e2 = JTch ((h - 1) ( + (1 - Tec W + 1) , (13) e3 = (1 - Trec ) Wch Wrec + T^T* (VW* - 1) + Trec + W^, (14)

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where Wch = §ch/(1 - Tch) +1, Wrec = §rec /(1 - Trec) + 1, and Tdet is the transmittance responsible for losses and the detector's efficiency in the receiver module. For SCW coherent detection method, the parameter Tdet that enter Eqs. (11 - 14) should be replaced by the rescaled value given by

Tdet = Tdet ("HsCW ) .


Note that it is possible to introduce the model of trusted sender's (Alice) noise can be introduced using substitution V with V + §pr, where §pr is the preparation excess noise [31]. It is however, demonstrated in [29] that the value of such noise is negligibly small. Losses Tpr in Alice's block can be neglected, since she can always adjust the necessary attenuation.

According to the Devetak-Winter bound [36], the asymptotic secure key fraction is

CiT >(1 - FER)(PIAB -Xeb ),


where FER is the frame error rate and P is the reverse reconciliation efficiency. Our next step is to consider the finite-key effects.

2.2. Finite-key effects and composable security

In order to take into account the finite-key effects and the composability criterion in the presence of collective attacks, we refine the secure key fraction bound using the result of Refs. [37, 38, 39, 4o] that reads

«finite 'coll

> n (1 - FER )|


p/AB (w)-XEB (w)-A^+© 1 ,(17) Vn n)

Aaep = 4log2(2vd +1)



(1 - FER)2 si 0 = log2 [(1 - FER) (1 - s,2 /3)] + 2 log2 V2s

s = 2 (1 -FER ) Spe +Scor +ss +Sh,




where n is the number of symbols left to process the finite key, n states is the number of states, Aaep is the parameter according to the asymptotic equipartition property [41], © combines the hash mismatch accounting after the privacy amplification and the error correction leak [37, 38], d is the effective alphabet size. sj is the security parameter defining the tolerance for the security of the procedures being carried out and the composability of the QKD protocol: spe is responsible for accuracy of the parameter estimation from a finite sample, scor is an upper bound on the probability that strings are different after passing error correction procedure, sS shows the allowable fluctuation of errors in the channel, and sS is a parameter of the applied hash function. In real QKD systems s-parameters are selected based on the security requirements set out in the relevant documents.

Also, given the finiteness of the available sample for parameter estimation, it is necessary to introduce additional corrections related to the confidence intervals. These corrections are given by [42, 37]

Corr§, j = w

§ j + 1 V^^npe

CorrT,j = 2w§j / Va^Tj / (|onPe),

(21) (22)

where subscript j indicate the QKD block (Alice's preparation, Bob's receiver, channel), w = ^2ln(1/ s pe )

is the confidence [37], and npe is the number of states for parameter estimation.

According to Ref. [37], the above corrections are implemented into the trusted noise scenario through the following substitutions:

Tdet ^ Tdet + CorrT, full, Tch ^ Tch - CorrT, ch , §ch ^ §ch + Corr§,ch .




In our numerical calculations, we have used the following parameters: | = 2; Va = 6; Tch = 10"^, where L is the channel length and Q is the attenuation in dB/km;

§ch ,standart 0.003Tch, §ch,SCW = 0.0031Tch, §rec = 0.1, Tdet = 10-0725, FER = 0.03, p = 0.95, n = 2108, n states = 6108, d = 24, Ss = Sh = 10-10, S = 5.6'10-9, npe = 6 107, w = 6.34. The parameters are taken in accordance with the general technical level and comply with modern trends of practical CV-QKD systems [1, 27, 28, 29, 31, 37, 38].

The results for the performance of both the SCW CV-QKD system and the standard GG02 protocol computed from Eq. (17) are presented in Fig. 3. It can be seen that the difference between the limiting channel losses (under which the secure key fraction is still positive) for the standard and the SCW based GG02 protocols is about 0.5 dB and its level cannot be regarded as critical.



! o.ooi



SCW GG02 Standard GG02

0 2 4 6 8 10

CL, dB

Fig. 3. Dependence of the secure key fraction on the losses in the fiber quantum channel

Another point is that the performance of SCW CV-QKD appears to be significantly improved as compared to the results reported in our previous study [14]. The latter is mainly due to the suitably modified trusted noise model in which the Holevo information decreases much faster than the mutual information with legitimate users' insertion losses.


We have analyzed the security and performance of the GG02 protocol in the implementation through the SCW approach. We have shown that the differences from the standard approach are insignificant and substantiated security against collective attacks with the composability criterion and the finite-key effects taken in to account. The enhanced detection system allows to subsequently generalize the given analysis to the case of general attacks using the available symmetrization. As far as the merits of the SCW method briefly mentioned in Introduction are concerned, our concluding remark is that they will potentially far outweigh a slight performance hit we have demonstrated.


The work was done by Leading Research Center "National Center for Quantum Internet" of ITMO University by order of JSCo Russian Railways.


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Authors' information

Roman Konstantinovich Goncharov, Bachelor of Science, Engineer at ITMO University. Research interests are quantum cryptography, quantum optics, and quantum computing. E-mail: rkgoncharov@itMo.ru .

Alexei Donislavovich Kiselev, DSc, PhD, Professor at ITMO University. Research interests are theoretical physics, mathematical physics, optical physics, optics and photonics. E-mail: alexei.d.kiselev@smail.com.

Eduard Olegovich Samsonov, PhD, Leading Researcher at ITMO University. Research interests are quantum cryptography, quantum optics, and quantum computing. E-mail: eosamsonov@itmo.ru.

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Vladimir Ilyich Egorov, PhD, Deputy Director of National Center for Quantum Internet at ITMO University. Research interests are quantum cryptography and quantum networks. E-mail: viegorov@itmo.ru.

Code of State Categories Scientific and Technical Information: 29.31.01. Received September 14, 2022. The final version - December 14, 2022.

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