Научная статья на тему 'Studying world practice during application of quality management methods in Azerbaijan economy'

Studying world practice during application of quality management methods in Azerbaijan economy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Aslanov Zabit, Zeynalova Mehriban

The article is dedicated to the study of international practice and application the methods of quality management, implementation of these methods in the economics of the Republic of Azerbaijan, analysing problems emerging in the sphere of quality management and necessary measures for elimination of this issues. Main principles and goals of quality management, as well as main problems arising in the economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in this sphere are reflected in this article. Article also considers information regarding international standards ISO 9001-2000 containing modern theoretical and methodological base on management of production and their application in Europe, as well as in Azerbaijan. Conclusion base on the necessary measures for application world practice on international standards ISO 9001-2000 on quality management in the economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, necessity of holding events for reaching to the world level quality in newly established industrial entities of the country.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Studying world practice during application of quality management methods in Azerbaijan economy»

модернизации образования. Медленно происходит обновление педагогического состава. Растет число учителей пенсионного возраста, и сокращается доля молодых специалистов.

Для решения комплекса проблем в сфере образования требуются масштабные, системные изменения, охватывающие все уровни образования. Иначе проблемы в сфере образования не только сохранятся, но и будут нарастать, что повлияет на качество образовательных услуг и приведет к увеличению доли неэффективных расходов в сфере образования.

Многообразие направлений в сфере образования делает невозможным решение стоящих перед ней проблем изолированно, без взаимодействия органов государственной власти всех уровней, органов местного самоуправления, общественных объединений, обуславливает необходимость применения программно-целевых методов решения стоящих перед отраслью задач в рамках Государственной программы Чеченской Республики «Развитие образования».

В условиях отсутствия программно--целевых действий будет усиливаться неравенство доступа к качественному образованию на всех его уровнях, что спровоцирует социальное расслоение населения.

В современных условиях образование является фактором экономического роста, повышения эффективности и конкурентоспособности реального сектора экономики, благосостояния и благополучия каждого гражданина.

Поэтому на территории республики в соответствии со Стратегией социально-экономического развития Северо-Кавказского федерального округа до 2025 года, утвержденной распоряжением Правительства Российской Федерации от 6 сентября 2010 года № 1485-р. (далее - Стратегия), создается новая модель системы образования, позволяющая каждому жителю вне зависимости от места проживания, социального и имущественного статуса и состояния здоровья получить качественное и доступное образование на любом уровне, которое соответствует потребностям современного общества и требованиям развития экономики. Это даст возможность каждому жителю устроиться по приобретенной специальности и достойно реализовать себя.


1. [Электронный ресурс]: URL: http://mon95.ru/ (дата обращения: 03.06.2016).

Studying world practice during application of quality management methods

in Azerbaijan economy Aslanov Z.1, Zeynalova M.2 (Republic of Azerbaijan) Изучение мирового опыта внедрения методов управления качеством в экономике Азербайджана Асланов З. Ю.1, Зейналова М. С.2 (Азербайджанская Республика)

'Асланов Забит Юнус оглу / Aslanov Zabit — доцент, кандидат технических наук, заведующий кафедрой;

2ЗейналоваМехрибан Сулейман кызы / ZeynalovaMehriban — старший преподаватель, факультет стандартизации и сертификации, Азербайджанский государственный университет экономики, г. Баку, Азербайджанская Республика

Abstract: the article is dedicated to the study of international practice and application the methods of quality management, implementation of these methods in the economics of the Republic of Azerbaijan, analysing problems emerging in the sphere of quality management and necessary measures for elimination of this issues. Main principles and goals of quality management, as well as main problems arising in the economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in this sphere are reflected in this article. Article also considers information regarding international standards ISO 9001-2000 containing modern theoretical and methodological base on management of production and their application in Europe, as well as in Azerbaijan. Conclusion base on the necessary measures for application world practice on international standards ISO 900'-2000 on quality management in the economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, necessity of holding events for reaching to the world level quality in newly established industrial entities of the country.

Аннотация: статья посвящена изучению мирового опыта и внедрению методов управления качеством, положениям внедрения этих методов в экономику Азербайджана, анализу проблем, возникающим в управлении качеством, и необходимым шагам для устранения этих вопросов. Здесь показаны основные принципы и цели управления качеством, а также освещены основные проблемы, возникающие в этом направлении в экономике Азербайджана. В статье также дана информация о международных стандартах ISO 9001-2000, составляющих современную теоретическую и методологическую базу по управлению качеством продукции и внедрению их в Европе, а также в


Азербайджане. В заключении обосновывается необходимость использования мирового опыта при внедрении международных стандартов ÍSO 9001-2000 по управлению качеством в экономику Азербайджана, необходимость проведения мероприятий для достижения мирового уровня качества в новых промышленных предприятиях, созданных в стране.

Keywords: managing the quality, quality management, international standards, principles of quality management, quality system.

Ключевые слова: управление качеством, менеджмент качества, международные стандарты, принципы управления качеством, системы качества.

УДК 658.565

Political changes occurred during the end of XX century - the collapse of the Soviet Union, in its turn caused to fundamental changes in the economy - planned economy and management with administrative-command methods were replaced by free market economy. Thus, the economy of our country and industry forming its basis lost economic relations with Union, which was formulated within 70 years and developed for a long time from one side and from other side faced with the fact of shifting to the new free market economy.

During 25 years of independence, the economy of our country developed, big industrial entities were established, and state-of the art technologies were applied, competitive products began to be produced. However, the application of innovative technology, modern equipment are not sufficient for producing goods with the world level competitive ability.

The problem of raising quality of products and services becomes especially important during market economy, and this in its turn aggravates competition in activity spheres (as well as in designing spheres), consumer involvement, sale market and access for resources.

The program on quality management developed by economist E.Deming was scientifically justified and showed its efficiency in practice.

The basis of this economic program contains from 14 postulates (lectures) [1, p. 53]. All of his postulates are mutually interdependent. Refusing from any of them will be negatively affected on the other one. These postulates by refusing traditional idea about the quality as being compromise between consumer and producer, pushes for establishment of conditions for giving priority to the interests and desires of human being and by directing managers to the stable enhancement of entities' activity, make them to focus on long-term and stable operation. The content of this philosophy is being reflected as following "the way to the quality is unlimited". Afterwards postulates of Deming were included onto the basis of Total Quality Management and ISO 9000:2000 international standard principles [2].

The necessity for theoretical and practical development of quality management, the shift from quality control to the development was justified by J.Juran [4].

He had noted that the continuous increase of quality looks like stepping upward by upstairs: each step forward ends up with the stabilizing phase, in other words the result is being maintained and regression prevented. The 'quality spiral' suggested by him (Juran spiral) is the space, spatial model of the main stages of quality management works [4, p.12].

Quality management is being established on the following principles: systematic approach, complex resolution of standardization; efficient limitation; direct and counter-relation; dynamic; optimum; integration and application of modules; automated solution of new positions.

Systematic approach principle encompasses the following: the necessity for quality management at all levels; division of management processes among all stages of activity periods; uncovering all management functions of controlled facility.

Standardization principle: all main requirements for the quality of the product and functions of complex system of quality management should be regulated or ensured by standards or regulatory documents.

Complex solution principle includes complex approach to the quality problem solution of last purpose.

Efficient limitation principle considers the stable realization of filtration effect from the collection of information on situations, conditions and factors having much more influence on the quality of product.

Direct and counter-relation principle involves stable mutual relation of object and subject in the management system.

The principle of dynamics includes the uninterrupted increasing process of quality management in terms of consideration scientific-technological progress, amendments in requirements of regulatory-technical documents and allocated practice.

The principle of optimality considers the preparation of the system through selection better options of positions and with minimum expenditures and ensurance of the operation.

According to the principle of integration and quality management, the complex system of quality management should consist of independent modules at different levels [3].


The automatization principle of new positions is directed to the automatization of jobs' solutions on the basis of application accounting technics.

The documentation of these principles in the form of standards has been realized in 2000. 8 principles of quality management determined in accordance with ISO 9000:2000 series international standards form the basis of this concept [2]. Standards have been established on the basis of long-term international practice and reflects the modern expression of effectiveness. It is difficult to estimate the importance of these principles. These principles form the organizational basis of quality management and uniform acceptance of establishment rules.

The main objectives of total quality management should form the basis of entity's strategy which accepted the ensurance of quality management as a priority.

Main objectives of total quality management:

- quality as a purpose of entrepreneurship;

- efficient usage of all resources of the enterprise;

- direction all activity of ownership and efforts towards the fulfillment of the requirements of consumers.

For achieving the goals of total quality management, it is necessary to follow the principles determining the context of ideas and basing on international experience.

Principles of total quality management: activity of high management; involvement of the personnel; customer focus; involvement of suppliers; orientation with the process; strategic orientation; identification of purposes and evaluation of the results; improvement of quality; preventive actions; governance structure; benchmarking.

The main stage of transition to the total quality management has started with the emergence of ISO 90012000 international standards and wide range application in practice in Azerbaijan. [6]

However, several problems regarding with the general quality emerge especially in Azerbaijan, and these are not due to the shortcomings of the system, but in relation with the modern economic condition and characteristics of political environment.

The main problem of Azerbaijani companies is non-compliance with reality due to the uniform and certain suggestions of ISO 9001-2000 international standards. The problem is due to the necessity for crucial amendments in general corporative structure and management methods of the organizational structure of Azerbaijani companies from one side, and the conservative nature of ISO standards from other side. Their usage for the purposes of quality assurance bases on "Register what do you realize and realize what you have filed" principle.

The second problem regarding ISO standards is non-fulfillment of Juran and Deming rules in Azerbaijan, according to Juran, management system is responsible for 85% of quality problem, and executives in their turn, for 15%. Enforcing this idea E.Deming noted that, 96% of quality problem falls on the responsibility of the system and 4% on executives.

The third problem is the inconsistency of Azerbaijani industry and service spheres with the principles encompassed in ISO 9000 standards.

The cultural basis of the management of quality system in Azerbaijan is the repressive management directed to the search of offender; however, the transition to the management based on power law, rules is necessary for the successful application of world models.

ISO 9001-2000 international standards forms the family of modern theoretical and methodological standard basis of quality management of products. Their application actively started in Europe, currently international quality standards are recognized in 150 country of the world.

ISO 9001-2000 international standards complies with the other ISO standards and this ensures mutual understanding at national and international trade. They have been translated into national languages and became the national standards of quality. ISO 9001-2000 quality management system governing the international standards adapted to the form of national standards in Azerbaijan. The application of these standards is voluntary, but in some cases, within a separate entity on the national level.

The common approach reflected on international standards of ISO 9001 series stems from the necessity of coordinating activities, management, technology, interaction of tools and markets.

Which problems can total quality management create while application and what is necessary?

take as a basis ISO-9000 standards ;

TKM create methods and subsequently improve the quality management system using TQM;

self-estimate on regular in order to keep up with the winners of competition on quality.

During the application of this concept, main problems on the management of personnel is being occurred [5]. The organization on the raising quality faces with minimum 4 obstacles:

1. Resistance of the employees to the new rules;

2. Full understanding of mutual relation of product quality with the efficiency of activity of organization by the different managers;

3. Approaching to the quality raising as temporary or next new fashion campaign;

4. Giving status to the raising quality not as governance, but statistical.


Application procedures for quality improvement requires a lot of time to change deep-rooted corporate culture, but companies are not prepared for these changes as the moral nor material.

Thus, the analysis can be concluded that the implementation of the international standards ISO 9001-2000 quality management system for use with the world practice, the quality of products produced by industrial enterprises in the country for the delivery of practical measures must be taken to the international level. It is expedient to apply new rules to the goods produced by Azerbaijani government for the strengthening of quality control.


1. Prostranstvo doktora Deminga. Perevod Ju. T. Rubanika. M.: 1996. 53 c.

2. Sistemy kachestva. Mezhdunarodnye standarty ISO serii 9000. V treh tomah. M.: 1997. Tom 1. 186 s. Tom 2-184 s. Tom 3. 116 s.

3. Ponomaryov S. V., Mi^^enko S. V., Belobraqin V. Y. Mshsulun keyfiyystinin idars edilmssi: Dsrs vssaiti.-/rus dilindsn tsrcums. Baki: «Iqtisad Universiteti», ns^riyyati, 2008, 270 s.

4. Suarez J. G., Crosby P. B., Deming W. E. & Juran J. M. (1992). Three experts on quality management: Philip B. Crosby, W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran. Arlington, VA: Dept. of the Navy TQL Office. p. 12.

5. Miroshnikov V. V. Sistema menedzhmenta kachestva: metodika vnedrenija i podgotovki k sertifikacii / V. V. Miroshnikov // Sertifikacija. 2002. № 1. S. 8.

6. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: Ukaz Prezidenta Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki ob utverzhdenii «gosudarstvennoj programmy social"no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija regionov azerbajdzhanskoj respubliki v 2009/2013 godah». (2009, april 15). http://azertag.az/ru/xeber/ukaz_prezidenta_azerbaidzhanskoi_respubliki _ob_utverzhdenii_gosudarstvennoi_programmy_socialno_ekonomicheskogo_razvitiya_regionov_azerbaid zhanskoi_respubliki_v_2009_2013_godax-703259. (дата обращения: 23.05.2016).

Analysis of youth on the Russian labor market Gayrbekova R.1, Abitaeva F.2 (Russian Federation) Анализ положения молодежи на Российском рынке труда Гайрбекова Р. С.1, Абитаева Ф. А.2 (Российская Федерация)

1 Гайрбекова Рукият Сараповна / Gayrbekova Rukiyat — кандидат экономических наук, доцент, кафедра экономики и управления производством; 2Абитаева Фатима Арбиевна /Abitaeva Fatima — студент, факультет государственного управления, Чеченский государственный университет, г. Грозный

Аннотация: в данной статье авторы уделяют внимание главной проблеме — положению молодежи на рынке труда России и акцентируют важные проблемы, касающиеся данной группы населения при безработице, и уделяют внимание поддержке со стороны государства.

Abstract: in this paper, the authors pay attention to the main problem - the situation of young people in the Russian labor market in Russia and emphasize important issues related to this group of the population with unemployment and pay attention to the supportfrom the state.

Ключевые слова: безработица, молодежь, работа. Keywords: unemployment, youth work.

В период распространения санкций и экономической нестабильности в 2015 - 2016 годах, в России происходит изменение объемов производства в сторону их уменьшения, и в тоже время увеличивается динамика количества убыточных предприятий. Многие люди, имеющие образование и специальность лишаются своей работы, и в тоже время лишаются средств для своего существования. Все это усиливает финансовый кризис и оказывает отрицательное влияние на спрос рабочей силы. По данным Росстата, молодые люди до 25 лет среди безработных в январе 2015 года составляли 23 %. Также высокий уровень безработицы отмечался в возрастной группе 15 - 19 лет (28,2 %) и 20 - 24 лет (14,0 %) и по мере усугубления санкций 2014-2015 года и экономической нестабильности этот процент будет увеличиваться [1].

Среди всех безработных по данным Росстата, претендующих на вакантное место, каждый пятый из них - это молодежь в возрасте 16-29 лет. Отношение числа людей, находящихся в поисках работы к количеству вакансий составляет почти 17 человек, и это притом, что каждый третий из них - это человек в возрасте до 29 лет.[2] Все это свидетельствует о резерве рабочей силы, т.е. потенциале безработицы среди молодежи.

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