Научная статья на тему 'Studying the European consumer behavior and motivations towards tourism service in the condition of globalization'

Studying the European consumer behavior and motivations towards tourism service in the condition of globalization Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zhurylo V.

Features of a modern stage of the European tourist market development are considered and internal and external factors influencing formation of market behavior of consumers are analyzed. Development of the international tourism market largely depends on economic integration and globalization processes, improving the welfare of the population, expanding cultural ties and strengthening social interaction, demographic shifts, and socio-political stability in Europe. Under the influence of globalization and sociocultural shifts, changes in consumer preferences, transformations in the system of their motivation and market behavior significantly complicate the activities of travel companies, make them constantly monitor changes in consumer demand and find effective mechanisms for influencing market development. Analysis makes it possible to systematize the factors influencing the market behavior of consumers in the tourism industry, determine the determinants that are most influential in the process of making a consumer decision by the consumer. Based on the results of marketing research conducted in the UK tourism market, key factors of actualization and influence on consumer behavior are identified, the main reasons for acquiring tours, the directions of transformations of consumer behavior under the influence of globalization are revealed, and the hierarchy of consumer motives is compiled. Research results show that at the present stage of the functioning of the UK tourism market, the consumer is more inclined to individualize in making a purchasing decision, strives to satisfy hedonistic needs, gain new experience, develop personality and spiritual growth by studying other cultures, lifestyles and traditions. It is determined that the behavioral model of consumers illustrates the high resistance to the formation of global values and assimilation of cultures, personifies the preservation of behavioral identity and the stability of motivational elements. Understanding the market behavior of consumers under the influence of globalization in a cross-cultural context is very important from the point of view of the timely identification of transformations in behavioral consumption patterns and the development of effective marketing strategies for different segments of consumers in international markets.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Studying the European consumer behavior and motivations towards tourism service in the condition of globalization»



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12. Lehenchuk, S. F. Bukhhalterske vidobrazhennia intelektualnoho kapitalu [Text]: Thesis of PhD: 08.06.04 / S. F. Lehenchuk. -Kyiv, 2006. - 21 p.

13. Levchenko, O. P. Problemy obliku intelektualnoho kapita-lu [Text] / O. P. Levchenko // Investytsii: praktyka ta dosvid. -2009. - № 22. - P. 37-39.

14. International Accounting Standard [Electronic resource]. -Available at: \www/URL: http://eifrs.ifrs.org/eifrs/

15. Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 142. Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets [Electronic resource]. - Financial Accounting Standards Board of the Financial Accounting Foundation, June 2001. - Available at: \www/URL: http:// www.fasb.org/resources/ccurl/731/820/fas142.pdf

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Проведен анализ существующих подходов к общеэкономическому и регламентированному бухгалтерским учетом трактовок понятия гудвилла. Рассмотрены предпосылки внедрения в учетную практику и постепенного расширения использования в национальной системе учета гудвилла предприятия. Предложена модифицированная классификация гудвилла по признакам принадлежности, качественной оценки и поступления бизнес-объектов. Уточнен порядок учета положительного гудвилла и доказана целесообразность возврата к использованию в национальной системе учета отрицательного гудвилла (бедвилла).

Ключевые слова: гудвилл, бухгалтерский учет, классификация гудвилла, объединение предприятий, отрицательный гудвилл (бедвилл).

Izmaylov Yaroslav, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of International Economics, Kryvyi Rih Economic Institute, SHEI»Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman», Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected], ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4853-205X

Zhurylo V.

UDC 339.13:379.85 DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2017.98407


Розглянуто особлuвостi сучасного етапу розвитку европейського туристичного ринку та пpоаналiзовано внутршт та зовншт чинники, ят впливають на формування puнковоï пове-dirnu спожuвачiв. За результатами маркетингового долдження туристичного ринку Велиrnï Британп визначено ключовi мотивацп спожuвачiв, напрями трансформацш спожuвчоï nоведiнкu nid впливом глобалiзацiï, охарактеризовано профл цыьових сегментiв.

Kлючoвi слова: туристичний ринок, глобалiзацiя, ринкова поведтка сnожuвачiв, сnожuвчi мотивацп.

1. Introduction

Due to the enhancing processes of integration and globalization, travel services industry is becoming one of the world economy sectors, which has an important place in modern international economic relations, has the most intensive development and leads to erasing of economic and cultural borders between the countries. The development of transport infrastructure, reducing the cost and spreading air transport services, spreading information technology and communications, making one common information field which is available for the unlimited number of users, increasing material wealth, development of social programs in most developed countries - this is an uncompleted list of factors which cause the popularization of international tourism and induce to the formation of the world tourism market.

The tourism industry is one of the key sectors of the national economy in many European countries. Thus, the European tourism industry, excluding related tourism sectors of the economy (trade, transport, catering etc.) creates more than 4 % of GDP in Europe. The tourism industry and related sectors of the national economy provide employment for 12 % of the working population of the enlarged EU that creates 24 million workplaces [1]. In addition to economic benefits, tourism has a significant social impact on the lives of European society The active popularization of tourism as a social phenomenon is that it is based on satisfying constant people needs in learning the environment and in learning themselves as part of the world. The globalization of world tourism market creates intercultural dialogue between European countries and forms the basis for the formation of European identity as a single cultural and historical center.

2. The object of research and its technological audit

Today the processes of globalization affect all spheres of human activities including influence on the development of the tourist market and the formation of consumer behavior. Globalization destroys the individual characteristics of cultures, certain features of identity and homogenizes total international tourist market. The experts have noticed that consumer under globalization influence has shown a completely different behavior pattern that potentially can be universal for any geographic market. In modern scientific and practical literature in marketing field the issues of global consumer emergence and existence of global consumption patterns in the tourist market are actively discussed. Accordingly, in different tourist markets there are consumer segments with similar global profiles, motivations, attitudes and values.

Typical features of the modern period in European tourism market development include: increasing democratization of the tourism industry which contributes to the availability of travel services to mass consumers, tourism industry connectedness, increasing diversity of tourism products and services (leisure, entertainment, food, etc.), development of new tourism (e. g. ecological, extremal, educational), increasing specialization of tourism business, personalization in target consumers service, expanding communication channels with consumers. The most popular tourism destinations among tourists are developed European countries with their rich historical heritage and recreational resources.

We consider that in order to thoroughly study the characteristics of consumer behavior in the tourism market and the factors affecting it thoroughly, we should use the «Black box model» which was proposed by P. Kotler. This formal model is based on integrated approach for forming a comprehensive model of consumer behavior and it combines the cognitive and emotional aspects of consumer decision, focuses on the consumers' decision-making process. Using this model enables: firstly, to establish the way the buyer decides to purchase the tourist product; secondly, determine the factors and variables affecting consumer market behavior; thirdly, to forecast possible changes in consumer behavior and to establish the reasons that crucially affect the consumer choice and form the basis for determining the direction of market behavior of a tourist company.

3. the aim and objectives of the research

The aim of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of motivation and market consumer behavior in the European tourist market in condition of globalization process, to identify the areas of consumer behavior transformation.

To achieve this aim it is necessary to:

1. Determine the internal and external factors influencing the consumer behavior in the tourist market.

2. Investigate the variables of actualization and influence on the consumer motivation development in the European tourist market.

3. Identify the directions of motive sphere development of target consumers and propose the definition of the sphere as the structure-forming element of consumer behavior.

4. Identify the key features of modern profile target segments under globalization influence.

4. Research of existing solutions of the problem

Nowadays consumer behavior is one of the researched areas in the tourism fields. A wide range of scientists and researchers principally examined different aspects of consumer behavior considering and analyzing various concepts, models, theories and opportunities in tourist markets. Conventionally, all studies in this field can be divided into three groups. The first group includes studies where the authors focus on the influence of external environmental factors (mainly cultural environment and globalization process) on consumer behavior in tourism. For example, American scientists [2] have thoroughly studied all the aspects of cultural influence on tourism sector development: cultural theories and practices, cultural differences and variability, cultural influence on intercultural communication and on social interaction, tourism impacts on culture etc. In international tourism sector researchers are studying how national cultures of tourists and hosts influence their social behavior, why tourists and hosts behave the way they do, finding out the cultural factors that prevent the promotion of international tourism product. The second group forms studies where the researchers principally examine the internal factors determining the consumer behavior. Such authors as Dimanche & Havitz [3], Pike [4], Lopez-Mosquera & Sancher [5] should be noted. The researchers have established a direct link between consumer values and their behavioral intention. Numerous studies are devoted to the consideration the specific features of consumer motives in different niche markets. Among them we should distinguish motivation researches in cuisine tourism (White & Thompson [6], rural tourism [7], adventure tourism [8], Kerstetter [9], and culture tourism [10]). Third group of studies presents the works where consumers are viewed as rational decision-makers. Such scientists as Decrop [11], Mathienson & Wall [12], Smallman & Hoore [13] consider consumer underpinning by the assumption of rational decision-making as a person who solves the problem carefully weighing and evaluating all attributes of the destination. However, it should be emphasized that this approach has recently been criticized by most researchers substantially.

5. Methods of research

While conducting the research such scientific methods as method of logical analysis and synthesis, comparative method, grouping method and method of analogy have been used. System thinking method and structural method were used to define the consumer behavior determinants, their grouping, building the hierarchy of main motives of British consumers of tourist services, forming the consumer typology and profiles. Sample survey of target consumers became an important part of the conducted research. To form the structure of the selection the method of non-random selection was applied, which is represented by a selection quoted by such criteria as gender, age, occupation, income level, geographic location of the respondents, frequency and duration of travel. In order to process the data received in the result of marketing research mathematical and analytical methods have been used.

Collection of primary marketing information was held via social networks by filling in the questionnaire by re-



spondents in google.docs format. 178 respondents participated in a sample survey, to ensure the representativeness of survey the respondents were taken from different age groups, social classes and geographic regions of the UK and others. Table 1, Table 2 present the main characteristics of respondents and data about the frequency and about average travel duration.

Table 1


Measure Items Percentage

Age - Under 16 - 16-24 - 25-40 - 41-54 - Over 55 8 % 24 % 28 % 16 % 24 %

Occupation - High scheel/University/Graduate scheel - Office werker - Manager - Freelancer - Heusewife - Pensiener - Unempleyed 14 % 22 % 10 % 12 % 16 % 20 % 6 %

Geographical location - England - Wales - Scetland 14 % 48 % 38 %

Income per month - Till 700 peunds - 700-1200 peunds - 1200-2500 peunds - Mere than 2.500 peunds - Lack their ewn seurces ef inceme 8 % 18 % 18 % 34 % 22 %

Gender - Male - Female 58 % 42 %

Note: author's calculations according ta primary marketing information.

Table 2

Summary ef Measurement Items

Measure Items Percentage

Frequency ef travelling - several times a month - once a month - several times a year - once a year - rarely 18 % 22 % 34 % 12 % 14 %

The average duration ef travelling - 1-2 days - 3-6 days - 7-10 days - 11-14 days - more than 14 days 18 % 22 % 32 % 16 % 12 %

note: author's calculations according to primary marketing information.

6. Research results

The market behavior of consumers on the tourist market as in any consumer market is determined by internal instinctual forces, by incentives of external environment, personal and cognitive determinants. Generally, all factors of influence on the customers can be divided into two groups: external and individual. The external factors that create basis for the forming the demand on the tourism market and influence on the consumer behavior are derived mainly from the economic, demographic, political, socio-cultural, technological environments.

Scientists differentiate such external factors influence the development of international tourism market as [2, 14]: - climatic (natural and environmental resources, tech-nogenic factors, water quality, noise, air quality, etc.);

- political (globalization, military conflicts, visa formalities, etc.);

- socio-economic (demography, employment, cash incomes, cost of living, purchasing power, investment);

- cultural and historical factors.

From the external variables the more important feature for considering is globalization because its effects are reflected in all other components of the environment. The influence of globalization on tourism area is significant and it has taken many forms. For example, in the transportation sector the globalization has led to airline consolidation at the national level, to the formation of international alliances, joint ventures between airline companies and equipment manufactures. In the accommodation sector globalization has affected hotel cooperation, franchising, and international hotels. The main external factors of mainstreaming of consumer motivations on the tourist market is also a marketing mix (marketing efforts) of the travel agencies which affects all stages of the making purchasing decision process. Fig. 1 presents the factors influencing the market behavior of consumers and their variables.

There is substantial consumer choice dependent on psychological factors of personality and its individual features. Considering the individual factors of impact, we should focus on psychological factors and personal features of end-consumer, which affect the nature of consumption. Systematization of the factors is the most common and is the most often applied which implies their division into socio-demographic and psychological behavioral characteristics of the consumer, where the factor of its material well-being is crucial. The main factors of consumer segmentation in the tourist market include: the availability of free time, age, gender, income level, education, occupation, identity in a particular race, lifestyle. These factors determine the consumers' behavior in tourism services; they also affect the motivation of their trip and choice of travel company type and kind, travel frequency, etc. However, we can note that since the mid-20th century in the socio-economic population behavior of leading countries there were major shifts which caused significant changes in the socio-economic and political sphere. As a result, in developed countries a new type of mass consumer in tourist services was formed, which has the following psychological and behavioral characteristics: awareness and high level of education, individualism, demands for comfort and quality, «envi-ronmentalism» consciousness, mobility and spontaneity in decision making, physical and mental activity during vacation, the ambition for immediate satisfaction of their desires (Fig. 1).

Taking into consideration that fact that European countries differ in the level of development of political, legal and economic sphere, in culture, mentality, geographic location and climate that influence their citizens' consumer behavior directly, we decided to research the influence of the external factors on consumer behavior of tourists in the case of British consumers. The reason for this choice is that the British are the most tou-ristically active European nation and are characterized by their specific features. Moreover, their country is rated as one of the most attractive and visited European countries.

Socio-cultural factors The extension of cultural bonds ■ New cultural orientation; Cross-

■ Enhancement of social interaction;

■ Culture assimilation;

■ Forming global values;

■ Blurring of the boundary between work and rest;

cultural issues in emerging markets;

■ Imitation of Western culture (in developing countries);

■ Culture diversity;

■ Ethical consumption;

■ Generation Y

Political factors Powerful geopolitical pressure;

Political instability in many


Military conflicts;

Terrorist threat;

Lower border-entry hurdles


The level of total technologies in society; Developing social media; The increasing inter-connectivity in information and communication areas; Easier access to information technology;

Technological variety of satisfying tourist needs;

Standardized technologies in transport segments;

Lower-cost transportation

Economicalfactors Demographic factors Marketing efforts

■ Economic integration processes; ■ Demographic shifts; ■ product policy;

■ Globalization processes; ■ The increasing of life expectancy; ■ price policy;

■ Word economy failing off; ■ Migratory flows; ■ distribution

■ High level ofmarket competition; ■ Single people/lone travelers; channels;

■ Growing welfare; ■ Life activity of people with ■ promotion

■ Rise in revenue; temporary impediments;

■ Great potential of developing ■ Responsibility for one's own

countries health and well-being


Personal characteristics

Demographic (age, gender, marital status, stage of life); Economic (income, spending patterns, employment); Social (social status), Cultural (norms, customs, lifestyle)

Available resources

finance; information; time; other

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Psychological characteristics

Self-concept and personality

- venturesomeness;

- extroversion;

- neuroticism;

- sensation-seeking (real/ideal self-image, social self-image)


are formed through:

- previous experience;

- personal (word-of-mouth) and non-personal communication sources;

- personal characteristics;

- attitudes and motivations

Travel motivation Perceptions (topic of issues) Satisfaction Values

- novelty seeking; - destination image; (determinants) - personal;

- escape/relaxation; - perceived service quality; - perceived value; - culture;

- kinship/relationship - perceptions of risk and safety; - service quality; - social

enhancement; - perceptions of crime, terrorism - tourist-staff

- drive for better life; and disease; relationship;

- self-development - perceptions of medical tourism - tourist- tourist

across differing national cultures interaction;

Fig. 1. Factors influencing consumer behavior in tourist market. Note: compiled by the author

The study researched that the most of respondents travel for vacations to countries which have access to the sea and hot climate. This feature is predictable due to the cold climate in Great Britain and explains consumer desire to relax in a comfortable climatic environment. The second most significant factor that motivates people to travel is the interest in cultural life of other countries, which indicate the desire to meet the spiritual and aesthetic needs. Table 3 shows the confidence intervals for each respondent goal of the tourist trip.

Results of the research showed that most respondents have conservative views on the choice of a tourist route, giving preference to travel deals that are tested on their own experience or on the experience of their friends. To prioritize the different needs of British tourists and identify key factors influencing the formation of their decision to purchase the tourist offer, the respondents were asked to identify priority for motives when they decide to pur-

chase the tour (Fig. 2 shows the hierarchy of motives choice of tourism product, which is made by the results of respondents). Thus, the main motivation to implement the tourist travel for people in the UK is striving to enjoy a beach vacation and to gain new experiences, which is caused by population emotional exhaustion due to the conventionalism of life, «cold» mentality, conservatism and predictability of British people. The consumer interest level in testing the national cuisine abroad is quite high. This is due to the fact that most Britons believe their own national cuisine is not delicious and not refined, which increases their desire to taste authentic Italian, French, Indian, Japanese and other cuisines. In addition, not less important impetus to the implementation of the trip for respondents is the desire to satisfy their spiritual and intellectual needs through learning the other cultures, ways of life and traditions (Fig. 2).

Decisive role in choosing a particular tour operator by customers is played by their own experience of successful previous cooperation with an operator and advice of friends, acquaintances and reference groups. Results of the study showed that Britons rely heavily on the opinions of others. Among the key factors influencing the choice of travel company there were determined such factors as (factors provided in the hierarchy of importance to respondents): positive experience of cooperation; recommendations of friends; the company's image and its popularization rate; consumer reviews on forums and sites; advertising in the media. It is noteworthy that UK residents will learn about the tourist offers from three key sources: Internet (this is due to the fact that the country has one of the highest levels in the world of penetration of Global network - more than 90 %), outdoor advertising media and from friends and acquaintances (due to the fact that the conservative British society is characterized by high role of personal recommendation from a narrow circle of trustees).

It is determined that interest of consumers attracted most by tour operators, which have pages in social networks and blogs (confidence interval is 32.1-35.9 % of respondents), are using innovative advertising technologies (confidence interval is 22.1-25.9 % of respondents), sponsoring large-scale, social and cultural events (confidence interval is 16.1-19.9 % of respondents), and attracting famous public figures to advertising (confidence interval

Attitudes (range of issues)

- post trip attitude change towards hosts;

- attitudinal differences towards complaining across hotel customers of different nationalities

- anti-tourist attitudes among self-identified travellers;

- cross-cultural female evaluations of textile products



is 16.1-19.9 % of respondents). Commitment of customers to tour operators is mostly effected by promotional offers and discounts, as well as proposals to provide additional services. British consumers are indifferent to souvenirs and gifts, however, most effective element of incentive benefits are benefits offered by loyalty programs. Additional services, especially appreciated by British include translators' support; because the country's level of foreign languages is one of the lowest in Europe (knowledge of the language of international communication as the mother language doesn't stimulate the study of other languages). What is also considerably important is the opportunity to rest with pets, as the British are world-famous for their love of animals that are part of the family and the owner's pride. What's more, it's important for consumers to have services like the organization of individual excursions, the professional photo or video, leisure activities for children and mandatory entertainment services for them.

Table 3

The main purpose of the UK tourists traveling

Purpose of travel Confidence intervals, % of respondents

The wish ta rest and change of scenery 42.1-45.9 %

To visit cultural events and architectural monuments 15.1-18.9 %

To visit relatives er friends 10.1-13.9 %

To make a trip with professional business purposes 8.1-11.9 %

To relax in the countryside with interesting tourist □bjects («green tourism») 4.1 % till 7.9 %

To make a trip to treat 0.1 % till 3.9 %

To make traveling for pilgrimage 0.1 % till 2.3 %

Note: author's calculations according to primary marketing information.

Take care of thei own health and beauty

Life in a calm and comfortable environment

Get pleasure from nature beauty

Get pleasure from entertainment, sports and extreme events

1 Learn more about other cultures

Get pleasure from good food and drinks

Get new experiences and meet spiritual needs

Get pleasure from a seaside holiday

Fig. 2. The hierarchy of the main reasons of British tourists. Note: compiled by the author according ta a study

As the basis of segmenting customers on the British tourist market was used the approach proposed by marketing company Arkenford, based on applying core values of consumers and their expectations of the quality of offered services. This type of segmentation has several advantages because consumers' value are not changing significantly during their lives (or changing very slowly). This allows us to gain a deeper understanding of their behavior, as values and attitudes form needs, and accordingly, people's behavior. An additional advantage of this approach is that it also takes into account circumstances of the purchasing

decision. Consumers make decision to purchase tourism product when their expectations are consistent with the practical requirements. The priorities of consumers may vary depending on the circumstances, but the values usually remain constant. Arkenford company's model assumes the market segmentation in three groups of factors that influence the market behavior of consumers of tourism services: aspirations and expectations (value judgments that define a segment based on perception and attitude to quality); living conditions and incentives that influence choice (such as income, family life cycle stage); scenario of purchasing tourism products (for example, the benefits of the place visited, and the accommodation, the purpose of the trip, satisfaction of previous experience, etc.). Depending on the variation of each of the three elements, the following types of consumers of tourism services were offered: cosmopolitans, discoverers, traditionals, individuals, habituals, followers, high street (modern youth), style hounds. Belonging to a particular type defined by parameters such as age, gender, income, family structure and stage of family life cycle, temperament type, character, occupation, etc., Table 4 shows the profiles of target consumer groups in the UK travel market and key features of their market behavior, which are supplemented by the results of our research.

Having established the correlation between the obtained results, we were able to confirm nominated at baseline hypothesis. It was found that:

1) single young people aged 15 to 24 years, with income up to 700 pounds or without own sources of income (material dependent of parents) learn about the tours offers mainly on social networks; their buying decisions significantly impacted by various promotions, special offers, sweepstakes. They pay attention to innovative advertising technology; key choice feature is the price of the tour and travel agency image. Representatives of this segment traveling mainly to meet their needs of recreation, entertainment and knowledge;

2) married women aged 25 to 41, with children, middle managers/housewives, learn about the tours offers usually from relatives and friends, choosing tested routes, guided by the need to rest and impressions. For members of this target audience gaining additional services is important (entertainment services, organization of individual excursions, etc.);

3) unmarried men without children, aged 25 to 41, mostly traveling in business purposes or for entertainment. Learn about tours offers through online advertising, are committed to loyalty programs and willing to use the privileges granted to these programs. One of the key factors in selection of tour is availability of sports events, opportunity to do extreme sports (diving, yachting, parasailing, mountain biking), that's why their attention is attracted by companies sponsoring various sports events (football matches, car and motorcycle races, boxing championships, etc.). «Gastronomic» part of the trip, in their view, adds the advantages of the selected tour;

4) unmarried women aged 40 to 55, with children, with incomes above the average and high, traveling usually to meet needs of gaining knowledge, taking care of their health, getting pleasure. On the proposal of appropriate tours will learn mainly from friends, acquaintances, work colleagues; when choosing a tour operator pay attention to the provision of additional services - namely the orga-

nization of individual excursions, receiving a range of services for health and beauty and also leisure for children;

5) pensioners make up a significant segment of the UK tourism market. They are traveling usually to maritime countries with warm or hot climates. The purpose of the trip is visiting relatives and friends, beach recreation, treatment and satisfaction of cultural and cognitive needs, pilgrimage. On tours offers learn from the media, through

the mailing list and from friends; is actively participating in sweepstakes and contests offered by tour operators. Representatives of this target segment attach great importance to provide comfortable stay, good nature and additional services in the form of medical care, because of taking care of their health. Do not ignore opportunity to enjoy the cuisine of the country which they are going to visit.

Table 4

Modern features of consumers profiles and the characteristics of their market behavior

Consumers' profile Key features of market behavior

Cosmopolitans: - strong, active, confident personality; - prefer known brands (especially those that emphasize social status and well-being); - spend a lot of money on technological tools; - are in constant search of new sensations and impressions; - have a high intellectual level; - prone to «status consumption»; - gender: male dominated; - age: from 30 to 50 - frequent traveller; - mostly short-term travel ; - choose of travel agency affected by brand image; - the main factor selecting tour (country) is the availability of developed infrastructure and entertainment industry; - when making decisions guided by the principle - the more expensive, the better; - purpose of travel is to obtain satisfaction and new experiences; - prefer cultural-cognitive, sports, extreme, gastronomic tourism

Discoverers: - are independent in thought and action; - actively interested in innovations and unconventional suggestions; - actively carry out communication about their impressions of trips made by (in reference groups, social networks, etc.); - traveling mostly in pairs (male and female); - age: from teens to seniors - travel several times a year; - are active on special offers, promotions and discounts travel agencies; - prevailing emotional motivation when choosing a tour and rational - when choosing travel agency; - thoroughly approach to the choice of the tour and evaluate all alternative market; - purpose of travel is the desire to expand horizons; - prefer cultural-cognitive, «green» and gastronomic tourism

Traditionals: - rely solely on their own opinions; - slow to adapt to new proposals; - have a strong focus on traditional values; - appreciate personal attention and service; - adhere to family values; - traveling mainly with family; - gender: equal distribution by gender; - age: more than 35 - traveling an average of 1-2 times a year; - prefer proven routes and travel firms; - prevailing rational motivation when choosing a travel agency and tour; - high demands for quality of service; - prefer full-service

individuals: - confident, independent person; - with traditional values; - show interest to new products; - but are not tend to risk decisions; - have certain stereotypes in consumption; - tend to demonstrative consumption; - gender: male dominated; - age: over 18 years - travel several times a year; - the main criterion for selection of the tour is a value for money service; - prevailing socio-rational motivation of purchasing tour; - prefer entertainment, sports, cultural, gastronomic tourism; - while traveling often want to get a wide range of services for health and beauty (wellness for body, mind and soul); - actively participating in contemporary cultural events, attending concerts, festivals, exhibitions

Habituals: - inactive personality with established, traditional way of life; - economical in costs; - with traditional values; - resist new products that can cause changes in behavioral patterns; - appreciate peace and quiet; - gender: female dominated; - age: over 45 years - rarely travel; - prefer traditional tourist routes; - purpose of the trip is usually - visiting relatives or close friends, trip to improve health, pilgrimage purposes; - rational motivation when choosing a tour and travel agency; - cooperate with proven from experience tour operators rather long period of time

Followers: - are highly dependent on the opinions of others; - avoid risky situations; - with traditional, conservative lifestyle; - gender: female dominated; - age: over 18 years - prefer traditional tourist routes; - is likely to use the demonstration - «I'm not worse than others»; - illustrate the rational-social motivation when choosing a tour and travel agency; - prefer beach, entertainment, cultural tourism

High street: - characterized by dependence on the opinions of others; - attaches great importance to fashion and brands; - gender: equal distribution by gender; - age: 16 to 30 years - exposed to advertising and reference groups in choosing tour; - prefer low-cost travel; - is likely to use «demonstrative consumption»; - choosing a tour guided by availability of developed infrastructure and entertainment industry; - preferably choose beach, entertainment, cultural and educational tourism

Note: compiled by the author according ta a study.



7. SWOT analysis of research results

Strengths. The conducted analysis gave the opportunity to systematize the influencers on the market behavior of the tourism sphere customers, to define the variables and determinants which turn to be the most influential in the process of customer's decision making on tour purchase. Sample research of the customer in tourism market of Great Britain enabled the discovery of the main patterns of consumer behavior, determination of the factors that influence it both directly and indirectly, revealing the underlying causes of tour purchase, hierarchy construction of the consumer motives. Segmentation of the customers and profiles of the target segments that we implemented on the basis of the observation results give opportunities for the further development of the range of marketing communication means integrating each segments needs and demands.

Weaknesses. Although Europe has been the number one destination in the word, in the nearest future it is expected that travelers will prefer China and countries of the Asian region. Giving their preference to new exotic destinations customers strive to get more impressions, emotions and entertainment. The situation is complicated by the fact that in the European and especially British tourism market there is a stiff competition in providing beach, gastronomical and cultural tours. The situation is more lax in such spheres as educational, wellness and business tourism. The supply of sport, adventure tourism, ecotourism is scarcely presented, while sphere of religious tourism is on stage of its foundation and is still stays free. Therefore, to keep its unique position and strengthen its competitiveness European tourism should form unique tourism products, offer customized products, developed integrating socio-cultural and comic tendencies and combine the whole range of customers' key needs.

Opportunities. The competitive advantage of European tourism sector in global market should be based on following factors:

1) quality focusing;

2) diversification of tourism products;

3) competitive prices/reasonable rates;

4) value-added products and services;

5) customization and growing number of special offers;

6) unique character of tourism services;

7) all-round basic competence and multi-skills of tourist consultant.

The possibilities of on-line booking, developing of social media, availability of low-cost carriers, price diversification of tourist services, absence of military actions and terrorist threat, low crime level, spiritual values prevalence in the paradigm of social consciousness, high level of cultural heritage, huge sport events (e. g. football matches) and advanced cultural events (e.g. concerts, festivals, exhibitions etc.), high level of medical service will provide European tourism market with stable demand and give it more advantages.

Threats. Accelerating processes of globalization that reflects in intensive eliminating of the economic and cultural borders between the countries causes the fact that market environment factors change faster and it makes demand prognosis in tourism markets more difficult. Influenced by globalization and sociocultural progress there are changes noticed in consumer preferences, as well as transformations in their motivations in tour selection and

purchase. These tendencies complicate the activity of tour agencies significantly, as make them monitor the changes in consumer demand constantly and search for efficient mechanisms to influence the market development.

8. Conclusions

1. The market behavior of consumers on the tourist market is determined by internal instinctual forces, by incentives of external environment, personal and cognitive determinants. The external factors that create basis for the forming the demand on the tourism market derived mainly from the economic environment (economic integration and globalization processes, growing welfare, high level of market competition etc), political environment (powerful geopolitical pressure, military conflicts, terrorist threat, lower border-entry hurdles etc), demographic environment (demographic shifts, migratory flows, increasing of life expectancy, responsibility for one's own health and well-being etc), socio-cultural environment (enhancement of social interaction, culture assimilation, forming global values, blurring of the boundary between work and rest, ethical consumption etc), technological environment (developing social media, increasing inter-connectivity in information and communication areas, technological variety of satisfying tourist needs, standardized technologies in transport segments, lower-cost transportation etc). The main internal factors of mainstreaming of consumer behavior are personal characteristics (demographic, economic, social, cultural features), available resources of consumer (finance, information, time) and psychological characteristics (travel motivation, self-concept and personality, expectations, attitudes, perceptions, satisfaction, values).

2. The results of the research have shown that at present functioning of the tourist market in the UK the consumers are more prone to individualization in making purchasing decisions, seems to meet hedonistic needs (enjoy a beach vacation and test the national cuisine abroad), to gain new experiences, personal development and spiritual growth through learning the other cultures, ways of life and traditions. The factors affecting consumer motivation development are positive experience of cooperation with travel agency, recommendations of friends, the company's image and its popularization rate, consumer reviews on forums and sites, recommendations in social networks, advertising in the media.

3. Transformation of consumer preferences in the UK tourism market despite the current impact of globalization and environmental factors is insignificant. It could be assumed that a conservative trait of the British has a significant resistance to worldwide culture assimilation and forming global values, promotes preservation of behavioral identity and stability of motivational elements. Consumer preferences are being transformed from the ratioemotional aspects towards socio-emotional components.

4. The main factors of consumer segmentation in the tourist market include: the availability of free time, age, gender, income level, education, occupation, purpose of the trip, lifestyle. These factors determine the consumers' behavior in tourism services; they also affect the motivation of their trip, special travel requirements and choice of travel company type. As the basis of segmenting customers on the British tourist market was used the approach proposed by marketing company Arkenford and the following types of consumers of tourism services: cosmopolitans,



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ISSN 222Б-37В0

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discoverers, traditionals, individuals, habituals, followers, high street (modern youth), style hounds were offered. The profiles of target consumer groups and key features of their market behavior were described.


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Рассмотрены особенности современного этапа развития европейского туристического рынка и проанализированы внутренние и внешние факторы, влияющие на формирование рыночного поведения потребителей. По результатам маркетингового исследования туристического рынка Великобритании определены ключевые мотивации потребителей, направления трансформаций потребительского поведения под влиянием глобализации, охарактеризованы профили целевых сегментов.

Ключевые слова: туристический рынок, глобализация, рыночное поведение потребителей, потребительские мотивации.

Zhurylo Victoria, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and Marketing, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected], ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9533-1923

UDC 338.48 (477) DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2017.98335

Bobyl V., Martseniuk L., Hnennyi 0., Bozhok N.


Запропонована класифгкацгя вузькоколшних трансфергв та туристичних подорожей залежно вгд призначення погздки, виду рухомого складу, термту погздки та реггонгв обслуговування, яка дозволить заздалеггдь планувати необхгдну кглькгсть туристичного рухомого складу. Визначено принципи та ключовг фактори, якг впливають на розвиток туристичних перевезень по вузьким колгям. Визначено прогнознг показники туристичного потоку у Закарпатському реггонг та оч1-куваний ргчний дохгд вгд туристичних перевезень, якг будуть органгзованг по вузьким колгям.

Клпчов1 слова: вузькоколшна залгзниця, трансферт перевезення, туристичнг перевезення, туристичнг подороже, залгзничний транспорт, туристичний маршрут.

1. Introduction

The railway excursions on the narrow gauges are very popular in the world [1]. Among the successful railway tourist transportations are the following examples.

For example, in India operates a narrow gauge mountain railway Nilgiri with a length 46 kilometers, connecting

Mettupalayam and Udahanadalam. The travel takes 5 hours when going up and 3 hours when going down. Almost 46 kilometers of the railway pass through 208 turns, 16 tunnels and 250 bridges.

Another famous narrow-gauge railway in the world is the one, on which passes the tourist train «Bernina Express», the route Chur (Switzerland) - Tirano (Italy).

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