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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Bobryshev A.D., Tumin V.M., Pudov A.A.

The problem of finding ways to ensure the economic stability of industrial enterprises has remained relevant for many years due to its internal conflict between the need to stabilize the parameters of economic activity, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the need for an enterprise to leave a stable state in order to move to another qualitative and quantitative level of development. At the same time, there was no holistic methodological platform containing a procedure for finding ways to ensure the economic sustainability of enterprises in the face of ongoing changes in the external environment, which could offer a reasonable algorithm for this work from setting the task to obtaining practical results of its implementation. The well-known definitions of economic sustainability suggest that this category can be characterized by two dimensions: internal, which includes creation of conditions that can ensure an equilibrium state of the enterprise's economy, and external, which provides for the definition of business development directions in terms of its diversification and expansion. The internal dimension of economic sustainability characterizes the procedures for organizing key actions necessary for the functioning of the business, the composition of the main resources for creating and delivering value to the consumer, the range of the most important business partners, as well as the organizational culture and leadership style. Integrating the results of measures taken within the internal dimension of economic sustainability, the volume and structure of the enterprise's expenses. This article reveals the parameters of the second - external dimension, determined by modern trends in the demand for the results of production activities, under the influence of which the tasks of the enterprise are formed in terms of rethinking the composition of consumers, changing the content of key values, developing methods and channels for delivering values to consumers, establishing partnerships between suppliers and customers, as well as combinations of sources and ratios of revenue streams.

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DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2021.4(41).5-14

УДК 338.242.2

JEL L5, O2, O11, O25



A.D. Bobryshev, All-Russia Scientific and Research Institute "Center", Moscow, Russia

V.M. Tumin, Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia

A.A. Pudov, All-Russia Scientific and Research Institute "Center", Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The problem of finding ways to ensure the economic stability of industrial enterprises has remained relevant for many years due to its internal conflict between the need to stabilize the parameters of economic activity, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the need for an enterprise to leave a stable state in order to move to another qualitative and quantitative level of development. At the same time, there was no holistic methodological platform containing a procedure for finding ways to ensure the economic sustainability of enterprises in the face of ongoing changes in the external environment, which could offer a reasonable algorithm for this work from setting the task to obtaining practical results of its implementation. The well-known definitions of economic sustainability suggest that this category can be characterized by two dimensions: internal, which includes creation of conditions that can ensure an equilibrium state of the enterprise's economy, and external, which provides for the definition of business development directions in terms of its diversification and expansion. The internal dimension of economic sustainability characterizes the procedures for organizing key actions necessary for the functioning of the business, the composition of the main resources for creating and delivering value to the consumer, the range of the most important business partners, as well as the organizational culture and leadership style. Integrating the results of measures taken within the internal dimension of economic sustainability, the volume and structure of the enterprise's expenses. This article reveals the parameters of the second - external dimension, determined by modern trends in the demand for the results of production activities, under the influence of which the tasks of the enterprise are formed in terms of rethinking the composition of consumers, changing the content of key values, developing methods and channels for delivering values to consumers, establishing partnerships between suppliers and customers, as well as combinations of sources and ratios of revenue streams.

Keywords: business model, demand for industrial products, economic sustainability, sixth technological order, system limitation theory, value approach

For citation: Bobryshev A.D., Tumin V.M., and Pudov A.A. Studying the Concept of Economic Sustainability and the Modern Solutions for Its Ensuring // BENEFICIUM. 2021. Vol. 4(41). Pp. 5-14. DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2021.4(41).5-14



A.Д. Бобрышев, Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт «Центр», Москва, Россия

B.М. Тумин, Московский политехнический университет, Москва, Россия

А.А. Пудов, Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт «Центр», Москва, Россия

Аннотация. Проблема поиска способов обеспечения экономической устойчивости промышленных предприятий остается актуальной на протяжении многих лет в силу заложенного в ней внутреннего конфликта между потребностью стабилизации параметров хозяйственной деятельности, с одной стороны, и необходимостью выхода предприятия из стабильного состояния в целях перехода на иной качественный и количественный уровень развития, - с другой. В то же время пока отсутствует целостная методическая платформа, содержащая процедуру поиска способов обеспечения экономической устойчивости предприятий в условиях происходящих изменений внешней среды, способная предложить обоснованный алгоритм этой работы от постановки задачи до получения практических результатов ее реализации. Известные определения экономической устойчивости позволяют заключить, что данная категория может быть охарактеризована двумя измерениями: внутренним, которое заключается в создании условий, способных обеспечить равновесное состояние экономики предприятия, и внешним, предусматривающим определение направлений развития бизнеса в части его диверсификации и расширения. Внутреннее

измерение экономическом устойчивости характеризуют процедуры организации ключевых действий, необходимых для функционирования бизнеса, состав основных ресурсов для создания и доставки ценностей потребителю, спектр важнейших партнеров по бизнесу, а также организационная культура и стиль лидерства. Интегрируют результаты мер, предпринимаемых в рамках внутреннего измерения экономической устойчивости, объемы и структура расходов предприятия. В настоящей статье раскрываются параметры второго - внешнего измерения, определяемые современными тенденциями изменения спроса на результаты производственной деятельности, под влиянием которых формируются задачи предприятия в части переосмысления состава потребителей, изменения содержания ключевых ценностей, развития способов и каналов доставки ценностей потребителям, установления партнерских отношений поставщиков и заказчиков, а также комбинирования источников и соотношения потоков доходов.

Ключевые слова: бизнес-модель, спрос на промышленную продукцию, экономическая устойчивость, шестой технологический уклад, теория ограничений систем, ценностный подход

Для цитирования: Bobryshev A.D., Tumin V.M., and Pudov A.A. Studying the Concept of Economic Sustainability and the Modern Solutions for Its Ensuring // BENEFICIUM. 2021. Vol. 4(41). Pp. 5-14. (На англ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2021.4(41).5-14

With the socio-economic and scientific-technological development of Russia, following in the wake of global trends, significant changes affect the goals of industrial enterprises and the means of achieving them. Today, it is already becoming insufficient to formulate the problem of finding opportunities to maximize profits by intensifying the factors of production due to changes in the very nature of production activity. The emergence of previously unknown high-performance technologies (artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, augmented and virtual reality, unmanned vehicles, the Internet of things, blockchain, "green hydrogen", quantum computing, etc.), an objective increase in the qualifications of workers reduces the importance of the traditional material and technical component of industrial production in favor of its intellectual component, requires new business models, the search for new sources and organizational forms to ensure the economic sustainability of enterprises. In this regard, such categories as "network organization", "outsourcing", "technology platform", "consortium", "product life cycle" and others like them are gradually replacing the traditional problems of ways to ensure the economic sustainability of an enterprise (in a broad sense - a firm) - a recognized institution for saving transaction costs of market agents.

At the same time, the scientific and methodological apparatus for ensuring sustainable economic development of industrial enterprises continues to operate with outdated approaches and tools that do not take into account modern trends in changing the object and subject of its application. Recommendations on the composition and methods of assessing factors are multiplying, the impact on which allows, according to the authors, to more fully characterize the dynamics of the economic stability of the enterprise. Attempts are being made to build a hierarchy of these factors by assigning appropriate weights to various indicators of sustainability components. Disaggregated solutions are proposed to optimize the operation of the main subsystems of

the enterprise, which have a local impact on the process under study. However, to date, there is no integral methodological platform containing a procedure for finding ways to ensure the economic sustainability of enterprises in the conditions of the indicated changes in the external environment and capable of offering a reasonable algorithm for this work from setting the problem to obtaining practical results of its implementation. It should be noted that in the international knowledge base in terms of solving complex organizational and managerial problems, there are a number of complex methodological tools that may be useful for creating such a platform These include the concepts of 6 Sigma and Kaizen, Project Management, and Theory of Systems Constraints (TSC). The methodological toolkit of TSC corresponds most fully to this task, containing an algorithm for finding and eliminating the limitations of solving complex scientific, technical and organizational and managerial tasks, which, undoubtedly, include ensuring the economic sustainability of industrial enterprises.

Despite the wide variety of opinions of scientists and specialists as to what constitutes the economic sustainability of an enterprise (for example, [1-5]), the normative consolidation of this term in any federal law, decree of the President of the Russian Federation or in a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, was not yet received. The only definition that makes it possible to understand the meaning that one of the federal executive authorities (Rosstandart) puts into the concept of economic sustainability is contained in GOST R 54598.2-2013 "Management of an organization. Requirements for a sustainable development management system in relation to events", which states that "economic sustainability is the ability of a system (enterprise, organization) to maintain a certain (predetermined) level of achieving goals in the context of dynamic transformations in the business environment" [6]. Unfortunately, this document, like many others in the field of standardization, is a copy of the British standard BS 8901:2009 "Specification for a

sustainability management system for events" of the same name, is based on the traditions of drawing up foreign standards and does not add clarity about what exactly is economic sustainability, on what it depends and what measures should be taken to ensure its preservation and development.

Meanwhile, only after obtaining a qualified answer to these questions, it becomes possible to determine the key measures that should be taken by the enterprise, by means of analytical procedures, who came to the conclusion that it is necessary to adjust the development strategy in order to preserve its business. Without going into a comparative analysis of the definitions of economic sustainability, carried out many times by other researchers, we will take as a basis the somewhat corrected successful formulation of E.A. Polevsky, who writes that: "economic sustainability can be defined as the state of activity of an economic entity, when the socio-economic parameters characterizing it under any disturbances of the external and internal environment, while maintaining a stable initial equilibrium, are in a certain zone ..., the boundaries of which are taken as normative for a given time period, while dynamically developing" [7]. From this definition, two important conclusions follow regarding the fundamental features of economic stability: the first is the preservation of the initial equilibrium of socio-economic parameters in the event of disturbances in the external and internal environment of the enterprise; the second is the ability to plan the development of the zone of variation of these socio-economic parameters.

This means that the task of preserving and developing economic sustainability facing each industrial enterprise in a market economy can be solved in the case of: a) correctly determining the directions of business development in terms of its diversification and expansion (external dimension) and b) determining such economic conditions, which can provide an equilibrium state of the enterprise's economy, characterized by a certain set of parameters of the activity of its main subsystems (internal dimension).

These two well-known groups of solutions do not add anything new to the number of measures for recovery and business development, but they are factors that delimit our understanding of economic sustainability from the judgments of other authors.

There is some contradiction in the very definition of economic sustainability. On the one hand, an enterprise must ensure an equilibrium state of its parameters, i.e. do not go beyond the selected zone of their variation. But in this case, the problem of business development arises, which is impossible without disturbing the equilibrium state of the socioeconomic system. Therefore, the task of ensuring the economic sustainability of enterprises remains relevant for many decades, attracts the attention of researchers and has not yet received its final

scientific, methodological and practical solution.

Obviously, it is required to find some algorithm that would allow resolving this contradiction by providing iterative managerial influence on the main subsystems of the enterprise in the direction of business development, while maintaining control over their parameters, ensuring balance and stability. Iterativeness in this case will mean a periodic controlled withdrawal of an enterprise from a state of stability for a transition to a new level of development and stabilization of its socio-economic parameters in the intervals between such fluctuations.

Before starting to solve this problem, let us consider the current trends in the change in demand for the results of production activities and the tasks of industrial enterprises arising under their influence. Fresh ideas about the emerging demand for industrial products are formed under the influence of a number of circumstances.

Firstly, in accordance with the laws of cyclical scientific and technological development, changes are taking place in the structure of technology and technology, bringing the spread of innovations of the 6th technological order closer. Today, technical and process solutions are becoming available, in the recent past which were known only as inventions and discoveries. It is becoming customary to design new enterprises (create new assets) using robotics, bio- and nanotechnology, extensive automation and digitalization of the work of the main production and auxiliary services. The opening of a new production requires the efforts of numerous contractors, suppliers and specialized organizations, united by the activities of engineering companies. As a result, the requests for the result of their work are changing towards complexity, science intensity, adherence to time and quality parameters when creating production assets. To a large extent, in particular, this explains the significant reduction in the number of traditional design and engineering and survey organizations in Russia (from 495 units in 1992 to 11 units in 2019, that is, by 97.8% [8]), who performed only part of the work on the creation of a new facility, with the accelerated growth of the number of companies providing complex engineering services (today there are more than 1860 units of them [9]).

Secondly, taking into account the progress of science and technology, both in the production of consumer goods and in the production of industrial and technical products, the customer makes requirements for the use in the composition and in the manufacture of products of advanced scientific and technical solutions, equipment, materials, software, technical and other means, that is, the requirement that products should be science-intensive, high-performance and high-tech.

Thirdly, today the customer is no longer satisfied with simply receiving a product; the consumer is interested in a comprehensive solution to his problem, task [10]. This concept includes:

• obtaining comprehensive information about the product (service) of interest to the customer;

• in fact, a product that possesses or, better, surpasses the customer's expectations in terms of consumer properties;

• compatibility of the product with other products designed to perform tasks of similar functionality (for example, within the "smart home" concept);

• delivery of the product to the required place at a time convenient for the customer;

• situationally:

- solving related issues (insurance, leasing, lending, registration of permits, etc.);

- assembly, installation, debugging and trial operation of the product;

- provision of consumables during the life of the product;

- warranty and routine maintenance, overhaul;

- disposal of an out-of-date product;

- replacement of a retired product with a new one.

Such an expanded understanding of the needs of the modern consumer generalizes the concept of "value"or "consumer value". For example, O.I. Yudin rightly believes that recently "three areas of development have been identified that will help companies retain their market positions. 1) Offering the consumer not a product, but consumer value, in which the product is only one and often not the most important element. So, in addition to the product, many consumers value the service, brand, relationships, impressions (consumer experience), etc. In fact, we are talking about the implementation of the value approach to the formation of the idea of a company's market offer. 2) Implementation of a customer-oriented approach as the most important factor ensuring the long-term stability of the company in a highly competitive market environment. 3) Involvement in the development and implementation of customer value of partners with unique competitive advantages, and the creation of a value chain in which each process is implemented by the most competent partner. This allows one to create the most attractive value for the consumer" [11].

Fourthly, due to the increasing complexity of products, industrial production is increasingly acquiring an intersectoral (in the traditional understanding of the industry, according to the previously existing All-Russia Classifier of Economy Branches [12]) character. For example, today there is no branch of medical instrumentation, but medical equipment is produced by the branches of the military-industrial complex (MIC). Machines and mechanisms for the oil and gas industry are also produced by defense industry enterprises of MIC (aircraft engine building, shipbuilding, conventional weapons

1 Opportunism in the economy "(from Latin opportunus - convenient, profitable) is the desire of one of the contracting parties, when concluding an agreement, to formulate the terms of the

industry). Another aspect is the in-depth application of technical solutions from various industries in the creation of science-intensive civil products. As a result, diversification of the product offer by the field of application.

Fifthly, the change in the nature of products and the development of a value-based approach to solving consumer problems is making adjustments to the traditional relationship between former competitors, suppliers and consumers, giving priority to partner interaction as bringing the most significant results in comparison with the previously prevailing confrontation and opportunism.1 In domestic practice, consortia are spreading with the aim of pooling resources to solve problems of interest to its participants; the practice of harmonizing production systems and quality management systems (QMS) of suppliers and consumers has ceased to be a rarity; good results are yielded by direct interaction between the customer and the supplier in the course of creating and putting into production of new equipment. In the process of constructive cooperation, former competitors derive significant benefit from the joint exploitation of assets, participation in professional associations and associations, and a fair division of the markets of presence.

Sixthly, as the liberal euphoria caused by misconceptions about the possibility of creative cooperation in the industrial sphere with countries controlled by the United States dissipates, the realization of the need to return to the development of our own production of products, previously fragmen-tarily supplied from abroad, gradually comes. We are talking, first of all, about the products of radio electronics, machine tool building, heavy machine building and other areas of high technology. Certain types of technological equipment related to the manufacture of defense products, in principle, were not produced by the domestic industry. Therefore, another imperative that determines the demand for the products of industrial enterprises is import substitution and the development of production for the implementation of critical technologies in accordance with the List approved by the President of the Russian Federation [14].

Summarizing, the requirements and circumstances that form the demand for industrial products (services) today can be represented in the form of a diagram in Fig. 1.

Turning to the analysis of the problems of modern enterprises, the solution of which is necessary in order to meet the designated requirements, it is necessary to clarify which of the enterprises are in the focus of this study.

Undoubtedly, the first is those who work in the legal field of the Russian Federation and do not pursue goals that are prohibited or unseemly, for

agreement in such a way as to achieve advantages in relation to the partner with whom the agreement is concluded, to shift most of the costs onto it" [13].

example, such as: production of goods (provision of competitor; re-profiling of the enterprise for the ter-services) without an appropriate license; acquisition mination of production activities and lease of prem-of a business to close it in order to eliminate a ises, and others like them.

Fig. 1. Requirements and Circumstances Shaping Modern Demand for Industrial Products (Services) / Рис. 1. Требования и обстоятельства, формирующие современный спрос на промышленную продукцию (услуги)

Source: compiled by the authors / Источник: разработано авторами

Second, for obvious reasons, state-owned enterprises are of little interest in terms of finding ways to increase economic stability, of which there are about 140 units in the Russian Federation today [15]. Their characteristic feature is the possession of property on the basis of operational management rights, which implies severe restrictions on its use.

Third, the recommendations of the study can be very fragmentarily applied to enterprises in bankruptcy procedures, in which they are also

significantly limited in the disposal of property and the performance of business transactions. Some exceptions are companies that have introduced financial recovery or external management - procedures that involve the restoration of solvency. But they are vanishingly few - 0.87% of the total number of arbitration procedures in 2020 (despite the fact that in 2015 external management and financial recovery were introduced in 1.83% of cases) (Table 1) [16].

Table 1 / Таблица 1

Number of Reports on the Introduction of Procedures by Courts in Relation to Legal Entities and Peasant Farms / Количество сообщений о введении судами процедур в отношении юридических лиц и крестьянско-фермерских


Name of the Procedure / Наименование процедуры 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Declaring a debtor bankrupt and opening bankruptcy proceedings 13044 12549 13541 13117 12401 9931

Introduction of observation 10198 10487 11495 10547 10134 7775

Introduction of external management 434 372 363 278 209 150

Introduction of financial recovery 38 52 32 19 19 23

Total 25729 25476 27448 25979 24782 19899

Source: [16] / Источник: [16

Not included in the circle of enterprises for which the recommendations of this study are applicable are also non-profit organizations that do not have profit-making as their goal.

In truth, today the general idea in the domestic science of management is the thesis that the purpose of a commercial production enterprise is not to make a profit, but to meet social needs in the sphere of its specialization. Profit is just a means to achieve this goal. It seems that the declaration of such an enterprise's purpose is characteristic mainly of economists and theoretical managers, as well as the authors of such fundamental corporate documents as Reports on the sustainable development of global companies (Lukoil, Gazprom, Rosneft, Rusal, Sberbank, Norilsk Nickel and the like), focused on strengthening the international publicity of these companies.

Meanwhile, the main law governing civil law relations - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation -

continues to assert that commercial organizations (and the overwhelming majority of industrial enterprises belong to them) "pursue profit making as the main goal of their activities" [17]. All other aspirations of the enterprise act as means of achieving it. Let's leave on the conscience of Western theorists the crafty attempts to hide the true intentions of the owners and top management of corporations in capitalist countries, traditionally copied by domestic functionaries, by camouflaging them with beautiful definitions. And we will agree that not a single sane business leader in our country and abroad will engage in a unprofitable business. Therefore, the hierarchy of goals of an industrial enterprise in the existing socio-economic formation will always be a descending graph, at the head of which is profit. It makes no sense to talk about any ways to ensure economic sustainability without it.

Let us consider the set of possible tasks (means of ensuring profitability) of modern enterprises (1),

which is formed under the influence of the ones disclosed in Fig. 1 requirements and circumstances that form the modern demand for industrial products (services). That is, the tasks arising in the external dimension of the complex of measures to ensure economic sustainability.

1.1. The composition of consumers of the company's products requires rethinking. As part of solving this problem, the following options arise.

1.1a. Among the customers of industrial products, a new group of consumers is emerging, previously only fragmentarily represented on the market - engineering companies that ensure the organization of the creation of new assets. According to GOST R 57306-2016, engineering is "Engineering and consulting activities, the content of which is the solution of engineering problems associated with the creation or improvement of products, systems and/or processes" [18]. Yu.I. Seliverstov emphasizes that "The subject of engineering is not the object itself (material object, production process, business process, technical, organizational or social system, software product, etc.), but intellectual activity to create this object, the organization of interaction between the parties involved in creating an object. At the same time, the participation of an engineering company in the development (direct design) of individual elements of the object being created itself is not excluded. However, the center of gravity of engineering activity is not in the field of design, construction, construction, programming, but in the organization of design, construction, construction and programming" [19].

This feature of engineering companies imposes special requirements on partners involved in their

projects. Their main content is reduced to an exhaustively complete solution of the task at hand, compliance with the prescribed qualitative, quantitative and temporal parameters of participation in an engineering project. The degree of compliance with these requirements can either significantly expand the sales market for the company's products (services), or permanently deprive it of this opportunity to ensure economic sustainability.

1.1b. In connection with the reduction of the state defense order (SDO), there is a decrease in financing of defense industry enterprises (more than 1200 enterprises) from the state budget. To compensate for the drop in the capacity utilization of these enterprises, the Government of the Russian Federation is implementing a diversification policy, which includes a wide range of measures to support defense enterprises deploying the production of civilian and dual-use products (PCDU). In particular, one of the areas of application of the efforts of these enterprises is the national projects being implemented in Russia (Fig. 2). Participation in national projects significantly changes the structure of consumers of these enterprises, which until recently were mainly focused on the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The requirements for the products of defense enterprises are also changing. If for military products the priority is traditionally given to the achievement (provision) of the specified tactical and technical characteristics with the secondary role of the cost of this work, then for the PCDU, its other parameters come out on top, the determining one among which is the price at a certain permissible level of consumer properties.

Comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the backbone infrastructure

National project "Safe and high-quality highways"

National project "Ecology"

National project "Healthcare"

National project "Housing and Urban Environment"

National project "Education"

National project "Science"

Power and transport engineering products, building materials, special and municipal equipment

Building materials and structures, transport engineering products, road construction and municipal equipment

Products for water treatment and processing of solid municipal waste

Hospital equipment, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, laser equipment, mobile complexes

Building materials

and structures, utility equipment products, cable and electrical products

Digital solutions for the educational environment

Electronic products and smart solutions, utility technology

6.3 4.8 4.0 1.7 1.1 0.8 0.6

trillion rub. trillion rub. trillion rub. trillion rub. trillion rub. trillion rub. trillion rub.

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«« Aggregate Demand for National Projects with Approved Funding 2.2 trillion rub.

Participants' "Inclusion" Mechanisms • Selection of "in demand" measures by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia in the framework of national projects • Synchronization of demand with production plans of enterprises (3years) • Creation of working groups for the promotion of Russian equipment and the formation of a consolidated order

Fig. 2. Demand for Russian Equipment in the Framework of National Projects and Programs / Рис. 2. Спрос на российскую

технику в рамках национальных проектов и программ

Source: [20] / Источник: [20]

1.1c. The imperative of import substitution, an increase in the level of knowledge-intensiveness and manufacturability of products, and the blurring of boundaries between industries also result in industrial enterprises going beyond the usual circle of consumers. Compensation for the curtailment of supplies of foreign products of mechanical engineering, instrument making, chemical production, medical equipment and other types of products and technologies with home-made products opens up new opportunities and markets. For example, many enterprises of various orientations have begun to produce machine tools, road equipment, new materials that were not previously characteristic of them.

As in the case of defense enterprises, such innovations entail changes in the work of enterprises with new customers, present new requirements for products and the organization of production activities. Approaches to marketing research and building relationships with customers are changing significantly.

1.2. The market is making new demands on those key values that the company can offer to the consumer.

1.2a. A sustainably operating modern enterprise is not satisfied with a simple delivery of products, but provides support services for the full life cycle of a product manufactured by it, including elements disclosed within the value approach to meeting

1.3. Under the influence of modern trends in the formation of demand for industrial products, the methods and "channels" of delivering value to the consumer are changing.

1.3a. One of the main innovations in this area is the massive creation and development of networks of its own service companies engaged in supporting the products of enterprises (commissioning, warranty service, maintenance and overhaul, disposal, replacement ...). The difficulties that arose earlier with the maintenance of industrial products significantly undermined the competitiveness of domestic equipment and technologies, from simple technical household products to aviation and other defense equipment.

1.3b. New ways of promoting products related to the development of digital technologies are spreading. The seemingly positive practice of the development of chain trade and large retailers resulted in the complication of entry into the retail market for small domestic enterprises, which, compared with

customer needs (block 3, Fig. 1). In this regard, the scope of his competencies is expanding by creating opportunities for the provision of information, consulting, logistics, service and other services that were previously provided by other specialized organizations. Increasing the complexity of satisfying consumer demands today is the leading trend in the formation of key values.

A typical example. The manufacturer of graphite electrodes for metallurgy accompanies the periodic delivery of its products with a visit of a specialist equipped with special equipment to the consumer in order to determine the optimal operating modes of his steel-making furnaces using electrodes of a given batch. The goal realized in this case - to ensure the longest possible performance of the electrodes - at first glance, contradicts the supplier's logic, which usually consists in the desire to sell more. However, such a service is highly appreciated by the customer and ensures long-term cooperation with this supplier.

1.2b. The value-based approach is not yet generally accepted in the Russian industry. Therefore, even the implementation of its minimum principles can significantly increase the attractiveness of the enterprise for customers and ensure its sustainability. Understanding these principles is facilitated by a list of elements that make up the value of a product or service for the consumer (Fig. 3).

foreign competitors, did not have sufficient funds to withstand the tense conditions of interaction with retail chains. Including from here - the complete dominance of imported products in all types of consumer goods. In these conditions, the main flow of domestic products for consumer purposes was redirected to electronic trading platforms (online marketplaces, online e-commerce marketplaces [22]), the leading of which are Wildberries, Yandex Market, Google Shopping, Ozon, Avito, Yula, Gde, Blizko.ru, Tiu.ru, Price.ru and "Pulse Tsen".

1.3c. The priorities of customers in relation to the selection of suppliers are changing depending on their status. If even five years ago there was no difference between whether the supplier was a manufacturer of the products he sells or a wholesaler, today the latter either must have a long-term positive flawless business history, or the manufacturer will be preferred. By the way, today the wholesale price and the retail price practically do not differ from each other, which is gradually washing out the small

Recency Efficiency Customization "Doing One's Work"

Design Brand / Status Price Cost Reduction

Risk Reduction Accessibility Convenience / Applicability

Fig. 3. Items in the "Values" Category of a Product or Service /Рис. 3. Элементы категории «ценности» продукта или


Source: compiled by the authors based on [21] / Источник: разработано авторами с использованием [21]

wholesale link from the supply chains.

1.3d. With the development of digital technologies, there is an increase in confidence in the electronic accompanying documents for products, certified by the corresponding digital signature. The same is happening with corporate tax reporting, which is also being transferred to the digital domain. Such a transformation significantly speeds up the workflow between suppliers and consumers, saves effort and money.

1.4. Changes in the composition of consumers, key values and their delivery channels entail changes in the ways of organizing the relationship between suppliers and customers.

1.4a. The imperative of the priority of establishing partnerships between participants in supply chains is gaining increasing recognition in practice [23]. The tasks that must be solved for this include:

the conclusion of long-term agreements between the parties, defining the general principles of interaction and special conditions characteristic of specific types of transactions; extended informing of suppliers about the state of technological processes in which the products supplied by them are involved; strict adherence to payment discipline while meeting the requirement for on-time deliveries; informing suppliers about long-term plans for production; involvement of suppliers in the work of the production system of the consumer, which goes beyond simple delivery; harmonization of product quality management systems; technical audit of suppliers' production capabilities and others.

1.5. Depending on the policy chosen by the enterprise in the field of ensuring the profitability of work, the sources and the ratio of its income streams change.

Fig. 4. Tree of Tasks to Ensure Economic Stability of a Modern Industrial Enterprise - Fragment / Рис. 4. Дерево задач обеспечения экономической устойчивости современного промышленного предприятия - фрагмент

Source: compiled by the authors / Источник: разработано авторами

1.5a. Experts identify several similar sources and methods that can have a noticeable impact on the organization of the enterprise. In particular, as noted by A. Osterwalder and Y. Pigneur [21], the most traditional way to generate income is the sale of newly created assets (products). As a rule, this method is most typical for industrial enterprises. Meanwhile, given the variety of activities of modern enterprises, it does not exhaust all the options. The payment-for-use method is becoming more widespread as production facilities are created in rapidly growing technology and industrial parks that provide industrial services to their residents. They are also characterized by such a method of generating income as rent or leasing, the essence of which boils down to the transfer of temporary rights to the consumer to use an asset for a fixed fee. The method of payment for a subscription is common at enterprises providing services, and depends on their duration. An enterprise holding patents for an invention, utility model or industrial design can receive income from the sale of a license to use them. There are also sources of income that are not directly related to production activities, such as brokerage interest and advertising revenue.

1.5b. Despite the fact that the sale of products today is the most common way to generate income, depending on the industry characteristics and the nature of the enterprise's activities, the structure of income can be very diverse. For example, according to existing estimates, the ratio of the cost of finished products (cars) and spare parts in the domestic automotive industry is approximately equal, with some prevalence of spare parts. Considering that the production of the final product (assembly) of the car requires additional costs, the manufacture of spare parts is more profitable for the enterprise. Therefore, some domestic manufacturers set a lower price for the final product to ensure its competitive price and an inflated price for auto parts, receiving the main income from this type of activity. It is a well-known practice of engine builders for aviation, receiving payment from airlines for the number of flight hours of the engines they supply. The same approach is cultivated by suppliers of tires for aircraft chassis. They are paid for the number of take-offs and landings of the plane.

Thus, the set of possible tasks (means of ensuring profitability) of modern enterprises, formed under the influence of the ones disclosed in Fig. 1 requirements and circumstances that form the modern demand for industrial products (services) can be displayed as the first of the two branches of the tree of goals (objectives) to ensure economic sustainability (Fig. 4).

Shown in Fig. 4elements of the external dimension of the economic sustainability of an enterprise, which determine the creation of conditions for making a profit through the development of a business in terms of its diversification and expansion, do not

exhaust the whole variety of options for solving this problem, however, they demonstrate the essence of the authors' methodological approach to disclosing the problem under study.


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Информация об авторах / About the Authors

Артур Дмитриевич Бобрышев - д-р экон. наук, профессор; профессор, Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт «Центр», Москва, Россия / Arthur D. Bobryshev - Doctor of Economics, Professor; Professor, All-Russia Scientific and Research Institute "Center", Moscow, Russia E-mail: 3646410@mail.ru SPIN РИНЦ 7097-5172 ORCID 0000-0003-1575-5361

Валерий Максимович Тумин - д-р экон. наук, профессор; профессор, Московский политехнический университет, Москва, Россия / Valeriy M. Tumin - Doctor of Economics, Professor; Professor, Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: vm@tumin.net SPIN РИНЦ 7812-0407 ORCID 0000-0003-4651-0359

Александр Андреевич Пудов - аспирант, Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт «Центр», Москва, Россия / Alexander A. Pudov - Graduate Student, All-Russia Scientific and Research Institute "Center", Moscow, Russia E-mail: alepudov@yandex.ru

Дата поступления статьи: 9 сентября 2021 Принято решение о публикации: 20 ноября 2021

Received: September 9, 2021 Accepted: November 20, 2021

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