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Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Fan Cai

Focusing on the dissemination of red music culture under the globalization background, this paper discusses the educational significance of red music from many aspects based on the current political and economic situation. Additionally, relevant teaching strategies and communication strategies are put forward centering on the inheritance of red music culture among Chinese teenagers.

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Cai Fan

Master student at Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7121122


Focusing on the dissemination of red music culture under the globalization background, this paper discusses the educational significance of red music from many aspects based on the current political and economic situation. Additionally, relevant teaching strategies and communication strategies are put forward centering on the inheritance of red music culture among Chinese teenagers.

Keywords: Globalization; Red music culture; Education; Inheritance


Globalization is a natural outcome of the development of human society. It is a process of integration and competition among ethnic groups in different fields such as economy, trade, politics, ideology, culture and art. So far, this phenomenon has penetrated into every aspect of our social life.From China's perspective, a major historical point in the process of globalization can be traced back to the Opium War in 1840. As China was defeat in the Opium War, it was forced to open up the door. Unfortunately, under the decadent ruling environment of the Qing government at that time, the country's land and assets were gradually forced to be shared by the domineering western countries. As a result, China became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. From the colonial history of the western countries such as Britain and the United States, the form of globalization features the expansion and hegemony of the western and other capitalist countries. Until now, the global environment seems to be equal and civilized, but the concept of globalization dominated by the interests of western developed countries has always survived. Such ''Western Globalism'' has eroded the interests of many developing countries. By considering such inequality problem existing in the globalization, Han Yuan said, ''the international competition in the era of globalization has gone far beyond the traditional competition of military power, but the competition of comprehensive national strength. However, culture is essential to the composition of comprehensive national power because of its crucial strategic position[5,P2]." Culture (including art) is not only a spiritual force of a nation, but also an important strategic factor to export national values and enhance national influence. For exam-ple,western developed countries made use of the "Universal Value'' centered on capitalism to deliver a wide range of economic effects. It can be seen that the unique ''Soft Power'' of cultural products is immeasurable.

The globalization is controversial as it has brought national security threats to a certain extent while expanding human horizons. The ''Threat'' here does not only means the threat of foreign military forces, but also the control and influence of foreign information on people's values in the era when the world is connected by information technology. Historically, it has been the

unity of the Chinese nation that enabled China to overcome difficulties and obstacles. It has proven that culture enables social integration and serves as a foundation for national unity and social order. From the perspective of nationality, culture education are also the basis for the stability of the political and economic situation within a country, and convey the ideology under the political system. Furthermore, national cohesion promotes well-organized and unified movement at the critical moment. To sum up, it is very important to master the ideology.

Red music vividly reflects the red spirit. It is a culture and art that best represents the Communist values of China. Teaching students red music can achieve both artistic aesthetic education and ideological and political education. As teenagers are the focus of Chinese education and the main force to create the nation's future, it is a timely measure to spread the spirit of red music culture to them at the critical moment of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

By leveraging the power of red music culture, we can fight against the ''Value Hegemony'' of developed countries led by the United States, further enhance our discourse power in the international community, improve the negative impact on China caused by the biased rendering and reporting of western media. Only in this way, can a more equal and objective globalization pattern will be established. In addition, red music culture can be embodied in the quality education for our teenagers, making them always believe the advanced political ideology and value proposition of the Communist Party of China, and safeguard national security. Only by realizing above two aspects, the significance of red music culture can be realized globally.

When China is struggling to find its place in a foggy future, the birth of the Communist Party of China has brought light and hope to the Chinese nation, as well as a red music culture with historical memories and the Party's ideological and political propositions. Born at the moment when China was in peril, red music has followed every stage of China's development since modern times. Beyond a great ode to the Chinese nation, it is also a lasting art and spiritual food for the people. The world where globalization is advocated from multiple dimensions has considered culture and art an

indispensable topic. In the current of cultural globalization, various arts contend for attention, broadening the vision and aesthetic orientation of people worldwide. Under the time of opportunities, the education and inheritance of Chinese red music should take the ride by centering the concept of globalization, depending on the trend of national politics and economy, to develop red music education in the new era.

I.The Educational Significance of Red Music Culture

(I) Pass on National Spirit

Red music culture is of profound historical significance as it contains the historical ups and downs of the Chinese nation in the past century, and has led several generations of Chinese people to forge ahead and overcome difficulties. It carries the belief of the unity and hard work of the Chinese nation. As the epitome of historical events, it is one of the main cultural products that spread the red spirit in different times and stages. In the early days when the Communist Party of China was established, red music spread among the broad masses of the people with its strong rendering power, thus awaking our whole nation.During the Long March of the Red Army, its spread maintained the unity of the army and the people. In the War of Resistance against Japan, red music inspired the whole nation to struggle indomitable and fight for survival from desperation. During the socialist construction period after the founding of New China, it encouraged the Chinese people to perform active production for economic development. On the journey to modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it highlights the socialist core values and eulogizes the bright outlook for the new era as it always does. Undoubtedly, red music culture is indispensable for China's national revitalization.

The globalization of culture and art can unify universality and particularity. As cultures worldwide are seeking integration and innovation in conflicts, neutral culture and art is inevitable in the process of globalization. However, if a culture and art is out of balance between its nationality and cosmopolitanity, it will gradually lose its national individuality. As Kodai, a famous Hungarian music educator, said, ''the purpose of music education is to carry forward and inherit the music cultural tradition of our nation''. He believes that the best solution to promote patriotism and culture is to spread music education. Yunde said: ''among the contemporary contents of culture, those reflecting the direction of historical progress and showing the vitality of national life form the national spirit, while such national spiritual culture that shows this particular era is expected to become a milestone of the current national cul-ture[3,P7].'' The eternal truth pursued by a nation is behind the national culture. The demise of national culture leads to the demise of national spirit and the mediocrity of human thought, culture and aesthetics.

In this industrialization and globalization-based era, the country's economic level has leapt to a new stage in just a few decades. With a good national development trend, people's attention has gradually focused on the material economy and entertainment, resulting in the lack of spiritual belief. However, national belief is the centripetal force and pillar of a nation, and the

hope and motive force for a nation to trace back its history and look forward to the future. A nation without faith is a tall but crumbling building without a good foundation. All thanks to the strong unity, spirit and faith of the whole nation for a hundred years, the Communist Party of China has led the whole country to go to rise out of hard time and greatly develop the country's comprehensive strength. The red spirit as the soul of the Communist Party can help to unify the whole nation as the core force. Therefore, to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should attach great attention to educating adolescents who are lack of national faith so that they can carry forward the spirit of patriotism.

(II) Deliver aesthetic education

Aesthetic education (AE) is also known as a way to develop learners' sense of beauty. In China, AE is developed to serve for building students' socialist spiritual civilization and cultivating their beauty of mind and behavior. With AE, we can cultivate teenagers' good character and moral sentiment, and enlighten them with truth, goodness and beauty[8, P61].

Aesthetic experience is a process where we can recreate our imagination. By experience and feeling of the artistic image, audiences can form a subjective understanding in their minds. While red music is used for aesthetic education, teenagers can individually feel the emotion and story under specific historical background. This mode can drive their feeling and imagination in a better way than the oral teaching and indoctrination. As a result, the connotation of the artistic image can be more intuitive and rooted in their minds. Taking the most classic musical work Embroidered Red Flag (Xiu Hong Qi) collected in the opera Sister Jiang (Jiang Jie) as an example, this song is created based on Jiang Zhuyun's deeds of refusing to betray the Party and making glorious sacrifices when she was tortured by the Kuomintang. It describes the scene of Jiang Zhuyun and others embroidering red flags in prison to express their joy after being informed the good news of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and reflects Jiang Zhuyun's deep and firm revolutionary feelings. When learners are experiencing this song aesthetically, they feel the patriotic feeling of revolutionary martyrs represented by Jiang Zhuyun as this work has shaped the artistic image of Jiang Zhuyun martyr to move audiences with feeling in artistic works.

Because of its strong revolutionary color, red music education is easy to be regarded as a means to serve politics in a centralization and utilitarianism way. In this case, the aesthetic education function of red music itself, which is based on cultivating tough will and noble moral character, is ignored. However, red music for aesthetic education can enable teenagers to inherit the fine quality of the Chinese nation, form a correct cultural attitude in the culture and information-based globalization, and cultivate their spiritual outlook of noble righteousness and national spirit in the new era.

Cai Yuanpei, a famous educator in China, once put forward ''On Replacing Religion with Aesthetic Education''. To a certain extent, religion can influence the form and content of art and serve the purpose of ideo-

logical education. However, the development of science allows us to know the world clearly, and science has become the main basis for interpreting various phenomena in the world, thus lessening the influence of religion on human beings gradually. Indeed, foreign religions have exerted influence on China, but China does not take religion as its ideological center as always. This is because the Chinese nation has been developed with prosperous philosophy and artistic aesthetics since ancient times. For example, the great educator Confucius deeply influenced the national charm with Confucianism for thousands of years. Such continuous cultural heritage has created the spiritual integrity of the Chinese nation. Clearly, it is an incorrect stereotype in the West that China is a nation without faith. The author believes that the aesthetic education based on the Chinese nation is a good way to cultivate students' temperament and noble quality,to allow them to carry unique charm of the Chinese nation. This is also the mission of red music education.

Schiller, the great German philosopher, believed that the core idea of aesthetic education was ''to establish complete human nature''[9,P109]. If aesthetic education works to only pursue aesthetics in the perceptual sense without considering the development law of the world or to only pursue aesthetics in the rational sense for meeting the needs of the world, it will lead to separated and broken personality. In this case, it will be hard to build a society in a harmonious and orderly state. According to Schiller's aesthetic education thought, real education should seek balance and unity in the contradiction between ''Rational Needs'' and ''Perceptual Needs''. Such education can maintain social stability, promote the development of economy and science and technology, while it can cultivate students' good quality, and transfer the humanistic spirit. Red music education can drive the development in the sense of sensibility and rationality as it contains the humanistic spirit of pursuing truth, goodness and beauty and has the political significance of promoting the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, the aesthetic education of red music culture is the important factor to construct our harmonious society.

Today, the development of national economy has brought the lag of national cultural industry, and worldwide digitalization and information technology have made the cultural ecosphere more complex and diverse, where cultural schools with different values and political ideas interact with each other. This, to some extent, has an impact on the ideas of teenagers. As the great Chinese nation has always been valuing collective interests. On the contrary, the western ''Individualism'' and ''Liberalism'' brought by information globalization have run wildly in the youth group, which has contributed to forming bad values such as egoism. The belief of Chinese nation focuses on the national unity with the feelings of family and country as the core, which is based on the profound historical background of China. In the era of deepening cultural globalization, China should strengthen the aesthetic education of red music culture to guide primary and middle school students

from the ideological aspect and rebuild their faith, improve their aesthetic interest and establish a correct outlook on life.

II.Study on the Inheritance of Red Music Culture

(I) Communication Strategies

The inheritance of red music culture is the theme of literature and art in this Times. Beyond teaching red music culture in schools and units, the communication in all aspects of society is also indispensable. To spread red music culture in the society with suitable means can create a good learning setting for teenagers and stimulate their motivation to explore red music culture.

1. Communication Concepts

In terms of the traditional strategies and communication concepts of red music culture, mostly communication is a form of transmitting cultural and artistic content to the audience by "Disseminators". Such dumping-based transmission, which depends on the top-down of official institutions, is rigid without understanding the audience. It is formalism and dogmatism. As early as 2000, many local authorities have performed activities and measures to promote red culture. Clearly, such movement only shows limited effect; especially teenagers still have vague understanding of the concept of red music culture.

Functional communication strategies should be two-way, interactive, and built on respect for the audience, instead of following a arrogant and self-satisfied communication logic. Only when both sides are in an equal position can cultural transmission be truly accepted. Therefore, in terms of the communication strategies, it is necessary to observe the ideological dynamics and life of the young people, and acts appropriately to the situation, so as to get desired results.

The traditional communication mode with the official as the main body, such as relevant education policies issued by the government, reports released by the official media, and activities held by schools, has limited acceptance degree and communication scope of the masses, which easily makes the audience feel distant. However, to maximize the communication effect of red music culture in the youth group, we should never stick to the form. Naturally, the concept of ''Pan-media'' comes in. ''Pan-media'' means that in addition to using traditional mainstream media such as television, radio and newspaper, we should mobilize emerging new media platforms as carriers for communication, and establish diversified communication channels in the era of multiple communication,and build a more modern cultural ecosystem.

2. Red Music Culture and New media Communication

Nowadays, at the new stage of network technology developed, what people want is to access to information in a more real-time, convenient and intuitive way. The traditional media in spreading culture has limited efficiency, where people need to obtain the required content in a specific period and on a specific media carrier, further affecting the universality of communication. As the rise of media industry brings out a wave of related industries in China, various cultural information can be displayed and exported on broader and richer platforms.

New media has younger audience, low cost and wide dissemination, good dissemination effect and strong rendering power. Bilibili, for example, is mainly aimed at teenagers aged between 14 and 25. Based on 2021 data analysis, its average monthly active users reached 267.2 million, up 35% and 36% from the same period in 2020, respectively. Therefore, culture spread via new media platforms can be seen by teenagers in a targeted way, which is also the most acceptable communication method for teenagers.

Growing up in an era of rich material life and widespread education, teenagers have a more tolerant and open mind and hold a more respectful attitude towards different cultures and groups, as well as a curious, courageous personality. They are the mainstream who makes comments and exchanges opinions on new media platforms, and they can adapt to the setting of traffic and data well.

New media delivers such a strong traffic effect as ''Short Term'' and ''High Frequency''. In the rational use of new platforms, we should also identity the taste and interest of young group. When promoting red music culture, we should keep its original artistic characteristics while integrating the current popular elements. Only in this way can we detonate the topic and traffic among the youth group.

For instance, ''Zide Guqin Studio'' is a we-media to spread traditional Chinese classical instruments, culture and music. The planned video content allows people have excellent aesthetic experience in terms of viewing and music. Its planning team works to promote traditional Chinese musical instrument culture in a way that young people like by combining traditional music culture with modern music culture as well as western music. They use classical instruments to compose and play music that young people are familiar with, and popularize the original mysterious Chinese classical instruments. Their works published on Chinese platforms such as ''Bilibili'', ''Douyin'' and ''Weibo'', as well as foreign platforms such as ''Youtube'' have attracted plenty of young people at home and abroad, igniting their love for Chinese classical instruments. Statistically, the number of streams has exceeded 200 million in 2021.

In terms of the concept of ''Popularizing'' national traditional culture mentioned here, the author believes that such popularization within a reasonable range can better get close to the target audience. As red music culture industry lags behind, we should actively innovate and design it on the principle of respecting national culture to popularize it instead of holding a haughty and old-fashioned attitude. After all, taking red music only as ''National Cultural Heritage'' can not achieve good dissemination effect.

Logically, red music culture should be spread by using new technologies in this era. Aiming at teenagers, we should create innovative and excellent content to attract them to seek and develop red music culture and spirit in the new generation.

(II) Instructional Strategy

As schools are the most direct source for young people to access to knowledge, the basic measure to inherit red music culture is to develop education and aesthetic activities in schools. The social communication

enables the young people's learning power, which is a potential mode to cultivate their interest and aesthetic accomplishment. School teaching, as the core component of red music education, allows teachers to systematically and professionally impart red music culture. Real cultural inheritance is more than the appreciation of works and arts. Ultimately, inheritors should further explore the historical source and theoretical knowledge in culture and art. Otherwise, all of that is armchair, deviating from the purpose of ''Cultural Inheritance''. Schools, as serious teaching institutions, can organize aesthetic education activities to change teenagers' role as a participator from a bystander for the purpose of inheriting red music culture. In this regard, the author proposes relevant strategies for the teaching of red music.

In most cases, choral singing of red music is adopted as a teaching activity in schools. Such effort indeed leads teenagers to deepen their cognition of red music to a certain extent, but boring and inanimate. However, at an energetic and athletic age, teenagers have active brains biologically. The interestingness of education is the key to stimulating learning motivation. Therefore, the research by schools should focus on driving teenagers' love for red music and delivering them profound aesthetic experience.

Tao Xingzhi, an Chinese educator and thinker, once put forward that ''We should free children's minds, hands, feet, space and time, so that they can fully enjoy a free life and get real education from life''. In terms of cultural and art education, we should emancipate the body and brain of learners to allow them to integrate their soul and nature with teaching activities. In the field of music education, the famous three music teaching methods (Orffs method, Kodaly's method and Dal-croz's method) are widely used. These methods fully mobilize the sensory experience of learners so that they can truly participate in music, to inspire their souls and improve their artistic perception ability. The author holds the opinion that we can follow some excellent music education methods to teach red music to improve the teaching effect, deepen learners' understanding of music works and improve their knowledge and skills in music.

The knowledge and skills of music is complement to the cultural education of red music. On one hand, the combination of cultural education of red music and functional teaching methods can enhance young people's music knowledge and skills, which enables them to understand connotation in red music from writing level. For example, the teaching content of game methods in red music education, such as the strength training of Orffs teaching method and the body rhythm of Dal-croz, can help students to master the rhythm and stress of music, and feel the red spirit and emotion in the melody. Colvin gesture training, solfeggio training and singing training in Kodaly teaching method can improve students' sound sensation, intonation and singing ability. In this way, they can sing red music works relatively accurate and acquire cultural and music skills education.

The classroom teaching form should be flexible to avoid copying the teaching method from books without

consideration. To do so, educators should actively innovate and collect the opinions of students to satisfy their learning needs with suitable measures and constantly obtain inspiration in practice to make a progress.

In addition to improving the interest of the classroom, normative and systematic standards for the course of red music should also be developed, such as special red music textbooks for teenagers. These books should be designed with text and pictures, where the content should be matched with red music works consistent with the theoretical knowledge of music based on the progressive education principle. These books can guide the students to appreciate and learn red music, and gradually master the theoretical knowledge of music. Therefore, it satisfies practicing the curriculum standards of music education and transmitting the spirit of red music culture.

Red music culture is an integrated culture and art. After teenagers have laid a basic foundation of red music culture, teachers can organize them to create stage plays and musicals of red culture. This can empower them to exert their imagination in activities and leads them to enter the artistic world of red music culture actively.

For the purpose of inheriting red music culture, we should spread it in the social scope to reach teenagers and teach them in schools, so as to build an ecological circle of red music culture in an all-round way. The combined efforts can enhance the influence of red music culture in the youth group, deeply implanting the red spirit into their souls.


On the basis of the background of globalization and the theme of education and inheritance of red music culture, this paper explains the educational significance of red music, and gives relevant strategies for the inheritance of red music with considering the development status of The Times. As red music is of historical and educational significance, it is an important way for teenagers to review historic culture and inherit our national spirit. However, red music as a traditional culture

is very easy to be ignored by them in this ever-changing world. Therefore, under the background of economic and cultural globalization, we should enhance our consciousness on cultural security, attach great importance to the education of red music culture, and the ideology and national aesthetic education for young group, so that they can inherit the glorious belief in red music culture, and promote the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation in future.


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