STUDY OF YIELD AND DEVELOPMENT PHASES OF SESALPINIA AND WILD POMEGRANATE ON RECREATED SOILS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
Apsheron Peninsula / oil pollution / recultivation / seedlings / settlement / yield / Апшеронскии полуостров / нефтезагрязнение / рекультивация / саженцы / заселение / урожайность / Абшерон түбегі / мұнаи мен ластану / рекультивация / көшеттер / қоныстану / өнімділік

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — F.A. Sadiqov

To ensure the rational use of soils, it is necessary to carry out reclamation measures, improve the reclamation state of irrigated soils, and prevent secondary salinization. As a result of oil production in Azerbaijan, soil pollution has become widespread. To restore 10,000 hectares of oil-contaminated soils, active reclamation measures are required. The situation on the Absheron Peninsula is more critical, since as a result of not taking environmental measures, vast areas of oil-polluted lands have formed, which, when inventoried and mapped, are shown as oil-polluted lands. These oil-contaminated areas differ in the thickness and depth of occurrence of oil products. Soil bitumization also occurs during gushing and oil spills as a re-sult of extraction. To study the resistance of plants (Wild Pomegranate and Sezalpinia) to crude oil, experiments were carried out on reclaimed gray-brown sandy loam soils of the Absheron Peninsula, artificially contaminated with it. As a result of the data obtained, it was established that the development of the Wild Pomegranate on the Apsheron Peninsula, contaminated with oil products, is weak, and the yield is low. Positive results cannot be obtained on soils with separate percentages of contamination. Also, during the experiment, it was revealed that the plants of Sezalpinia are characteristic of the soils of this peninsula and they can be grown on soils contaminated with oil up to 5 %.

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Для рационального использования загрязненных земель, необходимо проведение рекультивационных и мелиоративных мероприятии с целью дальнейшего предотвращения засоления этих земель. В Азербайджане в связи с добычей нефти, 10 тысяч гектаров земель в настоящее время требуют неотложных мер по рекультивации. Ситуация создавшаяся на Абшеронском полуострове более критична, так как в результате того, что не проводились природоохранительные меры образовались обширные участки замазученных земель, которые при инвентаризации и картировании, указываются как замазученные. Эти территории отличаются по толщине и глубине залегания нефтепродуктов. Битумизация почв также происходит при фонтанировании и разливах нефти в результате добычи. Для изучения устои чивости растении (Дикий гранат и Сезальпиния) к сырой нефти поставлены опыты на рекультивированных серо-бурых супесчаных почвах Апшеронского полуострова, искусственно ею загрязненных. В результате полученных данных установлено, что развитие дикого граната на Апшеронском полуострове, загрязненном нефтепродуктами, слабое, а урожаи ность низкая. Положительные результаты не могут быть получены на почвах с отдельными процентами загрязнения. Также в ходе эксперимента выявлено, что растения Сезальпинии характерны для почв этого полуострова и их можно выращивать на почвах, загрязненных нефтью до 5 %.



CSCSTI 68.31.01

F.A. Sadiqov1


1Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of ANAS, Baku AZ1073. M. Rahima st., 5, Azerbaijan, e-mail: sadiqovferhad123@gmail.com

Abstract. To ensure the rational use of soils, it is necessary to carry out reclamation measures, improve the reclamation state of irrigated soils, and prevent secondary salinization. As a result of oil production in Azerbaijan, soil pollution has become widespread. To restore 10,000 hectares of oil-contaminated soils, active reclamation measures are required. The situation on the Absheron Peninsula is more critical, since as a result of not taking environmental measures, vast areas of oil-polluted lands have formed, which, when inventoried and mapped, are shown as oil-polluted lands. These oil-contaminated areas differ in the thickness and depth of occurrence of oil products. Soil bitumization also occurs during gushing and oil spills as a result of extraction. To study the resistance of plants (Wild Pomegranate and Sezalpinia) to crude oil, experiments were carried out on reclaimed gray-brown sandy loam soils of the Absheron Peninsula, artificially contaminated with it. As a result of the data obtained, it was established that the development of the Wild Pomegranate on the Apsheron Peninsula, contaminated with oil products, is weak, and the yield is low. Positive results cannot be obtained on soils with separate percentages of contamination. Also, during the experiment, it was revealed that the plants of Sezalpinia are characteristic of the soils of this peninsula and they can be grown on soils contaminated with oil up to 5 %.

Key words: Apsheron Peninsula, oil pollution, recultivation, seedlings, settlement, yield.


Soil pollution with oil and oil products in our country is observed mainly on the Absheron Peninsula. Soils in this region are more susceptible to anthropogenic impact. Improper exploitation of oil fields, oil production without complying with the basic requirements for environmental protection and other violations have led to the pollution of some landscape areas of the Absheron Peninsula.

The soils around the oil fields are contaminated with oil waste to varying degrees both in width and depth. About 40 % of the country's population lives on the Absheron Peninsula. Observations among the population living in oil-contaminated areas have shown the presence of certain microelements in the body - iodine, cobalt, copper, zinc, molybdenum and causes both deficiency and excess. Trace elements, including heavy metals, are major environmental pollutants.

The main task of the legislation on soil fertility is to protect the natural quali-

ties of soil fertility, increase, restore and strengthen comprehensive measures, increase soil fertility and ensure food security, cleanse the soil from pollutants, giving priority to organic farming, providing the population with ecologically clean agricultural products.

The program adopted by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 28, 2006 to improve the ecological environment in the Absheron Peninsula provides for the cleaning of oil-contaminated land, processing and disposal of other industrial and domestic waste, construction of health facilities, landscaping, etc. Therefore, the impact of oil-contaminated soils on vegetation of the Absheron peninsula, methods and technologies used in reclamation on a scientific basis are considered relevant.

Targets and goals: Methods and technologies used in amelioration on a scientific basis are considered very important in the conditions of the Absheron Peninsula to study the impact of

oil-contaminated soils of the Absheron Peninsula on vegetation

Depending on the degree of soil salinity and other factors in the areas that need to be cleaned, the main causes of pollution and ways to eliminate them should be followed. After reclamation, recommendations are given on the use of these territories.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Conducting research, analyzing the results obtained, and other questions are based on generally accepted and widely used existing methods. In solving the problem and generalizing, the method of "systems approach" was used, the accuracy, truthfulness and feasibility of the proposed theoretical discussions were based on specific research. In general, the general principles arising from the nature of the studied processes and decisions are more widely used.

Research object: The recultivated area of the 9th tier of the Bibikheibat oil and gas production department of SOCAR was selected as the object of the study. The goal is to study the resistance of woody plants to crude oil. Therefore, in the gray-brown sandy loam soils of the Apsheron Peninsula, artificial oil pollution of varying severity was carried out in pits (40 x 40 x 60) cm in size. The soils filled in the pits are isolated so that local soils around the pits do not undergo diffusion.

Oil of the upper tier (depth of 500-800 meters) was used at the NGDU section. The density of oil in this area is 0.8775 cm3.


Experiments were carried out on both the genus Punica L, which belongs to the genus Narcissus, and the plant Sezalpinia. This pomegranate plant includes 2 species. In our country, common pomegranate is more common. Considered a small tree. Resistant to drought and salinity. With a mass of 100-500 g, round in shape, the bark is light yellow and red, poorly developed, light-requiring. There are many forms of this plant, differing in bioecological and morphological features. Distributed in Central Asia, Dagestan, Eastern and Southern Caucasus. In Azerbaijan, it is more common in the Mardakan dendrological garden, in Goychay, on the basis of the Institute of Horticulture, in the landscaping of Absheron.

Indicators of carbonate and PH of soils in the section of the 9th tier on the territory of the Bibi-Heybat oil and gas production department (on loamy-sandy loam soils), table 1.

The content of carbonates and pH of soils taken in the study area are shown in table 1. The total weight of water is shown in table 2.

№. Number of cut Soil name Depth, cm CO2% CaCO3 % pH

1 Section 1 sandy loam 0-20 0.637 1,447 8.53

2 Section 2 sandy loam 0-20 0.364 0.827 8.53

3 sandy loam 20-40 0.273 0.620 8.55

4 sandy loam 40-60 1.092 2.481 8.49

5 sandy loam 60-80 3.731 8.477 8.64

6 Section 3 sandy loam 0-20 0.455 1.034 8.69

7 sandy loam 20-40 1.092 2.481 8.7

8 sandy loam 40-60 7.462 16,954 8.3

9 sandy loam 60-80 8,463 19,228 8.1

10 sandy loam 80-100 10.465 23,777 8.6

Table 1 - Indicators of carbonate and pH of soils in the section of the 9th tier on the territory of the Bibi-Heybat oil and gas production department (on sandy soils)

Table 2 - ANDanalysis of the complete water extract of the soils of the experimental site at the Bibi-Heybat oil and gas production department %

mq. ekv

Cuts Depth СОз" НСОз" ci- S04- Ca++ Mg ++ Na++K+ Dry residue % Amount of salts % Carbonate CaC03% Salinity index

C-l 0-20 no 0,015 0,25 1,115 33,00 0,976 20,32 0,112 5,60 0,043 3,50 1,023 44,47 3,300 3.294 1,447 Brackish

0-20 no 0,015 0,25 1,540 44,00 1,180 24,57 0,136 6,80 0,040 3,30 1,351 58,72 4,270 4.262 0.827 Brackish

C-2 20-40 no 0,015 0,25 1,435 41,00 1,078 22,44 0,140 7,00 0,040 3,30 1,228 53,39 3.948 3.936 0.620 Brackish

40-60 no 0,009 0,25 1,103 31,50 0,991 20,63 0,128 6,40 0,044 3,60 0,973 42,28 3.263 3.248 2.481 Brackish

60-80 no 0,015 0,25 0,718 20,50 0,626 13,03 0,104 5,20 0,024 2,00 0,611 26,58 2.105 2.098 8.477 Very strong rackish

0-20 no 0,015 0,25 0,823 23,50 1,253 26,16 0,176 8,80 0,038 3,10 0,874 38,01 3.188 3.179 1.034 Brackish

20-40 no 0,015 0,25 0.757 21.62 1,238 25,85 0,174 8,70 0,038 3,10 0,826 35,92 3,055 3.048 2.481 Brackish

C-3 40-60 no 0,018 0,30 0.428 12.22 0,278 5,81 0,034 1,70 0,009 0,70 0,366 15,93 1,140 1.133 16,954 Strong brackish

60-80 no 0,018 0,30 0.395 11.28 0,175 3,65 0,016 0,80 0,013 1,10 0,307 13,33 0.930 0.924 19,228 Medium salty

80-100 no 0,015 0,25 0.378 10.81 0,132 2,76 0,014 0,70 0,010 0,80 0,283 12,32 0.845 0.832 23,777 Medium salty

1 * # «

Figure 1 - Yield of wild pomegranate

During the growing season of the Wild Pomegranate and Sezalpinia plants, observations were made on April 8, 2019, June 22, July 31, August 21, and September 30, and records were made in Tables 3 and 4. In the control variant, the pomegranate plant had 7 fruits. The largest one weighs 100.85 grams, and the smallest one 30.48 grams. The weight of pomegranate in soil contaminated with 1% crude oil is 79.25 g, 58.91 g - 2 %, 54.47 g - 3 % and 50.12 g -4 %. was. The annual growth of plants was 27 cm in the control variant, 23 cm at 1 % pollution, 22 cm at 2 % and 5 cm at 4 % oil pollution (table 3).

Another study was carried out on the Cesalpinia plant. This locally adapted plant belongs to the legume class with 2 kernels. The development of this plant, which is also used as a medicinal plant, is considered normal, the vegetation indicators are reflected in Table 4. In the control variant, plant growth was 13 cm, 52 cm in 1 % oil-contaminated soil, 13 cm in 2 %, 36 cm in 3 % and 14 cm at 4 %. No drying or fading was observed (table 4).

The vegetation indicators of wild pomegranate in 2019 on oil-contaminated soils are presented in Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 2 - Sisolpenia seeds

Figure 3 - Sisolpenia flowers

Unlike foreign countries, Azerbaijan has not yet adopted an "allowable limit" for lands contaminated with oil and oil products. In itself, this is considered unacceptable for a country that produces large quantities of oil.

According to the norms adopted in Russia, the permissible limit for the content of oil products in the soil is 1.5 g/ kg. In this regard, taking into account the soil and climatic characteristics of the territory of Azerbaijan in a short time, it is advisable to scientifically determine the

"permissible limits" for them of oil and oil products, to substantiate the regulatory documents.

Oil contaminated soils should be cleaned to a level that is not harmful to the environment, when the degree of contamination exceeds the permissible level. Depending on the type of soil and the oil substance that pollutes it, such soils are considered contaminated if the amount of oil products in them exceeds 0.01-0.1 %. The amount of oil products in the treated soils is determined by decantation.

Table 3 - Scheme of the experiment in the conditions of gray-brown, sandy loam soils of the Absheron Peninsula, contaminated with crude oil (Bibikheibat NGDU 9th tier) Wild Pomegranate Biometrics

-a ф

! г



га w S S







ф s s s"

о л


№ Pollution Degrees Planting date Height of sunrise before the start of the experiment Dates

08IV 22V 31VII 21VIII 30 IX Height difference cm, Ra

1 Control of clean clay soil 17.III.2015 128 130 142 152 154 155 27

2 1 % oil pollution 17.III.2015 103 105 120 122 124 126 23

3 2 % oil pollution 17.III.2015 104 115 118 123 125 126 22

4 3 % oil pollution 17.III.2015 113 114 116 117 118 120 7

5 4 % oil pollution 17.III.2015 118 100 110 118 120 123 5

Table 4 - Scheme of the experiment on gray-brown loamy and sandy loam soils of the Absheron Peninsula, contaminated with crude oil and biometric parameters of the Sezalpinia plant

я о л

га о га ф Ь ф S



s »

43 о


s з s а

n3 О n3

№ Pollution Degrees Planting date Height of sunrise before the beginning of the experiment in 2018, cm Dates

08. IV 22.V 31.VII 21.VIII 30. IX Height difference cm

1 Control of clean clay soil 21.III.2015 114 116 121 124 125 127 13

2 Oil pollution-1 % 21.III.2015 78 85 88 123 128 130 52

3 Oil pollution-2 % 21.III.2015 127 115 131 112 139 140 13

4 Oil pollution-3 % 21.III.2015 102 67 101 133 135 138 36

5 Oil pollution 4 % 21.III.2015 136 106 138 146 148 150 fourteen

control; 1% 4% 2%

Figure 4 - Graph of vegetation indicators of wild pomegranate in 2019 in

oil-contaminated soils

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_ control _ 1% _2% _ 3% ■ 4%

Figure 5 - Indicators of sezalpinia in 2019 during the vegetation period in

oil-contaminated soils

CONCLUSION 1. From the experiments carried out on the Wild Pomegranate plant, it can be concluded that the development of this plant on the Absheron Peninsula is weak, and the yield is low. Positive results cannot be obtained on soils with separate percentages of contamination.

2. Experiments have shown that the plants of Sezalpinia are characteristic of the soils of the Absheron Peninsula and its development is satisfactory. This plant can be grown in soils contaminated with oil up to 5 %.


1. Aslanov G. Safarli Oil-rich soils of Azerbaijan their reclamation and development. - Baku, - 2008. - P. 193.

2. Ismailov N.M. Cleaning of oil-contaminated lands and sludge. - Baku, 2007. - P.


3. Mammadov G.Sh. Socio-economic and ecological bases of rational use of soil in Azerbaijan. - Baku Elm, 2007. 281 p.

4. Yagubov G.Sh. Genetic features of technogenically disturbed lands and ways of their reclamation. - Baku, 2003. 203 p.

TYrnH Ф.А. Садыгов1

ЦАЛПЫНА КЕЛТ1Р1ЛЕТ1Н ТОПЫРАЦТАРДА ЦЕЗАЛЬПИНИЯ МЕН ЖАБАЙЫ АНАРДЫН, 0Н1МД1Л1Г1 МЕН ДАМУ ФАЗАЛАРЫН ЗЕРТТЕУ 1Э¥ГА Топыра^тану жэне агрохимия институты, Аз.1073 Баку, М. Рагима квш.5,Эзiрбайжан, e-mail: organic-fertilizer@outlook.com Ластанган жерлердi тиiмдi паидалану Yшiн, осы жерлердщ туздануын алдын-алу ма;сатында рекультивациялы; жэне мелиорациялы; ic-шаралар жYргiзу ;ажет. ЭзiрбаИжанда мунаи eндiруге баиланысты, ;аз1рп уа;ытта 10 мыц гектар жер ;алпына келтiру бойынша шугыл шараларды ;ажет етедi. Абшерон тYбегiнде ;алыптаск;ан жагдай сын кeтермеИдi, eИткенi табигатты ;оргау шаралар жYргiзiлмегендiктен, ластанган жерлердщ ау;ымды учаскелерi паида болды, олар есепке алу жэне картага тYсiру кезiнде, ластанган жер ретiнде керсетыедь Бул аума;тар мунаи eнiмдершщ ;алыцдыгы мен жаотасу терецдтмен ерекшеленедi. Топырактыц битумдалуы мунаиды eндiру нэтижесiнде ат;ылау мен тeгiлуi кезiнде де жYредi. бймджтердщ (жабаиы анар мен цезальпиния) шик мунаига тeзiмдiлiгiн зерттеу Yшiн, жасанды тYPде ластанган Абшерон тYбеriнщ ;алпына келтiрiлген сур-;оцыр ;умда; топыра;тарында тэжiрибелер ;оиылды. Алынган мэлiметтер нэтижесшде, Абшерон тYбегiндегi мунаи eнiмдерiмен ластанган топыра;тарда жабаиы анардыц дамуы элаз жэне eнiмдiлiгi тeмен екендiгi аны;талды. Жеке ластану паиызы бар топыра;тарда оц нэтиже алу мYмкiн емес екендт кeрсетiлген. Сондаи-а;, тэжiрибе барысында цезальпиния eсiмдiктерi осы тYбектщ топыра;тарына тэн жэне оларды 5 % - га дешн мунаимен ластанган топыра;тарда eсiруге болатындыгы аны;талды.

TY^iHdi свздер: Абшерон тYбегi, мунаимен ластану, рекультивация, ^шеттер, ;оныстану, eнiмдiлiк.

РЕЗЮМЕ Ф.А. Садыгов1


НА РЕКУЛЬТИВИРУЕМЫХ ПОЧВАХ 1Институт почвоведения и Агрохимии НАНА, Аз.1073, Баку ул. М. Рагима 5, Азербайджан, e-mail: sadiqovferhad123@gmail.com Для рационального использования загрязненных земель, необходимо проведение рекультивационных и мелиоративных мероприятии с целью дальнеишего предотвращения засоления этих земель. В Азербаиджане в связи с добычеи нефти, 10 тысяч гектаров земель в настоящее время требуют неотложных мер по рекультивации. Ситуация создавшаяся на Абшеронском полуострове более критична, так как в результате того, что не проводились природоохранительные меры образовались обширные участки замазученных земель, которые при инвентаризации и картировании, указываются как замазученные. Эти территории отличаются по толщине и глубине залегания нефтепродуктов. Битумизация почв также происходит при фонтанировании и разливах нефти в результате добычи. Для изучения устоичивости растении (Дикии гранат и Сезальпиния) к сырои нефти поставлены опыты на рекультивированных серо-бурых супесчаных почвах Апшеронского полуострова, искусственно ею загрязненных. В результате полученных данных установлено, что развитие дикого граната на Апшеронском полуострове, загрязненном нефтепродуктами, слабое, а урожаиность низкая. Положительные результаты не могут быть получены на почвах с отдельными процентами загрязнения. Также в ходе эксперимента выявлено, что растения Сезальпинии характерны для почв этого полуострова и их можно выращивать на почвах, загрязненных нефтью до 5 %.

Ключевые слова: Апшеронскии полуостров, нефтезагрязнение, рекультивация, саженцы, заселение, урожаиность.

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