STUDY OF THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CHERRY PITS AND THE FORCE EXPENDED TO CRUSH IT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие технологии»

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Ключевые слова
cherry pit / knife / strength / peeling / model / steel / cherry varieties: Lyubskaya 15 and Shpanka chyornaya / вишневые косточки / нож / сила / шелушение / модель / сталь / сорта вишни: Любская 15 и Шпанка черная

Аннотация научной статьи по прочим технологиям, автор научной работы — Sharipov Nodirzhon

This article describes the physico-chemical composition of cherry pits oil based on theoretical analysis. The physical properties of cherry fruit pits were studied on the basis of experiments. On the basis of the studied physical properties, theoretical analyzes of the methods and forces involved in the process of crushing cherry pits were carried out, and a cutting method based on a new cutting method was proposed. The forces used to peel the pits of cherry varieties were studied on the basis of experiments. A method for determining the amount of force expended on the working body of the cherry pitting device based on force projection is presented. The methods of choosing material for peeling cherry fruit seeds are covered in detail.

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В этой статье на основе теоретических выводов рассмотрен физико-химический состав масла косточек плодов вишни. Физические свойства масла из косточек плодов вишни были исследованы и получены экспериментальным путем. В рамках изученных физических свойств был проведен теоретический анализ способов шелушение вишневых косточек и сил, затрачиваемых в этом процессе, также предложен новый способ шелушения, основанный срезе. Силы, которые затрачиваются на шелушение косточек у сортов вишни, были изучены на основе экспериментов. Представлен способ определения величины затрачиваемой силы на основе проекции усилия на рабочий орган устройства для шелушения косточек вишни. Подробно описаны методы выбора материала для шелушения косточек плодов вишни.


№ 8 (125)

август, 2024 г.

DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.125.8.18064


Nodirzhon Sharipov

Associate professor, Bukhara engineering technological institute, Uzbekistan, Bukhara E-mail: nodirzhons@bk. ru


Шарипов Нодиржон Замирович


Бухарский инженерно - технологический институт, Республика Узбекистан, Бухара


This article describes the physico-chemical composition of cherry pits oil based on theoretical analysis. The physical properties of cherry fruit pits were studied on the basis of experiments. On the basis of the studied physical properties, theoretical analyzes of the methods and forces involved in the process of crushing cherry pits were carried out, and a cutting method based on a new cutting method was proposed. The forces used to peel the pits of cherry varieties were studied on the basis of experiments. A method for determining the amount of force expended on the working body of the cherry pitting device based on force projection is presented. The methods of choosing material for peeling cherry fruit seeds are covered in detail.


В этой статье на основе теоретических выводов рассмотрен физико-химический состав масла косточек плодов вишни. Физические свойства масла из косточек плодов вишни были исследованы и получены экспериментальным путем. В рамках изученных физических свойств был проведен теоретический анализ способов шелушение вишневых косточек и сил, затрачиваемых в этом процессе, также предложен новый способ шелушения, основанный срезе. Силы, которые затрачиваются на шелушение косточек у сортов вишни, были изучены на основе экспериментов. Представлен способ определения величины затрачиваемой силы на основе проекции усилия на рабочий орган устройства для шелушения косточек вишни. Подробно описаны методы выбора материала для шелушения косточек плодов вишни.

Keywords: cherry pit, knife, strength, peeling, model, steel, cherry varieties: Lyubskaya 15 and Shpanka chyornaya

Ключевые слова: вишневые косточки, нож, сила, шелушение, модель, сталь, сорта вишни: Любская 15 и Шпанка черная.

Introduction. Cherry fruit (Cerasus) consists of peel, pits and seed. Kernel makes up to 15% of the grain mass. The core contains 0.8% amygdalin. Cherry oil has a yellow color, a pleasant almond smell and taste. Cherry oil is widely used not only for nutritional purposes, but also for cosmetic and cosmetic purposes. Meet in Uzbekistan Lyubskaya 15, Shpanka chyornaya, mahaleb cherry or kamxastak (Cerasus mahaleb), red cherry or chiya (toshchiya) (S. erythrocarpa Neski.) domesticated species are found in gardens, wild species are found on hills and mountain slopes [1].

On average, 4 million tons of cherry fruit are grown in the world. Turkey is the world leader in cherry

cultivation. In addition, this fruit is widely grown in the USA, China, Central Asian countries and other hot countries [2].

The Republic of Uzbekistan is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of cherry cultivation and its processing and export, producing an average of 95.000 tons of product per year [3].

From the conducted theoretical studies, it became known that the characteristics of cherry oil are similar to those of almond oil, and cherry oil can also be used in pharmaceuticals and perfumery.

The kernel fat was analyzed and presented in the table below.

Библиографическое описание: Sharipov N. STUDY OF THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CHERRY PITS AND THE FORCE EXPENDED TO CRUSH IT // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 8(125). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/18064

№ 8 (125)

aBrycr 2024 r.

Table 1.

The level of oil in the kernels of some fruit seeds

Names of fruit seeds Kernel is inclined to the core, %

Apricot kernel 20-33

Peach kernel 21-25

Plum kernel 38-50

Cherry kernel to 28

Taking into account the 28% fat content of cherries, the processing of this fruit is very difficult to strengthen [4].

In many literatures, it is noted that the properties of cherry pits oil are similar to that of bitter almond oil.

Physico-chemical properties of oils obtained from fruit seeds were analyzed. The results of the analysis are presented in the table below.

Table 2.

Physico-chemical indicators of fruit seed oils

The name of the oil Acid number, mg KON iodine number, (on the Ganusu scale),%, J2 The number of saponification, mg KON Color refraction indicator density at 20 o C g/cm3

Plum oil 5.05 109.50 190.7 1.4636 0.9188

Apricot oil 1.21 113.8 195.5 1.4727 0.9141

Cherry oil 2.5 124.3 195.6 1.4749 0.919

Peach oil 0.73 110.7 191.9 1.4719 0.9192

As can be seen from the table, the acid number of cherry oil is 2.5 which is much lower than that of plum. In addition, low temperature drying of fruit seeds has a positive effect on the low acid content of the oil obtained from raw materials.

It is one of the highest iodine-rich oils. The number of saponifications is the same as that of fruit oils.

As can be seen from the above tables, the physico-chemical properties of cherry oil are almost the same as oils obtained from the seeds of other fruits.

Mass of cl

Experimental results and discussion. In order to determine the crushing force of cherry pits, seeds of "Lyubskaya 15" and "Shpanka chyornaya" grown in 2024 were selected for physical properties research.

The study of the physical properties of cherry pits began by measuring the mass of the fruit and determining the percentage of seeds in it. The obtained results are presented in the table below.

Table 3.

fruit and pit

Cherry fruit varieties Mass of 100 fruits, g 100 wet grain mass, g

Lyubskaya 15 303.10 29.74

Shpanka chyornaya 503.64 35.66

In the production of cherry oil, the process of crushing the seeds and separating the buds is one of the important processes. One of the main factors affecting the process of grinding grains is the moisture content of raw materials. High humidity increases the deformation of the grain, which in turn has a negative effect on the process of cutting. As a result of theoretical studies, the moisture content of fruit seeds should be in the range of 10-12%. Taking this into account, the moisture content of cherry kernels was determined. According to the obtained results, it was found that the initial moisture content of Lyubskaya 15 variety of cherry pits is 35-40%, and the initial moisture content of Shpanka chyornaya variety is 33-36%.

For biting a cherry pits, the size of the seed is important, and since the shape of the cherry pits is spherical, its diameter is determined. According to this, the size of the diameter of the cherry pits

of Lyubskaya 15 variety is 2.5-5 mm, and the diameter of the Shpanka chyornaya variety is 3.5-6.5 mm. [5].

In our research, we selected the shell and impact cutting methods from the cutting methods, and the seeds hit the knife blade rather than the shell of the device. In this case, it is advisable to touch the grain shell of the working body of the machine once and bite it. The problem of stinging with a single effect method is technically difficult due to the fact that there are particles of different sizes. One way to solve this is to first calibrate (fractionate) the grains before biting them [6].

This method is a new method of stinging by impact, in which the degree of sting increases as the spikes hit the blade.

The second case is always more effective when the material is moving at an acute angle 9 to the cutting edge than when the material is moving along the cutting zone normal to the blade [7].


a) b)

a - act as normal; b - moving at an angle to the cutting blade. Figure 1. The movement of the blade and the material relative to each other

In the conducted experiments, an average force of Finding the linear force along the length of the

270-400 N was used to bite a grain of cherry. device for biting a cherry seed is done as follows [8].


> L> M f \ f \ f \ f ^ M ¡M И С

/ s

f О

Figure 2. Scheme for calculating the linear force along the length of the device for biting cherry pits

From the formula for finding the concentrated force, we find the distributed force that goes into biting the cherry pits (Fig. 2):

Q = q • I


where: Q-the day when the shadow goes to bite the seed, N, q -distributed linear forces, N, I -the length of the working part of the device, m

Based on the obtained data, it is recommended to choose knives made of St 25 and St 45 steels [9].

The results of separation of the flash of the cherry pits burned in the experimental device are presented in the table below.

Table 4.

Share of cherry pits

Cherry fruit varieties Mass of 100 dried grains, g Mass of 100 kernels, g The percentage of kernel in the total mass of dried grain,%

Lyubskaya 15 22.6 8.30 37

Shpanka chyornaya 31.2 7.9 25

Conclusion. The results of the obtained theoretical and scientific studies are recommended for the processing technology of cherry pits. The fruit of 100 cherry pits of Lyubskaya 15 variety was 303.1 g, and the total weight of the seeds was 29.74 g. Accordingly, in this variety of cherry, the share of seeds compared to the total fruit is about 10%. The kernel of this variety with

a moisture content of 10-11% was 8.3 g. In this variety of cherry fruit, the dried pith makes up 3% of the total fruit mass. It was found that the thickness of the bark of this plant is 0.8-1.2 mm.

The mass of 100 cherry fruits of the Shpanka chyornaya variety was 503.64 g, and the total mass of the seeds was 35.66 g. The share of grain compared

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• 7universum.com

август, 2024 г.

to the total weight of Shpanka chyornaya cherry fruit was 7-8%. The mass of core of this variety, whose moisture content was reduced to 10-11%, was equal to 7.9 g. Shpanka chyornaya variety cherry, the share of pith in relation to the total weight of the fruit was 1.5-2.5%. The thickness of the bark of this tree was measured

Based on this information, it is possible to choose the technological parameters of processing raw materials in the technological system for the production of cherry oil. In addition, the pressing of cherry pits from the peel has a positive effect on the quality and efficiency of the obtained oil.

to be 1-1.5 mm.


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9. Ибрагимов Р.Р. Исследование технологического процесса низкотемпературной стерилизации плодов и овощей на СВЧ поле. Universum: технические науки: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 5 (122).

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