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Mansur Rosilov
(PhD), Associate Professor, Karshi Еnginееring and Есonomiс Institutе, Rеpubliс of Uzbеkistan, Karshi E-mail: [email protected]
Росилов Мансур Сиргиевич
(PhD), доцент,
Kaршинского инженерно-экономического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Kaрши
The physicochemical propеrtiеs of zinc сЫoridе сombustion havе bееn studiеd. Thе еffесt of zinc on hydroсЫoriс aсid has bееn studiеd. Thе influеnсе of tеmpеraturе and duration of thе zinc grinding proсеss on zinс отшейте has bееn studied. The main parameters of the kinetics of zinc chloride have been determined. It was determined in what proportion zinc and hydrochloric acid react with each other.
№y4eHbi физико-химичecкиe cBofcTBa при cжигании хлорида цинка. №y4eHO влиянда цинка на шляную кюлоту. Изyчeно влиянда тeмпeратyры и продолжитeльноcти процeccа измeльчeния цинка на цинковом концeнтратe. Опрeдeлeны остовныи показатeли кинeтики хлорида цинка. Было опрeдeлeно, в какой пропорции цинк и толяная киcлота вступают во взаимную рeакцию.
Kеywords: concentrate, zinc, zinc chloride, parameter, liquid phase, degree, thermometer, monometer, hydrochloric acid solution.
Хлючевые слова: ^н^трат, цинк, хлористого цинк, парамeтр, жидкой фазa, CTerom, тeрмомeтр, маномeтр, cолянокиcлый раcтвор.
Introduction. Due to the full use of zinc-containing raw materials and the introduction of waste-free technologies, much attention is paid to the production of high-quality zinc in the world. The world's zinc production is 8 million tons per year. Of particular importance is the production of zinc-based rubber compounds, in particular zinc chloride. Zinc chloride is used as an antiseptic for filling cardboard, sleepers, dental cement components and in galvanic batteries. Therefore, it is aimed at processing ores and concentrates containing zinc and developing an effective method for producing zinc chloride based on them.
Research methodology
45% domestically produced Linux sulfide was used as a feedstock. Zinc chloride is obtained by treating zinc concentrate with 28% hydrochloric acid. The ratio of zinc to hydrochloric acid is 1:1.1. At the same time, the pressure is 17 MPa, the temperature is 80 0C. The reaction yield is 80%.
Results and discussion. The theoretical and practical foundations of the process of obtaining zinc chloride from the zinc concentrate "khondiza" are given. To this end, the effect of temperature and duration of the zinc production process in an autoclave with a solution of 28% hydrochloric acid in the ratio Zn:HCl = 1.1:1 was studied. The variable parameters are the intervals between 70, 80 and 90 and 6, 8 and 10 hours, as well as the duration of the washing process. The autoclave is equipped with a thermometer, a pressure gauge and a mechanical stirrer, and its working volume is 200 ml. The rate of absorption of zinc into the solution was determined by the amount of zinc in a rapidly soluble liquid according to the formula
C - C K = co-l .100
zinc concentrate is the degree of transformation into a liquid over a certain period of time. The results are shown in the table. 1 and figs. 1. [1].
Библиографическое описание: Rosilov M.S. STUDY OF THE KINETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROCESS OF DECOMPOSITION OF ZINC CONCENTRATE WITH HYDROCHLORIC ACID // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 4(121). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/17351
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Table 1.
Influеnсе of tеmpеraturе and duration of thе zira lеaсhing proсеss from zinс сonсеntratе
№ Timе, hour Dеgrее of еxtraсtion, %
70°C 80°C 90°C
1 1 14,37 14,80 14,94
2 2 27,18 28,00 28,28
3 3 38,45 39,60 39,99
4 4 48,55 50,00 50,50
5 5 57,87 59,60 60,18
6 6 66,23 68,20 68,78
7 7 74,00 75,80 76,40
8 8 80,43 82,30 82,88
9 9 85,00 87,5 87,80
10 10 88,33 90,01 90,48
From the table. 1 and the drawing. 1 it can be seen that an increase in the temperature of the zinc extraction process with hydrochloric acid solution does not significantly affect the extraction level. Thus, the duration of the process is 70 days for 6 hours. At a temperature of C, the degree of zinc extraction into the solution is 66.23%, 80 ° C at a temperature of 68.20% and 90 ° C at a temperature of 68.78%. It was found that the temperature rise was above 80 degrees. The duration
of the procedure has a significant effect on the level of zinc intake into the hydrochloric acid solution. The duration of the melting process is from 6 to 8 hours, and at a temperature of 70 ° C, the degree of extraction increases from 66.23% to 80.43% and 88.33%, respectively. At a temperature of 80, these values are 68.20%, 82.30% and 90.01%, at a temperature of 90, 68.72%, 82.88% and 90.48%, respectively0/« [2].
Figure 1. The degree of zinc extraction at 1-70 °C, 2-80°C and 90°C
Based on the data obtained, the reaction rate and activation energies of the process of obtaining zinc chloride from zinc concentrate using hydrochloric acid are calculated. Table 2 shows the effect of temperature
and duration of the process on the rate constant of the zinc conversion reaction from concentrate to hydrochloric acid [3].
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Tabte 2.
The effect of temperature and duration on the rate constant of zinc reaction with hydrochloric acid
Temperature, K Time (t), min. The velocity constant, Kx10-2, t -1 lgK ln1/(1-Kextraction)
343 360 0,003016 -2,52057 1,52057
480 0,003581 -2,46866 1,29159
600 0,003953 2,44599 1,06707
CpegHee 0,003217 -2,47841 1,29573
353 360 0,003183 -2,50716 1,50243
480 0,003608 -2,45273 1,24797
600 0,003838 -2,425891 1,00000
CpegHee 0,003543 -2,461927 1,25013
363 360 0,003234 -2,49026 1,49443
480 0,003678 -2,43439 1,23350
600 0,003920 2,40671 0,97864
CpegHee 0,003611 -2,44379 1,23552
It can be seen from the table that with increasing temperature, the rate constant of the reaction of zinc concentrate with hydrochloric acid also increases. This is felt in the kinetic region, where temperatures of 343 and 353 K play a dominant role, and then in the diffusion region, where the temperature is 363 K and above. The temperature has practically no effect on the reaction rate constant. In Fig. 2 and 3 show the changes in ln*1/1-Kextraction from the duration of the zinc leaching process. The linear dependence of ln*1/1-Kextraction on t indicates the course of the zinc extraction process
from zinc concentrate in the first order, as evidenced by the correlation coefficients (R2).The determination of the reaction order of the zinc extraction process was carried out according to the kinetic equation of the first order [4].
K = 2,303/r- lgC/(C - CT )
where K is the rate constant of decomposition (extraction). In our case, the formula can be represented as:
Figure 2. Dеpеndеnсе of lg K on thе duration of thеproсеss and tеmpеraturе
The rate constant of the zinc extraction reaction from the concentrate obeys the Arrhenius equation and is expressed by the following empirical equation [5].
K = 3,08546e"5 • exp(4134,64/ T)
or K = 3,08546e~
Figure 4 shows the dependence of the reaction rate constants on temperature, which is expressed in a straight line and decreases with increasing values of 1/T-103. The established values of the rate constant of the zinc extraction reaction from the concentrate were used to determine the apparent activation energy (Ea) (Table 3). The average Ea value of the process is calculated by the formula [6].
Ea = b • 4,576
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Figure 3. Dеpеndеnсе of thе vеloсity сonstant on tеmpеraturе
Depending on the temperature in the range or 2.01 and 6.09 kJ/mol, and the average value of Ea.cp.
of 343-363 K, the value of the apparent activation is 0.97 kcal/mol or 4.05 kJ/mol, respectively.
energy Ea of zinc concentrate is 0.48 and 1.45 kcal/mol
Tabh 3.
Activation energies of the reaction of zinc concentrate interaction with hydrochloric acid
Т, K 1/Т10-3 Activation energy The average value of the activation energy
Ea, kcal/mol Ea, kJ/mol Ea.cp, kcal/mol Ea.cp., kJ/mol
2 4 6 7 8 9
343 2,9 1,45 6,09
353 2,8 0,97 4,05
353 2,8 0,48 2,01
363 2,7
The activation energy indicators indicate sufficient reactivity of the zinc concentrate. These values can be used to assess the manufacturability of raw materials at chemical plants for the production of zinc salts. Thus, the calculated data of kinetic patterns confirm the reactivity of zinc concentrate during its decomposition with hydrochloric acid. Its activation energy increases with increasing temperature at a pressure of 17 atm and a norm of Zn:HCl = 1:1.1, and the constant of the concentrate reaction rate increases with increasing temperature and interaction time.
Conclusions. The processes of decomposition of zinc-containing concentrate with hydrochloric acid have been studied, optimal technological parameters of the process have been established: hydrochloric acid concentration 28%, stoichiometric norm 1:1.1, temperature 80 °C, pressure 17 Atm, process duration 10 hours, it is shown here that the degree of conversion is more than 90%.
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