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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tadevosyan Ruzanna

Economy, healthcare, higher education and science, and any other field of human activity are derived from school education. However, unlike other services, where the quality solely depends on the service provider, in the case of education, it also depends essentially on the recipient of the service, in this case, the pupils. Therefore, this research aims to reveal the general profile of pupils' behavior and the factors affecting their motivation to learn. The research has been conducted in Ararat Region among students of 9-12 grades. 379 pupils participated in the survey. As a result of the research, the factors influencing the pupils' motivation to learn, their attitude towards the subject programs, the perceptions of linking learning with the future, and their intentions to continue education in the future have been revealed.

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DOI: 10.52174/2579-2989_2022.6-81

Keywords: pupil, motivation, learn, education, teacher

Economy, healthcare, higher education and science, and any other field of human activity are derived from school education. However, unlike other services, where the quality solely depends on the service provider, in the case of education, it also depends essentially on the recipient of the service, in this case, the pupils. Therefore, this research aims to reveal the general profile of pupils' behavior and the factors affecting their motivation to learn. The research has been conducted in Ararat Region among students of 9-12 grades. 379 pupils participated in the survey. As a result of the research, the factors influencing the pupils' motivation to learn, their attitude towards the subject programs, the perceptions of linking learning with the future, and their intentions to continue education in the future have been revealed.

Different factors affect pupils' motivation, so there are different theories explaining pupils' behavior in the professional literature. Many of these theories are united by the fact of underlying the influence of emotions'. Pupils' learning is influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. An intrinsic factor of motivation is for example a person's internal drive to obtain information. An extrinsic factor is, for example, the attitude of the teacher. Some researchers (Willy Lens, Marleen Decruyenaere) find that, in general, hard-working pupils turn out to be more

' Understanding Student Motivation, Timothy L. Seifert, Educational Research, Vol. 46, No. 2, Summer 2004, https://www.researchgate.net/publica-tion/232927221_Understanding_student_motivation


Junior Researcher at ASUE "Amberd" Research Center

In 2014, she graduated from ASUE and started her PhD studies. Since 2018 she has been working at ASUE "Amberd" Research Center. In 2018-2020 she studied an MA in Agribusiness at Texas A&M University. She has attended professional training courses at various universities around the world.

https://orcid. org/0000-0003-2226-6435


12-th il"..




Respondents by grade and average performance

intrinsically motivated than students who work much less. At the same time, pupils are to an important degree extrinsically motivated2. In general, in the framework ofthis research, when compiling the questionnaire for the identification of factors affecting pupils' motivation, research and questionnaires (Academic motivation in high school students in Math, Access to school education in Armenia) of different authors (Ricarda Steinmayr, Anne F. Weidinger3, Sultan Ali R. Alkaabi, Warda Alkaabi4, Ulrich Dettweiler, Ali Unlu5, Howard, J.L., Bureau, J.S.6) have been studied (Academic motivation in high school students in Math7, Access to school education in Armenia8).

The target populations of this research are the 9-12th grade pupils of the Ararat region because a simpler questionnaire should have been developed for lower grades, but it would not include the questions that were to be studied in this research. According to the data of the Education

Management Information System, the number of 9-12th grade students in the Ararat Region is 90489, of which the drawn sample size calculated at an acceptable 5% error level by Yamane's formula10 is 379. A stratified sampling method is used to draw a representative sample according to the place of residence and according to grades. A total of 379 questionnaires were distributed to the pupils in the schools they attended, which were completed in the presence of the autor to provide clarifications if necessary. The features of the respondents according to grades and their performance at school are presented in figure 1.

Because the questionnaire contained questions about continuing education in the future, the inclusion of 9th-grade pupils in the sample on our initiative was taken smaller than the proportion, with the expectation of getting more concrete answers to those questions.

Thus, those with good grades prevail

Motivation and Demotivation in Secondary Education: Student Characteristics, Willy Lens, Marleen Decruyenaere, Volume 1, Issue 2, 1991, Pages 145-159, ISSN 0959-4752, https://doi.org/10.1016/0959-4752(91)90024-3

The Importance of Students' Motivation for Their Academic Achievement - Replicating and Extending Previous Findings, Ricarda Steinmayr, Anne F. Weidinger, Front. Psychol., 31 July 2019, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01730/full Researching Student Motivation, Sultan Ali R. Alkaabi, Warda Alkaabi, Volume 10, N 3 https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1147270.pdf Investigating the Motivational Behavior of Pupils During Outdoor Science Teaching Within Self-determination Theory, Ulrich Dettweiler, Ali UnlU, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00125

Student Motivation and Associated Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis from Self-Determination Theory. Howard, J.L., Bureau, J.S., (2021). Perspectives on Psychological Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/1745691620966789 https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/StudentMotivationInMath

Access to School Education in Armenia, Turpanjian Social Research Center, American University of Armenia (Armenian) https://www.moj.am/storage/uploads/001 .Ardir_2.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2JSeJdhlUgGA0IVq9AWBeqJY36g-HIG6BK0zGNNG6Wb-CAekpspT3oQrBc https ://re ports. e m is. a m/#/





rO iO

вот 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0%





■I 4.4V



Performance by gender


I Satisfactory

12. у v..



among the respondents, there are also not a few who have satisfactory grades - 33% of the respondents, while those with excellent grades make up only 10%. Moreover, 74% of those with excellent grades are females. The picture of distribution by gender is presented in figure 2. As indicated in the figure, only 7% of males have excellent, 44% - good grades, while the majority of them - 49% - have satisfactory grades. In general, girls study better, only 22% of them have satisfactory grades, 65% have good grades, and 15% have excellent grades.

As for the attitude towards the school, in general, about 40% of the pupils like the school, 13% do not like it, and others either have difficulty answering or have a neutral attitude (Chart 3). More than 20% of those who do not like school explained it with the teachers' bad attitude, around 17% with



How do you feel about school?

lack of motivation, more than 6% with the complexity of classes, especially STEM subjects, and others with other reasons. Moreover, there is a statistically significant association by gender, according to the results of the Chi-test (Pearson Chi-Square value-9.714, p-value-0.021<0.05). In general, there are more females who like school and 2 times fewer who do not like it than males. In this context, it is also important to distinguish the motivation to attend school from the motivation to learn. A pupil can attend school with pleasure, and love school not to gain knowledge, but, for example, to communicate with friends or for other purposes.

Also interesting is the response of the pupils regarding their desire to get a high grade (table 1). The highest and high graders together make up 67.8% of the total respondents, which almost exactly corresponds

Find it difficnit to answer Neither dislike it nor like It Dislike к hool Like school

Do you strive to get high grades?

Xniimi m Frequency *

Ye:. 1 strive to get the highe:t g racles 74 15.?

Ye:. 1 strive to cet high grade: 183 48.3

Doesn't m ¿tie r to me 65 17.2

No. I'm just trying to cet a passing grade 57 15

Totil 375 100

to the percentage(67) of excellent and good pupils. At the same time, those who strive to get only a passing grade or do not care about the grade at all, make up 32% of the pupils in total, which corresponds to the percentage of those who receive a satisfactory grade. However, 19.5% of the respondents stated that they strive to get the highest grade, while only 10% of the respondents have excellent grades. The latter can testify to the complexity of the subjects because only half of those who strive to get the highest grade succeed.

To the question about the complexity of the subjects, the majority of students answered that they are mostly simple (Figure 4), and 9.3% stated that they are completely simple, but, paradoxically, the majority of those who gave this answer are the ones who received satisfactory grades, while only 5% of those with an excellent grade stated that they are completely simple (table 2).

The reason for the above-mentioned paradox may be the fact that those with satisfactory grades often do not learn the lessons completely and daily, therefore they are not aware of whether they are simple or complex, while for example, excellent students state that the subjects not completely, but mostly are simple. It is also important to emphasize that more than a quarter of pupils

state that they are mostly complex, and 8% find them completely complex. 25% of good pupils, 15% of excellent students, and 29% of those with satisfactory grades mentioned the mostly complex option. In general, the pupils who answered mostly complex, completely complex, make up 33.3% of all pupils. Most of them noted that Algebra, Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, and Geography are especially difficult for students who choose the humanities, so they suggest diluting the topics and dividing them into several classes because the topics are often very condensed and the explanations in the books are also very complicated. At the same time, some pupils noted that if it was explained more clearly in the books, and if they did a lot of experiments during the lessons, it would be easier and more interesting to learn. Some pupils also mentioned the complexity of the Russian Language, narrative subjects, as well as the Armenian language.

As it can be seen from figure 5, in addition to the good attitude of the teacher, the desire to have a good job, the desire to enter a university in the future, the interesting conduct of classes, seeing the connection between a specific subject and its applicability in life are again key factors for 37-55% of pupils. Technical equipment of the school, love for individual subjects, parents' praise,

No. the)1 are completely complex Th^1 air: mostly complex Th^ are mostly simple Yes. they are completely simple


— 9.3





40 50 60

Are the subjects clear to you?

rO 0 rO iO

The complexity of the subjects according to grades

Are the sub

Ye:. tliev" ire They i ne They ire No. they ire

Your g rüdes it school completely 111 OStly mostly completely Total

simple sim pie com pie* com ii'lex

Excellent Count 2 31 6 0 35

% within "Your Grade ¿t scl>:-:J " 5.10% 79.50% 15.40% 0.00% 100.00%

% of Total 0.5 OSS 8.20% 1.60% 0.00% 10.40%

Good Count 16 134 53 II 214

% within "Your Grade it scliod" 7.50% 62.60% 24.80% 5.10% 100.00%

% of Total 4.30% 35.60% 14.10% 2.90% 56.90%

Satisfactory Count 17 51 36 19 123

% within "Your Grade at schod" 13.80% 41.50% 29.30% 15.40% 100.00%

% of Total 4.50% 13.60% 9.60% 5.10% 32.70%

Total Count 35 216 95 30 376

% within "Your Grade it scliod" 9.30% 57.40% 25.30% 8.00% 100.00%

% of Total 930% 57.40% 25.30% 8.00% 100.00%

and pride in themselves are important motivating factors for 15-33% of pupils. At the same time, it is important to note that the importance of these factors is somewhat different among pupils with excellent, good, and satisfactory grades (figure 6).

If we conditionally classify the above-mentioned factors into intrinsic factors (desire to have a good job, desire to enter a university later, love for certain subjects, desire to be smart and informed, importance of connection between a specific subject and its applicability in life), factors depending on

the attitude and behavior of other people (good attitude of the teacher, parents praise, teacher's praise, incentives, rewards, interesting conduct of classes) and thirdly, factors that are not classified in the mentioned groups (technical equipment of the school), then we will see that for the vast majority of the pupils with excellent grades intrinsic factors of motivation are important. Thus, in the top five factors most important by excellent pupils, the first 4 are intrinsic factors, only the 5th depends on the attitude of other people, this is the praise of parents,

Teacher's good attitude The desire to have a food job Dei ire to admit university later Interesting conducting of lessons Seeing the connection between a particular subject and its applicability in life My parents praise and being proud of me The desire to be smart and informed Love and interest in specific subjects Technical equipment of the school (e.g. computers, laboratory, etc.) Incentives. rei^rrJs ffor example. winning the best student category) Competition with other pupils and the desire to surpass them

Teachers praise Nothing

50 ICO ¡50 200

What motivates you to learn better? Please select a maximum of 3 options (a number of answers is given)

Pupils with excellent grades

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

The desire to have a food job Desire to admit unrvienity later The desire to be smart and informed Seeing the connection bemeen a particular subject and its applicability in lite My parents praise and being pnoud of me Teacher's good attitude Interealng conducting of lessons Love and interest in specific subjects Technical equipment of the school (e .g . computers, laboratory, etc.) Incentives, regards (for example. winning The best student category) Competition with other pupils and the desire to surpass them

Teacher's praise


15 15



38 38





Pupils with good grades

Teacher's good attitude The desire to have a food job Desire to admit university later Seeing the connection terne en a particular subject and its applicability in life

Interesting conducting of lessons My parents praise and being proud of me The desire to be smart and informed Love and Intérêt ill specific subjects Technical equipment of the school (e.g. computers, laboratory, etc.) Incentives, regards (for example, winning the Lest student category ) Competition with other pupils and the desire to surpass them

Teacher's praise




■ 3'}



I ~y




Pupils with satisfactory grades

Teachers good attitude Interesting conducting of lessons The desire to have a good job Seeing the connection between a particular subject and Its applicability in life My parents praise and being proud of me Desire to admit university later Love and Inteiest in specific subjects Technical equipment of the school (e.g. computers, laboratory, etc.)

The desire to l:e smart and informed Competition with other pupils and the desire to surpass them Incentives, regards (for example. winning the best student category)

Nothing Teachers praise



14 14


i !









What motivates you to learn better? Please select a maximum of 3 options (a number of answers is given)

which, by the way, is emphasized by only 38% of those with excellent grades. And the good attitude of the teacher is a motivating factor for only 36% of excellent pupils. Their motivation is mainly conditioned by the factors of connecting learning with their prosperous future (desire to enter a university later, to have a good job). The picture is slightly

different for those with good and completely different for those with satisfactory grades. In the top five of those with good grades, 3 factors are intrinsic, and 2 factors are related to other people's behavior. It is noteworthy that the good attitude of the teacher is a motivating factor for the vast majority of them (58%), although it can be

rO 0 rO iO


Physical appearance of the school (walls, windows, lighting, heating system, etc.)

Evaluaibn system CI ass roo m at mas p here Upgrade other rooms like library , labs, cafeteria, etc Co mpu ter la to rato ry Text books

■ 44 I



■ 30.1

■ 2&.8 27.4


0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0


What would you like to see improved in the school, select up to 3 options (according to the % of students who gave this answer)

noticed that having a good job in the future and entering a university are almost equally important factors. Thus, motivation for those with good grades is almost equally determined by both intrinsic and other people's, especially the teacher's attitude-conditioned factors. Meanwhile, in the case of those who have satisfactory grades, the motivation is mainly determined by the factors explained by other people's attitudes and behavior. Thus, only 2 of the top 5 factors (to have a good job later, to see the connection between a specific subject and its applicability in life) are determined by intrinsic motivations, which are emphasized by only 30-35% of those who received satisfactory grades. Meanwhile, the good attitude of the teacher is a motivating factor for 56% of those who have satisfactory grades, and the interesting conduct of classes - for 40% of them. We can conclude that those who have satisfactory grades place less importance on the connection between education and having a prosperous future, so they depend more on the motivation caused by other people's treatment.

Thus, the results of this research prove that, unlike those with excellent grades, those with satisfactory and good grades are more sensitive to the teacher's good attitude, which is the main factor influencing their motivation. In addition, for 30-40% of all students, regardless of their grades, an important motivating factor is the interesting conduct of classes, as well as seeing the connection between a specific subject and its applicability in life. The latter is the top 4

most important factor for all groups.

From Figure 6, it can also be noticed that the technical equipment of the school (for example, computers, laboratories, etc.) is an important motivating factor for only 15% of the pupils, while about 29% of the pupils were asked "what they would most like to see improved in the school?" they mentioned the library, the laboratories, 27% specifically mentioned the computer laboratory, and the majority - 44% - the gymnasium and the physical appearance of the school in general (Figure 7). It is important to emphasize that some students indicated that although they have computers at school, they are very old and need to be updated. Taking into account that pupils from different schools participated in the survey, and pupils from any school do not make up the majority, we can clearly state that almost half of the schools, according to the pupils, need improvement, starting with the physical appearance, upgrading of the laboratories.

From the above figure, it can be noticed that according to 37% of pupils, the evaluation system also needs improvement, according to 30%, the classroom atmosphere, and according to 23% the textbooks. The options suggested by the pupils are also interesting, in particular, some suggested improving teaching methods, including more experiments and practical work. According to some pupils, the attitude of teachers towards pupils should be changed, in particular, they should treat each pupil as an individual, instead of comparing them with others, trying to

Communication with classmates Gaining knowledge, learning new thing;

Cornrnunicaition with tochers Availability1 of a gym i.vai lab 11 ity of a gyrnnasi u m Internet availability

Availability of other rooms like library., laboratories, canteen etc

Sc I>:■:■! building Availability1 of computers





■ 11.3

■ II.I 7.4

7.4 6.9





Who/what do you like the most about the school, choose up to 3 options (according to the % of students who answered this question)

assimilate common skills. Almost 80% of pupils answered the question of who/what do you like most about school: communication with classmates (figure 8). 70% of students like school for gaining knowledge and learning new things, and 28% for communication with teachers.

However, it should be noted that the quality of education, accessibility, and better learning of pupils is also influenced by their social situation. In particular, 46.2% of the total respondents stated that they were sometimes absent from school to help their families (Figure 9). In addition, when we divide them according to the settlements, the problem becomes more prominent in rural areas, where more than 53% of the surveyed pupils were absent from school to help their families. In the answers of the respondents who preferred to detail the

reason for the absence, the answers of working, doing rural work, taking care of a younger brother, sister, or a sick family member prevailed.

At the same time, the analysis of survey results indicates a certain relationship between absenteeism to help the family (which is also an important characteristic of social status) and the grade received at school (Table 3).

As it can be seen from table 3, about 53% of those who received a satisfactory grade sometimes, and about 9% were frequently absent from school to help the family. Meanwhile, only 25.6% of excellent students were sometimes absent from school to help the family, and 74.4% of them were never absent for this purpose. In addition to the above table, Chi-square test results (Pearson Chi-Square value-24.290, p-val-

60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% ',0.0% 0.0%






■ Rural areas


I Urban areas Total respondents

2.6*. 4JS% 4.0% Frequen rly

Have you ever missed school to help your family (% by location)?

rO 0 rO iO

The complexity of the subjects according to grades

a at school

E532EESM Excellent 1 Good Total

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Sometimes Count 66 10 99 175

% 52.80% 25.60% 46.00% 46.20%

Never Count 48 2 9 112 185

% 38.40% 74.40% 52.10% 49.90%

Frequently Count II 0 4 15

% 8.80% 0.00% 1.90% 4.00%

Total Count 125 39 215 375

% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

ue-0.000<0.05) also prove the association between grades and missed classes because of helping family, in other words, pupils' social status and learning.

At the same time, there is a statistically significant association between school grade (performance) and pupils' perception of linking learning to future well-being (Table 4).

As it can be seen from the table, more than 74% of excellent students agree that if they study well, they will have a high-paying job in the future, about 66% of good students, and only 43% of those who get satisfactory grades agree. At the same time, more than 50% of those who answered "no" to this question, have satisfactory grades. Also, the Chi-square test (Chi-square value-23.075, p-value-0.01<0.05) results prove a statistically significant association between pupils' grades and perception about connecting learning with their future well-being.

Thus, if pupils see well-educated people more in their surroundings occupying high-paying jobs, and achieving a prosperous life, and the more they see this connection, the better they will learn. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that seeing this connection, being absent from school to do any work is due to the general historical, and socio-economic factors of the country, which are generally beyond the influence of policymakers in the field of education. Although making and sharing a social video showing that connection can have some impact.

Within the framework of this research, we also wanted to find out what percentage of pupils planned to continue their studies after school (table 5), as well as what percentage planned to become teachers.

As it can be seen from the above table, 67% of pupils are going to apply for the university admission, around 23% of them


Do you agree with the idea that if you study well, you will have a high-paying job in the future (by grades)?

Do you agree with the td*o that if you study well, you wll have a high-paying job in the future?

Your grade at school Yes No / don't know I can't answer Total I

Satisfactory Count 54 40 15 Ii 125

% 43.2% 32.% 12% 12.8% 100%

Excellent Count 25 3 3 4 39

% 74.4% 7.7% 7.7% 10.3% 100%

Good Count 141 36 17 21 215

% 65.6% 16.7% 7.9% 9.8% 100%

Total Count 224 75 35 41 375

% 55.1% 20.8% 9.2% 10.8% 100%

Are you going to enter the university after school?


Valid Percent

Yes 248 65.4 67

No 38 10 10.3

Have not decided yet 84 22.2 22.7

Total 370 97.6 100

System missing 9 2.4

Total 375 100

have not yet decided, and only 10% of them are not going to apply for any university. However, out of that 90% or 302 people who are potential applicants for the university, 10 pupils are going to apply for the Armenian State Pedagogical University After Khachatur Abovyan (table 6), but only 6 of them are going to become teachers that accounts for about 2% of the total applicants. In more detail, data on applying for other universities is presented in the table below.

Taking into account the fact that the number of teachers is decreasing year by year, and the shortage of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) teachers is already being felt", with this research we also aimed to find out whether, thanks to a certain monthly scholarship from the state, pupils would want to give up their preferred profession and become a STEM subject teacher. The result of the survey is presented in figure 10.


If you are going to apply for any university, which university will it be?

Prrcmt Valid Percent

Haue not decided yet 108 28.5 35.8

Yerevan State Uni verity 75 15.8 24.8

Armenian State University of Economics 27 7.1 8.5

State Engineering University of Armenia 22 5.8 7.3

Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhilar Heratsi 17 4.5 5.6

Armenian State Pedagogical University After Khachatur Abovyan 10 2.6 3.3

State Academy of Fine Ails of Armenia 9 2.4 3

American University of Armenia 6 1.6 2

Brusov State University 6 1.6 2

Educational Com plex of Police of the Republic of Armenia 6 1.6 2

Russia n-Arm en ian U n iversity 4 I.I 1.3

Armenian State Instiuite of Physical Culture and S|nil 3 0.8 1

European University of Armenia 3 0.8 1

Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan 2 0.5 0.7

Armenian National Agrarian University 1 0.3 0.3

Yerevan State Instiuite of Tlieatre ai>:l Cinematography 1 0.3 0.3

Yerevan State College of Arts Named After P. Terlemezian 1 0.3 0.3

Armenian-G reek College of Tourism 1 0.3 0.3

Total 302 75.7 100

Missed response 77 20.3

Total 379 100

" Republic of Armenia Law on The Approval of the State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Armenia Until 2030 https://www.e-draft.am/projects/4013/about

rO 0 rO iO


If you had not chosen ASPU in the first place, would you like to become a math, physics, or another science teacher if you received a monthly stipend from the state, provided that you would work as a teacher for 5 years after graduation, %

As it can be seen from the chart, 71% of students refused to become teachers even in that case, and the reason is not only the low salary of teachers, because many of them even stated that they are not going to become teachers for any amount of money. One of the main problems is the hard work of the teacher (as many of the pupils mentioned, they do not want to test their nerves), the decline in the importance of the teacher's role in society's perceptions, etc. However, 9% of the pupils stated that they would become teachers if they received a certain scholarship from the state every month, and 20% found it difficult to answer. Preferred monthly stipend amounts are shown in Table 7.

As it can be seen from the above table, 2.4% of potential applicants are ready to change their preferred profession and

become a STEM teacher receiving a monthly scholarship of 50,000 AMD during their studies, and 7.1% in case of 70,000 AMD. Thus, by providing a monthly scholarship of AMD 70-100 thousand on average, it will be possible to motivate about 9% of potential applicants to become STEM teachers.

In summary, we can mention that, in general, females study better than males; there is a statistically significant association between grades and gender.

The motivation of most pupils to study well is conditioned by the good attitude of teachers, having a good job in the future, having interesting lessons, seeing the connection between a specific subject and its applicability in life, the praise of parents, and being proud of themselves. At the same time, excellent students are less sensitive to the good attitude of the teacher, while for


If you agree to become a STEM teacher for a certain monthly stipend, how much is the minimum preferred stipend?

Monthly stipend, AMD

30.000 50.000 70.0 00 10 0.000 190.000 200.000 300.000 400.000 100.000 85.000 70.000

Number of pupils

5 7 21 12 I I

3 I

Average Median Mode


2.4 7.1 4.1 1.0

0.3 0.3 0.3

the majority of those who get a good and satisfactory grade, the primary motivation is the good attitude of the teacher.

In general, the majority of excellent students associate hard-working with their future well-being, while seeing this connection is relatively weaker among good students and much weaker among those with satisfactory grades. There is a statistically significant association between the grade and the perception of linking learning to future well-being.

For one-third of the pupils, the subjects are mostly or completely complex. Many of them noted that science subjects are particularly

difficult, which are especially difficult for pupils with a humanitarian inclination. At the same time, according to the pupils, if the books are explained more clearly, the topics are diluted, practical works and experiments are performed a lot, learning will be easier and more enjoyable.

The majority of pupils are going to continue their studies at a university after school, but only 2% of potential applicants are going to become teachers. In any case, if the state provides a monthly scholarship of 70-100 thousand AMD during the years of study, to become a STEM teacher, it will be possible to increase that number to 7-9%.


1. Access to School Education in Armenia, Turpanjian Social Research Center, American University of Armenia (Armenian), https://www.moj.am/storage/uploads/001.Ardir_2. pdf?fbclid=IwAR2JSeJdhlUgGA0IVq9AWBeq-JY36g-HIG6BK0zGNNG6WbCAekpspT3oQrBc

2. Investigating the Motivational Behavior of Pupils During Outdoor Science Teaching Within Self-Determination Theory, Ulrich Dettweiler, Ali Unlu, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00125

3. Motivation and Demotivation in Secondary Education: Student Characteristics, Willy Lens, Marleen Decruyenaere, Volume 1, Issue 2, 1991, Pages 145-159, ISSN 0959-4752, https://doi.org/10.1016/0959-4752(91)90024-3

4. Researching Student Motivation, Sultan Ali R. Alkaabi, Warda Alkaabi, Volume 10, N 3, https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1147270.pdf

5. Student Motivation and Associated Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis from Self-Determination Theory. Howard, J.L., Bureau, J.S., (2021). Perspectives on Psychological Science, https://doi.org/10.1177/1745691620966789

6. The Importance of Students' Motivation for Their Academic Achievement - Replicating and Extending Previous Findings, Ricarda Steinmayr, Anne F. Weidinger, Front. Psychol., 31 July 2019,

https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/ fpsyg.2019.01730/full

7. The Republic of Armenia Law on The Approval of the State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Armenia Until 2030,


8. Understanding Student Motivation, Timothy L. Seifert, Educational Research, Vol. 46, No. 2, Summer 2004, https://www.researchgate.net/publica-tion/232927221_Understanding_student_motivation

9. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/StudentMotiva-tionInMath

10. https://reports.emis.am/#/

11. https://www.statisticshowto.com/probabili-ty-and-statistics/find-sample-size/

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.


КшчшЬЬш »и^ь^пизиъ

«ШрЬрц.» hhsшqnsшtyшh ^ЬЬ^рпЬ^ 1^ру1иЬр hhsшqnsnq,

чрга-№шпкь, ъпририр№шпкь, чг^ьиьр о



8'тЬип1.р]П1.1|р, шши^шщшЬин.^т'р, ршрйрш^пу' ^р^т^т" т. и, р'^ш'-

рши|Ьи, dшрq.l|ШJ|1tl ^пр6тЬЬтр]шЬ ^ршрш'утр пщрт ш&ш'дфиЛ Ь' р.и|рпдш1|ш1| 1фд: иш|ш.|', |п тшррЬрш.^т' шд &шшш|П1.р]П1.'и1|Ьр|1, пртЬ^ прш1|р щш^ш'шфрфшб ^ рш-дшпшщЬи бшпицш.^т' dшmmgnqn^, и|шршц.1Щ|П|Л р.ш ^ш^Ьи 1|ш^|фш& ^ &шшш|П1.-

^т.' итшдпфд, П-ЬщршЛ' ш2ш1|Ьр1тфд: ^ииф шци 1пЬт11^птп1.р]ш1| 1их|штш1|1| ш2ш-

1|Ьрт'Ьр|1 фшррш^&|1 р'р.11ш1|рш1|ш1| и 'рш'д цш^ ипфпрЬци. dnlтффшgdшtl фш

ш^рл^ ^прбпЬЬЬр^ ршдш1иш|тп1.|Л| ^иш.Лши^рш.^т.'ир |штшр^Ь[ t иршршиф dшрqmd, 9-12-рр. р.шишрш'1|Ьр|1 ш2ш|Ьрт'Ьр^ 2р2ш'п|Л: <шрgdш'p dши'ш|gЬL t 379 ш2ш|Ьрт: Рш-дш1иш|1Т|фз|_ Ь' ш2ш|Ьрт'Ьр^ [ш^ ипфпрЬци. dmтффшgdшtl фш ш^рпр qnр6n''Ьрp, шпшр1|ш- 1 ]ш|ш' 6рш^рЬр|1 ^ЬршрЬрdm'fp, ипфпрЬ|1| шщш^ш^ 1пЬт 1|ши|Ь|_п1. р'|ш |П1.|Л|Ьрр

и 2шрт'ш|Ь[т фзршрЬр]ш[ 'рш'д dmш^рmpJm''Ьрp: ^


<^№шршпЬр. ш2ш1/Ьру1, ^п^Мшдпи!, ип^прЬ[, ^ррт^пЬ, пштд^




Младший исследователь исследовательского центра «Амберд», АГЭУ



Экономика, здравоохранение, высшее образование и наука, любая сфера человеческой деятельности являются производными от школьного образования. Однако, в отличие от других услуг, где качество зависит исключительно от поставщика услуги, в случае образования оно также существенно зависит от получателя услуги, в данном случае от учащихся. Поэтому данное исследование направлено на выявление общего профиля поведения школьников и факторов, влияющих на их мотивацию к обучению. Исследование проводилось в Араратской области среди учащихся 9-12 классов. В опросе приняли участие 379 школьников. В результате исследования были выявлены факторы, влияющие на мотивацию учащихся к обучению, их отношение к предметным программам, представления о связи обучения с будущим, намерения продолжать образование в будущем.

Ключевые слова: ученик, мотивация, обучение, образование, учитель

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