STUDY OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LABORATORY METHODS FOR DIAGNOSING EQUINE OXYUROSIS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
oxyurosis / horses / diagnostics / oxyuruses / methods / efficiency / flotation / deworming / stage.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Shevchenko A., Chernykh O., Shevchenko L., Sinyakov M., Soleychuk N.

The results of the study of the effectiveness of the methods used for the diagnosis of oxyurosis in horses are presented. It is established that diagnostic deworming allows to identify the causative agent of oxyurosis in horses in 100% of cases, regardless of the stages of development of oxyuris. The standardized Shcherbovich flotation method with a saturated solution of sodium thiosulfate is 2.2 times more effective than the Darling method and 1.4 times more effective than the smear-print method from the perianal folds.

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Shevchenko A.

Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Head of the Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Professor, Russia

Chernykh O.

Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, North Caucasus Research Veterinary Institute-Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Research Institution FRANTS, Russia

Shevchenko L.

Leading Researcher, Associate Professor, North Caucasus Research Veterinary Institute-Branch of the

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Research Institution FRANTS, Russia

Sinyakov M.

Associate Professor of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus Soleychuk N.

student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vitebsk,

Republic of Belarus


The results of the study of the effectiveness of the methods used for the diagnosis of oxyurosis in horses are presented. It is established that diagnostic deworming allows to identify the causative agent of oxyurosis in horses in 100% of cases, regardless of the stages of development of oxyuris. The standardized Shcherbovich flotation method with a saturated solution of sodium thiosulfate is 2.2 times more effective than the Darling method and 1.4 times more effective than the smear-print method from the perianal folds.

Keywords: oxyurosis, horses, diagnostics, oxyuruses, methods, efficiency, flotation, deworming, stage.

Introduction. In the agro-industrial sector, horses play an important role in performing agricultural work. It is considered a promising area of sports horse breeding, equestrian tourism. In medical practice, horse riding is used to treat people with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Horses are indispensable producers of a number of biologically active substances in the biological and medical industry. Horse meat is widely used in the food industry in the production of sausages. Koumiss, obtained from the milk of mares, has dietary and many medicinal properties, and is used to treat people with tuberculosis, diseases of the nervous system, and the gastrointestinal tract.

Parasitic diseases of horses are an urgent problem in the horse breeding industry of the Republic of Belarus. Most often, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by parasitism of strongylates, paraskaris, oxyuris, anoplocephalus, strongyloides are registered [3, 4]. There are reports of an associative course of intestinal helminthiasis, in which diarrheal syndrome develops, there is a decrease in working capacity, a slowdown in the development of young animals [1, 2, 5, 6]. Traditional methods of in vivo diagnostics are the study of feces by flotation methods. However, there is evidence of a low efficiency of making a lifetime diagnosis during coproovoscopic examinations. Therefore, it is necessary to develop better and more effective methods and methods for diagnosing invasive diseases of horses.

The purpose of our research was to study the effectiveness of the applied methods of laboratory diagnostics of equine oxyurosis.

Materials and methods of research. In order to study the effectiveness of laboratory methods for the in vivo diagnosis of oxyurous invasion in the period 20172019, 50 horses with clinical signs of "combing" at the

root of the tail were examined. For a comparative assessment, the most common methods of diagnosing equine oxyurosis were selected:

1. Examination of feces by the standardized Shcherbovich flotation method, where a saturated solution of sodium thiosulfate with a density of 1.4 g/cm3 was used as a flotation liquid.

2. Examination of feces by the standardized flotation method according to Darling, where a saturated solution of table salt with a density of 1.2 g/cm3 was used as a flotation liquid.

3. Examination of smears-prints from the perianal folds taken with a cotton-gauze swab soaked in a 50% aqueous solution of glycerin, and followed by the transfer of biological material to a clean slide. Feces were collected individually from each animal weighing 4050 grams. Selection of biological material from the perianal folds was taken with a cotton-gauze swab soaked in a 50% aqueous solution of glycerol. The research was carried out in the research laboratory of the Department of Parasitology and Invasive Animal Diseases of the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus, and at the Department of Microbiology, Epizootology and Virology of the Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, Russia.

Research results. According to the results of the conducted studies, the effectiveness of the applied laboratory methods for diagnosing intestinal helminthiasis of horses was determined.

When examining horses using the method of smears-prints from the perianal folds, oxy-uris eggs were found in 44% of cases. In the study of 50 fecal samples from horses with a clinical sign of "combing" at the root of the tail by the Shcherbovich flotation method, oxy-uris eggs were found in 28, which is 56%.

The use of the flotation method with a saturated solution of table salt made it possible to detect the eggs of oxyuris in 22% of cases.

Thus, the study of feces by the Shcherbovich flotation method showed an efficiency of 21.4% more than the smear-print method and 60.7% more effective than the Darling flotation method.

To confirm the results of laboratory methods for the diagnosis of oxyurous infestation, all examined horses with the clinical manifestation of "combing" at the root of the tail were dewormed with avermectin group preparations (avermectin paste 1%, rivertin 1%, ivermectin 1%) and benzimidazole series (fen-bendazole 20% and albendazole 20%). 24 hours after treatment, there was a mass departure of juvenile and sexually mature oxyuris in all animals.

Conclusion. The results of the study of the effectiveness of the methods used to diagnose oxy-cirrhosis infestation of horses showed that diagnostic deworming can identify the causative agent of the disease in 100% of cases, regardless of the stages of development of oxy-uris. The standardized Shcherbovich flotation method with a saturated solution of sodium thiosulfate is 2.2 times more effective than the Darling method and 1.4 times more effective than the smear-print method from the perianal folds.


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2. Sinyakov, M. P. Species composition of tricho-nematids of horses in the Republic of Belarus / M. P. Sinyakov / / Scientific notes of the educational institution "Vitebsk Order" Badge of Honor "State Academy of Veterinary Medicine". - Vitebsk, 2004. - Vol. 40, part 1. - pp. 301-302.

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6. Yatusevich, A. I. Trichonematidoses of horses: monograph / A. I. Yatusevich, M. P. Sinyakov. - Vitebsk: VGAVM, 2011. - 108 p.

7. Chernykh O. Yu., Shevchenko, L. V., Drobin, Y. D., Shevchenko, A. A. Epizootic situation on invasive disease in the region of the North Caucasus / Cher-nykh, L. V. Shevchenko, Yu. d. Drobin, A. A. Shevchenko / Proceedings of the Kuban state agrarian University, 2018. - No. 75. - P. 178-182.

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