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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Imrani Zaur T., Babakhanov Aslan E.

Mapping of earthquakes impact is the main component in ensuring the safety of such industrial facilities as main pipelines. These maps provide a visual representation of the spatial nature of the influence on individual elements of the pipeline network, like a linear part, pumping stations, crossings with rivers and faults, and on a macro scale. Solving the problems of earthquakes post-analysis is very important and effective in conjunction with GIS tools. The main role here is played by correct and full-fledged data from trusted sources, suppliers of online information about the facts of earthquakes with many parameters. Aim. Automatic loading of information about earthquakes and their use in GIS systems for further analysis and mapping using GIS tools. Methods. Methods. The article reviewed suppliers of online earthquake data, analyzed the supported formats of data for further uploading, as well as methods for saving processed information into geo-databases. Qualitative analysis of geo-hazards impact on pipelines in general, quantitative analysis of the natural disasters impact on pipelines, historical information of earthquakes on the territory of Azerbaijan were carried out. Earthquake data mapping methods along with other spatial layers were considered. Results. Classified visualization of risk zones on linear parts of major pipelines, that might be affected by earthquakes (using GIS tools). Conclusions. The analysis showed that the United States Geological Survey (USGS) is the best and most accurate source of historical earthquake data, as well as real-time data with the notification in GIS systems. The data were used to map and analyze the possible risks of earthquake impact on the main pipelines. The use of additional spatial layers provides more advanced analytical results and the ability to calculate the risks of impact on pipelines.

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Естественные и точные науки ••• 77

Natural and Exact Sciences •••

Науки о Земле / Earth Science

Оригинальная статья / Original Article

УДК 504.064

DOI: 10.31161/1995-0675-2022-16-3-77-86. EDN: HFLOGP

Study of the Earthquakes Impact on Industrial Facilities in the Republic of Azerbaijan Using GIS Technologies

© 2022 Zaur T. Imrani, Aslan E. Babakhanov

Hasan Aliyev Institute of Geography, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Baku, Azerbaijan; e-mail: zaur_imrani@mail.ru; aslan@babakhanov.az

Abstract. Mapping of earthquakes impact is the main component in ensuring the safety of such industrial facilities as main pipelines. These maps provide a visual representation of the spatial nature of the influence on individual elements of the pipeline network, like a linear part, pumping stations, crossings with rivers and faults, and on a macro scale. Solving the problems of earthquakes post-analysis is very important and effective in conjunction with GIS tools. The main role here is played by correct and full-fledged data from trusted sources, suppliers of online information about the facts of earthquakes with many parameters. Aim. Automatic loading of information about earthquakes and their use in GIS systems for further analysis and mapping using GIS tools. Methods. Methods. The article reviewed suppliers of online earthquake data, analyzed the supported formats of data for further uploading, as well as methods for saving processed information into geo-databases. Qualitative analysis of geo-hazards impact on pipelines in general, quantitative analysis of the natural disasters impact on pipelines, historical information of earthquakes on the territory of Azerbaijan were carried out. Earthquake data mapping methods along with other spatial layers were considered. Results. Classified visualization of risk zones on linear parts of major pipelines, that might be affected by earthquakes (using GIS tools). Conclusions. The analysis showed that the United States Geological Survey (USGS) is the best and most accurate source of historical earthquake data, as well as real-time data with the notification in GIS systems. The data were used to map and analyze the possible risks of earthquake impact on the main pipelines. The use of additional spatial layers provides more advanced analytical results and the ability to calculate the risks of impact on pipelines.

Keywords: earthquakes, online services, United States Geological Survey, pipelines, geo-hazards.

For citation: Imrani Z. T., Babakhanov A. E. Study of the Earthquakes Impact on Industrial Facilities in the Republic of Azerbaijan Using GIS Technologies. Dagestan State Pedagogical University. Journal. Natural and Exact Sciences. 2022. Vol. 16. No. 3. Pp. 77-86. DOI: 10.31161/1995-0675-2022-16-3-77-86. EDN: HFLOGP_

Исследование влияния землетрясений на промышленные объекты Республики Азербайджан

с помощью ГИС-технологий

© 2022 Имрани З. Т., Бабаханов А. Э.

Институт географии имени академика Гасана Алиева Национальной академии наук Азербайджана Баку, Азербайджан; e-mail: zaur_imrani@mail.ru; aslan@babakhanov.az

РЕЗЮМЕ. Картирование влияния землетрясений является основной составляющей при обеспечении безопасности таких промышленных объектов, как магистральные трубопроводы. Такие карты дают визуальное представление о пространственном характере влияния на отдельные элементы сети трубопроводов, таких как линейные части, насосные станции, пересечения с реками и разломами, а также в макромасштабе. Решение задач пост-анализа землетрясений очень важна и эффективна с использо-

ванием ГИС-инструментов. Главную роль здесь играют правильные и полноценные данные из проверенных источников, поставщиков онлайн информации о фактах землетрясений со многими параметрами. Цель. Автоматическая загрузка информации о землетрясениях и их использование в ГИС системах для дальнейшего анализа и картирования с использованием ГИС-инструментов. Методы. В статье проводился анализ поставщиков онлайн данных о землетрясениях, анализ поддерживаемых форматов выгрузки данных, а также методы выгрузки готовой информации в гео-базы данных. Проводился качественный анализ геологических опасностей влияния на трубопроводы в целом, статистический анализ влияния стихийных бедствий на трубопроводы, историческая информация о землетрясениях, происходивших на территории Азербайджана, рассмотрены методы картографирования данных о землетрясениях наряду с другими пространственными слоями. Результаты. Классифицированная визуализация зон риска на линейных участках крупных трубопроводов, которые могут пострадать от землетрясений (с использованием инструментов ГИС). Выводы. Проведённый анализ показал, что онлайн-сервисы геологической службы США (англ. United States Geological Survey, сокращённо USGS) являются наилучшим и точным источником данных исторических землетрясений, а также данных в режиме реального времени с возможностью оповещения в ГИС-системах. Данные были использованы для картографирования и анализа возможных рисков влияния землетрясений на магистральные трубопроводы. Использование дополнительных пространственных слоёв даёт более расширенные аналитические результаты и возможности расчёта рисков влияния на трубопроводы.

Ключевые слова: землетрясения, онлайн-сервисы геологической службы США, трубопроводы, геологические опасности.

Формат цитирования: Имрани З. Т., Бабаханов А. Э. Исследование влияния землетрясений на промышленные объекты Республики Азербайджан с помощью ГИС-технологий // Известия Дагестанского государственного педагогического университета. Естественные и точные науки. 2022. Т. 16. № 3. С. 77-86. DOI: 10.31161/1995-0675-2022-16-3-77-86. EDN: HFLOGP (In English)


The solution of spatial GIS problems has always been based on statistical analysis of tabular data collected from various sources, grouped and classified by thematic representations in tabular form. Most of data is stored in spreadsheets using office software like Microsoft Excel. More advanced data is presented in database format using software products such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Post-greSQL, etc.

The geodatabase format implemented by ESRI in the ArcGIS series of software solutions for visualization, storage and processing of GIS data has become widespread. However, due to the growing need to predict the behavior and development of natural disasters and their effects on people, nature and economics, there are tasks of summarizing statistical data with subsequent analysis.

Analytical software tools in the software market are sufficient, but most require data preparation, bringing into format for use in certain GIS tools, studying the product itself, and this, in turn, affects the timely and prompt receipt of results. Sometimes, the high cost of some solutions also contributes to the role in slowing down the analysis process.

Ensuring the safety of oil pipelines is one of the main tasks and functions of the state

exporting oil to abroad. The availability of reliable oil pipeline transport plays an important role in ensuring the energy security of the state. This is very important for Azerbaijan due to the distance of oil fields from delivery centers.

In Azerbaijan, oil pipelines are well protected from exogenous and man-made processes. During the laying of oil pipelines underground along the perimeter of the laying, the soil cover was strengthened, and the pipelines themselves in some places were protected by concrete shelters. Intermediate links, pumping and filling pump stations, compressor stations are located on the surface.

Oil pipelines shall be monitored using mechanical and electronic sensors and with the slightest deviation of the physical parameters of the oil pipelines state, deviation data shall be transmitted to the monitoring and control center.

On the other hand, the endogenous processes that include crustal tectonic movements, magmatism, and seismic activity are processes beyond control and can occur without any warning. Strong earthquakes can cause other dangerous natural processes, such as mudslides, landslides, floods, fires, avalanches. Damage to communications, power lines and

main roads is also not excluded. The damage caused can be enormous, given the factors of chain impact and the location of the epicenter, the radius of impact and the propagation of seismic waves.

Considering the fact that the territory of Azerbaijan is subject to the effects of natural disasters, including earthquakes, there is a need to assess the risk of existing oil pipelines.

To effectively solve the problem of protecting oil pipelines under construction and operating from the impact of natural disasters, it is necessary to quickly create and use specialized mapping support based on modern technologies and mapping databases. Definition of NATECH Any accidents on hazardous installations triggered by natural disasters or hazards are called NATECH accidents. As the pipelines may transport liquids and gas, that are flammable, toxic or explosive, so therefore may be called as hazardous installations. Valves and pump station are not buried, so they are more affected by flood, lightning strikes, landslides, earthquakes and avalanches. An earthquake damages could be made to pump station triggering an uncontrolled explosion. This is well known scenario which is under control of automated damage monitoring system. In case of any emergency, the pump station is shutting down, including vents and valves, liquid or gas transportation through the pipeline being stopped.

Table 1. Geohazards affecting the buried pipelines

Таблица 1. Опасные геологические процессы, влияющие на подземные трубопроводы

Geohazard category Cause

Geological Seismic activity Faults Mud volcanoes Liqu efa ction Collapsible deposits

Geom orphological Erosion Flooding Landslides

Anth ropomorphic Uncontrolled intervention Mining Constructions.

Anyway, there is no guarantee, that earthquake of huge magnitude may occur at any time. We can only assess the risks based on

statistical and empirical analyses of earthquakes on given region or area, seismic information on active and proven faults, and in our case, in Azerbaijan, we may include the role of mud volcanoes as well. The table 1 is describing the cause made by particular geo-hazard category. Single or multiple cause trigger the NATECH event.

According to "Gazprom energy" data on failures of power facilities, meteorological processes and phenomena were responsible for 20 % of power supply breakdowns at compressor stations, 18 % of which were caused by storms, thunderstorms, strong wind gusts and 2 % were caused by the influence of ice and complex deposits. Analysis of corporate accident statistics for the period 1990-2006 [1]. It is shown that the influence of natural factors on the integrity of gas supply objects can considered in two aspects:

- natural factors as direct sources of accidents (sources of one-step danger), causing "instant" destruction (earthquakes, landslides, rain floods, mudflows, etc.);

- natural factors as sources of long-term impacts (sources of permanent danger), stimulating manifestation of pipelines latent defects (geodynamic, erosion, cryogenic processes, subsidence properties of soils, chemical composition of groundwater, etc.).

Table 2. Root cause distribution of pipeline's accidents induced by local nature factors

Таблица 2. Распределение причин аварий на трубопроводах, вызванных локальными природными факторами

Natural factors Percentage

Unconsidered natural factors 60.7

Local natural factors 32.6

overwatered soil 22.5

rugged terrain 5 9

subsidence and unstable soils 0 9

landslide 0 6

floods, high waters 0 6

powdery soils 0 5

karst processes 0 5

earthquakes 0 3

loss of pipeline carrying capacity 0 2

natural fire 0 2

high wind (power line) 0 2

aggressive soil 0 2

Natural hazards 6 7

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Table 3. Share of pipeline accidents factors induced by local nature hazards

Таблица 3. Доля факторов аварий на трубопроводах, вызванных локальными природными опасностями

Accidents Accidents factors (%) induced by local natural factors Accidents factors (%), where natural factors were unconsidered

Cracking of pipes 52 48

under stress corrosion

External corrosion 45 65

Construction defects 41 59

Pipe and equipment 30 70


Violation of technical 30 70

operations guide

Mechanical damage 1 99

Others 35 65

For the period of 1991-2016, the share of local unfavorable natural factors stimulating manifestation of latent defects in the accident rate at linear facilities averages 32.6 % (table 2), varying depending on the group of the main cause of the accident from 30 to 52 % (table 3). The highest percentage of unfavorable local natural factors is accounted for accidents caused by corrosion stress of the pipe under pressure (52 %), external corrosion (45 %) and construction defects (41 %).

Landslide processes, as a rule, act as the main cause of the accident, although in some cases their influence as local unfavorable factors, creating additional loads on the pipe as a result of soil movement on the landslide slope and contributing to further development of existing defects, is noted. In underground pipelines movement on landslide slopes causes significant bending stresses and deformations; at above-ground crossings support displacement with pipeline sagging occurs, gas pipeline burial under the landslide body is also dangerous. At activation of erosion processes on disturbed landslides with a rugged relief conditions are formed, which contribute to the reduction of structural strength of the pipeline due to the strengthening of the pipe stressstrain state in comparison with rectilinear sections [2].

Such conditions include:

- the occurrence of latent voids under the bottom pipe formation as a result of soil washout;

- cyclical seasonal ground movements;

- additional loads due to ground pressure as its capacity increases.

These factors contribute to such sources of accidents as pipe defects, corrosion, deviation from design solutions during construction and installation works (non-compliance with the radius of curvature, burial and, as a result, forced bending of the pipeline), which are the primary sources of unacceptable stresses in the pipe body.

The impact factor of earthquakes as applied to pipeline facilities is seismic impact - seismic shock, deformation and gravitational displacement of rocks.

Seismicity in Azerbaijan. Big picture

The territory of Azerbaijan is distinguished by high seismic activity, where strong and catastrophic earthquakes with magnitude M >= 6 occurred during the historical period: Heigel earthquake in 1139, East-Caucasian earthquake of 1668, Mashtaga earthquake of 1842, numerous Shamakha earthquakes (1192, 1667, 1669, 1828, 1859, 1868, 1872, 1902), Caspian earthquakes (957, 1812, 1842, 1852, 1911, 1935, 1961, 1963, 1986, 1989, 2000) and others.

Instrumental studies of seismicity in Azerbaijan have been carried out since the 50th of the last century. Since 1996, studies have been carried out using digital ISS telemetry systems manufactured in South Africa. Center for Seismic Monitoring and Geodynamic Investigations was established in 2003 at the Institute of Geology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences with the support of Development and Civil Investigations Fund. At present 14 analog seismic stations within Azerbaijan are recording earthquakes. Since 2003, according to the decree of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, seismicity monitoring at Republican Seismological Service Center has been carried out by means of digital Kinemetrics system, which includes 14 stations. The information is transmitted in real time using space communication channels (satellite).

Since the Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program (GSHAP) was created in 1999 by the world seismological community, Azerbaijan has conducted geodynamic and seismic network expansion studies. These works were carried out more intensively after the earthquake of November 25, 2000 with M=6.4 - 60 km southeast of Baku in the Caspian Sea.

Analysis of the state of study of active faults and seismic hazard for the territory of

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Azerbaijan showed that to date geoinfor-mation electronic maps of active faults and seismic hazard have not been compiled and new information on seismicity and geody-namic mode is not used. [ 1 ]

Online earthquake services

Recently, emphasis has been placed on the globalization of collected data on the Internet, web portals have been created to access open data for subsequent analysis and visualization. This trend will continue and is gaining momentum. By 2016, the number of transferred data to the web space increased by 35 % compared to the previous year. To solve our problem, we will consider several sources of data on earthquakes registered in Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea.

Getting the earthquake information from the online web sites and services is now new (at least for past decade) and become as a robust and responsive service. This making the data analyses of almost near real-time with properly implemented algorithms, depending on the tasks. Certainly, some services providing the archived version of historical earthquakes, but that requires some automation such as manual downloading, data massaging and clean-ups before using the information. The goal is to connect the real-time earthquake information together with map using the GIS tools.

One of the most important tasks is to determine the criteria for the data itself and the methods from reading. For earthquakes important parameters are time, coordinates, depth, and magnitude. You also need to take into account the way the data itself is readable: this is a text representation format with field delimiters like CSV, JSON formats or GeoJSON. These formats are the de facto standard when transmitting data from a source (database) to a recipient (visualization, analysis) using an Internet connection. Thus, we identified the criteria necessary for analysis including an additional parameter:

- service must be online;

- ability to retrieve data from the web address (API);

- can select the date range;

- can select the desired region;

- can select the output formats;

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- service may have a live map;

- service may have a live feedback;

- data format is textual, with delimiter;

- having following main data columns (latitude, longitude, magnitude, depth).

The Live Map is an easy tool to monitor the latest active earthquake on the map. It's a nice feature to check the series or exact set of earthquakes on the web map. Another option is the Live Feedback - this is the online service useful when connecting then mobile devices to retrieve the latest earthquake upon registering. Having the full datasets being downloaded and then tracking the latest one can be useful for real-time monitoring of earthquakes. On the other hand, having the selection of study area (or AOI - area of interest) may reduce the size of downloadable dataset and minimize the efforts in cleaning-up the final dataset.

The regional center of the Seismological Service at Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences has created a system for searching and monitoring earthquakes. Data is sent to the center from various stations, processed and posted on the web page at the request of the user in interactive mode. By default, data for two weeks divided into pages is shown. The convenience of this system is that the page is not loaded with additional information, and there is a map showing epicenters and seismo-logical stations. However, the inconvenience in displaying the results (division into pages) and the subsequent processing after loading complicates the process of automating processing. Also, there is no mode of downloading them in textual, readable format. The filter selection interface does not allow to select all sources on the territory of Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea at the same time. The result of research and analyses of existing earthquake web service can be read from the table 4.

Most sites with an interactive earthquake map dispose of data from Google, EMSC and USGS services. After detailed reviews of these services, the USGS met our criteria for downloading data.

Moreover, the USGS service allows you to select a rectangular or circular region on the map, therefore solving the problem of choosing a territory. Since the borders of the territories of countries are not rectangular, when choosing a region, data from neighboring countries will involuntarily get in.

Table 4. Earthquake web services (by 2022)

Таблица 4. Веб-сервисы землетрясений (к 2022 г.)

Service Name Web Address Web Servic e (API) Down load formats Live Map Live Feedbacks

USGS Earthquakes https.//ea rthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes Yes CSV; KML; JSON Yes Yes

EMSC/CSEM https.//www.em sccsem . org/#2 No N/A Yes No

IKCEST https://drr.ikcest.org/app/s9834 No Image Yes No

Dlubal https.//www.dlubal.com/en/solutions/o nline" services No Image Yes Yes

EU Seismic portal https.//www.seismicportal.eu/ Yes ^Veb sockets Yes Yes

Earthquake Track https.//ea rthquaketrack.com/ No N/A Yes No

International http,//www.isc.ac.uk/ No N/A No No

Seismological Centre

All Quakes https.//www .allquakes.com/ No Image No No

FM Global https.//www .fmglobal.com/research~and" resources/n athaz"toolkit No Image No No

ANAS Seismic Survey Center https,//www.seismology.az/en/ No Image No No

Feeding data from web services

In order to retrieve the earthquake data from the online service, the web address with additional parameters must be prepared and executed using internet browser (Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox and others). Here is an example of required parameters to be fulfilled to get the desired information:

- Rectangle Region: Azerbaijan;

- Starting Date is 1900;

- Event type: earthquakes;

- Output type: CSV.

Following parameters will be filled to construct the query to online earthquake service:

- starttime=1900-01-01;

- maxlatitude=42.261;

- minlatitude=37.858;

- maxlongitude=51.768;

- minlongitude=43.857;

- minmagnitude=2.5;

- eventtype=earthquake;

- orderby=time.

At the end, the web address for retrieving the earthquakes will be look like below:

https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/ 1/query.csv?starttime=1900-01-01%2000: 00: 00 &maxlatitude =42.261&minlatitude= 37.858&maxlongitude =51.768 &minlongitude =43.857 &min ma gnitude=2.5&eventtype= earthquake&orderby= time

Note, that data will be returned as CSV comma delimited textual file ready for processing with ArcGIS, QGIS and even with Microsoft Excel application. The good thing is that we will have full available history of

earthquakes in one tabular text file. That information therefore can be used for an additional statistical and other geo computational purpose.

To analyze the impact of earthquakes, it is necessary to determine the objects and their metadata with spatial binding. The following objects can be classified as risky, of important, state importance.

- natural objects (forest fund);

- production facilities;

- non-production facilities;

- socially significant objects;

- agricultural facilities;

- transport network and infrastructure.

The first of the requirements for logical

agreement (correspondence of names) must be ensured during the data creation process, and then can be generated after creation by applying specialized processing procedures.

Digital semantic-attribute description of objects is carried out by using object codes, localization character codes, characteristic codes specified in the classifier for each type of objects, as well as values or property value codes. In this case, a special role in the digital description of objects belongs to the characteristics. By purpose, characteristics are divided into qualitative and quantitative. These include characteristics that contain information about the properties of objects. By the composition of the content, the characteristics are divided into numerical and symbolic. There can be only one number (integer or real, positive or negative) in the contents of a numeric charac-

teristic. For numeric characteristics (other than represented in symbolic form), the dot character used as a separator between the integer and fractional part. The content of the character characteristic may consist of any symbols. The contents of the quantitative characteristics are their quantitative values for the corresponding objects, expressed as real or integers [5].

Each of the above classes can be characterized as a separate data layer with a unique identification number in one single table. Using a single table allows you to filter data for processing by its class or analyze several by combining them by heterogeneity. For example, oil and gas industry facilities, oil and gas pumping stations, onshore nodal elements of trunk pipelines, and petroleum product storage facilities. By specifying a heterogeneity attribute, you can get a related, logically continuous (semantically) and consistent object. Additional attributes of individual objects can be transferred to logical tables, thus normalizing the relationships between logical risk objects and their additional parameters. For example, objects such as main pipelines and ground nodes (valves, valve, pumps) belong to the same type of global object - pipeline, but individual attributes may differ.

The key elements of attribute table and Boolean binding are the unique identification fields in both tables. This achieves granularity of data with relationships for flexible analysis and visualization of data in ArcGIS GIS.

Earthquakes and pipelines

In Azerbaijan, buried pipelines, especially those transporting crude oil and gas are well protected from exogenous and man-made processes. During the laying of oil pipelines underground along the perimeter of the laying, the soil cover was strengthened, and the pipelines themselves in some places were protected by concrete shelters. Intermediate links, pumping and filling pump stations, compressor stations are located on the surface.

To determine the impact of earthquakes on oil pipelines, various standards are used that were borrowed during the Soviet period. At the moment, Russia is using the recommended Bureau of the Interdepartmental Council for Seismology and Seismic Construction [3] and Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale [4, 48 p.] adopted for pipelines. By summarizing the data from both sources, everything can be brought to one table (table 5).

Table 5. Earthquake's intensity

Таблица 5. Сила землетрясения

Intensity Effects on ground Effects on engineering buildings

6 There is a possibility of landslides, cracks on raw soils with a thickness of not more than 2 cm,

7 Occurrence of landslides on sandy or gravel banks of rivers, Joints breaks on oil pipeline

8 Cracks with a width of 2 to several cm appear, Joints breaks on oil pipeline

9 Cracks increase to 10 cm, slopes and shores more than 10 cm, Rupture of linear pa rts of underground oil pipelines

10 Large cracks over 10 cm, sometimes reaching up to 1 m eter, Major damage, ruptures and curvatures of linear pa rts of underground pipelines

11 Deformation of soils, development of large and wide cracks with rupture, movement of soil in vertical and horizontal directions, Destruction of buried oil pipelines.

12 Significant change in terrain relief and change in the ea rth s su rface Severe damage to structures, destruction of ground and underground structures

Connecting with GIS tools

All geospatial tools are well suited and ready to process textual input data, such as CSV, JSON, QuakeML and other, where data formatted and structured. That's the reason of why we have selected the textual input data format. Moreover, textual, and especially the CSV data format can easily be imported into geospatial databases. These are: SQLite, Spa-tiaLite, PostGIS, MSSQL with Spatial extensions, geo-databases, MS Access database and other industry standard database providers.

Here is the simple workflow on how to implement the data upload into GIS format:

1. Download the earthquake data into the csv file. example. Query.csv

2. Create database table called earthquakes

3. Import content of Query.csv file into the table

4. Import the table into selected GIS layout

In case of periodical data downloading the

workflow must be modified in the following:

1. Download the earthquake data into the csv file. example. Query.csv

2. Create database table called earthquakes, if not exist

3. Empty table if data exists

4. Import content of Query.csv file into the table

5. Import the table into selected GIS layout

This will re-create the database table with

the latest earthquake data.

Note, that this particular table must not be changed, as we referring to data - i.e. this is a MASTER table. As soon as earthquakes table be ready, we can implement the analyses function in the way that will help us to assess risks and other activities.

Having the master data structure unchanged giving the full flexibility in managing the related data.

An example of related data (spatial) is listed below:

- city/town names (points);

- administrative boundaries (polygons);

- pipeline routes (polylines);

- mud volcanoes (points);

- mud volcanoes areas (polygons);

- hazardous objects (points);

- hazardous regions (polygons);

- roads (polylines);

- living areas with populations (polygons);

- active faults (polylines).

Related risk matrixes as tables:

- risk level - uncalculated (polygons);

- risk level - measured (polygons).

Based on earthquake assessment, following layers can be calculated and visualized:

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- classified earthquakes by magnitude;

- classified earthquakes by magnitude and depth;

- classified earthquakes by magnitude and administrative regions;

- density polygons, using k-Means clusters;

- quantitative assessment of classified earthquakes (M>5);

- quantitative assessment of classified earthquakes (M>5) and other geo-hazards.

The list can be expanded by adding the relevant and related geo-hazard layers and the risk can be measured upon settled risk matrixes.

Earthquakes mapping

Giving the context of layers, we can create the different set of maps. A best point of start is to visualize the all events in quantified form (fig 1). This will bring the overall review of all earthquakes registered with their epicenters, but classified per magnitude.

The map on fig 2 is for visualizing the risky zones depending on classification of earthquakes and other events and features. The map on fig 3 is visualizing the kernel density of earthquakes vs magnitudes for all events.

Fig. 1. All earthquake's events for given region

Рис. 1. Все землетрясения в данном регионе

Fig. 2. Classified risky zones for all earthquakes and other features

Рис. 2. Классифицированные зоны риска для всех землетрясений и других объектов

Fig. 3. Kernel density estimation method of all earthquakes vs magnitude

Рис. 3. Ядерная оценка плотности всех землетрясений в зависимости от магнитуды (силы)


From the list of analyzed online earthquake services, the USGS online services is the most appropriate and suitable source for getting the

earthquake data in a human readable, tabulated format, including other formats like GeoJSON, QuakeML. Having the dataset ready, there is a number of analyses method-

ologies became ready by using the existing GIS tools like ESRI ArcMap and QGIS. Moreover, the information can be uploaded into an industry standard relational database provider like MS SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL (spatially enabled) and proceed with analyses right from the database. Despite that seismic stations in Azerbaijan are collecting and sending the information into the research centers, the data is

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2. Gasanov A. G. Oshchutimye zemletryaseni-ya Azerbaydzhana 1983-2002 gg [Perceptible Earthquakes of Azerbaijan in 1983-2002]. Baku, Elm Publ., 2003. 118 p. (in Azerbaijani)

3. Gumerov A. G., Gumerov P. C., Gumerov K. M. Bezopasnost' dlitel'no ekspluatiruemykh magistral'nykh nefteprovodov [Safety of Long-

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2. Гасанов А. Г. Ощутимые землетрясения Азербайджана 1983-2002 гг. Баку: Элм, 2003. 118 с. (на азербайджанском языке)

3. Гумеров А. Г., Гумеров P. C., Гумеров К. М. Безопасность длительно эксплуатируемых

СВЕДЕНИЯ ОБ АВТОРАХ Принадлежность к организации Имрани Заур Тагир оглы, кандидат географических наук, доцент, заведующий отделом туризма и рекреационной географии, Институт географии имени академика Гасана Алиева Национальной академии наук Азербайджана, Баку, Азербайджан; e-mail: zaur_imrani@mail.ru

Бабаханов Аслан Эльдар оглы, диссертант, Институт географии имени академика Гасана Алиева Национальной академии наук Азербайджана, Баку, Азербайджан; e-mail: aslan@babakhanov.az

still unavailable as a streaming service like USGS. It would be good to see such service being available for researchers outside of organization.

On the other hand, the online earthquake data is good for incorporating into the spatial layers as master data to build a qualitative and quantitative map for risk assessment using GIS tools.

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INFORMATION ABOUT AUTHORS Affiliations Zaur T. Imrani, Ph.D. (Geography), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Tourism and Recreational Geography, Hasan Aliyev Institute of Geography, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan; e-mail: zaur_imrani@mail.ru

Aslan E. Babakhanov, Ph.D. student, Head of the Department of Tourism and Recreational Geography, Hasan Aliyev Institute of Geography, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan; e-mail: aslan@babakhanov.az


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Принята в печать 05.09.2022 г.

Received 05.09.2022.

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