STUDY OF PUMPING STATIONS IN NAKHCHIVAN AUTONOMOUS REPUBLIC Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
pumping station / water pipeline / water channels / water pumps / meloration and irrigation system / насосная станция / водопровод / водоканалы / водяные насосы / мелиорационная и оросительная система

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — H.B.O. Asadov

Reconstruction of reclamation and irrigation systems, construction of modern hydrotechnical facilities are kept in mind in the autonomous republic. Improving soil water supply contributes to high productivity in agriculture and food security, the demand is met by local production. In accordance with the Action Plan on increasing the fertility of agricultural lands in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, works in this area are being continued, new pumping stations are being built, and land plots are being cultivated.

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В автономной республике предусмотрена реконструкция мелиоративной и ирригационной систем, строительство современных гидротехнических сооружений. Улучшение водообеспеченности почв способствует повышению продуктивности сельского хозяйства и продовольственной безопасности, спрос удовлетворяется за счет местного производства. В соответствии с Планом действий по повышению плодородия сельскохозяйственных земель Нахчыванской Автономной Республики, работы в этой области продолжаются, строятся новые насосные станции, обрабатываются земельные участки.


- TexHuuecKue HayKU -


H.B.o. Asadov, Lecturer Nakhchivan State University


Abstract. Reconstruction of reclamation and irrigation systems, construction of modern hy-drotechnical facilities are kept in mind in the autonomous republic. Improving soil water supply contributes to high productivity in agriculture andfood security, the demand is met by localpro-duction. In accordance with the Action Plan on increasing the fertility of agricultural lands in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, works in this area are being continued, new pumping stations are being built, and land plots are being cultivated.

Keywords: pumping station, water pipeline, water channels, water pumps, meloration and irrigation system.

In our country, at the same time, in the autonomous republic, important work is being done in the field of agriculture. Leasing of land and participation in crop rotation, the construction of new irrigation systems is an important issue. Special projects in this direction are implemented in our country. Because the cul-tivation of land serves to produce abundant crops, create new jobs and reduce de-pendence on imports. When we look at the processes going on in the world today, we see that countries use the food and energy sectors as a means of pressure on each other. As a result of the work done in both areas in Azerbaijan and its Nak-hchivan Autonomous Republic, both food products and energy are provided reli-ably, and export opportunities are created in these areas.

The plots of land included in the crop rotation due to the newly commissioned pumping station have never been planted (Gurbanov, T.H. Gurbanova. Baku, 2014, p. 50-54).

It was necessary to build a pumping station in order to add these fertile lands to the crop rotation. The decision was made and to-

day the station is put into use. This will make it possible to provide water to the plots of land allocated for seed farming. At the same time, new jobs were ope-ned with the commissioning of the pumping station. The pumping station will sup-ply more than 2,000 hectares of land with irrigation water, which is a contribution to the food security of the autonomous republic. In the future, the excess water flow of the pumping station will allow the construction of new underground networks in the surrounding areas and the participation of land plots in crop rotation. Also, after the completion of the reconstruction works at the pantom pumping sta-tion on the Araz river, about 10 thousand hectares of land will be supplied with water. The commissioned pumping station is a part of that project. Specialists are needed to do all this. Specialists in this field have already been trained in the auto-nomous republic. The construction of today's pumping station, commissioning, laying of underground networks were also carried out by local specialists.

Figure 1.

In order to prevent the danger of flooding of the pumping station in the event of an accident due to the backlash caused by the water returning through the pipe-line, a check valve, backup line, drain and artesian pump have been installed on the line (Gurbanov, T.H. Gurbanova. Baku, 2014, p. 50-54).

The station is equipped with a vacuum system to fill the pumps with water, measuring devices are placed on the outlet lines to control the operation mode of the pumps. Convenient access to the underground part of the station and pumping units was provided,

steps, platforms, railings were installed, and work rooms were built. An electric hoist with a load capacity of 3.2 tons was installed in the engine room of the station for the purpose of repair and transportation of units, lock stone was laid around the building, and a green belt was laid on the 0.7 hectare area. A total of 6,600 meters of high-pressure pipeline was built with pipes of different dia-meters to deliver water to the area. 1 distributor drawer, 2 water drainers and 1 air vent are placed on the pipeline.

Figure 2. A Chinese watering-bowl wheeled device

The pipeline of the pumping station is connected to the existing line of the 810-hectare closed irrigation network in the territory of Buyukduz village of Kangarli district through a distribution drawer (Huseynov S.O., Guliyev A.H., Baku, 2000, 238 p.) A 1,000-meter open drainage channel was dug to lower the groundwater level in the area where the pipeline passes.

The water supplied from the station will be transported to the upper part of Buyukduz vil-

lage - to the edge of the Nakhchivan-Sadarak highway by existing and newly built lines. This, in turn, will make it possible to supply 2200 hectares of land with irrigation water, including 1961 hectares allocated to the use of the public legal entity "Nakhchivan Seed Center", 46 hectares belonging to Buyukduz village municipality and 190 hectares belonging to the state reserve fund.

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Figure 3. The principle scheme of the pumping station. 1-Receptive; 2-Pump; 3-Electric motor; 4-voltage regulating transformer; 5-Electric air line; 6-Pressure pipe; 7-watering machine.

110/10 kilovolt railway substation and 8.8 kilometers of 110 kilovolt power transmission line have been restored for power supply of the pumping station. To feed the pump substation, a 1 kilometer long 10 kilovolt overhead power transmission line was built, gas switch cells and condenser batteries were installed. A 10/6 kilovolt transformer was installed in the substation, a 10/0.4 kilovolt transformer for internal consumption and a 110 volt DC source were installed to feed the protection-automatic circuits (R.S. Gurbanly, Ra.S. Gurbanov, T.H. Gurbanova. Baku, 2014, №1, p. 26-29).

In order to continue the irrigation season in an organized manner in the Autonomo-us Re-

public of Nakhchivan during August 2023, the subordinate departments of the society carried out silt removal works in canals and ditches, appropriate works were carried out to lower the level of groundwater in irrigated areas, repair works were carried out in hydro-technical facilities, and water collection in reservoirs con-tinued. was carried out, control of efficient use of irrigation water was carried out. Thus, by the end of August 2023, 77.97 million cubic meters of water were collec-ted in the existing reservoirs of the autonomous republic. Water users were given 17.12 million cubic meters of water in August, and 14 thousand 93 hectares of land were irrigated in return.

Figure 4.

During August 2023, 9.4 kilometers of concrete and earthen channels, 16.13 kilometers of intermediate ditches, 3.2 kilometers of collector were cleaned of sludge, 1.72 kilometers of drinking water, 0.2 kilometers of sewage lines were built, 5.99 kilometers re-

pair and restoration works were carried out in the existing drinking water lines, 0.12 kilometers of sewage lines, 2 kilometers of irrigation pipelines, 1.41 kilometers of pressure pipelines, and 0.83 kilometers of catchments.

In order to increase the water supply of land areas and prevent water loss, repair and restoration works have been continued in the necessary parts of the existing canals and ditches.

In order to prevent soil salinization, the collectors were cleaned of silt. 3.2 kilometers of silt cleaning were carried out in Pusyan collector in Sharur region (R.S. Gurbanov, T.H. Gurbanova. Baku, 2014, p. 250-259).

As a result of the works done, salinization was prevented by lowering the level of groundwater in 38 hectares of land in Sharur region.

In order to improve the supply of irrigation water to green belts, repair and restoration works were carried out on the irrigation pipelines of 1.5 kilometers of existing green belts in the territory of Babek region.

Current repair works were continued at pumping stations and pressure pipelines. 0.57 kilometers in pressure pipelines of pumping stations "Zeyva-1", "Khalaj", "Hamzali-2", "Gorchulu", "Arpachay-1", "Arpachay-2", "Arabiengice" in Sharur region, in Babek region " 0.18 kilometers in pressure pipelines of Araz-1", "Araz-2", "Hajivar", "Nehrem", "Yarimca" pumping stations, "Daylagli", "Ajami-1", "Ajami-2" in Shahbuz district. 0.13 kilometers in pressure pipelines of "Ye-ni" pumping stations and Shahbuz city subar-tesian well, 0.12 kilometers in pressure pipelines of "Julfa-1" and "Gulustan" pumping stations in Julfa district, pressure pipeline of "Aylis-3" pumping station in Ordubad district 0.2 kilometers on the line, 0.12 kilometers on the pressure pipelines of the "Sadarak-0", "Sadarak-1", "Sadarak-2", "Sadarak-4" pumping stations in Sadarak district, "Shahtakhti" in Kangarli district and Nakhchivan city 0.05 kilometers of pressure pipelines of each of the "Azerbaijan" pumping stations were repaired and restored (R.S. Gurbanov, T.G. Gurbanova Moscow, 2015, pp. 50-53).

The construction of a new pumping station fed from the Araz Reservoir has been continued in the area of the "Karachug-1" pumping station to provide irrigation water to 8,300 hectares of land in Nakhchivan city, Babek and Kangarli regions. The construction of molds for pouring concrete on the floor of the pumping station, the laying of the roof of the

electric building, and the installation of the bridge crane have been started.

During the month of August 2023, current repair works were carried out in 5 kahrizs, 465 meters of dirt were cleaned in kahrizs, and 14.5 meters of umbrellas were woven.

85 of the subartesian wells, which are used as irrigation and drinking water sources, have been repaired with the installation of a new pump (R.S. Gurbanov, T.H. Gurbanova ICSCCW-2015, pp. 379-382).

In addition, 1 subartesian well was built and put into use in Jahri settlement of Babek region.

Today, our head of state pays special attention to the development of water management and land reclamation in our country. In this area, important state programs have been approved, attention has been paid to the development of agriculture and the expansion of reclamation measures.

In recent years, in the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, the organization of normal operation of reclamation and irrigation systems, expansion of irrigation networks, repair and restoration works in water systems, improvement of water supply of irrigated lands and their meliorative condition, works to combat floods and flood waters, as well as drinking water supply complex measures have been taken in the field of improvement (R.S. Gurbanly, Ra.S. Gurbanov,

T.H. Gurbanova. Baku, 2014, №1, p. 26-29). Currently, the autonomous republic has 32 reservoirs with a total volume of 303.5 million cubic meters.

Another important element of the irrigation system is the pumping station. If you save on the pump station, then the result will be reflected in the work of the entire irrigation system.

The wrong choice of water pumps of the pumping station will lead to a decrease in productivity and financial losses. For this reason, it is important to choose tested and reliable equipment. (R.S. Gurbanly, Ra.S. Gurbanov, T.H. Gurbanova. Baku, 2014, №1, p. 26-29). In addition, uninterrupted and stable power supply of the pumping station should be ensured.

As a researcher, I offer two types of water pumps: electric and diesel. We recommend

using electric pumps whenever possible, as they are significantly more economical.

However, we can also offer a variety of powerful diesel motor pumps that meet any criteria (Sveshnikov V.K., Book). So, we offer mobile diesel pumps to ensure water supply from different water sources.

Of course, there are certain differences in price between different powerful pumps. In order to avoid excess costs, we will determine the equipment with the necessary power by conducting accurate hydraulic calculations in planning the irrigation system.

The goals and objectives of the article.

Another important element of the irrigation system is the pumping station. If you save on the pump station, then the result will be reflected in the work of the entire irrigation system.

The wrong choice of water pumps of the pumping station will lead to a decrease in productivity and financial losses. For this reason, it is important to choose tested and reliable equipment. In addition, uninterrupted and stable power supply of the pumping station should be ensured.

As a researcher, I offer two types of water pumps: electric and diesel (R.S. Gurbanov, T.G. Gurbanova Moscow, 2015, pp. 50-53).

We recommend using electric pumps whenever possible, as they are significantly more economical.

However, we can also offer a variety of powerful diesel motor pumps that meet any criteria. So, we offer mobile diesel pumps to

ensure water supply from different water sources.

Of course, there are certain differences in price between different powerful pumps. In order to avoid excess costs, we will determine the equipment with the necessary power by conducting accurate hydraulic calculations in planning the irrigation system.


The plots of land included in the crop rotation due to the newly commissioned pumping station have never been planted. It is necessary to build a pumping station in order to add these fertile lands to the crop rotation.

Also, after the completion of the reconstruction works at the pantom pumping station on the Araz river, about 10 thousand hectares of land will be supplied with water. The commissioned pumping station is a part of that project. Specialists are needed to do all this. Specialists in this field have already been trained in the autonomous republic. The construction of today's pumping station, commissioning, laying of underground networks were also carried out by local specialists.

During August 2023, 9.4 kilometers of concrete and earthen channels, 16.13 kilometers of intermediate ditches, 3.2 kilometers of collector were cleaned of sludge, 1.72 kilometers of drinking water, 0.2 kilometers of sewage lines were built, 5.99 kilometers Repair and restoration works were carried out on the existing drinking water lines, 0.12 kilometers of sewage lines, 2 kilometers of irrigation pipelines, 1.41 kilometers of pressure pipe-

lines, and 0.83 kilometers of catchments.


1. Azizov A.H., Rahimov A.M., Hajiyeva I.Y., Heydarov H.A. Volumetric hyd-raulic transmissions and hydraulic automation. (Methodical instructions for com-pleting graduation and course projects). ADNA, Baku, 2003. - 97 p.

2. Huseynov S.O., Guliyev A.H., Hydraulic machines and hydroelectrics. Baku, 2000, 238 p.

3. Sveshnikov V.K. "Publisher's Center" Tekinform" MAI". 2001. - 360 c.

4. Sveshnikov V.K. Gidrooborudova. International directory. Book 2. Hydraulic equ-ipment.

5. Sveshnikov V.K. Gidrooborudova. International directory. Book 3.

6. Gurbanov R.S., Gurbanova T.H. The method of operation that creates the packer effect without a packer // Scientific works of NQGPKETI, VOLUME XV. - Baku, 2014. - P. 50-54.

7. Gurbanova T.H. Study of the liquid-gas mixture in the well body // Scientific works of NQGPKETI, VOLUME XV. - Baku, 2014. - P. 55-57.

8. Gurbanov R.S., Gurbanova T.H. The method of integral modeling of the oil-gas-well system // Scientific works of NQGPKETI, VOLUME XV. - Baku, 2014. - P. 250-259.

9. Gurbanly R.S., Gurbanov Ra.S., Gurbanova T.H. New method of studying the pumping wells // Azerbaijan oil industry. - 2014. - №1. - P. 26-29.

10. Gurbanov R.S., Gurbanova T.G. Gas-hydrodynamic technology for studying the reservoir drainage zone using a pumping method of operation // Oilfield Business. - 2015. - № 7. -Pp. 50-53.

11. Gurbanov R.S., Gurbanova T.H. The estimation of the level of exploitation of oil reserve in the drainage area of the well // ICSCCW-2015. - Pp. 379-382.

12. Gurbanov R.S., Mamedova M.A., Gurbanova T.G. Development of a method for sealing the pump gap with well production // East European Journal of Advanced Technologies. - 2015. - № 5/1 (77). - P. 59-62.



Г.Б.о. Асадов, преподаватель Нахчыванский государственный университет

Аннотация. В автономной республике предусмотрена реконструкция мелиоративной и ирригационной систем, строительство современных гидротехнических сооружений. Улучшение водообеспеченности почв способствует повышению продуктивности сельского хозяйства и продовольственной безопасности, спрос удовлетворяется за счет местного производства. В соответствии с Планом действий по повышению плодородия сельскохозяйственных земель Нахчыванской Автономной Республики, работы в этой области продолжаются, строятся новые насосные станции, обрабатываются земельные участки.

Ключевые слова: насосная станция, водопровод, водоканалы, водяные насосы, мелиорационная и оросительная система.

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