STUDY OF PROVERBS AND SAYINGS AS MEANS OF DEVELOPING THE ABILITY TO CONSTRUCT A JUDGMENTAL SPEECH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
judgmental speech / proverbs and sayings / collection of proverbs / linguistic thinking / students / elementary school / mother tongue textbooks / main idea of the original / рассуждение / пословицы и поговорки / сборник пословиц / языковое мышление / учащийся / начальная школа / учебник «Родная речь» / основная мысль текста

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Khachatryan Sirarpi Rubikovna, Khachatryan Syuzanna Artakovna

the main task of general education is forming a person with high values abilities, full-bodied connected speech, common sense, creative values and creative potential. In this context, the study of proverbs and sayings in the elementary school is very important. Proverbs and sayings are pictorial and concise sayings that give a deeper understanding of folk life and habits, customs and thinking. Proverbs and sayings present various spheres of the people, routine life, idea, love and pride towards motherland, society, commandments and different social phenomena. This article presents ways and means which make it possible for primary school students to form judgmental speech

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сверхзадачей общего образования является формирование личности: одаренной, с уникальными способностями и навыками, полностью сформированной, с осознанной речью, здравым смыслом, творческими ценностями и созидающим потенциалом. В этом контексте важное значение имеет изучение пословиц и поговорок в начальных классах. Пословицы и поговорки это сжатые высказывания (изречения, афоризмы), которые позволяют глубже воспринять уклад жизни, обычаи и мышление народа. Пословицы и поговорки представляют разнообразные (разнородные) сферы: быт, убеждения, любовь, питаемую к Родине, заветы и разные общественные явления. В статье представлены пути и средства, с помощью которых можно научить младших школьников конструировать текст-рассуждение.




THE ABILITY TO CONSTRUCT A JUDGMENTAL SPEECH 1 2 Khachatryan S.R. , Khachatryan S.A. (Republic of Armenia)

Email: Khachatryan575@scientifictext.ru

1Khachatryan Sirarpi Rubikovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, DEPARTMENT MOTHER TONGUE AND ITS TEACHING METHODOLOGY AFTER A. TER-GRIGORYAN;

2Khachatryan Syuzanna Artakovna - Student, Faculty of Primary Education, Pedagogy and Methodology (elementary education), ARMENIAN STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY AFTER KH. ABOVYAN, YEREVAN, REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA

Abstract: the main task of general education is forming a person with high values abilities, full-bodied connected speech, common sense, creative values and creative potential. In this context, the study of proverbs and sayings in the elementary school is very important. Proverbs and sayings are pictorial and concise sayings that give a deeper understanding of folk life and habits, customs and thinking. Proverbs and sayings present various spheres of the people, routine life, idea, love and pride towards motherland, society, commandments and different social phenomena. This article presents ways and means which make it possible for primary school students to form judgmental speech.

Keywords: judgmental speech, proverbs and sayings, collection of proverbs, linguistic thinking, students, elementary school, mother tongue textbooks, main idea of the original.



TЕКСТ-РАССУЖДЕНИЕ 12 Хачатрян С.Р. , Хачатрян С.А. (Республика Армения)

1Хачатрян Сирарпи Рубиковна - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, кафедра родного языка и методики его преподавания им. А. Тер-Григоряна; 2Хачатрян Сюзанна Артаковна - студент, факультет начального образования, Армянского государственного педагогического университета им. Х. Абовяна, г. Ереван, Республика Армения

Аннотация: сверхзадачей общего образования является формирование личности: одаренной, с уникальными способностями и навыками, полностью сформированной, с осознанной речью, здравым смыслом, творческими ценностями и созидающим потенциалом. В этом контексте важное значение имеет изучение пословиц и поговорок в начальных классах. Пословицы и поговорки - это сжатые высказывания (изречения, афоризмы), которые позволяют глубже воспринять уклад жизни, обычаи и мышление народа. Пословицы и поговорки представляют разнообразные (разнородные) сферы: быт, убеждения, любовь, питаемую к Родине, заветы и разные общественные явления. В статье представлены пути и средства, с помощью которых можно научить младших школьников конструировать текст-рассуждение.

Ключевые слова: рассуждение, пословицы и поговорки, сборник пословиц, языковое мышление, учащийся, начальная школа, учебник «Родная речь», основная мысль текста.

Proverbs and sayings are pictorial and concise sayings that give a deeper understanding of folk life and habits, customs and thinking. As Ushinsky used to say: "The proverb or the saying from

the point of form is the vibrant reflection of the mother tongue dialect, which just flows from its living source-the eternally young and eternally living heart of people" [5]. They are characterized by the reflection of folk life and customs peculiarities, through which the people has passed on to the younger generation their whole socio-cultural experience, wishes, beliefs and aspirations. Proverbs and sayings present various spheres of the people, routine life, idea, love and pride towards motherland, society, commandments and different social phenomena.

The judgmental, cognitive and educational significance of proverbs and sayings is great. The good and evil are vividly represented here. Proverbs and sayings criticize bad habits and characteristic features of human society. All in all, they are unique contributions that guide people in life.

In modern times, these simple but also very meaningful folklore works are of great importance in organizing the process of teaching and educating primary school students. These works can be also found in elementary school mother tongue textbooks with which students meet still in the period of literacy. These folklore works contribute to primary school students' language improvement, literate and connected speech formation, as well as contribute to the development of logical, pictorial and critical thinking, expand the students' perception and understanding scopes.

Characterized by the uniqueness of saying a lot but being short, by being imaginary and colorful, these works are presented in the mother tongue textbooks together with fiction works. Attached to any original, sayings and proverbs help to understand the idea of the original more easily, guess the context, contribute to the development of judgmental skills over the characters and their actions found in the original.

Proverbs and sayings are similar in terms of content, form and language, but they are different in nature. A proverb is an allegorical work whose main idea is expressed indirectly and a saying is an expression of reality directly, without any allegory. [5] It is worth to mention that this difference is not explained to primary school students theoretically, they just need to be able distinguish them from each other in practice. A saying does not have allegorical meaning, the idea is expressed in it directly. For example, the sayings "Don't talk too much about what you have done. ", "If you read a lot, you will know a lot." do not have allegorical meanings and are understood directly. And proverbs express any typical idea indirectly or allegorically. For example, "Strike while the iron is hot." means don't delay or postpone the case, get benefit of the chance now. First and foremost the direct meaning must be clarified to the students. For example, students first understand the proverb "Strike while the iron is hot." directly, it is easy to forge it as long as it is hot. Then an allegorical meaning of the proverb can be explained to them representing its indirect interpretation, that is "Don't leave today's work for tomorrow" [4].

The study of proverbs and sayings in elementary grades is done in a practical too. With view of making their meanings understandable and comprehensible to children, it is effective to use a system of exercises, linking the idea of the given original and the context with the meanings of the proverbs and sayings attached thereto, as well as to assign them to replace the title of the original with one of the proverbs and sayings known to them, to describe the actions of the actors, to discover the idea etc. therein, and to do a number of practical tasks.

Examining the native language syllabus, the elementary grade textbooks, we have noticed that although proverbs and sayings are not studied as a separate and independent theme, significant place is allocated to judgmental thinking, development of the ability to construct a speech, which is facilitated by the study of proverbs and sayings. At the same time we have discovered that although there are quite many proverbs and sayings in the native language textbooks, they are rarely mentioned in the curriculum. It is only mentioned in the post-alphabetic period of the first grade that children should memorize poems, riddles, sayings, tongue-twisters. Meanwhile, children become aware of many proverbs and sayings in the alphabetic period. In the first grade, they are mainly educational. In the second and third grades, in addition to their educational nature, they are related to the main idea of the original, giving the opportunity to make unique judgments and conclusions. The proverbs and sayings reflected in the fourth grade textbooks have a deeper meaning and require a more meaningful interpretation.

Since the study of proverbs and sayings promotes judgmental thinking, development of the ability to construct a speech, in this context we consider worth mentioning the different structures of the judgmental speech.

> Variant one: First, they are given the thought, which is explained, and which must be later proved. Then the part to be proved and explained is presented.

> Variant two: First explanation (proof), later conclusion is provided.

The part to be explained, interpreted and proved must be well-founded enough, that is formulated in a complex sentence, convincing, understandable to the interlocutor.

Judgmental speech is nothing but the interpretation and explanation of various facts, phenomena and events, as well as discovery of causal relationship thereto (why are these subjects and phenomena like this, why did it happen?).

Judgment has the following structure [4].

Fig. 1. Judgment structure

Proverbs and sayings in the native language textbooks for elementary grade students, according to the meaning, are mainly classified into several groups: family-devoted, sowing unity, diligence, love for the homeland, and respect for the elders.

Each proverb and saying should lead to learning many other proverbs and sayings similar or related to the same topic [5]. In this regard, the work with "Aratsani" ("Collection of proverbs") is of interest, from which the teacher writes a proverb, or saying that has the same meaning, the meaning of which the students try to explain based on their knowledge, judgmental speech and conclusions.

There are a number of proverbs and sayings in the native language textbooks for elementary grade students that help them develop a judgmental speech.

• Work makes a person beautiful.

• Who works that eats.

Such proverbs help learners make brief judgments about the use in addition to reading instructional and sententious stories and poems about diligence, linking them to the idea of the original: the idea that work is the mother of all good things will be sown.

For the study of folklore works, including proverbs and sayings, the thematic group of the third grade textbook of the native language "Homeland, I am a blow to your arm" is instructive; all the works included therein introduce the Armenian ancient history, language, heroism, and flexible mind:

• An Armenian will not sit until he is tired.

• The more languages you know, the more human you are.

• It is language that builds and destroys the world.

Saying: Don't get a big head. The rabbit wanted to get a big head, roaring like a lion, so the fox ate him.

Such a proverb is not only sententious, but also helps learners to discover the idea of the original, to guess the context to which it is attached.

There are many proverbs and sayings in the native language textbooks, which, as a brief judgment, conclusion attached to the original, present the context of the given original, as well as are deemed to be educational thoughts: not to be arrogant, to be modest, to appreciate justice, to be honest, to respect elderly people, not to boast etc.

References / Список литературы

1. Armenian Language and Literature. General Education School Subject Programs. "Antares". Yerevan, 2011.

2. Armenian Language, Literature. State Curriculum of the Republic. State Standard of Secondary Education. "Antares". Yerevan, 2004.

3. "Collection of proverbs" by A Ghanalanyan, "Haykakan SAR GA". Publishing house, 1950. Yerevan.

4. "Methodology of teaching one's native language". J. Gyulamiryan, "Zangak". Yerevan, 2018.

5. "Methodology of the Armenian language". A. Ter-Grigoryan. Publishing House "Luys". Yerevan, 1980.

6. "Native language 1". V. Sargsyan. "Manmar". Yerevan, 2019.

7. "Native language 2". V. Sargsyan, K. Torosyan, H. Khachatryan, A. Grigoryan. Manmar". Yerevan, 2019.

8. "Native language 3". V. Sargsyan, K. Torosyan, H. Khachatryan, A. Grigoryan. "Manmar". Yerevan, 2019.

9. "Native language 4". V. Sargsyan, K. Torosyan, H. Khachatryan, A. Grigoryan. "Manmar". Yerevan, 2019.

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