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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Kade A. Kx., Zanin S.A., Turovaya A.Yu., Trofimenko A.I., Bakumchenko N.M.

In connection with the intensive integration of cellular technology the research of awareness about the problem of electromagnetic safety is becoming actual, which was the purpose of our study. During the period from 2014 till 2015 we conducted a questionnaire survey of 2,000 respondents at the age of 17 to 60 years in Krasnodar concerning the electromagnetic literacy. It was found that 75% of respondents are not aware about the value of SAR coefficient. This leads to the fact that, commonly, respondents choose less safe cell phone model and usage of it. Such options as working with a headset, correspondence, internet, models of devices with minimal SAR value are used less frequently. The majority of respondents have actively working cell phone very close to body for the most part of the day, which leads to increased exposure of electromagnetic radiation on human body. This makes itself evident in the fact that 70.5% of respondents marked unpleasant feeling after a long conversation by cell phone. These phenomena are compounded by the presence of cell phone addiction feeling among 76% of respondents. The conduct of this study has allowed us to develop recommendations on minimization of impact of cell phone electromagnetic radiation on human body

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Kade A. Kx.

Doctor of medicine, professor, Kuban State Medical University Zanin S.A.

Associate professor of medical sciences Kuban State Medical University Turovaya A.Yu Associate professor of medical sciences Kuban State Medical University Trofimenko A.I.

Candidate of Medical Science Kuban State Medical University Bakumchenko N.M.

Teaching assistant Kuban State Medical University

Kiseleva A.A.

Fourth-year student Kuban State Medical University

Markova S. A.

Fourth-year student Kuban State Medical University Chitanava T.V.

Fourth-year student Kuban State Medical University


Каде А. Х., Доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры патологической физиологии, Кубанский государственный медицинский университет

Занин С. А., Кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры патологической физиологии, Кубанский государственный медицинский университет

Туровая А. Ю., Кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры патологической физиологии, Кубанский государственный медицинский университет

Трофименко А. И., Кандидат медицинских наук кафедры патологической физиологии, Кубанский государственный медицинский университет

Бакумченко Н. М., Ассистент кафедры кафедры патологической физиологии, Кубанский государственный медицинский университет

Киселева А. А., Студентка 4 курса, Кубанский государственный медицинский университет

Маркова С. А., Студентка 4 курса, Кубанский государственный медицинский университет

Читанава Т. В., Студентка 4 курса, Кубанский государственный медицинский университет


In connection with the intensive integration of cellular technology the research of awareness about the problem of electromagnetic safety is becoming actual, which was the purpose of our study. During the period from 2014 till 2015 we conducted a questionnaire survey of2,000 respondents at the age of 17 to 60 years in Krasnodar concerning the electromagnetic literacy. It was found that 75% of respondents are not aware about the value of SAR coefficient. This leads to the fact that, commonly, respondents choose less safe cell phone model and usage of it. Such options as working with a headset, correspondence, internet, models of devices with minimal SAR value are used less frequently. The majority of respondents have actively working cell phone very close to body for the most part of the day, which leads to increased exposure of electromagnetic radiation on human body. This makes itself evident in the fact that 70.5% of respondents marked unpleasant feeling after a long conversation by cell phone. These phenomena are compounded by the presence of cell phone addiction feeling among 76% of respondents. The conduct of this study has allowed us to develop recommendations on minimization of impact of cell phone electromagnetic radiation on human body.


В связи с интенсивной интеграцией технологий сотовой связи актуальной становится работа по изучению осведомленности населения о проблеме электромагнитной безопасности сотового телефона, что и явилось целью нашего исследования. За период с 2014 по 2015 год нами проведено анкетное исследование электромагнитной грамотности 2000 респондентов Краснодара в возрасте от 17 до 60 лет. Установлено, что 75% респондентов не осведомлено о значении коэффициента SAR. Это приводит к тому, что в целом респонденты выбирают менее безопасные способы использова-

ния и модели сотового телефона, а такие варианты как работа с гарнитурой, переписка, работа в интернете, модели аппаратов с минимальным значением SAR напротив, используются реже. У большинства опрошенных респондентов активно работающий телефон большую часть дня находится в непосредственной близости от тела, что приводит к усилению воздействия электромагнитного излучения на организм. Это проявляется в том, что у 70,5% респондентов отмечаются неприятные ощущения после длительной беседы по сотовому телефону. Данные явления усугубляются наличием чувства зависимости к сотовому телефону имеющемуся у 76% респондентов. Проведенное исследование позволило нам разработать рекомендации по минимизации воздействия электромагнитного излучения сотового телефона на организм человека.

Key words: cell phone, mobile phone, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic safety, recommendations.

Ключевые слова: сотовый телефон, мобильный телефон, электромагнитное излучение, электромагнитная безопасность, рекомендации.


The electromagnetic radiation (EMR) of various undulation band, intensity, frequency and origin is nowadays one of the most important environmental factors. It is hardly possible to imagine the reality of our time without cellular systems that are exactly producing the bulk of EMR of human origin. The contribution of cellular system devices to total electromagnetic load per population in the Russian Federation is at the level of 70 % [4, 5].

There are scientific findings indicative of multiple, oftentimes highly harmful biological effects of EMR: negative influence on cytoplasm's biomolecules and cell organelles, nervous, endocrine, immune systems and also on tumor responses [1 - 7, 10].

It is exactly by the existence of before mentioned facts that the necessity of objective study of population's «electromagnetic literacy» is caused. That's why in respect of every, even the easiest-to-use mobile phone, a certain culture of its operation is required. In order to develop it is necessary a basis, i. e. user's awareness of information about electromagnetic safety of mobile communication devices, so-called «electromagnetic literacy».

The universally accepted value characterizing the harmful impact of cell phone EMR is SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) - a specific absorption rate of electromagnetic radiation of human body, measured in watts per kilogram (W/kg). The rate is calculated on the basis of head tissue temperature change indicators before and after use of cell phone. In EU countries the established SAR norm equals to 2 W/kg, under this value of rate the temperature in head tissues increases over no more than 0,3 degrees Celsius. The level of EMR absorption rate depends on number of factors: the SAR value greatly increases in weak signal area of base stations (BSs) and is maximal at the moment of setting-up with BS, because phone works with greater power than during the conversation [5 - 9].

The aim of our research is the study of awareness level of Krasnodar's population about electromagnetic safety of cell phone for human body.

Materials and methods of study

During the period from October 2014 till May 2015 has been conducted a questionnaire survey of electromagnetic literacy of 2, 000 respondents in the city of Krasnodar aging from 17 to 60 (the inquiries of questionnaire were presented as the text of work unfolds).

Depending on the age of questioned persons they were divided into 4 groups: the 1st group - participants from 17 to 24 years (n=550) equaled 27,5%; the 2nd group - participants from 25 to 35 years (n=598) equaled 30%; the 3rd group -participants from 36 to 45 years (n=450) equaled 22,4%; the 4th group - participants from 46 to 60 years (n=402) equaled 20% of all respondents.

In connection with the fact that a questionnaire survey was carried out the obtained data were of a qualitative nature and are presented in form of natural numbers as the article unfolds.

Results of study and their discussion

At the answer to the inquiry No. 1 of questionnaire, «Do you know what radar absorption unit, the SAR, is?», we can see that only 25 % (496 persons) of all respondents are aware about the existence of such value as SAR, by which value is actually determined the negative impact of cell phone on the body. The proportion of aware respondents with respect to their total number in different age groups was but insignificantly different. Besides, what is SAR, how it is calculated and what does it actually represent can be answered in full measure by nobody from respondents.

The consequence of such population's low awareness about SAR are the results of answering to the inquiry No. 2, «What is the most important for you at the choice of mobile phone?». Such answer as «SAR value» in groups No.1 and 2 had taken the last place, it was chosen, accordingly, by 3% (19) and 10% (60) of respondents (fig. 1). With increase of respondents' age, in spite of similarly low awareness about SAR value in all groups, there was noted the moderate tendency to the increase of the number of respondents orienting on buying the cell phone, first of all, at SAR value - up to 13% (70) and, accordingly, 15% (80) in groups No. 3 and 4 (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Distribution of the most preferable phone characteristics over age groups.

In the inquiry No. 3 «Which phones, in your opinion, are the safest from the point of view of electromagnetic radiation?» the questioned persons have chosen the next brands: LG- 11%, HTC was appreciated as the safest brand by 8,5%, Philips was chosen by 11%, Samsung was higher appreciated - this brand was preferred by 20%, Nokia was chosen by 24%, but the safest from them consumers consider IPhone - 25,5%. The data obtained by population survey are exactly opposite to the real numbers of SAR, characterizing the cell phone safety. So, the SAR level of IPhone is 0,97 W/kg, the SAR rate of LG is within 0,7 W/kg, HTC, Philips, Samsung and Nokia in the range from 0,57 to 0,81 W/kg [9]. These answers confirm those obtained earlier: both about low awareness and small significance of SAR at the choice of cell phone.

It is known that SAR level at the moment of setting-up has higher value, because phone works with greater power than during the conversation [6]. In connection with this, in operational instructions of many cell phones is recommended not to put the phone to the ear during setting-up. When analyzing the answers to the inquiry No. 4 «Do you follow the operational instruction of mobile phone (put the device to the ear during setting-up or waiting for the set-up?)» we found out that this rule is obeyed by only 25,5% - 510 persons from all questioned respondents, besides there was no significant difference recorded between the age groups.

It is known that severity of impact of cell phone EMR reduces with the increase of distance from device and reduction of time of its use [4 - 7]. That's why, accordingly, we have put the respondents the inquiries No. 5 - 9, by answers on which one can give findings on positioning in relation to body and operation time of cell phone during the day.

When examining of answers to the inquiry No. 5 «Do you

use headset?» we found out that headset is used by 27% (541) of respondents, for the most part from age groups No. 1 - 300 persons (55%) and No. 2 - 167 persons (30%), in group No. 3 it is used only by 51 persons (10%), and in group No. 4 the number of users reduces to 20 persons (5%).

When analyzing the answers to the inquiry No. 6 «Most often you: make calls, correspond or use the Internet?» we found out that 1214 persons - 60% of questioned persons prefer calling to writing or working in the Internet with headset, although it is safer, but corresponding is preferred by 786 persons - 40%.

In such a way we see that respondents of older age prefer less safe methods of using the cell phone, and such variants as working with headset, corresponding, working in the Internet, on the contrary, are used more rarely. In spite of this fact, in older groups in comparison with younger questioned persons is prevailed the priority of cell phone safety.

To the inquiry No.7 «Where is the phone found most often when you sleep?» the 840 persons - 42% noticed that что phone is found on the bedside-table, 1160 - 58% of respondents keep their phones beside pillow during the sleep.

When analyzing the answers to the inquiry No. 8 «How often you shut off your phone throughout the day» we found out that 200 - 10% shut off their phones during the study or work, for the whole night - 400 - 20%; and do not shut off at all 1400, i. e. 70% of all questioned persons.

When analyzing the answers to the inquiry No. 9 «How much time throughout the day do your phone calls take?», we found out that: up to 30 minutes is called by 700 persons - 35%; from 30 minutes up to 1 hour is called by 690 persons - 34,5%; more than hour a day - 310 persons, 15,5%; at a loss to answer this inquiry are 300 persons - 15%. It is remarkable that by 550 persons - 44%, one phone call takes 1 - 3 minutes, 470

persons - 37,6% spend 10-20 minutes at one phone call, and the duration of one phone conversation of more than 30 minutes is noticed by 230 questioned persons - 18,4%. When analyzing the answers to the inquiries No. №7 - 9 we see that majority of questioned respondents have their actively working phone for the most of the day in close proximity to the body that results in enhancement of impact of EMR on the body.

There are different opinions in literature about the possibility of impact of cell phone EMR on human body [5]. In connection with this we had put to the respondents the inquiry No. 10 «Describe your sensations after long conversation by cell phone?». In their answers the sensations of headache, slackness, drowsiness, sickliness (numbness of hands, earache) was noticed by 640 persons, 31,5%; sensation of tension and irritation - 570 persons, 29%, and 790 persons, i. e. 39,5% of all respondents do not feel the influence of phone on their general state.

In connection with inquiries put earlier seemed logical the inquiry no. 11 «How, according to 5-score scale do you appreciate your cell phone addiction?». It turned out that 480 persons - 24% of all questioned persons do not feel their cell phone addiction. On the contrary, 401 persons - 24% appreciate the intensity of their addiction by 5 scores, i. e. as maximal. 319 respondents - 16% appreciate their cell phone addiction by 4 scores. 420 persons - 21%, by 3 scores. 290 persons - 14,5%, by 2 scores. By 1 score their addiction feeling appreciate 270 persons, i. e. 13, 5% of all questioned persons.


It is established that 75% of respondents are not aware of SAR value and are guided by technical aspect at the choice of mobile phone, acquiring by doing so the device of the least safety from the point of view of SAR level of a certain model. Besides, SAR, how it is calculated and what does it actually represent can be explained in full measure by no one from questioned persons. It results in the fact that in general respondents choose less safe methods of use and models of cell phone, and such variants as working with headset, corresponding, working in the Internet, using the model of devices with minimal SAR value, on the contrary, are used more rarely. In spite of the fact that in older groups in comparison with younger questioned persons the priority of cell phone safety is prevailed, the respondents are not capable of using the cell phone as safe as possible without the awareness about SAR. So, majority of questioned respondents have their actively working phone for the most of the day in close proximity to the body, which results in enhancement of impact of EMR on the body. It makes itself evident in the fact that 70,5% respondents notice unpleasant sensations after long conversation by cell phone. These occurrences are worsened by the existence of the feeling of cell phone addiction by 76% of all respondents. The study of Krasnodar's population awareness

assessment about problem of cell phone electromagnetic safety conducted by us allowed us to develop recommendations on minimization of impact of cell phone EMR on human health: to inform the population about SAR value as the main indicator characterizing the cell phone safety; by conversation one should use wire or wireless headset more often; instead of long conversations one should prefer следует text messages and Internet; in fringe areas one should limit the use of cell phone; one should put phone to the ear only after setting-up of a call; at the choice of cell phones one should take notice of SAR level of certain model; and bear in mind that radiation power reduces with the increase of the distance from the device.

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