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Ключевые слова
ecological education / ecological education / Green space ecologicaloutlook / atmospheric air / public health / nature protection. / ecological education / ecological education / Green space ecologicaloutlook / atmospheric air / public health / nature protection.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Roziyeva N.Yo., Panjieva O.B., Kholmurotova S.I.

In this article, the current problem, that is, the importance of educating students in the spirit of responsibility in preserving nature and biological diversity, which is devoted to the technologies of providing environmental education to students by preserving and respecting nature, is important today., it is said that keeping the air clean is the main source of creating a healthy environment in the "green space" in the future.

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In this article, the current problem, that is, the importance of educating students in the spirit of responsibility in preserving nature and biological diversity, which is devoted to the technologies of providing environmental education to students by preserving and respecting nature, is important today., it is said that keeping the air clean is the main source of creating a healthy environment in the "green space" in the future.


Roziyeva N. Yo. teacher

Termiz Institute of Engineering Technology

Panjieva O.B. teacher

Termiz Institute of Engineering Technology

Kholmurotova S.I.

Termiz Institute of Engineering Technology


Abstract. In this article, the current problem, that is, the importance of educating students in the spirit of responsibility in preserving nature and biological diversity, which is devoted to the technologies of providing environmental education to students by preserving and respecting nature, is important today., it is said that keeping the air clean is the main source of creating a healthy environment in the "green space " in the future.

Key words: ecological education, ecological education, Green space ecologicaloutlook, atmospheric air, public health, nature protection.

INTRODUCTION. It is appropriate to organize education and training of today's youth during their coming of age, instilling a sense of responsibility and responsibility for the life of society and the fate of the whole earth. Therefore, it is very important to form in them love for mother nature, respect for all living creatures, and the ability to foresee the consequences of their inner world of nature. It is necessary to teach the younger generation to sympathize with living beings, not to harm living beings, not to kill plants and animals, and to make them understand that we have no right to destroy what nature has created. The goals and tasks of educating the young generation about the state of ecosystems by preserving, preserving and appreciating the fascinating and attractive nature and culture in the process of educating them about the state of ecosystems, the activity of the teacher in this direction should include the program "Introduction to the fascinating and attractive world of nature and civilization" and "Development of cognitive research activity".

Here, natural sciences provide knowledge about the structure of the environment and nature and its diversity, and create the basis for the formation of a scientific worldview.

METHODOLOGY. Today, environmental education, preservation and appreciation of nature with their goals and tasks, content, forms and methods are discussed by M. Inomova, N.J. Isokulova, H. Omonov, D.I. Toshova, E.O. TurdikulovKh.S.Kushbaktova, E.B.Kadirov, B.Ziyomuhammedov, E.T.Choriyev, G.Komilova's scientific works show that the scientific-theoretical

analysis of the formation and education of concepts related to environmental education by preserving and appreciating nature to students is more widely covered. can reach Komarov, N. Shilin (Russia). DISCUSSION: In 2019-2028, the "Roadmap" of the strategy for the preservation of biological diversity in the Republic of Uzbekistan stipulated that the total area of protected natural areas should be 12% of the country's territory. As a result of the extensive measures implemented in the following years, this indicator was brought to 14.08% by October 2022.

That is why today's school teachers have the task of forming an attitude towards nature and ecological awareness among schoolchildren of a younger age, focused on the absence of contradictions between man and nature. The main task of such education is to form a positive personal attitude to the environment in students, as well as to increase the child's place in nature and its role in its preservation. Education in the "broad sense" is an objective process, a social process that takes place in society without depending on will. Education in the "narrow sense" is a conscious and planned influence on a child by adults or a special social institution. It is especially urgent to teach students to protect nature based on the creation of a new generation of integrative programs from ecology in the continuous education system. We must not forget that the role of green plants in creation is enormous and that the world of plants is the primary resource of life on our planet. Without it, the amount of carbon dioxide (Co2) in the air will increase, people and animals will die. Plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, from the soil, and from other resources, and oxygen is released into the environment as a result of the photosynthesis process. An adult tree produces enough oxygen in one season to consume ten people for a whole year. One hectare of trees absorbs 220-280 kilograms of carbon dioxide and gives 180-220 kilograms of oxygen in one day. Trees reduce the amount of dust in the air and play an important role in reducing noise. A half-hour walk in a tree-lined park can replace several types of medication. As a strong sanitation, the green surface of trees and bushes absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen necessary for human life. Trees, like all living things, have their own energy resources. Because a person enjoys the sound of trees, and his mood rises. So, a tree is an important vital issue for a person's full life, and it provides a fascinating and attractive nature and culture, and provides incomparable benefits to a person, ensuring longevity. Ecological culture is the level of people's knowledge about ecology, their conscious attitude to the environment, and the preservation of external nature. It is extremely important to organize and hold classes in non-traditional ways in order to familiarize the young generation with nature and to regularly inform them about various environmental events. In our opinion, extracurricular activities include small competitions such as "Save mother nature and nature!", "One place and one family", "My mother is charming and attractive nature and nature" and spiritual events "Environmental deficiency and its various solutions organization of interesting roundtable discussions should also have its positive effect. (For the

designers of the children's center "Barkamol Avlod"), which is carried out by campaign groups in educating about the state of ecosystems by preserving, protecting and appreciating nature and nature.

RESULTS. In the 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023 academic years, to educate students about the state of ecosystems by preserving, protecting and appreciating the fascinating and attractive nature and beauty in general secondary education facilities. "Ecology month" was organized, a selection of articles on "Ecology and youth" was announced. In the spiritual, scientific and educational conferences conducted in the traditional way, the control groups observed the use of technologies to educate students on the state of ecosystems by preserving, preserving and appreciating the fascinating and attractive nature and culture. We followed the following requirements in the process of delivering the materials that the experimental group recommends to educate students on the state of ecosystems by preserving, preserving and appreciating the fascinating and attractive nature and beauty. Science, technical progress, the demands of mankind have changed the attitude of mankind towards the fascinating and attractive nature and civilization. It is necessary for humanity to satisfy its material needs and to realize its relationship to the spiritual world, including the preservation, protection and appreciation of nature, consciously and on the basis of a plan. In this regard, one of the main shortcomings of the science of pedagogy is to educate the young generation growing up in general secondary education on the state of ecosystems by preserving, preserving and appreciating the fascinating and attractive nature and culture.

In the course of the lesson, the composition of the BMK for the in-depth assimilation of knowledge about the preservation, protection and appreciation of the fascinating and attractive nature and beauty by students outside the classroom and general secondary education is to preserve the fascinating and attractive nature and beauty, led to the provision of activities to cherish and appreciate.

For the young generation who took part in the experiment, special questions about preserving, protecting and appreciating the fascinating and attractive nature and culture were prepared. When creating the questions, special attention was paid to the following:

the system of knowledge contained in the general secondary education component "The world around us", "Fascinating and attractive nature and natural sciences";

interdisciplinary connection;

to the level of previous experience and knowledge of the younger generation;

important and scientific nature of selected questions;

age characteristics of the emerging young generation;

coherence and continuity of questions.

Thus, in the process of organizing education, the main way to educate secondary school students about the state of ecosystems by preserving, preserving

and appreciating the fascinating and attractive nature and beauty is a long-term, carefully planned theoretical -practical environmental education was considered to be the process of creating a system, putting its ideas into practice and sharply increasing their effectiveness

CONCLUSION. Today, education of students in the spirit of responsibility for the preservation of nature and biodiversity is an actual problem in the education system, and we should not forget to jointly search for a solution to the environmental problems of the young generation. It is necessary to organize the education of today's youth during their life in society, instilling a sense of responsibility for the fate of the whole earth. Therefore, it is very important to form in them a love for charming and attractive nature and beauty, respect for all living beings, and the ability to foresee the consequences of their inner world.


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