STUDENTS’ RESEARCH SKILLS ENHANCEMENT BY MEANS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
research competence / a foreign language / research skills enhancement / project technologies / approaches / исследовательская компетенция / иностранный язык / совершенствование исследовательских навыков / проектные технологии / подходы

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ageenko Natalia Vladimirovna, Rybkina Alla Anatolievna

The paper is devoted to the problem of students’ research competence development when foreign languages learning. The necessity of research skills enhancement at all levels of education is actualized. The article reveals the concepts, structure, stages of students' research skills development. The analysis of papers in this field has determined the approaches to the enhancement of research competence in higher education institution. The main goal of the Foreign Language course is to form students' ability to act as subjects of the international educational environment, to realize scientific and practical exchange with foreign partners within the framework of their activities on the basis of interdisciplinary links. The authors describe the experience of technical students’ research competence development with the use of project technologies. The necessity of students' participation in scientific conferences in a foreign language as an integrative type of scientific and educational activity combining practical and research aspects, developing simultaneously different types of thinking, promoting self-development and increasing the creative potential of students is emphasized.

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Статья посвящена проблеме развития исследовательской компетентности студентов высшей школы в процессе изучения иностранного языка. Обосновывается необходимость формирования исследовательских умений непрерывно на всех уровнях обучения. В статье раскрываются понятия, структура, этапы формирования исследовательских умений студентов при изучении иностранного языка. Анализ исследований в данной области определил подходы к формированию исследовательской компетенции в вузе. Основная цель курса Иностранный язык формирование у студентов способности действовать в качестве субъектов международного образовательного пространства, реализация научно-практического обмена с зарубежными партнерами в рамках своей деятельности на основе использования межпредметных связей. Авторы описывают опыт формирования исследовательских навыков студентов технического вуза с использованием проектных технологий. Подчеркивается необходимость участия студентов в научно-практических конференциях на иностранном языке как интегративный вид научной и учебной деятельности, сочетающей в себе практические и исследовательские аспекты, развивающей одновременно различные типы мышления, способствующей саморазвитию и повышению творческого потенциала студентов.


5. Камерилова, Г.С. Кейс-обучение как средство формирования функциональной грамотности по безопасному поведению в чрезвычайных ситуациях / Г.С. Камерилова, М.А. Губарева, E.H. Петрова // Современные проблемы науки и образования. - 2022. - № 6. - URL: https://science-education.ru/article/view?id=32348 (дата обращения: 27.11.2023)

6. Картавых, М.А. Освоение обучающимися способов обеспечения безопасности в опасных ситуациях социального характера / М.А. Картавых, О.М. Филатова, A.A. Аракелян // Проблемы современного педагогического образования. - 2020. -№67-3.-С. 62-65

7. Картавых, М.А. Технологии образования в области безопасности жизнедеятельности / М.А. Картавых, Г.С. Камерилова. - Нижний Новгород: Мининский университет, 2016. - 86 с.

8. Картавых, М.А. Формирование компетентности бакалавров педагогических направлений подготовки в сфере обеспечения социальной безопасности в образовательном процессе / М.А. Картавых, Г.А. Сомов, Д.Ю. Выродов // Проблемы современного педагогического образования. -2023. -№ 80-4. - С. 129-131

9. Соловьев, Д.Н. Модель профилактики буллинга среди школьников подросткового возраста / Д.Н. Соловьев // Интернет-журнал «НАУКОВЕДЕНИЕ». - Выпуск 3. - 2014. - URL: https://naukovedenie.ru/PDF/121PVN314.pdf (дата обращения: 20.11.2023)

10. Хлебцова, A.C. Проблема буллинга - проблема современной школы / A.C. Хлебцова, Г.Ю. Лизунова // Информация и образование: границы коммуникаций. - 2022. - №14 (22). - С. 430-432


UDC 378.2

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Ageenko Natalia Vladimirovna

Samara State Technical University (Samara);

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Rybkina Alia Anatolievna

Samara Branch of Moscow City Pedagogical University (Samara)


Annotation. The paper is devoted to the problem of students' research competence development when foreign languages learning. The necessity of research skills enhancement at all levels of education is actualized. The article reveals the concepts, structure, stages of students' research skills development. The analysis of papers in this field has determined the approaches to the enhancement of research competence in higher education institution. The main goal of the Foreign Language course is to form students' ability to act as subjects of the international educational environment, to realize scientific and practical exchange with foreign partners within the framework of their activities on the basis of interdisciplinary links. The authors describe the experience of technical students' research competence development with the use of project technologies. The necessity of students' participation in scientific conferences in a foreign language as an integrative type of scientific and educational activity combining practical and research aspects, developing simultaneously different types of thinking, promoting self-development and increasing the creative potential of students is emphasized.

Key words: research competence, a foreign language, research skills enhancement, project technologies, approaches.

Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблеме развития исследовательской компетентности студентов высшей школы в процессе изучения иностранного языка. Обосновывается необходимость формирования исследовательских умений непрерывно на всех уровнях обучения. В статье раскрываются понятия, структура, этапы формирования исследовательских умений студентов при изучении иностранного языка. Анализ исследований в данной области определил подходы к формированию исследовательской компетенции в вузе. Основная цель курса Иностранный язык формирование у студентов способности действовать в качестве субъектов международного образовательного пространства, реализация научно-практического обмена с зарубежными партнерами в рамках своей деятельности на основе использования межпредметных связей. Авторы описывают опыт формирования исследовательских навыков студентов технического вуза с использованием проектных технологий. Подчеркивается необходимость участия студентов в научно-практических конференциях на иностранном языке как интегративный вид научной и учебной деятельности, сочетающей в себе практические и исследовательские аспекты, развивающей одновременно различные типы мышления, способствующей саморазвитию и повышению творческого потенциала студентов.

Ключевые слова: исследовательская компетенция, иностранный язык, совершенствование исследовательских навыков, проектные технологии, подходы.

Introduction. Russia's orientation towards intensification of processes in the field of industry and economy, caused by the need to implementNational Projects, requires specialists capable of solving the problems of innovative development of the country, taking into account not only the current but also the future needs of society. Graduates of the modern system of higher education should possess competences allowing to find innovative solutions to emerging problems, to set and solve new tasks. The development of research and creative skills and abilities in designing and implementation of different-level independent projects from start-up to their implementation is actualized. Consequently, one of the main directions of modern professional education is the orientation on the training of a graduate with universal professional competences, including research competences, aimed at the implementation of independent projects in various areas of social, professional and scientific activities.

This vector is reflected in the strategy of innovative development of Russia, which emphasises that "targeted work on the development of competences in the field of research and development, as well as motivation to innovations in Russian educational institutions has been started only in recent years". The research component is gaining more and more weight in the structure of a future specialist's readiness for professional activity [1, 5]. Academic mobility, international research, expansion of international contacts and joint international projects are priority areas of specialist training, which requires updating the content, development of new educational modules.

The discipline "Foreign Language" becomes one of the most demanded in university education: in the conditions of globalisation process and internationalisation of the world labour market, the possession of foreign language by university graduates raises the status of inspecialists, strengthens professional competitiveness, provides satisfaction of scientific and business contacts. The main goal of the Foreign Language course is to form students' ability to act as subjects of the international educational environment, to realise scientific and practical exchange with foreign partners within the framework of their activities on the basis of the use of interdisciplinary links.

Methodology. The problem of developing personal research skills has been the subject of attention in many works in psychology (A.A. Verbitsky, V.N. Druzhinin, Y.N. Kulutkin, T.V. Kudryavtsev, A.M. Matyushkin, etc.) and pedagogy

(S.I. Arkhangelsky, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, L.A. Kazantseva, I.Y. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin, etc.). Various aspects of research competence and ways of its development were studied in the works of L.Sh. Abdulova, E.Y. Girfanova, A.A. Gubaidullin, A.O. Karpov, O.R. Kudakov, Y.V. Makarova, I.D. Chechel and other researchers. In the context of the activity approach, the research competence enhancement requires students search activity, where the leading means of development research competence are active learning technologies, one of the most famous is problem-based learning (I.Y. Lerner, M.I. Makhmutov, A.M. Matyushkin, etc.). The theory and technologies of problem-based learning are developed in the works of modern researchers (V.I. Andreev, V.F. Gabdulkhakov, T.B. Grebenyuk, G.I. Ibragimov, D.M. Shakirova, etc.). In foreign pedagogy problem-based learning has been the subject of attention of many researchers J. Dewey, J. Bruner, V. Okon, L. Klingberg and others. At the present stage in the educational system the theory of constructivism has been developed, within the framework of this direction the model of research learning (cycle model) has been developed, organising the learning process in the form of a research cycle - "problem - hypothesis - solution - application - new problem, etc" [12, 14].

Having analysed studies on the problem of research competence development in higher education, the most productive approaches for solving this problem were determined: system, activity-based, personality-oriented, technological and contextual approaches, mutually enriching and complementing each other. The system approach ensures the development of research skills as a system, allowing to reveal their integrity in accordance with the logic of scientific research, as well as to ensure their systematic, stage-by-stage formation in the process of teaching students in higher education. The activity approach ensures students' research competence in the course of educational, extracurricular and innovative-research activities, forming motivation for research activities, research skills themselves and the application of research skills in educational-research and professional-research activities. Personality-oriented approach is a theoretical basis for modeling the learning process and allows to ensure the priority of the individual over the whole learning process, to create conditions for students' self-realisation in research activities in accordance with their interests, level of training and abilities. The application of the technological approach will make it possible to carry out an optimal combination of technologies (case study, technology of teaching spontaneous speech, cooperative learning, problem-based learning, project method, Internet technologies, etc.) that ensure the integrity and continuity of the process of formation of research competence in students of technical universities [3, 6]. The contextual approach allows to carry out the process of students' education in higher education institution in the context of their future professional activity as a whole and to orient the training of engineering students to one of the most important types of professional activity of a future engineer - research activity.

Discussion and results. At the present stage the requirement for graduates of higher school is the development of research competence, students' participation in research work is an integral part of training a future specialist to solve professional problems. This activity allows to apply methods of problem-based learning, deepen the professional orientation of education by considering problem situations, participation in projects, which increase the interest of students in research, allow to enhance research competence.

Research competence is an integral quality of personality, which is expressed in the ability and readiness to independently solve research problems, mastery of research technology, recognition of the value of research skills and readiness to use them in the professional sphere. Executive research competences and research competences are distinguished [2]. Executive research competences are understood as the following skills: - analyze, systemize and critically evaluate information for solving tasks; -analyze different approaches and methods of problem solving; - collect and compare data for writing essays, reports, papers; -analyze the results of activity; - build models of processes. Research competences provide the following abilities: - to see and formulate a problem, to define the purpose of research work; - to understand and justify the relevance, novelty, theoretical and practical significance of research tasks; - to put forward and justify hypotheses, make a plan of research work; - to independently master new research methods, acquire new knowledge; - to conduct research and present the results of their work. In the process of participation in research students acquire not only the skills of reasoning, proving and arguing their decision, publicly presenting and defending the results of their work, but also realise themselves as a subject of research activity, acquire skills of self-analysis and assessment of their readiness to solve research problems.

Project technology, due to its universal nature, contribute to the effective performance of professional functions in various areas of activity and, accordingly, the formation of research project competencies in higher education becomes a prerequisite for demand in the labour market. Implementation of various independent projects by students allows to train a professional who is able to respond to all the challenges, trends and demands of modern society and socio-professional space. The implementation of projects by students contributes to the development of their research project competences, meeting the requirements of modern professional area.

In foreign practice, the development of students' research competence occurs as a multilevel mastering: problem clarification, search and generation, evaluation, organisation, analysis and synthesis, communication and application [4]. In a more detailed way, this system is presented as four main competence areas: - knowledge and intellectual abilities, - personal qualities or personal effectiveness, - research organisation and management, - communication, influence and application, each of which in turn combines several competences or skills: personal effectiveness consists of personal qualities, self-organisation, professional and career competences [7, 8]. The study of a foreign language in higher education in modern conditions is included in the process of general professionalisation as a unity in solving two tasks - mastering the language of speciality and skills of its practical use [3]. At the same time, a number of research competences are formed, such as: working with information, selecting data processing tools, using computer technologies, etc. [9]. Integrating the plurality of components in the formation of research competence by means of a foreign language, students acquire knowledge, skills and ways of activity that allow them to "take the position of a researcher, capable of both conducting and presenting the results of research in the language of international communication, which contributes to the full realisation of their intellectual potential in future professional activity" [11].

Various project technologies are implemented for the development of research project competences of technical university students. The authors' experience is related to the use of project technologies in the process of teaching the academic discipline "Foreign Language". To enhance the process of learning foreign language, teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of SamSTU decided to introduce project activity in the students' education at all stages of language training. Stimulating the process of developing research competences, students are offered to develop projects, write essays and design presentations on a number of topics related to the professional field, aimed at forming flexible skills required in modern conditions. The following topics can be given as an example: "My speciality, history of the speciality, current state, scientific directions of the speciality". The aim of the project is to find information about the speciality, to consider advantages and disadvantages of the future professional activity. Students can also search information about famous scientists (in the field of their speciality), achievements and contribution to the development of the speciality. Get ready with the presentation "Famous Company"/ "Invention that changed the world" Consider the following points: - the name of a Russian or international company famous in your sphere of knowledge / of the invention that you consider important in your sphere of knowledge; - history of the company / invention; - some important dates and facts about it; -present state; - explanation of your choice. Make a report on the biography of any family dynasty in engineering. Consider the following points: - the founder of the dynasty; - famous family members; - family occupation; - what helped them succeed in life;

- how they influenced our life. Make a report on your university referring to its website and highlight the following points: mission statement, departments, degrees, ratings, etc. Get ready with the presentation "The Importance of Engineering Education" Consider the following points: - where you can get engineering education; - the specialist knowledge required; - how long it takes to get profound knowledge; - the necessary skills needed; - if work experience increases employability; - career opportunities.Get ready with the presentation "Job Market in Engineering" Consider the following points: - how employable engineers are; - what engineering specialties are in great demand; - engineering education and the supply of new engineers; - engineer job market in Russia and abroad. So, in the process of project work a number of research competences are formed, such as: work with information, selection of data processing tools, use of computer technologies, etc.

A foreign language methodological potential in the research activities of students contributes to the formation of oral and written communication skills. The tendency to strengthen the integration of graduates into the international scientific environment makes requirements for the availability of research skills in the form of scientific articles, reports, facilitated by the development of academic writing skills at the master's level, when students are aimed at research for writing a master's diploma.

The research competence of a Master's student means students' ability to choose the direction of research, take part in a research activity at the university, develop a research project, give a scientific report in a foreign language, write an article, to demonstrate publication activity. Foreign language discipline facilitates the development of students' skills of joint research work using information about achievements in science of foreign universities and research groups, stimulating their research and publication activity. Master's students are encouraged to complete the following tasks: Make an Internet search for the career prospects for master's students in your field of study. Make a presentation on the career possibilities for you in Russia and compare them with the career prospects for master's students of the same specialty abroad. Active involvement to the problems, analyses of modern scientific research methods based on the experiences of foreign colleagues allows students to choose the direction of their own research.

The initial step of masters' research skills enhancement is terminological vocabulary development in the field of training, understanding the specifics of scientific research in the chosen field of knowledge. In practical foreign language classes, Master's students are asked to fulfill the following tasks: 1. Refer to the database relevant to your field of study and find several research projects close to your theme. Choose the information presenting research problems, aims and objectives/ research relevance/ research methods /research literature review, etc. 2. Write a draft for your article Introduction with 3-5 statements, indicating the gap in your field of research. Check if you have: convinced that the problem is topical; referred to other researchers in the field; indicated the research gap; divided the text into paragraphs appropriately; developed the text logically; avoided grammar and spelling mistakes. 3. Find two articles in your field of study in English, analyze them. Try to write a draft version of your own article's Discussion Section. Such work contributes to orientation in modern research practices in accordance with the chosen profile, the interdisciplinary links of academic disciplines of the natural science cycle, allowing students to master meta-subject knowledge in the process of forming research skills. Working at scientific texts (master's theses, scientific reports), master's students analyse approaches to solving the problems of their research.

Conclusion. Research skills development is an integral condition for training technical students. The level of competence in research work, enhanced by means of foreign language, is an important criteria for the future professional activity. Students' participation in scientific conferences in a foreign language as an integrative type of scientific and educational activity, combining practical and research aspects, developing simultaneously different types of thinking, promoting self-development and increasing the creative potential of students is significant condition of professional development.

The obtained results of the study can be useful for scientific and pedagogical staff and students of universities of economic profile, and used to improve the organisation of research work of future specialists.


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