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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dyorina N. V., Savva L. I., Balachenkov D. A.

The article considers the problem of students' awareness of professional and personal potential as the basis of activity self-organization in the information and educational environment. The main aim of the article is to determine a number of pedagogical conditions necessary for formation of future bachelors' readiness of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Excellence to self-organization of activities in the information and educational environment of higher education institution, to describe the methodology of the first pedagogical condition realization, to evaluate the level of students' awareness of the importance of professional and personal potential in the process of formation of their activity self-organization. The authors examine the functionality of the main methodology components; describe the developed methodological materials to ensure the formation of future bachelors of physical education and sports excellence and self-organization of physical education and sports activities in the informational and educational environment of higher education. The paper presents the stages of methodological work with students, which allows implementing the first pedagogical condition. The authors develop the program of the elective "Fundamentals of self-organization in the information and educational environment of higher education", which is the leading form of developing the experience of self-organized behavior in students. The article provides a detailed description of the objective criteria of the elective and analyzes the expected results of mastering this program. Based on the identified indicators and the analysis results of the obtained experimental data, the authors highlight the first block in the structure of a self-organized bachelor.

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УДК: 378.147

DOI: 10.18503/2658-3186-2021-5-3-11-18

Н. В. Дёрина (Магнитогорск, Россия) Л. И. Савва (Магнитогорск, Россия) Д. А. Балаченков (Магнитогорск, Россия


Аннотация. Статья посвящена рассмотрению проблемы осознания студентами профессионально-личностного потенциала как основы самоорганизации деятельности в условиях информационно-образовательной среды. Основная цель статьи - определить ряд педагогических условий необходимых для формирования готовности будущих бакалавров факультета физической культуры и спортивного совершенства к самоорганизации деятельности в информационно-образовательной среде вуза, описать методику реализации первого педагогического условия, оценить уровень осознания студентами значимости профессионально-личностного потенциала в процессе формирования самоорганизации их деятельности. Авторы статьи рассматривают функционал основных составляющих методики, описывают разработанные методические материалы для обеспечения формирования готовности будущих бакалавров факультета физической культуры и спортивного совершенства и самоорганизации физкультурно-спортивной деятельности в информационно-образовательной среде вуза. В работе представлены этапы методической работы с обучающимися, позволяющие реализовать первое педагогическое условие. Авторами разработана программа факультатива «Основы самоорганизации деятельности в информационно-образовательной среде вуза», который выступает ведущей формой по развитию опыта поведения самоорганизованной личности у обучающихся. В статье дается подробное описание целевых критериев факультатива, проводится анализ предполагаемых результатов освоения данной программы. На основе выявленных показателей и результатов анализа полученных экспериментальных данных авторы выделяют первый блок в структуре самоорганизованного бакалавра.

Ключевые слова: профессионально-личностный потенциал, самоорганизация деятельности, информационно-образовательная среда, бакалавр факультета физической культуры и спортивного совершенства.

N. V. Dyorina (Magnitogorsk, Russia) L. I. Savva (Magnitogorsk, Russia) D. A. Balachenkov (Magnitogorsk, Russia)



Abstract. The article considers the problem of students' awareness of professional and personal potential as the basis of activity self-organization in the information and educational environment. The main aim of the article is to determine a number of pedagogical conditions necessary for formation of future bachelors' readiness of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Excellence to self-organization of activities in the information and educational environment of higher education institution, to describe the methodology of the first pedagogical condition realization, to evaluate the level of students' awareness of the importance of professional and personal potential in the process of formation of their activity self-organization. The authors examine the functionality of the main methodology components; describe the developed methodological materials to ensure the formation of future bachelors of physical education and sports excellence and self-organization of physical education and sports activities in the informational and educational environment of higher education. The paper presents the stages of methodological work with students, which allows implementing the first pedagogical condition. The authors develop the program of the elective "Fundamentals of self-organization in the information and educational environment of higher education", which is the leading form of developing the experience of self-organized behavior in students. The article provides a detailed description of the objective criteria of the elective and analyzes the expected results of mastering this program. Based on the identified indicators and the analysis results of the obtained experimental data, the authors highlight the first block in the structure of a self-organized bachelor.

Keywords: professional and personal potential, self-organization of activity, informational and educational environment, bachelor of physical education and sport excellence.


The analysis results of scientific sources in the field under study allow us to talk about different inter-

pretations of the "methodology" concept.

We apply the definition of "technique" given by L. I. Savva, because, in our opinion, it represents a more detailed the system characteristic of methodical actions to achieve the goal set. According to this definition, methodology is "an algorithm of designing an activity that reflects its goal, content, methods, means and forms of organization as well as the achieved result" [1, p. 27].

The above-mentioned definition presupposes the development of centralized actions that will lead to a specific result due to the application of this methodology. Therefore, within the framework of the study we choose the purpose, content, organizational methods as the main components of the methodology.

Due to the developed model, the following pedagogical conditions are highlighted:

1) students' awareness of their professional and personal potential as the basis for self-organization of activity in information and educational environment;

2) actualization of information and educational environment potential by products of students' independent activity when performing a system of diverse tasks in the course of independent work;

3) mastering by university students the methods of self-analysis and self-control at different stages of self-organization in various activities.

The developed methodology will allow future bachelors to move to a higher level of readiness for self-organization of physical education and sports activities in the information and educational environment of the university. The methodology of pedagogical conditions realization was tested on the example of humanities disciplines: "Pedagogy", "Foreign language in professional activities", "Sociology", "Culture Studies". The methodology focuses on the interaction between students and learners. Teachers implement the developed pedagogical conditions in an integrated manner [4]. However, the professional and personal potential of the student-athlete plays a significant role in achieving the intended result, which is often characterized by variation and orientation nature [6]. Thus, the outlined methods, means and organisational forms of methodology will be described and offered to teachers and students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Excellence.


We consider the functionality of the main components of the methodology: content, methods, means and forms of educational process analysed in the experimental work.

Experimental work of the described methodology included three stages: initial, main and final, which correspond to the stages of designing the structure of self-organized bachelor in information and educational environment [5].

At the initial stage, the necessary materials are substantiated and developed for methodological support of forming the readiness of future bachelors of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Excellence for self-organization of physical education and sports activities in the information and educational environment of the university; at the main stage the methodology for implementing the indicated pedagogical conditions is tested separately and comprehensively; the final stage is connected with processing and analysis of the results, used correction of methodological methods and refinement.

The approach based on the separation of methodology stages is connected with the logic of future bachelors' self-organization structure which includes the following stages: awareness of activity as a value, awareness of activity self-organization as a value, motives for activity self-organization, understanding of personal features [11], knowledge in the field of activity self-organization, knowledge of methods and ways of activity self-organization, setting and ranking of activity goals, planning of activity, organization of self-organization, etc. Moreover, since the outlined set of stages is oriented to the method implementation in practice, all of them are interconnected and complement each other. Let us characterize each stage of implementing the identified pedagogical conditions.

The first stage is marked by selecting the necessary methodological support: the above-mentioned programs, diagnostic tools, and selection of relevant tasks, problem situations, and methodological exercises for students, rules and algorithms, reflexive questions used in the work.

At the main stage of the experiment, the developed methodology of pedagogical conditions of future bachelors' readiness for self-organization of activities in the information and educational environment of higher education institution was tested in the educational process of higher education institution [3].

We present a description of the first stage realization, in order to implement which the following methods were used in the work: biographical analysis, analysis and comparison, essay writing, performance of exercises, situational analysis [8]. The obtained results demonstrate that the combination of these methods

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enabled future bachelors of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Excellence to realize their professional and personal potential successfully; to use the potential of the IEE (informational and educational environment) as a basis for self-organization of physical education and sports activities in the information and educational environment.

These methods were implemented at practical classes in humanities disciplines and within the framework of students' independent work, using various diagnostic techniques.

During the experimental work on the implementation of the first pedagogical condition, within the educational project for future bachelors of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports Excellence, the methodological work with students included the following stages:

At the first stage the problem analysis by studying theoretical material on the topic of self-organization, self-organization of activity, self-organization of activity in the information and educational environment of higher education institution, designing the structure of self-organized bachelor.

In the second stage the level of self-assessment is determined. Questionnaires, questionnaires aimed at awareness of professional-personal potential were used to determine the level of self-assessment of one's personal features. Determination of professional-personal potential.

The third stage is responsible for goal-setting. The purpose of designing a self-organised bachelor's structure is to create a situation where a student defines his/her activity goals, ranks the set goals by priority, performs situational analysis, defines and assesses his/her capabilities, as well as resources and means necessary for achieving the set goals [9].

The fourth stage contains planning. At this stage the plans are drawn up in accordance with the identified objectives, the plans are ranked according to their relevance to themselves, and the objectives of their activities are formulated on the basis of the drawn up plans.

The fifth stage is marked by the implementation of activities. At this stage the consistent implementation of activities for the formation of the necessary competences in the field of self-organisation of activities in the conditions of information and educational environment is carried out.

The sixth stage involves assessment. The implementation of this stage involves comparison of the results with the criteria and indicators of success in designing the structure of self-organized bachelor [10]. The conclusions obtained as a result of the analytical work contribute to the clarification of the goal and objectives, the construction of an algorithm of actions, the determination of the content component, organizational forms and methods of building the structure of a self-organized bachelor.

At the first stage, future bachelor athletes in the classes of the discipline "Foreign language in professional activity" were offered to study theoretical material containing information on the importance of self-organization of their physical culture and sports activity in order to achieve success. The text Hard Work Is Asians' Secret of Success is used as an example. Undergraduate students are encouraged to read the text (about Chinese and Japanese children who perform better as a result of well-organised physical activities rather than innate talents) to translate, research the information, answer questions, identify the main idea and prepare a presentation arguing their point of view on the studied material.

At the initial stage within the framework of the humanities discipline "Culturology" the future bachelors of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Excellence were offered the following search and research tasks:

Task 1. Analyse different historical epochs of human civilisation development. Who of the famous personalities can be considered as having the structure of a self-organised person in the world of sports in different periods? Explain your choice.

Task 2: Which sports people need to know how to organise themselves in physical activity at different times? What elements of the self-organisation structure of physical activity do you know?

Task 3: Do you have an idol? What historical figure from the world of sport would you like to be like? What internal attitudes do you find attractive? What do you think made this person successful in his or her field? Justify your opinion.

In the Sociology course students were asked to create a sociological portrait of a self-organized athlete and determine what qualities and personal characteristics a representative of your chosen field of study should have in order to develop skills in self-organization of physical education and sport activities. The future bachelor student of Physical Education and Sport Excellence was also offered to study the structural components of the self-organized athlete as the basis for effective interaction in the sporting world. In the course of Pedagogy discipline, students are offered to master the programme of elective "Fundamentals of self-organised activity in the information and educational environment of the university". Future bachelors of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Excellence were offered the material on the formation of self-

organization of activities in the information and educational environment, so that they could analyse how well the student can plan their physical education and sport activities, how this skill can influence the structure construction of a self-organized athlete [13].

The performed experimental work showed that the elective course "Fundamentals of self-organization of activities in the information and educational environment of the university", which was conducted for future bachelors, acts as a leading form for the development of their experience of self-organized personality behaviour.

The programme of the elective "Fundamentals of activity self-organization in the university information-education environment" was developed on the basis of the complex programme and includes three modules: cognitive-diagnostic, planning-organizational and control-reflexive. The programme modules correlate with the structure of a self-organised bachelor in the information and education environment, as they are aimed at awareness of activity as a value, awareness of self-organisation of activity as a value, knowledge of the techniques and methods of self-organisation of activity, formation of the ability to independently control the course of his/her activity, promote the development of self-regulation in the field under consideration.

Thus, the cognitive-diagnostic module of the program is connected with motivational-value and cognitive blocks of future bachelor's personality structure and includes a set of tasks and activities, contributing to focusing future bachelors' attention on the development of professional and personal potential, understanding of significance and prospects of self-organization of activity. The planning-organising module of the programme correlates with cognitive and action-reflective blocks and is focused on mastering the ways of self-organisation of activities, development of knowledge as basic competences in the field of goal-setting, planning and rational organisation of activities in the information-educational environment. The control-reflexive module of the programme echoes the action-reflexive block of the structure of a self-organized bachelor and is focused on tracing the dynamics of the activity self-organization process in conditions of independent work, on developing the skills of self-control and self-analysis in the field of activity self-organization in the information-educational environment.

The target criteria of this elective are the following provisions: identification of actual problems in the field of activity self-organization in the information and educational environment, comprehension of leading directions and accumulation of theoretical knowledge in the studied area, adjustment of future bachelors' views on self-organization of physical culture and sports activity in the information and educational environment as a value, development of necessary practical skills, search for the most effective ways of development of future bachelors' self-organization experience.

In the course of study of this elective the students should:

- master the terminology (recognise the sports vocabulary, master the concepts, make connections);

- be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice (diagnose sport activities, project situations, identify problems and try to find solutions, assess the level of their knowledge and competencies in the studied domain, design self-development and self-realisation programmes); be able to use IOS resources for the purpose of self-organisation of sport activities;

- have own judgement, motivation for self-organisation of training activity in the information and educational environment, the ability to implement the acquired experience in practice.

Expected results of mastering this programme include: building a system of students' value orientations in the field of self-organisation of training activity in the information and educational environment; conscious acceptance of rules, algorithms and techniques of self-organisation of physical culture and sports activity in the information and educational environment; readiness for self-development in the studied field and application of techniques of self-organisation of physical culture and sports activity in the information and educational environment of the university.

According to the programme of the elective 8 out of 18 hours are devoted to lectures, because the lecture form of teaching allows students to get acquainted with the main provisions in a short time, revealing the complex and significant moments.

Thanks to the practical sessions, it was possible to form a technological level of future bachelors' preparation in the studied field. Implementation and protection of creative projects using the resources of information and educational environment, as well as independent work of students on self-organisation of physical education and sports activities are focused on the development of the creative level.

At the next stage future bachelors were offered to fill in a questionnaire in order to form the awareness of professional and personal potential as a factor of future bachelors' activity self-organization in the infor-

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mation and educational environment [2].

In sociology class future bachelors filled in the questionnaire "I am a self-organized bachelor" and the results of the questionnaire were summarized in the foreign language class within the theme "Let me introduce myself. I am a self-organized bachelor. (Let me introduce myself. I am a self-organised bachelor)". The questionnaire allowed the future bachelors to pay special attention to them, to realise their professional and personal potential, to realise their answers and to identify discrepancies between the available level of self-organised activity and the desired level of readiness for self-organisation of physical education and sport activity.

The next stage assesses the level of readiness to define the goals of one's physical culture and sport activity, to prioritise the goals set, to perform situational analysis, to determine and assess one's capabilities and the resources and means necessary to achieve the goals set. At this stage, such types of techniques as questioning, testing, interviewing was used.

Table 1

Self-organised undergraduate questionnaire (sample questions)

1. What is the self-organisation of physical activity?

2. What components of self-organisation of physical activity can you name?

3. What methods and techniques do you know for organising physical activity?

4. What role does self-organisation of activities play in the physical education and sport activities of a future bachelor student?

5. What are your personality traits that can help you in the process of self-organising physical activity?

At the practical lessons of the humanities cycle discipline "Foreign language in professional activities", future bachelors actively studied the material on the topic of setting goals for their activities within the topic "Setting Objectives and Planning", students were offered tasks to build the structure of a self-organized bachelor. Let us review some of them.

Assignment 1. Set goals for your sporting performance: day, week, month, year.

Task 2. You have listened to the dialogue 'Planning for the week'. Draw up a list of activities you want to do in order to fulfil your main goal.

Assignment 3. Make rational preparations for lecture, seminar, credit, and exam. Analyse your process of preparation for the different forms of study sessions, do you need any adjustments to make the process most effective? Write a monologue on the given topic.

During the Sociology exercise, students also studied psychological portraits of famous people from the world of sports who have the ability to self-organize competitive activities through effective goal-setting:

Exercise 1. Give an example of a self-organised athlete who is able to apply the resources of the information and education environment in his/her physical education and sport activities? Would his self-organised behaviour strategy be suitable for you?

Exercise 2. Prepare a short presentation about this individual. Justify why his experience of self-organised behaviour is so relevant to you.

Assignment 3: Do you know people who have become successful in the world of sport as a result of forming a self-organised physical activity? Is it possible to become successful by changing your experience of behaviour? Find examples and justify your position.

During the practical sessions on sociology, the students played situations on defining the goals of their personal and professional activity, showed master classes on ranking sports goals by priority. The structure of a self-organised bachelor was built on the basis of such classes. At the end of the sessions, future bachelors defined the goals of their physical education and sports activity with different time perspective, according to which they would successfully master the methods of goal ranking according to their importance and reach a higher level of goal-setting. The step-by-step structure of goal-setting has been used as the basis for creating a self-organised bachelor's structure [7].


Students are offered to perform subject-cognitive, personally meaningful and design tasks. As a result of completing the subject-cognitive tasks students' understanding of the peculiarities of self-organisation in

different types of activities is achieved by compiling the matrix of self-organisation of activities and constructing the structure of a self-organised bachelor.

Based on the results of personally meaningful tasks, students, after completing the subject-cognitive tasks, choose the qualities of a self-organised Bachelor from the set of qualities that they themselves possess. This allows them to realise and assess their level of readiness to form self-organising activities.

With future bachelors of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Excellence from the experimental groups the preliminary work related to the analysis of self-organization skills of physical education and sports activities was conducted, the results of which are included in Table 2. The students in the sociology classes filled in the table and got a clear understanding of the presence or absence of the necessary skills, abilities, competences for building the structure of a self-organised bachelor of physical culture and sports excellence. This work allowed the students to realise what their professional-personal potential is and what level they should eventually aim for.

Table 2

Creating the structure of a self-organised bachelor student

STEP 1 (Motivation and value) Professional and personal potential Personal qualities: Purposefulness, confidence and determination, initiative, persistence and vigour, planning, emotional control, responsibility, honesty. Criteria at the initial stage of building a self-organised bachelor's structure

Criteria at the final stage of building a self-organised bachelor structure

STEP 2 (cognitive) Knowledge of the self-organisation of physical education and sport activities Knowledge of methods and techniques of physical activity self-organisation Criteria at the initial stage of building a self-organised bachelor's structure

Criteria at the final stage of building a self-organised bachelor structure

STEP 3 (Action-reflexive) Competence in setting and ranking objectives for physical education and sport activities Competences in the area of planning one's own physical activities with regard to training and competitions Competences in the area of self-organisation of physical activities Reflexive skills in the field of self-organisation of physical education and sports activities Criteria at the initial stage of building a self-organised bachelor's structure

Criteria at the final stage of building a self-organised bachelor structure


The implementation of this pedagogical condition ensured the development of students' awareness of their professional and personal potential as the basis for self-organization of physical education and sports activity in the information and educational environment. The result of the work in the foreign language classes was the essay "Stages of self-organization of activity", which is the final part of the initial stage of the students' educational project [2]. This essay was also presented in the Business English class.

Due to the implementation of this condition, future bachelors are able to move to a higher level of


readiness for self-organization of activity [12], get closer to the ideal structure of a self-organized bachelor and form a positive attitude towards this aspect of activity.

Based on the identified indicators and according to the results of our experimental data analysis, we distinguish the first block in the structure of self-organized bachelor: motivational and value-based.

Thus, the methodology of implementing one of the pedagogical conditions of developing future bachelors' readiness for self-organized activity in the information and educational environment of a university is described on the example of the humanities cycle disciplines "Cultural studies", "Foreign language in professional activities", "Sociology", "Pedagogy". In the series of the following articles the authors plan to review and describe the second and third pedagogical conditions and analyze the results of their implementation.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Дёрина Н. В., Савва Л. И., Балаченков Д. А. Профессионально-личностный потенциал студентов как основа самоорганизации деятельности в условиях информационно-образовательной среды // Гуманитарно -педагогические исследования. 2021. Т. 5. № 3. С. 11-18.

Dyorina N. V., Savva L. I., Balachenkov D. A. Students' Professional and Personal Potential as a Basis for Self-organisation of Activities in the Information and Education Environment, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2021, vol.5, no. 3, pp. 11-18.

Дата поступления статьи - 10.09.2021; 0,78 печ. л.

Сведения об авторах

Дёрина Наталья Владимировна - кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков в инженерии Института гуманитарного образования Магнитогорского государственного технического университета им. Носова, Магнитогорск, Россия. Носова Магнитогорский государственный технический университет, Магнитогорск, Россия; nataljapidckaluck@yandex.ru.

Савва Любовь Ивановна - доктор педагогических наук, профессор кафедры педагогического образования и делопроизводства Института гуманитарного образования Магнитогорского государственного технического университета им. Носова, г. Магнитогорск, Россия. Носова Магнитогорский государственный технический университет, Магнитогорск, Россия; savva.53@mail.ru.

Балаченков Дмитрий Анатольевич - аспирант Магнитогорского государственного технического университета им. Г. И. Носова, Магнитогорск, Россия dbalachenkov@mail.ru.


Natalya V. Dyorina, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages in Engineering Department of Institute of Humanitarian Education of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia; nataljapidckaluck@yandex.ru.

Lubov I. Savva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Pedagogical Education and Records Management Department of Institute of Humanitarian Education of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia; savva.53@mail.ru.

Dmitry А. Balachenkov, postgraduate, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia; dbalachenkov@mail.ru.

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