Научная статья на тему 'Students’ participation in the scientific activities of the University'

Students’ participation in the scientific activities of the University Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mazur Vladimir Vasilyevich

This article presents the results of studies involving students in research activities of GSEM UrFU, USUE and GU. Differences in scientific prospects of future computer scientists, managers and economists have been studied.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Students’ participation in the scientific activities of the University»

Section 4. Pedagogy

Chernivtsi women’s teachers seminary did not have a fulltime Frehel course, yet in the late 90s of the XIX century a part-time kind of training for pre-school teachers was introduced through a 3-month practicum at a kindergarten with distinction. Among those who were first to receive qualification certificates of “pre-school teacher" were E.Rotenburg and L.Tumlich in 1897 [1, 1-2].

Thus, the qualifications of a pre-school teacher in the last third of the XIX - the early XX centuries in Galicia and Bu-kovyna could he obtained through studies at women’s teachers seminaries alongside with qualifications of a people’s school teacher or at a special Frehel course (full-time and part-time) that were active at those seminaries. The Frehel course namely contributed most of all to formation of the new independent occupation of a pre-school teacher.


1. Держаний apxiB Чершвецько!' обл., Ф. 244, On. 2, Спр, 445, 4 арк.

2. Олшник М.1. 1стор1я дошклля Буковини: Навчально-методичний поабник / Маргя Олшник, Ярина Квасецька. -Чершвцк Зелена Буковина, 2012. - 76 с.

3. Рего Г1. Дошкльне виховання у Закарпаттк витоки й кторгя розвитку (1836-1918 рр.) / Галина Рего. - Ужгород: Патент, 2010. - 256 с.

4. Цьольнер, Ер^ 1сторгя Австри / Пер. з шм. Роман Дубасевич, Христина Назаркевич, Анатолш Онишко, Наталя 1ваничук. - Львiв: Лггопис, 2001. - 712 с.

5. Baltruschat С. Zur Geschichte der Ausbildung von Kindergärtnerinnen in Österreich / Christa Baltruschat. - Wien 1986. - 79 s.

6. C. K. Seminarya nauczycielskie m^skie i zenskie Krolestwa Galicji i W Ks. Krakowskiego w okresie 1871-1896 / Red. M. Baranowski. - Lwow: Dyr. Semin. naucz. galic., 1897. - 567 s.

7. Kellner M. Aus - und Weiterbildung österreichischer Kindergartenpädagoginnen aus historischer und zukünftiger Perspektive / Maria Waltraud Kellner. - Graz 2009. - 308 s.

8. Lantos E. A beszedhez valo viszony alakulasa a magyar felsöoktatasban Nevelestörteneti tanulmany / Lantos Erzsebet. -Режим доступу: http: //www.retorika.hu/beszed_ovopedagogus-kepzes.

Mazur Vladimir Vasilyevich, Ural Federal University, Graduate Student, Graduate School of Economics and Management E-mail: mr.mazur.aem@mail.ru

Students’ participation in the scientific activities of the University

Abstract: This article presents the results of studies involving students in research activities of GSEM UrFU, USUE and GU. Differences in scientific prospects of future computer scientists, managers and economists have been studied.

Keywords: student; scientific activity.

During the period from September 22 to October 19, 2014 the monitoring of student scientific and research activity was conducted among students of the first year of the Graduate School of Economics and Managements of the Ural Federal University (GSEM UFU), Ural State University of Economics (USUE) and Humanities University (HU). All of them perform their professional activity in Yekaterinburg. Two aspects of scientific activity are reflected in the present research. The first aspect is the participation in the current

scientific events and conferences. It shows the interest of students in the scientific activity. The second aspect is educational plans of a student. This item reflects a desire of a student to do a scientific activity in the future because the master’s degree is also related to the research activity. During this period a survey was performed among the university students of the following disciplines: economics, management and applied computer science. 109 full-time students were surveyed within the frames of the research.

Table 1. - Overview of the survey participants according to universities

Discipline UFU USUE HU Total

Economics 21(223/28)* 30 (335/60) 5(40/25) 56(598/135)

Management 24 (185/50) 13(144/60) 2 (26/6)** 39 (355/116)

Applied computer science 7(33/26) 4(25/10) 3 (30/6) 14(88/42)

Total 52(441/104) 47 (504/130) 10(96/37) 109(1041/271)

* Number of admitted students/number of state-funded seats

** State-funded seats at HU for the disciplines of Management and Applied computer science are paid from the HU funds


Students’ participation in the scientific activities of the University

The total number of students and the number of state-funded seats were defined according to the orders of the first year student admissions ofthe respective universities [1; 2; 3].

More students of economics participated in the survey than the students of management and applied computer science. It is determined by the domination of economic disciplines.

Table 2. - Cost of studies according to universities (thousand rubles)

Discipline UFU USUE HU

Economics 105-198* 95-76** 81

Management 105-125 95-76 81

Applied computer science 130 97-78 76,8

* The cost depends on a concrete discipline, department

** The cost depends on the number of points scored by a prospective student

According to the obtained results, the cost of studies at GSEM UFU is maximal for all considered disciplines. Herewith, the number of students of economic disciplines at USUE is bigger as well as the number of state-funded seats.

A negative answer was given to the question «Do you participate in scientific and research projects, i. e. projects that go

beyond the educational process?» by most students, which is a standard situation for higher educational institutions. However, it should be noted that a significant number of students attends different scientific events.

Let’s specify variants as follows: 1 — yes, I participate; 2 — no, but I attend other scientific seminars and events; 3 — no, I don’t participate.

Table 3. - A share of students participating in scientific and research projects

Discipline University 1 2 3

Economics UFU 23,81% 47,62% 28,57%

USUE 23,33% 33,33% 43,34%

HU 0,00% 40,00% 60,00%

Management UFU 12,50% 45,83% 41,67%

USUE 7,69% 30,77% 61,54%

HU 0,00% 50,00% 50,00%

Applied computer science UFU 14,29% 28,57% 57,14%

USUE 0,00% 50,00% 50,00%

HU 0,00% 33,33% 66,67%

Herewith, about 16% of first year students have scientific upon the answer to the question «Do you have any scientific

publications, which is insignificantly more than the number publications?». of those engaged in scientific activity. This data was obtained

Table 4. - A share of students with scientific publications

Discipline University Have Have not

UFU 19,05% 80,95%

Economics USUE 26,67% 73,33%

HU 20,00% 80,00%

UFU 12,50% 87,50%

Management USUE 7,69% 92,31%

HU 0,00% 100,00%

UFU 14,29% 85,71%

Applied computer science USUE 0,00% 100,00%

HU 0,00% 100,00%

The question «Have you participated in the events from the list?» was posed. Concurrently, the maximal level of events out of the variants that students responded to was taken into consideration. Ifwe perform a comparison according to the level of conferences, which students took part in, the result will show that the most visited events fall within their university. Moreover, over one third of the respondents

haven’t visited any scientific events at all.

Let’s specify the variants as follows: 1 — conferences conducted at their university; 2 — conferences conducted at the higher educational institutions in Russia; 3 — conferences conducted abroad; 4 — schools, seminars, expeditions; 5 — I haven’t participated.


Section 4. Pedagogy

Table 5. - Shares of students as per event

Discipline University 1 2 3 4 5

Economics UFU 23,81% 33,33% 0,00% 14,29% 28,57%

USUE 56,67% 6,67% 3,33% 10,00% 23,33%

HU 20,00% 40,00% 0,00% 20,00% 20,00%

Management UFU 12,50% 12,50% 0,00% 20,83% 54,17%

USUE 15,39% 7,69% 7,69% 23,08% 46,15%

HU 0,00% 50,00% 0,00% 50,00% 0,00%

Applied computer science UFU 14,29% 0,00% 0,00% 28,57% 57,14%

USUE 0,00% 25,00% 0,00% 0,00% 75,00%

HU 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 33,33% 66,67%

The final question was: «What is the highest degree you would like to obtain?». This question is important to define students who plan to engage in science in the future. A considerable part of management and applied computer science

students do not plan to continue education under this specialization.

Let’s specify variants as follows: 1 — baccalaureate; 2 — master’s; 3 — PhD; 4 — I haven’t decided yet.

Table 6. - Shares of students according to planned level of education

Discipline University 1 2 3 4

Economics UFU 33,33% 47,62% 9,53% 9,52%

USUE 26,67% 43,33% 13,33% 16,67%

HU 60,00% 20,00% 20,00% 0,00%

Management UFU 37,50% 37,50% 4,17% 20,83%

USUE 53,85% 15,39% 7,69% 23,07%

HU 50,00% 0,00% 0,00% 50,00%

Applied computer science UFU 42,86% 14,28% 0,00% 42,86%

USUE 50,00% 25,00% 0,00% 25,00%

HU 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%

On the assumption of the obtained research results, a few conclusions can be made. They reflect the agenda, plans of students for the future and engagement of students in scientific activity.

1. The share of students participating in scientific and research projects at all universities and disciplines is low (15,60%); herewith, a group of 39,45% is interested in widening their horizons and obtaining additional knowledge, which is a good indicator. Moreover, students of economic disciplines participate more in scientific events. The best indicators among the considered universities fall within GSEM UFU (61,54%).

2. 16,51% of students have scientific publications, which can be considered a negative indicator relative to the total number of those engaged in research at the moment (15,60%) and shows the reduction of interest in scientific activity in the first year in the whole. The best indicators are shown at USUE (19,15%).

3. 44,04% of respondents took part in conferences of different level. Furthermore, the students of HU participate the most in all-Russia conferences (30,00%), and USUE students participate the most in internal and international events (40,43% and 4,26% respectively).

4. 42,20% of students plan to continue scientific activity enrolling for the master’s or PhD. Moreover, the best indicators fall within USUE (44,68%) and GSEM UFU (44,23%).

On the assumption of the results of the research, one can conclude that students, who choose cheaper studies (up to 90 thousand rubles), are not interested in scientific activity, which is reflected by HU indicators. Students studying the disciplines the cost ofwhich is 90-115 thousand rubles show maximal interest in scientific research with further decrease of the interest due to the increase of the cost of studies. The increase of activity in the category of 90-115 thousand rubles is stimulated by the best correlation of price and quality of education along with free time for additional research.

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1. Orders on admission at GSEM UFU. URL: http://abiturient.urfu.ru/applicant/supply/enrollment/prikazy-o-zachisle-nii/vshehm/;

2. Orders on admission at HU. URL: http://gu-ural.ru/?lng=&r=7328.

3. Orders on admission at USUE. URL: http://abit.usue.ru/novosti/482-prikazy-o-zachislenii.


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