Научная статья на тему 'Student-centered approach to the learning process in higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan'

Student-centered approach to the learning process in higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and Education
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Ключевые слова
teaching technology / individual approach to teaching / comprehensive and harmonious development of personality / regularities of the educational process / activity approach to teaching

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gulshana Shuxratovna Abdullayeva

The article is devoted to the actual problem of modern methods of teaching literature. The psychological and pedagogical principles of the studentcentered approach in teaching are analyzed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Student-centered approach to the learning process in higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan»

Student-centered approach to the learning process in higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan

Gulshana Shuxratovna Abdullayeva


Abstract: The article is devoted to the actual problem of modern methods of teaching literature. The psychological and pedagogical principles of the student-centered approach in teaching are analyzed.

Keywords: teaching technology, individual approach to teaching, comprehensive and harmonious development of personality, regularities of the educational process, activity approach to teaching

In the world practice special attention is paid to the development of intellectual potential of students, formation of skills of work with information and formation of information-analytical potential, improvement of technologies of work on linguistic and artistic material in the learning process, focused on the individual personality of each learner.

In our republic special importance is given to the development of linguistic and cultural competence in the conditions of individual-personal approach.

Personality-oriented or individual approach in the education of students is a purposeful system of pedagogical actions and relations, maximally taking into account the age and socio-psychological characteristics of each student for the purpose of comprehensive and harmonious development of his personality.

In pedagogy of higher education, unfortunately, there is still a directive style of education of students, often leading to formalism and mistakes due to ignorance and ignoring the individual characteristics of students.

The study of students' personality is important, first of all, from the perspective of real life. It is known that individual characteristics of people have a profound and diverse impact on social groups, and thus on society as a whole, the level and nature of organization, the productivity of collective activity, interpersonal relations.

Inattention to individuality and generates defects of "man-formation", contradictions of behavior and consciousness of people, negatively affects interpersonal communication.

The second reason is psychological in nature. At the psychological level, people's reactions, attitudes, evaluations, attitudes to the same fact, phenomenon, event are always varied. These differences in people's attitudes and attitudes affect people's behavior and personality manifestations. Since the true object of

pedagogical work is precisely human attitudes, their knowledge and consideration are necessary.

The third reason is the regularities of the process of upbringing. In education there is no direct dependence of the results of upbringing on educational influences. The breadth and dynamism of connections and relations of the student with the surrounding subject and social environment should be a constant object of pedagogical cognition and correction.

Individual characteristics of students should be studied jointly by all teachers who are in contact with all students. Such a kind of pedagogical "consilium" will provide complete, reliable information and unity of actions of all teachers.

The common program for all teachers is the principle of studying personality: purposefulness, comprehensiveness, dynamism, systematicity and consistency, the study of personality in the activity and in the collective, the educational nature of studying personality.

Students have always occupied and occupy a specific place in the social structure of society. This specificity is determined by the following differences.

First, the determining function of students in society and the peculiarities of their leading activity. The purpose of students - preparation for professional work, learning activity is leading - individual in its nature and is characterized primarily by personal. Not and social significance.

Secondly, the unity of lifestyle. In our country universities are concentrated mainly in urban centers, and the majority (about 75%) of students live in dormitories. The unity of orientation (mastering the chosen specialty), the unity of students' life determine the ways and forms of their life activity.

Thirdly, age-related psychological features of students. Little life experience, certain psychological and social immaturity, breadth of interests, emotional orientation are only some of the components of the special psychological image of most of today's students, which is also characterized by incompleteness and dynamism.

Value orientations of the majority of students are characterized by a low degree of consistency of components. If at the cognitive and emotional level the first place is occupied by training in the specialty, independent work, then at the behavioral level the first place is occupied by the orientations related to age features - entertainment and communication. The task to optimally harmonize the various components of value orientations of students, given that intensive, diverse in content communication in the student age is necessary for the polishing of many socially and professionally significant qualities of personality.

So, in teaching methodology and in pedagogical science, in general, much attention should be paid to the development of linguistic and cultural competence in the conditions of individual-personal approach.


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