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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Prytkova Oksana Al'Bertovna, Shuytseva Inga Al'Fredovna

The aim of the study is to determine structural features of English-American borrowed terms in German advertising terminology to identify ways of its decoding by experts in this field of knowledge. The article presents the results of studying structural features of the German advertising terminology of Ame¬rican origin and ways of its translation into Russian. Scientific novelty consists in examining directly borrowed advertising terms in the modern German language, including the terms that are not recorded in dictionaries, and in analysing word formation for this terminology. As a result, the main structural types of English-American borrowed terms, as well as a model of compound syntactic terms atypical for the German language have been identified. Methods for translating borrowed advertising terminology into Russian have been proposed.

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ISSN 2782-4543 (online) ISSN 1997-2911 (print)

Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики Philology. Theory & Practice

2022. Том 15. Выпуск 8. С. 2586-2590 | 2022. Volume 15. Issue 8. P. 2586-2590

Материалы журнала доступны на сайте (articles and issues available at): philology-journal.ru


Структурные особенности англо-американской заимствованной терминологии рекламы в немецком языке и способы ее перевода на русский язык

Прыткова О. А., Шуйцева И. А.

Аннотация. Цель исследования - определение структурных особенностей англо-американских заимствованных терминов в немецкой терминологии рекламы для выявления способов ее декодирования специалистами данной отрасли знаний. В статье представлены результаты исследования структурных особенностей немецкой терминологии рекламы американского происхождения и способов ее перевода на русский язык. Научная новизна заключается в изучении особенностей материально заимствованных терминов рекламы в современном немецком языке, в том числе не зафиксированных в лексикографических источниках, проведении анализа словообразования данной терминологии. В результате были выявлены основные структурные типы англо-американских заимствованных терминов, а также нетипичная для немецкого языка модель сложно-синтаксических терминов. Были предложены способы перевода заимствованной терминологии рекламы на русский язык.


Structural Features of English-American

Borrowed Advertising Terminology in the German Language

and Ways of Its Translation into Russian

Prytkova O. A., Shuytseva I. A.

Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine structural features of English-American borrowed terms in German advertising terminology to identify ways of its decoding by experts in this field of knowledge. The article presents the results of studying structural features of the German advertising terminology of American origin and ways of its translation into Russian. Scientific novelty consists in examining directly borrowed advertising terms in the modern German language, including the terms that are not recorded in dictionaries, and in analysing word formation for this terminology. As a result, the main structural types of English-American borrowed terms, as well as a model of compound syntactic terms atypical for the German language have been identified. Methods for translating borrowed advertising terminology into Russian have been proposed.


The relevance of the study is explained by significant interest to the phenomenon of active introduction of British-American advertising terms into German special texts. Moreover, English advertising terminology is actively used in Russian communicative situation. From the viewpoint of advertising activity, it develops rapidly, it is replenished with new terms having their own specifics. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive study and, accordingly, translation of the terminology serving this branch of knowledge.

The goal of the study led to the solution of the following tasks: firstly, to study structural features of English-American borrowed terms in German advertising terminology; secondly, to define the most productive ways of word formation for borrowed advertising terms in the German language, thirdly, to formulate the main ways of translating English-American borrowed terms from German advertising terminology into Russian.

Structural, word-formation and comparative research methods were used to perform the tasks.

The tasks set were solved owing to the theoretical background presented by works devoted to the problems of normalization and standardization of terminology (Гринев, 1993; Ткачева, 1987), to various aspects of borrowing

Научная статья (original research article) | https://doi.org/10.30853/phil20220431

© 2022 Авторы. ООО Издательство «Грамота» (© 2022 The Authors. GRAMOTA Publishers). Открытый доступ предоставляется на условиях лицензии CC BY 4.0 (open access article under the CC BY 4.0 License): https://creativecommons.orq/Licenses/by/4.0/

Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики. 2022. Том 15. Выпуск 8


(Иванченко, 2022; Клёстер, 2008; Крысин, 1993; Шумайлова, 2005), to translation of terminological units into Russian (Виноградов, 2001; Коваленко, 2003).

The practical value of this study is that its results can be useful to translators and advertising specialists to make the most adequate translation of special texts. The research materials can also be used in universities to provide courses of special translation for advertising specialists, as well as to train translators for special purposes as a part of obtaining additional professional qualification.

Results and Discussion

Borrowings are a source replenishing both a general literary language and terminology resource of a language. Borrowing of terms and terminological combinations can be explained by a constant expansion of international contacts, processes of integration and globalization, and constant exchange of information. The penetration of terms from one language into another occurs because of such interaction. Structural features of borrowed terms in the context of their formal organization are of great importance for mutual understanding of specialists. The more complex structural models of the terms operating in a particular system are, the more difficult the process of decoding terminological units, and, consequently, the process of obtaining and transferring information is. The analysis of existing forms of terms also makes it possible to determine the most productive ways and models of terms' formation, which enables further prediction in the development of a terminological system.

Since the process of English-American borrowing has become the main source of borrowing in a modern world, it is necessary to specify what is meant by borrowing in general and by English-American borrowing in particular.

The Big Encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following definition of "borrowing". Borrowing is an element of a foreign language (a word, morpheme, syntactic construction, etc.) taken from one language into another as a result of language contacts, it is also the transition process of elements of one language into another (Языкознание. БЭС, 1998). L. P. Krysin (Крысин, 1993) proposes to differentiate the term borrowing at each level of a language system: phonetic, semantic, lexical, morphological, and syntactic borrowings. In this study, borrowing is defined as a word or phrase taken from one language to another as a result of language contacts (Клёстер, 2008, p. 291). English-American borrowings (EAB) are understood as lexical units that arose either in English or in German using English lexemes, provided that their word-formation function has been activated in the English language (Шумайлова, 2005).

Borrowing processes are typical for any language, but the German language has become, perhaps, one of the most active recipients of foreign terms. G. Zifonun (2020), a researcher at German Language Institute, believes that this is a predictable process, since borrowing of words from the English language, as well as the use of English-language components in word formation, is an integral characteristic of enrichment of vocabulary in the modern German language. This is confirmed by the results of the study: 1574 German advertising terms (48.5%) in the sample are borrowed from English, mainly from American English.

An active participation of the English language in the emergence process of new words in the German language is associated with a neological globalization under the influence of the English language (Иванченко, 2022, p. 1914), with the leading position of the English language as the language of international communication and the source of emergence of international terms. Significant advancement in the development of advertising in the USA is one of the main reasons for borrowing English-American advertising terms into the German language. The terms come, as it were, ready-made, along with new concepts. This type of borrowing is the most common in the German advertising sublanguage and is called material or direct, according to the classification of borrowings proposed by S. V. Grinev (Гринев, 1993). The following advertising terms can serve as examples of direct borrowing: Sandwichman (a sandwich man, a person who wears advertising posters on his back and chest for a fee and distributes flyers); Gallup-Impact-Test (a test for measuring advertising impact, developed by Gallup Institute) (Kloss, 2011); Mouse-Move-Banner (Internet banner following the movement of a mouse across the screen); Pop-up (pop-up advertising on the Internet), Spamming (mass mailing of advertising via E-mail), etc. (Stichwortliste der Neologismen..., 2020).

The study of formal structural features of English-American advertising terms was carried out on the basis of classification proposed by L. B. Tkacheva (Ткачева, 1987). All types of terms, namely simple, compound, terminological combinations, phrasal terms and abbreviations, listed in the classification were found in the sample.

In the group of simple terms (22%), both single-root terms (Break (commercial break), Clip (advertising video), Spot (spot, commercial on radio or television), View (ads showing, ads viewing), Spamming (mass mailing of advertising via E-mail)) and derivatives (Recall (ads recall), Prepress (technological process of the pre-press stage in advertising production); Zapping (zapping, deliberate switching of TV channels using a remote control by a viewer who avoids viewing advertising blocks), Showing (outdoor advertising display); .Reminder (advertising reminder), Miniposter (mini-advertising poster) (Gabler Lexikon ..., 2001)) were identified.

Compound terms represent a larger group of direct borrowings (33%). They are mainly represented by two-component terms (89.4% of the total number of compound terms), for example, Catchline (a bright, eye-catching headline in advertisement), Tandemspot (two commercials on radio or television, similar in meaning, following each other). The most common model for the formation of compound terms in German advertising terminology based on English-American borrowed terms (EABT) is the "noun + noun" model, which is typical for the German language


Германские языки

as a whole. Another common model for the formation of compound borrowed terms is the "noun + -ing" model, for example, Copywriting (writing of advertising texts), Media-Buying (buying of advertising time, space). It is interesting that among direct borrowings, a fairly large number of compound words of a syntactic type are defined, they are formed from word combinations, such as Full-Service-Agency (full service advertising agency), Day-After-Recall-Test (advertising memorability test) (Deutscher Wortschatz..., 2022). Entering the German language, such compound syntactic words are most often written with a hyphen. In some cases, there are various spellings of such word combinations, which indicates that the adoption process of borrowing by the recipient language is incomplete, cf.: Opportunity-to-Hear - Opportunity to Hear (possibility of being heard, the possibility that an advertising message will be heard by a potential buyer) (Kloss, 2011).

As the study has shown, the group of borrowed terminological combinations (TC) turned out to be the most numerous (36.6% of the total number of EABT).

Terminological combinations are represented in this research by the following types:

a) connected terminological combinations (established TC, in which the substitution of components is impossible without a disorder of semantic integrity of the entire combination), for example, Prism Board (an electromechanical board, the surface of which consists of vertical prisms carrying an advertising message on each side), Direct Promotion (advertising and promotion of goods in the process of personal contact with a consumer);

b) terminological combinations of free type (TC in which a substitution of components is possible, the substitution is carried out by means of synonymous terms), for example, Point-of-Purchase Material or Point-of-Sale Material (advertising materials at the points of sale), City-light Poster or City-light Board (illuminated advertising structure on pedestrian sidewalks).

The analysis of components has shown that two-component terms (85% of the total number of TC), formed mainly according to the "N + N" model, for example, Art Director, City Poster (advertising poster in the city center) are the most typical for the terminology in question. Creative Advertising Agency, Online Display Advertising (demonstration advertising on the Internet), etc., are examples of three-component terms. Four-component terms, for example, Mail Advertising Service Association, Computer Aided Advertising System (automated advertising system) comprise about 3% of the sample;

c) phrasal terms (terminological combinations in which syntactic relations are expressed by prepositions or conjunctions), for example, Cost per Contact (cost of one contact with an advertising medium), Opportunity to Contact (possibility to establish contact with a potential consumer through advertising message) (Deutscher Wortschatz., 2022) were also identified.

The proportion of abbreviations in the sample is insignificant and amounts to 8.4% of the total number of EABT. The following types of borrowings, such as initial abbreviations, for example, TRP - Target-Rating-Point (the sum of all ratings of advertising campaign in a target audience); truncations: Ad - Advertisement (advertising), and hybrid forms: POS-Material - Point-of-Sale Material (advertising materials at sale points) (Gabler Lexikon ..., 2001), were identified as a result of the analysis.

A low degree of abbreviations' productivity in German borrowing advertising terminology is explained by the fact that a vast majority of compound terms and terminological combinations in the sublanguage under study are two-component, which does not need compress and save verbal means.

The study of any branch of knowledge is closely related to the study of its terminology and, consequently, the knowledge of translating the terminological equivalent from one language to another. The translation process of special advertising texts from German into Russian is complicated by a large number of English-American borrowed terms that do not have an equivalent in Russian. The more complicated the structure of the borrowed terms is, the more difficult it is to decode the term. Errors in terms' translation result in serious semantic distortions, for example, Umbrella-Werbung (umbrella advertising, not advertising on an umbrella - a form of advertising in which the entire range of products is advertised under a single pattern, while an individual product recedes to the background) (Kloss, 2011).

One of the main ways of translation at present is transliteration, i.e. letter-by-letter reproduction of words written with the help of one graphic system by means of another graphic system. Transliteration can be used in cases where a described reality evokes strong associations for a Russian reader, for example, Banner (from English "banner"), Billboard (from English "billboard") - a large billboard, installed on the sides of highways. However A. Ya. Kovalenko (Коваленко, 2003, p. 260) points out that overuse of transliteration results in the impurity of the Russian language. Transliteration is useful if laconism of the original should be reproduced, for example, Dispenser (from English "dispenser") - dispenser instead of an advertising mini-board with a large pocket for leaflets, business cards, etc. (Словарь рекламных терминов, 2022).

The research of the sample revealed the following methods of terms' translation besides transliteration, described by V. S. Vinogradov (Виноградов, 2001): transcription, calquing, and descriptive translation. To create an adequate and accurate translation of English-American borrowed advertising terms from German into Russian, it is recommended to use:

1) translation using a lexical equivalent in the Russian language:

a) a Russian term is taken as an equivalent: Advertisement (advertising announcement), Giveaway (advertising gift);

Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики. 2022. Том 15. Выпуск 8


b) an equivalent is created by a literal translation (calquing) of the English term: Ad Break (advertising break), Ad View Time (advertising display time);

c) an equivalent is created by combining transcription and literal translation: Bingocard (bingo card), Living-Banner (interactive banner);

2) translation by means of one of possible lexical options:

a) transcription or a Russian term: Flier (flyer or leaflet), Copytest (copy-test or advertising testing);

b) transcription or a descriptive translation: Launch (launch or start of an advertising campaign); Teaser (a teaser or visual element of an advertisement, poster, aimed to attract special attention).

If it is impossible to match the above methods, description is used to translate a non-equivalent term that reveals its meaning using an expanded phrase: ATL - Above-The-Line (the cost of advertising that is ordered by third parties and not carried out by the advertising agency itself; the cost of this advertising is "above the line").


Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn based on the research.

The formation of German advertising terminology occurs under the influence of the English language, it is connected with the necessity to nominate missing concepts and objects or caused by intralinguistic reasons - the semantic specificity and content of the English term.

German advertising terminology is characterized by the borrowing of simple and compound terms, terminological combinations and abbreviations, as well as the emergence of compound syntactic terms formed by means of juxtaposition in the German language.

The most common model for the formation of compound terms and terminological combinations based on English-American borrowings is the "noun + noun" model. There is every reason to believe that two- and three-component terminological combinations of "N + N"; "N + N + N" types, functioning in this terminology in a separate form, will join the class of compound nouns in the near future and will be written either in one word or with a hyphen.

Transliteration or transcription is predominantly used in translation of simple terms that is related to the globalization and internationalization of the English-American advertising terminology. Compound terms and terminological combinations are characterized by descriptive translation, which is connected with the complexity of these concepts and lack of relevant terms in the Russian language.

Prospects for further research lie in the possibility of studying the influence of the English language on the emergence of new terms, including those not related to the subject of the study, as well as in an attempt to compile an appropriate German-Russian dictionary of advertising terms.

Источники | References

1. Виноградов В. С. Введение в переводоведение (общие и лексические вопросы). М., 2001.

2. Гринев С. В. Введение в терминоведение. М.: Московский лицей, 1993.

3. Иванченко Т. А. Англоязычное влияние на процесс возникновения новых слов в современном немецком языке (на материале словарей неологизмов, связанных с тематикой пандемии коронавируса) // Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики. 2022. Т. 15. Вып. 6.

4. Клёстер А. М. Процесс заимствования как источник обогащения немецкой терминологии инженерной психологии // Омские социально-гуманитарные чтения - 2008: мат. I Регион. науч.-практ. конф. Омск: ОмГТУ, 2008.

5. Коваленко А. Я. Общий курс научно-технического перевода: пособие по переводу с английского на русский. К., 2003.

6. Крысин Л. П. Языковое заимствование как проблема диахронической социолингвистики // Диахроническая социолингвистика / под ред. В. К. Журавлёва. М., 1993.

7. Словарь рекламных терминов. 2022. URL: http://magenta.kz/slovarreklamnyhterminov

8. Ткачева Л. Б. Основные закономерности английской терминологии. Томск, 1987.

9. Шумайлова М. С. Актуальные проблемы развития и функционирования терминологии Интернет в немецком языке: автореф. дисс. ... к. филол. н. Омск, 2005.

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11. Deutscher Wortschatz. Leipzig Corpora Collection. 2022. URL: https://wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de/de

12. Gabler Lexikon Werbung / hrsg. von G. Behers. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 2001.

13. Kloss I. Werbung: Handbuch für Studium und Praxis. München, 2011.

14. Stichwortliste der Neologismen der Zehnerjahre. Neologismenwörterbuch. Online-Wortschatz-Informationssystem Deutsch des Leibniz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache (IDS), Mannheim. 2020. URL: https://www.owid.de/ service/stichwortlisten/neo_10

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Германские языки

Информация об авторах | Author information


Прыткова Оксана Альбертовна1 Шуйцева Инга Альфредовна2

1 2 Омский государственный технический университет


Prytkova Oksana Al'bertovna1 Shuytseva Inga Al'fredovna2 1 2 Omsk State Technical University

1 proks.76@mail.ru, 2 oceansveta-64@mail.ru

Информация о статье | About this article

Дата поступления рукописи (received): 06.07.2022; опубликовано (published): 31.08.2022.

Ключевые слова (keywords): терминология рекламы; англо-американские заимствованные термины; структурный анализ; способы перевода; транслитерация; advertising terminology; English-American borrowed terms; structural analysis; translation methods; transliteration.

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