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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Kolesnikovich Victor P.

Identification of key features of different types of tourist space in PAs, in order to compile a “kernel of features” characterizing the selected sites. At the same time, the main ways of territorial transformation are the development of linear-mobile forms of recreation in SPNA (excursions and hiking), ecotourism and the allocation of specialized recreational areas. In modern conditions an important aspect of territorial development becomes the redirection of tourist flows taking into account the compliance with the anthropogenic load on the specially protected areas.

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УДК 330, 574.4 DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2021.15.3.23

JEL: Z32

V. P. Kolesnikovich1

'BelNRC "Ecology", Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Strategy of ecotourism development in specially protected natural areas

of the Republic of Belarus

Abstract. Identification of key features of different types of tourist space in PAs, in order to compile a "kernel of features" characterizing the selected sites. At the same time, the main ways of territorial transformation are the development of linear-mobile forms of recreation in SPNA (excursions and hiking), ecotourism and the allocation of specialized recreational areas. In modern conditions an important aspect of territorial development becomes the redirection of tourist flows taking into account the compliance with the anthropogenic load on the specially protected areas.

Keywords: regional economy, route capacity, transformation, development cores, recreational area, ecotourism.

Paper submitted: September 21, 2021.

For citation: Kolesnikovich V. P. (2021) Strategy of ecotourism development in specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Belarus. The Science of Person: Humanitarian Researches, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 200-206. DOI: 10.17238/ issni998-5320.202i.i5.3.23.

Introduction. The tourism economy is subject to external economic, political and epidemiological factors. At the same time, it has the capacity to recover quickly in an adverse environment.

Satisfaction of the available needs in tours and excursions stimulates increase in number of fans of active and cognitive forms of rest in structure of tourist consumption in SPNA [3].

The scientific literature considers the problem from different aspects: in the framework of marketing strategies [14, 22], economic approaches to the formation of territories of advanced development [15, 23] financial aspects of the territory [16]. In the future the inertial growth of this contingent of tourists will form the unsatisfied demand for tours and hikes, which will stimulate the expansion of their supply taking into account the specifics of SPNA [17, 19].

The task of ecotourism in SPNA is the involvement of the local population in direct tourist services to increase household incomes, partial replacement of collective forms of agricultural nature management by individual, preservation and restoration of ethnographic features of life, as well as dispersal of tourist flow in SPNA, in order to regulate the anthropogenic load [21, 24].

At the same time, the task of linear-mobile forms of recreation in SPNAs is to disperse the tourist load in order to divert part of the tourist flow from overloaded recreation areas and to develop little or no natural recreational resources [17, 19].

Materials and methods of research. The basic methods of realization of the set tasks are creation of a network of tourist-excursion routes and functional zoning of the territory of SPNA [4, 21]. At the same time it will promote an increase in the number of ecotourists, whose recreational activities, complementary to the functions of SPNA, act as a target in the structure of recreational activity cycles [23].

The development of excursion and trekking forms of recreation is based on the existing features of tourist demand. So gradually the structure of tourists' recreational activities will come closer to eco-tourism, i.e. to the one where the activities corresponding to the concept "ecological tourism" prevail [5, 6]. To determine the initial demand for tourist-excursion routes it is necessary to correlate the volume of existing demand and supply of this sector of tourist service (tab. 1) [10].

The given data testify to the spontaneous formation of the supply of specialized services, as there is no correlation between the volume of demand and the technical capabilities of the routes [10, 19]. In addition, the discrepancies between the existing and desired structures of recreational activities and tourists' assessment of the service program, as well as field observations indicate a weak intensity of use of the developed routes. Moreover, many of them exist only formally. This situation is caused by the lack of vehicles and equipment necessary for the organization of service on the routes, lack

ISSN 1998-5320 (Print) ISSN 12587-943Х (Online)

Table 1 - Capacity to meet organized demand for tourism and excursion services of NP,

thousand people-hours per season

Types of recreationalactivities Narochanski Braslav Lakes Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Observation of nature 86.93 40,02 5.07

(environmental trails) 41,40 41,40 24,90

Hiking 455.86 82,84 0.30

- 27,60 -

Water trips 420.96 191.12 2.40

92,00 92,00 -

Cycling trips 119.10 35.68 -

64,40 9,20 -

Tours 205,34 85.67 12,33

124,20 107,05 49,80

In numerator - demand for organization of excursions and hikes (evaluation), in denominator - capacity of developed tourist-excursion routes

Table 2 - Unsatisfied demand of organized tourists for tourist and excursion routes of NP,

persons per day / groups per dayl

Types of routes Narochanski Braslav lakes Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Ecological trails 326 / 22 0/0 0/0

Hiking 496 / 34 60/4 1/0

Water tourism 357/36 108/11 1/0

Cycling 59/6 28/3 0/0


Tours 27/1 0/0 0/0

(bus tours)

Estimation based on indicators of excess of demand over supply (see Table 1).

of qualified personnel, insufficient level of training and lack of labor incentives [17]. Therefore, even when the capacity of the available routes exceeds the existing needs of organized tourists (excursion routes in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and in Braslavsky Park, an ecological trail in Belovezhskaya Pushcha), the demand for tourist and excursion services is not satisfied. An important task today is to intensify the use of existing routes. Nevertheless, there is a need to develop new tourist and excursion routes because the demand is higher than the supply (Table 2).

Creation of the developed network of tourist-excursion routes demands also unsatisfied demand from the unorganized tourists. There is a great demand of unorganized tourists for bivouac rest, which is connected with the organization of tourist parking on the banks of water bodies [11].

The development of ecotourism and specialized tourist zones is directly linked to the functional zoning of the NP territory. Currently, there are no uni-

fied criteria for the allocation of recreational zones in the parks, which are the cores of tourism development in the NPs. This is evidenced by the ratio of the areas of functional zones of Belarusian NPs [7]. In the author's opinion, the most successful is the zoning of the Narochanski Park, where the areas of the recreational zone were allocated based on the solution of practical tasks of nature protection of the park and organization of tourism [20]. In practice, the tasks of allocating the recreation zone were reduced to the following:

1. To reduce the recreational load on the coastal area of Lake Naroch and to limit the tourist use of the unique natural complex of the landscape reserve "Blue Lakes".

2. To increase the efficiency of tourist use of dispersed natural objects of high recreational value.

3. To create prerequisites for increasing the role of tourist services in the life of the local population and supplementing traditional forms of employ-

ment and nature management with alternative ones (transition from collective farming to farming, reorientation of part of the employed population from the sectors of agriculture to tourist services).

All three zoning objectives were solved simultaneously on the basis of the methodological framework outlined below. Priority allocation of recreational areas in order to regulate the recreational load is necessary in the established places of concentration of tourist services and transport infrastructure [9]. It is also necessary to allocate new, promising places of concentration of recreational services, which should contribute to "interception" of tourist flows on the NP periphery. Therefore, in order to redistribute tourist flows, it is necessary to allocate peripheral areas of recreational area of promising tourist service [8]. According to the sociological researches it was fixed that in the Na-rochanski region tourist migration prevails on the side of Minsk - 71 % of holidaymakers (including from Minsk - 43 %, from the Minsk region - 14 %, from Mogilev region - 4 %, from Gomel region -10 %). The north-east flow (from the direction of Polotsk) is formed by Vitebsk region - 15 %, and the south-west flow (from the direction of Smorgon) -by Brest and Grodno regions - 11 %. Obviously, due to the current geographical structure of tourism, the main efforts should be aimed at redistribution of the south-eastern tourist flow. However, here the task is complicated by the existing configuration of the transport network: near the village of Brusy the main tourist flow splits in the direction of the town of Myadel and the village of Zanaroch, covering Lake Naroch "pincers".

In summertime in the coastal zone of the lake Naroch rests simultaneously about thousand organized recreationists. They are joined by 4 thousand (during the weekend - 6 thousand) of unorganized tourists [25]. Unorganized tourists are divided into two groups: lovers of "wild" recreation in nature (amateur tourists) and those focused on accommodation in the private sector.

In order to reorient amateur tourists from the shores of Lake Naroch and Blue Lakes, recreational zoning provided for an equal replacement of recreation areas with the use of little used, but no less valuable in recreational terms, water and forest recreational lands [17].

Tourists staying in the private sector do not cause significant damage to the natural environment. How-

ever, their dispersion on the territory of the NP has an important socio-economic importance. It is this category of holidaymakers that forms a significant part of the solvent tourist demand in the NP and is served by the local residents, which brings them significant income. Currently, the private sector is actively involved in the provision of hospitality services only in Naroch settlement. Naroch and rural settlements on the shore of Lake Naroch. As a rule, visitors of other settlements usually go to their own dachas or relatives. The noted concentration of tenants in traditional recreation areas without significant measures will increase, which is associated with the intensification of housing construction in Naroch settlement. Naroch, and this should be recognized as a negative trend in both environmental and socio-economic terms. In order to geographically redistribute tourists accommodated in the private sector, a number of rural settlements with quality recreational resources and, above all, water bodies were included in the recreational zone. Assigning the status of recreational zone to rural settlements will allow further effective use of methods of economic stimulation of agrotour-ism development, which is more consistent with the purpose of NP as a nature conservation area than mass recreation in medical and health institutions, more typical of resorts [18].

The recreational zone of the Narochansky Park included established and perspective recreational territories, which differ in recreational specialization.

In order to develop ecotourism in the recreational zone it is necessary to include existing rural settlements located near water bodies [11]. Prospects of allocating special ecotourism zones are related to the possibility of organizing competitions among their local households for the right to receive benefits and loans when organizing tourism services based on the private sector. The sites of the eco-tourism zone allocated in NP Narochansky are presented in Table 4. The most eco-tourism zones in the NP Narochansky are situated on the shore of lakes Naroch (6) and Myadel (6) and lake Myastro (4). Allocation of agrotourism zones should contribute to a fuller use of available recreational resources, therefore the recreation zone includes also rural settlements on the coast of less significant and more distant water bodies. These are settlements on the coast of a group of small lakes located in the northern part of the NP: Lake Rossokhi (1), Lake Lotviny (1), Lake Volchino (2) - which are particularly pic-

ISSN 1998-5320 (Print) ISSN 12587-943Х (Online)

turesque. In order to disperse the tourist flows the recreational area includes rural settlements on the coasts of distant water bodies of Lake Rudakovo (2), Lake Kuzmichi (2), Lake V. Shvakshty (1), lake Svirishche (1), river Sgracha (2), lake Batorino (2), lake Shvakshty (3). Lake Batorino (2).

New protected areas will become a spatial basis for the development of ecological tourism and effective functioning of tourism economy, which is characterized by high resource intensity [1]. Landscape-tourist parks and recreational reserves (resort areas) can be created on the basis of existing recreation areas.

In general, the creation of landscape-tourist parks and recreational reserves will contribute to the formation of a buffer area between the natural core and the area of intensive economy in the generalized profile of the cultural landscape of Belarus, which corresponds to the general geographic concept of landscape polarization as a means of forming environmental sustainability [12]. The main factor in the formation of a network of recreation areas is the demographic potential, which determines the value of tourist demand of the population. It follows that nature-oriented tourism in Belarus is a factor of formation of the nature protection network and, consequently, of the cultural landscape.

Conclusions. The main recreational and environmental contradiction is the discrepancy between the structure of recreational activities of organized tourists and the environmental functions of national parks. Tourists' activities which are not connected with the ecological function of the parks as key protected areas are predominant: in the structure of recreational activities bathing and beach recreation and cultural and entertainment (visiting bars, discos, cinema and video halls) make up from 48.6

% ("Belovezhskaya Pushcha") to 67.7 % ("Naro-chansky"). The organization of these types of recreational activities is characterized by a high territorial concentration, which is most pronounced in the "Narochansky" park. In summer more than 6 thousand organized tourists stay in this national park at a time, who spend 93 % of their recreation time in the coastal zone, which leads to high recreational loads and degradation of natural complexes. At the same time, unsatisfied demand for ecotourist types of recreation (hiking, excursions, nature observations), the satisfaction of which can reduce the share of coastal recreation in the structure of recreational time of tourists to the level of 70 %. The capacity of recreational resources of "Narochansky" park does not allow to satisfy this demand in full, which requires reorientation of the tourist flow to alternative places (for example, to the national park "Braslav Lakes").

The analysis of social and utilitarian-ecological contradictions has shown: for the local population an important compensator of the inconveniences caused by environmental restrictions can become a tourist service, which leads to a positive social effect when the one-time tourist flow reaches 40-50 people and more per 100 local residents. However, such level of recreational load is associated with the aggravation of recreational and environmental contradictions and does not meet the environmental objectives of national parks. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the socially favorable threshold level of tourist flows intensity by, firstly, improving the motivational structure of tourist flow through the development of ecotourism services offer of parks and, secondly, developing agroecotourism on the basis of local households taking into account the normalization of anthropogenic pressure on the environment [2, 10].


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Information about the author

Victor P. Kolesnikovich

Cand. Sc. (Geography), Associate Professor of the Psychology and Pedagogy Department of Educational Institution. BIP - University of Law and Socio-Information Technologies (3 Korolya St., Minsk, 220000, Republic of Belarus). Head of the Ecological Tourism Development Sector. BelNRC "Ecology" (76 G. Yakubova St., Minsk, 220095, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: ums_minsk@tut.by

В. П. Колесникович1

'Республиканское научно-исследовательское унитарное предприятие «БелНИЦ «Экология», г. Минск, Республика Беларусь

Стратегия развития экотуризма в рекреационных зонах

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Республики Беларусь

Аннотация. В статье определены ключевые признаки различных типов туристического пространства на особо охраняемых природных территориях с целью составления «ядра признаков», характеризующих выделен-

ные объекты. При этом основными способами территориальной трансформации являются развитие линейно-мобильных форм рекреации на ООПТ (экскурсии и походы), экотуризма и выделение специализированных рекреационных зон.

Ключевые слова: региональная экономика, емкость маршрутов, трансформация, ядра развития, рекреационная зона, экотуризм

Дата поступления статьи: 21 сентября 2021 г.

Для цитирования: Колесникович В. П. (2021) Стратегия развития экотуризма в рекреационных зонах Республики Беларусь // Наука о человеке: гуманитарные исследования. Том 15. № 3. С. 200-206. DOI: 10.17238/ issni998-5320.202i.i5.3.23.


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Информация об авторе

Колесникович Виктор Павлович

Кандидат географических наук, доцент кафедры психологии и педагогики. БИП - Университет права и социальных технологий (220000, Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Короля, 3). Зав. сектором развития экологического туризма. РУП «БелНИЦ «Экология» (220095, Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Г. Якубова, 76). E-mail: ums_minsk@tut.by

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