Научная статья на тему 'Strategies for improving the effective use of interactive software in biological education'

Strategies for improving the effective use of interactive software in biological education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gulrukhsor Ergasheva

The article contains of theoretical bases, requirements and strategies for effective use of interactive software in biology education. The role of interactive software was provided by theoretical and practical bases to increase the effectiveness of biological education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Strategies for improving the effective use of interactive software in biological education»

Gulrukhsor Ergasheva, PhD., in Pedagogics, the Faculty of Natural sciences Tashkent pedagogical university named after Nizami, Uzbekistan E-mail: egulruxsor@mail.ru


Abstract: The article contains of theoretical bases, requirements and strategies for effective use of interactive software in biology education. The role of interactive software was provided by theoretical and practical bases to increase the effectiveness of biological education.

Keywords: interactive software facilities, electronic resources, educational condition, teaching management systems in the electronic educational condition, interactive equipment, interactive technologies.

The globalization of the information space in the world civilization, the development of a large-scale information system and telecommunication technologies intensify the opportunities for implementing strategies for improving using by digital educational resources, information technologies and interactive software. This creates a foundation in biological science for studying DNA, mastering knowledge in the field of terrestrial and underwater bases in the direction of biotechnology, studying the biodiversity of plants and animals in ecosystems, and also modernizing of the training of specialists in this field.

In the years of independence, special attention is paid to the organization of the educational process in the biology of educational institutions with the use of interactive software facilities, the development of electronic educational - methodical resources, information systems. As a result ofsuccessive transformations in educational institutions, advanced interactive software in biological education was created by using video conference relations and remote provisioning methods, based on best practice.

At present time along with the realized works, there is necessity to improve a quality and applied-technological system of using in the field of interactive software today. The directions for improving the quality and efficiency of the activities of higher education institutions on the basis of the introduction of international standards for assessing the quality of education and training were defined in the strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan [1], and it is particularly impor-

tant to achieve effective use in biological education with interactive software and electronic resources.

In the world practice special attention is paid to scientific research on the development of competence in the use of interactive software in the biological education of students, the creation of multimedia facilities to improve the quality of students' knowledge. Also, researches are aimed to improve the pedagogical mechanisms for the development of electronic educational resources based on the management systems of learning in the electronic educational environment and mass open online courses (MOOC), which allow to effectively use interactive software in the process ofbiological education, the development of skills in using interactive software facilities in the process of biological education.

As a result of research, conducted in the world, in the field of improving of use of interactive software by students of pedagogical higher educational institutions, a number of results had been achieved, in particular, an effective strategy of organizing of learning with using interactive tasks had been developed; a content, structure and recommendations for use in the educational practice of the technology of web-quest (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, San Diego University); it was created a system of training future specialists, who mastered the fundamentals of biotechnology in protein engineering and bioinformatics with the computation of studying DNA (University of Tokyo); it was worked out a method for applying construction in the research of intellectual computer literacy (Association of Information

Technology Professionals, www.aitp.org.), it was realized a projecting, relation with the environment and certification of modern teaching materials (Stiftung Digital Chances, Germany); a training system had been developed that allows the use of computer technologies in education in various situations (National Council for Educational Technology); organizational and strategic mechanisms for implementing international cooperation in the development of educational technologies (European Information Technologies Certification Institute) had been improved; Nanotechnology had been introduced in biological research to ensure successful study of animal and plant biodiversity in terrestrial and underwater ecosystems (Scientific Center for Biological Research, Russia).

In Uzbekistan, the problems of preparing students for use with interactive software were explored in the following directions:

- The improving of the methodology of teaching biology through pedagogical and information technologies was studied by A. T. Gafurov, J. O. Tolipova; the introduction of pedagogical and information technologies in higher educational institutions was worked out by A. Abdukodirov, N. N. Azizkhodzhaeva, U. Sh. Begimku-lov, R. Kh. Dzhuraev, Sh. S. Sharipov and others [2-6].

In the countries of ISC (Independent States of Cooperation), the perfection of the methodology of teaching biology, the pedagogical effectiveness of educational materials on biology, calculated for the use of information technologies was studied by M. S. Artyukhina, S. I. Boris, M. Bulycheva, E. V. Titov and others; problems of applying modern technologies in the information process of the educational system and increasing the professional competence of future teachers had been studied by V. P. Bespalko, O. N. Vershinskaya, E. S. Polat, I. V. Robert, A. Levitskaya, A. V. Feyodorov, I. V. Cheli-shev and others. [7-17]

In developed foreign countries, effective research in the field of theory and practice of media education, application of interactive multimedia in the teaching of the spheres of science: multimedia, web-quest, intellectual game technologies was conducted by such scientists as B. Dodge, S. Goodman, R. Kozma, D. Leveranz, A. Sorgo, L. Masterman, T. March, Newton, A. Hart, L. Henderson, S. Hennessy, J. Huppert, S. M. Lomask, R. Lazarowitz, J. Klemes [18-34].

Dedicated to the problem of developing on a total conceptual basis of scientific and methodical aspects of improving of use of interactive software in biological education was studied. The conclusions follow from the experimental study:

1. In accordance with the trends of important trends in the development of higher educational institutions of our republic and in a world scale, one of the main tasks is the preparation of future biology teachers in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and society based on the student-centric approach. Improving the effective use in the educational process of information and communication technologies, interactive software serves the preparation of students for professional work on the basis of modern development trends.

2. The use of information and communication technologies more extends the composition of components and the opportunities of the educational sphere. In the given conditions the list of sources of educational information is supplemented with databases and information-reference systems, electronic textbooks and encyclopedias, Internet resources, etc. The facilities of educational activity are enriched due to computer simulators, control programs and other means of communication - local computer networks, Internet facilities. The information and communication education sphere (ICES) can also be referred to the basics of information and communication technologies.

Under these conditions, the role of subjects is changing: the student will be at the center of training, his motives, goals and psychological characteristics. All methodical actions (the organization of the educational material, applied ways and methods, exercises, etc.) will be directed to the personality of the student, his needs, abilities, activity, intelligence, etc.

3. Improving the effective use of interactive software for biological education supposes, first of all, the creation of its organizational and didactic system. Technical equipment (computer, electronic board, projector, smart phones), teaching management systems in the electronic educational environment of the LMS (Learning Management System) (MOODLE, ILIAS, e Front, e Study, etc.) are necessary for effective use of interactive software in biological education, educational Internet resources (MOOC, Vacademia), pedagogical software (simulators, monitoring, training, demonstra-

tion, imitation-modeling, game, problem-based training, information - reference, etc.), interactive programming facilities (interactive: educational-methodical complex, textbook, reference book, simulator, tasks, laboratory exercises, visual aids), interactive equipment (interactive board, tablet (planshet), plasma panel, test systems, etc.), interactive technologies (web-quest, virtual laboratory, intellectual games, QR code), web services (prezi. com, plickers.com, zunal.com, bestwebquests.com) are essential part of education system.

4. In improving of use of interactive software in biological education, it is necessary to pay special attention to the strengthening of methodological support. For this purpose, a mechanism was developed for enriching electronic resources of interactive software facilities, used in biological education with classroom development, interactive assignments, tests created on the basis of interactive presentation materials, an electronic textbook, an interactive complex, interactive technologies; constant replenishment with new materials and site of realization (dr-ergasheva.tdpu.uz).

5. Currently, the standard of the system of educational buildings for higher educational institutions was approved, which based on the definition of place and significance in the educational process, the differentiation of functional characteristics includes the publication of four groups: program-methodical (education plans and education programs); educational-methodical (methodical instructions, guidance, materials, concerning the content of the methodology of teaching spheres, the study of the course, the performance of course final

qualification (diploma) works); educational textbooks, teaching aids, lecture texts, lecture notes); assistant processes (workshops, collections of management and tasks, literature, books for reading); control facilities (test programs, databases).

Achievement of effective use by students of interactive software in biological education serves to develop the process ofmastering the skills ofreadiness for professional activity at the organizational- management, explanatory-motivational, cognitive, technological, and creative levels.

6. The use of interactive software facilities creates an opportunity for the systematic implementation of work on the organization and implementation of operational methods of monitoring, monitoring the level of knowledge of students, optimizing of study time in the electronic educational sphere on the base of Moodle system, QR code technology in biological education.

7. It is advisable to postpone the course of "Information - communication technologies in Biology» from the "Disciplines of Choice" in the block of "Special Disciplines" of the educational curriculum for the direction of education "Methodology for the teaching biology".

All inventions of mankind have as positive and negative consequences; one of them will be used for good purposes, and other one is harmful to the interests ofmankind. Our goal is to use Internet and computer technologies as a strong means of educating and upbringing of the future generation, preparing of literate professionals, members of society, that who deals of internet and computer technologies they are able to actively and independently use of information and computer technologies.


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