Научная статья на тему 'Strategic integration of the enterprises: conceptual model based on knowledge of the personnel'

Strategic integration of the enterprises: conceptual model based on knowledge of the personnel Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
knowledge / cooperative-integrated strategy / development / changes / management / strategic management / transformation / знания / кооперационно -интегрированная стратегия / развитие / изменения / менеджмент / стратегический менеджмент / трансформация

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — D. Voronkov, A. Grynyov

In the article problems of formation and development of the human capital as a key factor of solution of enterprise’s tasks are described. The theory of interested parties is considered. The description of the complicated model of interested parties is presented. The strategic integration model of the enterprise on the basis of knowledge transfer is developed and described

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Стратегическая интеграция предприятий: концептуальная модель, основанная на знании персонала

В статье описаны проблемы формирования и развития человеческого капитала как ключевого фактора решения сложных задач на предприятии. Рассмотрена теория заинтересованных сторон. Представлено описание усложненной модели заинтересованных сторон. Разработана и описана стратегическая интеграционная модель предприятия на основе трансферта знаний.

Текст научной работы на тему «Strategic integration of the enterprises: conceptual model based on knowledge of the personnel»

--Strategic management -

УДК 334:005.95/.96

D. Voronkov,

PhD (Economics), A. Grynyov,

East-Ukrainian National University named after Vladimir Dal',

Lugansk, Ukraine


The economy of Ukraine and its further development depends more and more on universal tendencies and processes occurring in the economic globalized space. Ukraine which is geographically located between Euro-Atlantic and Euro-Asian areas feels sharply both negative and positive effects of the globalized processes complicated by the world financial and economic crisis that captured almost all vital spheres of a society. Economic globalization has sharpened the competition level between commodity producers. It has also complicated activity of the enterprises which have appeared not ready to work effectively in crisis, constantly changing environment. The necessity of adapting to these conditions if they want to preserve their viability compels the enterprises to make innovative changes having a strategic value.

Innovative changes in the given context should be understood as the development of a new model by the enterprises or the behavior form in market conditions that should find the reflection in mission, vision, values, that is both in the strategy and under strategic management. P.Senge pays attention to this feature in the work «the Fifth discipline» «... In realities of the global market there is no such concept as« the end result », and is continuously progress to the next object in view» [1, p. 17].

It would seem that objective changes which are derivatives of expansion and deepening globalization processes should promote active application of such methods of strategic management by enterprises, which are directed not only to internal business processes of creation of cost, but also to long-term presence in the markets, synchronization of the basic business processes and model of planning and management on the basis of uniform information channels with suppliers and consumers on all extent of a logistical chain, specialization on key competencies of all participants, expansion of partner relations for increasing the general level of competitiveness of managing subjects interconnected among themselves. However, the analysis of 80 industrial enterprises in Ukraine has shown that «they have yet crystallized complete system of strategic management though some of them have its separate elements which

yield results» [2]. It is represented that such position, along with the reasons of subjective character (a lack of knowledge among top-managers and top managers concerning receptions and «conducting» methods to the planned purpose, its inexact formulation, the frivolous relation to the statement of a question on necessity of changing and working out of the effective strategy with its obligatory conformity to available potential) is substantially caused by insufficient development of theoretical and methodological approaches which would consider strategic management as the doctrine of organization of changes in unity with other scientific directions, and first of all with such ones as institutional economy and economy of knowledge within the limits of a uniform model. Such conclusion arises in connection with a postulate that tendencies of the institutional national economy developments should coincide with a vector of economic development. And it means that ability of the enterprises to reach successes in competitive struggle appreciably depends on working out and realization of the cooperative-integrated strategy which provides a constant transfer of innovative knowledge between subjects of economic or social relations for achieving a financial synergy, creation of social and cultural images of interaction and improvement of interrelations of production that is characteristic for the institutional economic theory and important for «investment» of knowledge in the goods, process of its creation, in the purpose of the enterprise and actually in knowledge of the personnel [3]. Such interpretation allows to use simultaneously the neoclassical economic theory, institutional economic theory and the theory of interested parties. However, in the given work we did not put the aim to reveal advantages of any theory, and found possibilities of their association within the limits of a uniform paradigm of strategic management.

As the key factor of solution of these tasks, works of many known foreign and domestic scientists and experts are devoted to the problems mentioned above, and also the problems of formation and development of the human capital. The results of investigation of the

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problems concerning the organization of strategic alliances and strategic integration, management of knowledge, creation of a synergy of the organization by means of the balanced system of indicators, balance of interests of interested parties in management of business processes are presented in several fundamental monographs [4-10]. However, in these and other works a complex consideration of questions concerning strategic integration in such sphere as strategic management is insufficiently described.

In the given article the attempt is made to present a functional-methodological model of integration communications which would give the chance to understand interrelation of different scientific directions (theories) in questions of strategic changes in the context of strategic management of modern enterprises.

Conceptually, as a starting point in creation of such model was taken the theory of interested parties. Charles-background-Klauzevits, the great German strategist of the 19th century, underlined that the first problem of any theory — accurately to define terms and concepts to avoid mess [11]. Following this advice, we will state substantive provisions of the theory of interested parties. One of the first ideas of the account of interests in company management was formulated by the economist R.Frimen in 1984 who has proved that strategic management of firms of private sector can be much more effective and more productive if managers consider the interests of different interested parties (stakeholders) [4]. Assuming as a basis the given thesis, it is possible to refer to the stakeholders shareholders, investors, suppliers, clients (consumers, buyers), managers and the personnel of the enterprise, competitors, the state structures, public associations and other interested groups. The stakeholders are considered by us as active participants of aim setting process, and their strategic interaction is carried out through the system of straight lines and feedback.

The mutual relations shown in the model which have the name «contracts» are considered as contributions of various interested parties in exchange for benefits and stimulus which are provided by the enterprise. Thus, contributions can be material, monetary, physical and nonmaterial (knowledge). Stimulus (benefits and indemnifications) also can get various forms, including an exchange of knowledge which is provided by the enterprise to interested subjects. Contributions and stimulus (benefits) have a relative character that does an exchange between two parties mutual. Mutual is also the responsibility which is incurred by the parties. Therefore, the practical value of the theory of interested parties can be notable only when there is a correct definition of stakeholders' structure (parities of interests), systems of measuring instruments and an estimation of mutual

influence of the various parties which has been described by a well-known adviser F. Nikols in 2000. It has also entered into the theory as the system of indicators of responsibility (Accountability Scorecard — ASC) [12].

The complicated model of interested parties consisting of 8 groups is presented. However, in a concrete practical situation it is not necessary to complicate the model as orientation of the enterprise to a great number of groups of interested subjects that leads to «washing out» of strategic targets and enterprise's priorities. Key interested parties for any enterprise are consumers (buyers, clients), proprietors (shareholders), suppliers, managers and the enterprise's personnel. Other interested parties (investors, state structures, competitors, public associations) can be important only provided that their contribution to the enterprise will be powerful and considerable.

Thus, we have outlined an external contour of strategic integration model of the enterprise which conceptually is a component of strategic management.

For construction of an internal contour of model we will take the advantage of the general concept of the balanced system of indicators (Balanced Scorecard — BSC) and strategic cards (Strategy MAPS) which have been described by professor Robert Kaplan and a well-known adviser David Norton [6, 13]. The given concept is based on the idea that any system constructed round any direction of management, whether it be cost for shareholders, management of clients, management of business processes, quality, key competence, innovation, human capital, information technology, organizational structures, training, does not give the integrated and complete approach to working out of the strategy though each of these directions is all-important. And only having connected BSC with existing systems of management it is possible to describe the strategy and to construct the general model of this strategy on visualization of relationships of cause and effect in the form of a strategic card which is a link between strategy formation and its embodiment through strategic management.

Not denying value of the given conceptual position, it is necessary to focus the attention on the fact that the major leitmotif of the concept that in our opinion should be an organic part of all chain of creation of cost is not absolutely accurately traced. It is a question of a prerogative of intangible assets, that is knowledge of the personnel in its forms, creation of cost for clients, shareholders and community in spite of the fact that they influence and have financial results not directly, and through a chain of relationships of cause and effect. The practice testifies that any changes which are planned in the internal environment of the enterprise can fail mainly because of too great attention to technology of their realization and the insufficient account at all stages of

EKOHOMÍHHHH BÍCHHK ^OHÓacy № 4 (22), 2010

the human factor. The main thing in any project is people with their knowledge, abilities, and competencies.

Thus, strategic card BSC, proceeding from the subject of our research, represents the model in which the process of consecutive transformation of intangible assets in long-term cost for shareholders and production for consumers is reflected.

It is obvious that both external and internal contour of strategic integration model of enterprises is their orientation to the interests of interested parties that gives the grounds for construction of the general model and working out of strategy of the integration interaction which key direction — a transfer of innovative knowledge of all interested parties.

Thus, the presented conceptual model allows to solve the important scientifically-practical task which has been put in the work. Feature of the offered approach is its connection with modern economic theories and system of transformation of mutual relations of participants of a logistical chain of creation of cost. This approach leads to planning of changes both in the internal structure and strategic mutual relations with interested partners that promotes formation of a new shape of socially-focused corporate governance.


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Voronkov D., Grynyov A. Strategic integration of the enterprises: conceptual model based on knowledge of the personnel

In the article problems of formation and development of the human capital as a key factor of solution of enterprise's tasks are described. The theory of interested parties is considered. The description of the complicated model of interested parties is presented. The strategic integration model of the enterprise on the basis of knowledge transfer is developed and described

Key words: knowledge, cooperative-integrated strategy, development, changes, management, strategic management, transformation

Воронков Д., Гриньов А. Стратепчна штег-ращя пщприемств: концептуальна модель, зас-нована на знанш персоналу

У статп описан проблеми формування i розвит-ку людського катталу як ключового чинника вирь шення складних завдань на тдприемствг Розглянута теорiя защкавлених сторш. Представлений опис уск-ладнено! моделi защкавлених сторш. Розроблена i описана стратепчна штегращйна модель тдприемства на основi трансферту знань.

Ключовi слова: знання, кооперащйно^нтегрова-на стратепя, розвиток, змiни, менеджмент, стратепч-ний менеджмент, трансформащя

Воронков Д., Гринев А. Стратегическая интеграция предприятий: концептуальная модель, основанная на знании персонала

В статье описаны проблемы формирования и развития человеческого капитала как ключевого фактора решения сложных задач на предприятии. Рассмотрена теория заинтересованных сторон. Представлено описание усложненной модели заинтересованных сторон. Разработана и описана стратегическая интеграционная модель предприятия на основе трансферта знаний.

Ключевые слова: знания, кооперационно -интегрированная стратегия, развитие, изменения, менеджмент, стратегический менеджмент, трансформация.

Received by the editors: 10.09.2010

and final form in 01.12.2010

Економiчний вюник Донбасу № 4 (22), 2010

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