STRATEGıC MANAGEMENT EFFECT ON PERMıSSıON ADMıNıSTRATıON APPLıED ıN ENTERPRıSES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kayabas Yunus Emre, Akperov I.

The purpose of this article is to reveal the opinions of textile management managers about the strategic management effect of perception management applied in their own enterprises in Bursa. In addition to the primary purpose of the research, it is also necessary to determine whether there are significant differences in perceptions management's strategic management influence according to demographic variables such as gender, age, marital status, educational status, how many years they are working in the company, type of company, number of employees in the company, intended. This study, prepared in line with the stated objectives, it is important to point out how perception management's strategic management influence perceived by business executives is important to shed light on the driving forces of perception management and strategic management. The universe of this research is the textile business managers in the field of activity in Bursa. Sampling was chosen randomly (n = 100). In the analysis of the data, a significance level of 0.05 was considered and all the analyzes explained were interpreted as appropriate for the purpose. One-way ANOVA test and independent sample t-test results and various hypothesis test results were examined. For all dimensions, frequency distribution, regression analysis was applied to measure the effect of perception management on strategic management. As a result, the opinions of the textile management managers who are continuing their activities in the province of Bursa, the opinions of their management about age, marital status, educational status, working hours in the company and the number of employees in their companies and their opinions about strategic management in ages, marital status, educational status, and the number of employees in their companies. In addition, it was found that the relationship between perception management and strategic management was at a p <0.00 significance level, and perception management found a meaningful contribution to strategic management.

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Эффект управления восприятием, применяемым на предприятиях к стратегическому управлению

Целью данной статьи является раскрытие мнения менеджеров текстильного бизнеса, которые продолжают свою деятельность в Бурсе, о влиянии управления восприятием на их стратегическое управление. Помимо основной цели исследования, необходимо также определить, существуют ли существенные различия в восприятии стратегического управленческого влияния менеджмента по демографическим переменным, таким как пол, возраст, семейное положение, образовательный статус, сколько лет они работают в компании, тип компании, количество сотрудников в компании. Это исследование, подготовленное для указанных целей, важно для управления, чтобы пролить свет на то, как влияние управления восприятием на стратегическое управление воспринимается менеджерами, чтобы превратить управление восприятием и стратегическое управление в движущую силу для своего предприятия. Вселенную этого исследования составили менеджеры в области текстиля, которые работают в провинции Бурса. Выборка была выбрана случайным образом (n=100). Анализ данных основан на уровне значимости 0,05, и все описанные анализы интерпретируются в соответствии с их целью. Были изучены различные результаты теста гипотезы с односторонним анализом дисперсии (ANOVA) и независимыми результатами t-теста выборки. Регрессионный анализ был применен с целью измерения распределения частот для всех измерений, влияния управления восприятием на стратегическое управление. В результате были получены мнения руководителей текстильного менеджмента, продолжающих свою деятельность в городе Бурса, мнения их руководства о возрасте, семейном положении, образовательном статусе, продолжительности рабочего времени в компании и численности работников в их компаниях, а также их мнения о стратегическом менеджменте в возрасте, семейном положении, образовательном статусе и численности работников в их компаниях. Кроме того, было обнаружено, что взаимосвязь между управлением восприятием и стратегическим управлением находится на уровне значимости Р <0,00, и было обнаружено, что управление восприятием вносит значимый вклад в стратегическое управление.


Эффект управления восприятием, применяемым на предприятиях к стратегическому управлению

Каябаш Юнус Эмре

докторант Института Социальных Наук Южного Университета (ИУБиП), dryunuskayabas@gmail.com

Акперов Имран

докторант Института Социальных Наук Южного Университета (ИУБиП), rector@iubip.ru

Целью данной статьи является раскрытие мнения менеджеров текстильного бизнеса, которые продолжают свою деятельность в Бурсе, о влиянии управления восприятием на их стратегическое управление. Помимо основной цели исследования, необходимо также определить, существуют ли существенные различия в восприятии стратегического управленческого влияния менеджмента по демографическим переменным, таким как пол, возраст, семейное положение, образовательный статус, сколько лет они работают в компании, тип компании, количество сотрудников в компании.

Это исследование, подготовленное для указанных целей, важно для управления, чтобы пролить свет на то, как влияние управления восприятием на стратегическое управление воспринимается менеджерами, чтобы превратить управление восприятием и стратегическое управление в движущую силу для своего предприятия.

Вселенную этого исследования составили менеджеры в области текстиля, которые работают в провинции Бурса. Выборка была выбрана случайным образом (n=100). Анализ данных основан на уровне значимости 0,05, и все описанные анализы интерпретируются в соответствии с их целью. Были изучены различные результаты теста гипотезы с односторонним анализом дисперсии (ANOVA) и независимыми результатами t-теста выборки. Регрессионный анализ был применен с целью измерения распределения частот для всех измерений, влияния управления восприятием на стратегическое управление. В результате были получены мнения руководителей текстильного менеджмента, продолжающих свою деятельность в городе Бурса, мнения их руководства о возрасте, семейном положении, образовательном статусе, продолжительности рабочего времени в компании и численности работников в их компаниях, а также их мнения о стратегическом менеджменте в возрасте, семейном положении, образовательном статусе и численности работников в их компаниях. Кроме того, было обнаружено, что взаимосвязь между управлением восприятием и стратегическим управлением находится на уровне значимости Р <0,00, и было обнаружено, что управление восприятием вносит значимый вклад в стратегическое управление. Ключевые слова: Управление восприятием, стратегическое управление, бизнес, текстиль.


With the emergence of mankind, management and management, which have manifested themselves, have become more and more needed concepts with revolutions in agriculture and industry. This is because the necessity of living together in the social lives of individuals has increased the need for these concepts. In addition to this process, the concept of the manager who felt the necessity was introduced. Although the bureaucratic means or the examinations, which determine the mechanism of the management stages, the first meaning that the concept evokes, is the concept expressed today as the leader. Therefore, today's managers should be the expected leaders in management activities.

Today, individuals have heard the need to understand, explain and comment on events in the world where they continue their lives. The most important reason for this requirement is the struggle to adapt and sustain the life of the individual by understanding what is happening around them (Agarwal, 2009: 4).

If, however, the individual can not understand what is happening around him and can not make a comment, he will begin to feel like he has fallen into a void and fall into mental depression. This can harm human beings in harmony with the universe they live in (Hogg and Vaughan, 2005: l04).

Because of these reasons, the individuals constantly try to explain the events, occurrences and behaviors that will satisfy them. As life goes on, it investigates events, events, people, and behaviors and creates permanent or temporary mental perceptions about them. These perceptions are shaped in a harmonious way, but also affect attitudes and attitudes towards events and people. These reasons lead to the fact that the examination of the events, events and behaviors towards individuals has become one of the most important fields of social psychological research (Gürses, 2008: 361).

Perception Management

Humanity, which has left behind the ages that have been influenced by force, can influence and transform the processes of social perception until the last years when knowledge is produced and used (inceoglu, 2010: 11).

Therefore, in these days when the information age is experiencing, perception management or guided perception formation or perception guidance activities are aimed at; governments, nations, states, military institutions or businesses (Bakan and Kefe, 2012: 1).

So much so that the manageability of perceptions is a fact that can not be denied. It is even known that some societies are more suitable for perception management by manipulation than others (Zaman, 2007: 65).

Briefly, changes have taken place in the management activities that have been adopted by the states, institutions or individuals like every concept that changes over time. Management activities with the aim of reaching the designated objectives with the easiest and least harm are



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now transformed into convincing and motivating them towards the determined goals rather than making pressure on the public. When people who are supposed to be influenced think that they are moving towards their own will at the end of this process, they are thinking about it with a carefully prepared perception management activity.

Strategic Management

It explains the clearer explanations of business due to the word "management" in strategic management, and covers the whole of management issues. Management is defined as the stages of planning, organizing, maintaining and controlling the types of production resources (natural resources, human resources, capital, raw materials, etc.) that are in operation and using them in an effective and efficient manner and achieving their objectives. Strategic management, on the other hand, is the effective and efficient use of the types of production resources that are possessed with the aim of sustaining the life of the enterprise in the long run and providing income on the basis of the competitive advantage and hence average profit that can be sustained (Ülgen and Mirze, 2010: 32).


Regarding the method of research; After focusing on the problem situation, aim and importance, hypotheses, assumptions and assumptions of the universe and sampling, and the collection and analysis of data by considering their limitations are emphasized.


Today, business managers; economic, social, political and technological fields in order to follow the rapid developments and to keep up with the changes and sustain their presence in the institution of strategic management needs to be placed. The fact that businesses offer services in an environment where competition is high makes it necessary to adopt strategic management as the management policy of the enterprises in order to be different from the competitors of the administrators in this area. Not to be adversely affected by the complex structure of businesses, changing environment, rapidly increasing costs and developing technology; and it is thought to be a concept that is more known and used among the strategic management managers to turn them into advantages. It is argued that the environment in which service is provided in the tourism sector as well as in the other service sectors, the interaction between the service recipient and the service provider and the interaction between the customers receiving the same service has a significant effect on the service consumer's satisfaction, satisfaction, intention to repurchase and trust in the business (Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001: 81, Karatepe and Avci, 2002: 19). It is the main problem of this article to establish the influence of perception management on strategic management.

The Purpose and Importance of Research

The primary aim of this research is to present the views of the managers of the textile firms about the influence of the perception management on strategic management. In addition to the primary purpose of the research, it is also necessary to determine whether there are significant differences in perceptions management's strategic management influence according to demographic variables such as gender, age, marital status, educational status, how many years they are working in the company, type of company, number of employees in the company, intended. This study, prepared in line with the stated objectives, it is important that the perception management that is important for business management and how it is perceived by the

managers in strategic management and that it is the quality that business managers will shed light on the point of driving a gentle revolution for the management of perception management.

Universe and Sampling

The universe of this research consists of the managers of textile firms operating in Bursa. The sample was selected randomly (n = 100).

Research Model

Perception Management

Figure 1. Research Model

Strategic Management

This research was conducted with descriptive research model. Descriptive research is a research model that attempts to explain the contexts, past or current events, concepts, and relationships related to a problem.

Limitations of the Study

The research is limited to the dates of 01-30.01.2018 in the textile companies which are continuing their activities in the province of Bursa.

Allowing partial exploration in businesses can reduce the universe of researchers. Some administrators working in the business are given free leave because of the permission, some of the collection of data at the planned date range, such as illness and birth. it is impossible to reach because of such situations, in which case the research minimized the universe. Variables discussed in the survey are limited by the reliability dimension of the questionnaire applied. The fact that some of the administrators in the textile firms, which are continuing their activities in the province of Bursa, did not want to participate in the survey study also caused the sample of the research universities to shrink.

Collection of Data

Survey technique was used as data collection tool. In this survey application, managers were asked to fill in the survey questionnaires by face to face and fill out the questions in the questionnaire by telling them that they will be used only in a scientific work without any effect. Surveys were conducted in January 2018 for the managers of the identified textile companies.

In order to prepare the questionnaire which is a data collection tool, the literature on perception management and strategic management was searched. In addition, researches related to the subject and questionnaires used in these researches have been examined. As a result of the work done, the survey was developed by the researcher. While this form was being created, the information needed about the managers in the textile companies which are continuing their activities in the province of Bursa and the previous work done were taken into consideration. The information form contains questions about socio-demographic information on gender, age, marital status, educational status, working time in the company, type of company, number of employees in the company, and competition status in the environment in which the business is located. As a means of collecting data in the research, a "personal information form" consisting of 8 questions prepared by the researcher in accordance with the literature was used and scales consisting of 61 items were used to measure the "perception management" and "strategic management" practices of the managers in the enterprises.

Perception Management Scale

Ankara University Educational Sciences Institute Educational Administration and Policy Ay§egül Atalay, a

student of the Department of Education, Dr. Ali Balci's counseling was made from a master's thesis titled "Teacher Opinions on Perception Management of School Principals".

Strategic Management Scale

The survey form, developed by D. Rigby and B. Bilodeau, has been implemented by Bain & Company since 1993 each year to the managers of the world's leading companies, aiming to reveal the most popular management tools, satisfaction with the use of these tools, and changes in management's management approach. In the study; The survey was based on a version of the report named "Management Tools and Trends 2009" by Rigby and Bilodeau (2009), which measures the level of use and satisfaction with 25 management tools and evaluates the priorities of the selection of management tools.

Research Hypotheses

Quantitative research has been applied in this article study. The quantitative approach was formed at the beginning of the 20th century when the social sciences began to take shape and the research methods that science was using and the data collection techniques applied to the social sciences. The quantitative research model is a research model that can be observed, measured, and quantifiable by objectifying phenomena and events. In our research, a descriptive research model which is included in the quantitative research model has been applied.

The basic hypothesis of this research which aims to reveal the influence of the perception management of strategic management of the textile firms which continue their activities in the province of Bursa is presented below.

The basic hypothesis: The perception management of managers is influenced by strategic management.

Sub-hypothesis: There is a statistically significant relationship between managers' demographic status and perception management and strategic management.

In the above, the aim was to answer the following questions in the managers of the textile firms which continue their activities in Bursa province in the main and sub hypothesis directions:

What are perceptions management and strategic management opinions according to the competitive situation of the administrators in terms of gender, age, marital status, educational status, how many years they are working in the company, type of company, number of employees in the company,

Analysis of Statistics Used in Research

Statistical analyzes of the data obtained from the survey results were made using SPSS 23 package program and Windows computer program while analyzing the collected data in the study. Firstly demographic variables are grouped. In the analysis of the data, a significance level of 0.05 was considered and all the analyzes explained were interpreted as appropriate for the purpose. When the data were analyzed, Reliability Analysis was performed for all scaled questions and for Basic Dimensions. Cronbach Alpha (a) test statistic was applied for the dimensions. For all dimensions, frequency distribution, regression analysis was applied to measure the effect of perception management on strategic management.


A reliability analysis was conducted for the survey questions used in the research. Cronbach's alpha test statistic was used for the reliability of the questionnaire. Evaluation criterion used in the evaluation of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient; If 0,00<a <0,40 the scale is not reliable. If 0,40 < a <0,60 the scale is low reliability. If 0,60 < a <0,80,

the scale is highly reliable. If 0,80 < a <1,00, the scale is evaluated as highly reliable. Questions on each scale and Cronbach Alpha values are given in Table 3-4-5-6. Within the scale used in this research, it can be said that the reliability values are in acceptable levels for the social sciences.

The internal consistency coefficient of Perception Management Scale was calculated. As a result of the analysis, Cronbach's alpha value was found to be 0,602. The internal consistency coefficient of the Strategic Management Scale was calculated. As a result of the analysis, Cronbach's alpha value was determined as 0,696.

it is seen that the Cronbach Alpha (a) test statistic values of all the scaled items in the questionnaire are among the highly reliable limit values.

Administrators participating in the survey; according to their gender; female (n= 56) (56.0%), male (n= 44) (44.0%), according to their age; (n= 12) (12.0%), 31-40 years (n= 10) (10,0%), 41-50 years (n= 18) The mean age was 60 years (n= 31) (31.0%), 60 years and over (29.0%), according to marital status; were married (n= 18) (18.0%), single (n= 47) (47.0%), divorced (n= 11) (11.0%), His wife died (n= 24) (24.0%), according to their educational status; Primary school (n= 41) (41.0%), secondary school (n= 16) (16.0%), high school (n= 19) (19.0%), Associate (n=7) (7.0%), Undergraduate and University (n= 8) (8%), graduate (n= 9) (9.0%), According to the working time in the company; 1 to 5 years (n= 60) (60.0%), 6 to 10 years (n= 38) (38.0%), 21 years and over (n= 2) (2.0%), According to the company's product; Joint-stock company (n= 23) (23,0%), Limited company (n= 75) (75,0%), Cooperative company (n= 2) (2.0%) appears to be.

According to the number of employees in the company; 0 to 9 (n = 32) (32.0%), 10 to 49 (n = 68) (68.0%), according to the competition situation in the environment in which the operator is located; there was no competition (n = 14) (14,0%), there is some competition (n = 86) (86.0%) found.

It's observed that the participants in the perception management scale questionnaire are most likely to be "Rarely". As can be understood from the context above, the perception management averages (1,7033) of the 44 male managers who contributed to the study were found to be the perception management averages (1,7129) of the 56 female managers who participated in the research. Female managers have higher levels of perception management use.

Table 1

Gender and Perception Management Scale Group Analysis

Perception Levene Test Equality of t-test averages

Management F Sig. t Df Sig. (2-tailed) Average Difference Std. Error Difference

,208 ,649 ,291 98 ,772 ,00953 ,03273

Whether there is a meaningful difference between the perception management of male and female managers is shown in the table above. (2-point). When the value of significance is less than 0.05, there is a meaningful difference between the two groups. The significance value of the analysis that we have done is 0,772> 0,05, it is understood that the perception management of male and female managers do not show any significant difference. Hi hypothesis is rejected since the perception of male and





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female managers' perception is p> 0.05. In other words, perception management of male and female managers does not show any significant difference in terms of gender segmentation.

The perception management average (1.7913) is the highest level among the managers aged 60 and over, while the perception management average (1,6163) of the managers aged between 51 and 60 is the lowest level.

p = 0.001 <0.05. H4 hypothesis is accepted when managers' perception management significance value is p <0,05. As a result of the post-hoc and scheffe analysis on which groups or groups the significance is derived from; Primary school, High school, Associate Degree Bachelor / University, Y graduate education group is higher than other groups (secondary school).

Table 4

Educational Status and Perception Management Anova Table

Perception Managemen t Sum of squares df Sum of average F Sig. Post-Hoc and Scheffe

Between groups ,517 5 ,103 4,687 ,001 Primary school, High school, Associate Undergraduat e and University, Graduate > Middle school

Within groups 2,072 94 ,022

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Total 2,589 99

While perception management averages (1.7434) for managers 1-5 years are highest in managers, the perception management average of executives 6-10 years in the company is lowest (1.6524).

Table 2

Age and Perception Management Anova' Table

Perception Sum of df Sum of F Sig. Post-Hoc

Management squares average and Scheffe

Between ,482 4 ,121 5,438 ,001 Between

groups the ages

Within groups 2,107 95 ,022 of 51-60,

Total 2,589 99 60 years and over> Between the ages of 21-30, Between the ages of 31-40, Between the ages of 41-50

According to F test result at 95% confidence level; The perception management perception level of managers was p = 0.001 <0.05. The H2 hypothesis is accepted since the perception management perceptions of managers are p <0.05. As a result of the post-hoc and scheffe analysis on which groups or groups the significance is derived from; Between the ages of 51-60, the age group of 60 years and over participates higher than the other groups (between 2130 years, between 31-40 years, between 41-50 years).

While marital status groups married people have the highest perception management average (1,8158), marriage status groups have the lowest perceived management average (1,6732).

Table 3

Table 5

Working Period in Company and Perception Management Anova Table

Perception Management Sum of square s df Sum of averag e F Sig. Post-Hoc and Scheffe

Between groups ,258 3 ,086 3,545 ,017 Single, His wife died> Married, Divorced

Within groups 2,331 96 ,024

Total 2,589 99

Perception Sum of df Sum of F Sig. Post-Hoc

Management squares average and Scheffe

Between ,195 2 ,097 3,941 ,023 1-5 year>

groups 6-10

Within groups 2,394 97 ,025 year, 21

Total 2,589 99 year and over

According to F test result at 95% confidence level; The perception management perceptions of managers were p = 0,023 <0,05. The H5 hypothesis is accepted when the perception management perceptions of managers are p <0.05.

The perception management averages (1.8684) of the cooperatives of the company type groups in which the managers are employed are at the highest level while the perception management averages of the managers of the company type groups which they are the corporations (1.6487) are the lowest level.

Table 6

According to F test result at 95% confidence level; The perception management perception level of managers was p = 0,017 <0,05. H3 hypothesis is accepted when managers' perception management significance value is p <0,05. As a result of the post-hoc and scheffe analysis on which groups or groups the significance is derived from; Single, Married status of married couple is higher than other groups (Married, Divorced).

While the perception management averages (1,8195) of the education groups of the administrators are the highest, the perception management averages of the managers of the bachelor / university administrators (1,5789) are the lowest.

According to F test result at 95% confidence level; The perception management perception level of managers was

Perception Sum of df Sum of F Sig.

Management squares average

Between ,149 2 ,074 2,954 ,057


Within groups 2,440 97 ,025

Total 2,589 99

According to F test result at 95% confidence level; The perception management perceptions of the managers were found to be p = 0,057> 0,05. H6 hypothesis is rejected when managers' perception management significance value is p> 0.05.

As can be understood from the above context, the perception management average (1,7944) of 32 managers participating in the survey is 0-9, while the perception

management average (1,6683) of the manager who has 1049 employees is 68. Managers with 0-9 employees in the company have higher levels of perception management use.

Table 7

Number of Employees in the Company and Perception

Perception Managemen t Levene Test Equality of t-test averages

F Sig. t Df Sig. (2-tailed) Average Difference Std. Error Difference

3,246 ,075 3,887 98 ,000 ,12606 ,03243

According to the number of employees in the company, whether there is a meaningful difference between the perception management of the managers and Sig. (2-point). When the value of significance is less than 0.05, there is a meaningful difference between the two groups. The significance value of the analysis we conducted is 0,000 <0.05, it is understood that the perception management of managers is significantly different according to the number of employees in the company. According to the number of employees in the company, H7 hypothesis is accepted because the perception management of the managers is p <0,05. In other words, perception management of managers has a meaningful difference in terms of number of employees in the company.

As can be understood from the above context, the perception management average (1,6447) of the 14 operators who participated in the survey and the absence of any competition were found as the average of the perception management average of the manager (1,7191) It was. Managers who perceive that there is some competition in the environment in which the operator operates have higher levels of perception management.

Table 8

Competitive Position and Perception Management Scale Group Analysis of the Operational Environment Independent Sampling T-Test

Perception Managemen t Levene Test Equality of t-test averages

F Sig. t Df Sig. (2-tailed) Average Difference Std. Error Difference

6,439 ,013 -1,608 98 ,111 -,07436 ,04624

managers who contributed to the study was determined while the 56 female managers participating in the research were in the strategic management average (1,6871). Female managers have higher strategic management averages.

Whether or not there is a meaningful difference between the strategic management of male and female managers is shown in the table above. (2-point). When the value of significance is less than 0.05, there is a meaningful difference between the two groups. The significance of the analysis is 0.973> 0.05, which means that the strategic management of male and female managers do not show any significant difference. H9 hypothesis is rejected because the significance value of male and female managers' strategic management is p> 0.05. In other words, the strategic management of male and female managers do not differ significantly in terms of gender segmentation.

While the average age of the managers is 21-30, the strategic management average (1,8043) is the highest, while the average age of the managers aged 51-60 is the lowest (1,5428).

Table 9

Strategic Sum df Sum of F Sig. Post-Hoc and Scheffe

Manageme of averag

nt squar es e

Between 1,043 4 ,261 8,689 ,00 Between the ages of

groups 0 21-30, Between the

Within 2,852 95 ,030 ages of 41-50,

groups Between the ages of

Total 3,895 99 51-60, 60 years and over > Between the ages of 31-40

Whether there is a meaningful difference between the perception management of executives according to whether or not there is competition in the environment in which the business is located is shown in the table above. (2-point). When the value of significance is less than 0.05, there is a meaningful difference between the two groups. The significance value of the analysis we have conducted is 0,111> 0,05, and it is understood that the perception management of the managers does not show any significant difference according to whether or not there is competition in the environment. The hypothesis H8 is rejected because the sense of value of managers' perception is p> 0.05 according to whether or not there is competition in the environment in which the operator is present. In other words, perception management of managers does not show any significant difference in terms of partitioning the situation of competition in the environment in which the operator is located.

As can be understood from the above context, the strategic management average (1,6858) of the 44 male

According to F test result at 95% confidence level; The significance level of managers' strategic management was found to be p = 0,000 <0.05. H10 hypothesis is accepted when managers' strategic management significance value is p <0,05. As a result of the post-hoc and scheffe analysis on which groups or groups the significance is derived from; The age group of 21-30 years, 41-50 years, 51-60 years, 60 years and over participates higher than other groups (31-40 years).

The marriage status marginal status of managers is the highest in the strategic management average (1,8768), while the marriage status of the marital status groups is the lowest in the management average of the married managers (1,5996).

Table 10

Strategic Sum of df Sum of F Sig. Post-Hoc

Management squares average and Scheffe

Between ,913 3 ,304 9,791 ,000 Married,

groups Single,

Within groups 2,983 96 ,031 His wife

Total 3,895 99 died > Divorced

According to F test result at 95% confidence level; The significance level of managers' strategic management was found to be p = 0,000 <0.05. H11 hypothesis is accepted when managers' strategic management significance value is p <0,05. As a result of the post-hoc and scheffe analysis on which groups or groups the significance is derived from;









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Married, single, married married status group participates higher than other groups (Divorced).

While the average of the strategic management (1,8213) of the graduates of the education groups from the administrators is the highest, the strategic management average of the administrators who are the education groups of the graduate / university is the lowest (1,4402).

Table 11

Strategic Managemen t Sum of squares df Sum of average F Sig. Post-Hoc and Scheffe

Between groups 1,174 5 ,235 8,107 ,000 Undergraduat e and University, Graduate > Primary school Middle school, High school, Associate

Within groups 2,722 94 ,029

Total 3,895 99

Strategic Sum of df Sum of F Sig. Post-Hoc

Management squares average and Scheffe

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Between ,881 2 ,441 14,180 ,000 1-5 year,

groups 6-10

Within groups 3,014 97 ,031 year>21

Total 3,895 99 year and over

According to F test result at 95% confidence level; The significance level of managers' strategic management was p = 0.017 <0.05. Hi4 hypothesis is accepted when managers' strategic management significance value is p <0,05.

As can be understood from the above context, the strategic management average (1,7772) of 32 managers participating in the survey is 0-9, while the strategic management average (1,6439) of 68 managers who have 10-49 employees. Strategic management levels of managers with 0-9 employees in the company are higher.

Table 14

Number of Employees in the Company and Strategic Management

Strategic Managemen t Levene Test Equality of t-test averages

F Sig. t Df Sig. (2-tailed) Average Difference Std. Error Difference

18,923 ,000 3,287 98 ,001 ,13331 ,04056

According to F test result at 95% confidence level; The significance level of managers' strategic management was found to be p = 0,000 <0.05. H12 hypothesis is accepted when managers' strategic management significance value is p <0,05.

While perception management averages (1.7434) for managers 1-5 years are highest in managers, the perception management average of executives 6-10 years in the company is lowest (1.6524).

Table 12

Working Period in the Company and Strategic Management Anova Table

According to F test result at 95% confidence level; The significance level of managers' strategic management was found to be p = 0,000 <0.05. H13 hypothesis is accepted when managers' strategic management significance value is p <0,05.

The type of company types from the managers The average of the strategic management of the cooperative companies (1,9565) is at the highest level while the average of the strategic management of the company type group companies (1.6068) is the lowest level.

According to the number of employees in the company, whether there is a meaningful difference between the managers' strategic management is shown in the table above. (2-point). When the value of significance is less than 0.05, there is a meaningful difference between the two groups. The significance level of our analysis is 0.001 <0.05 and it is understood that the strategic management of managers has a significant difference according to the number of employees in the company. According to the number of employees in the company, H15 hypothesis is accepted since the significance level of managers' strategic management is p <0,05. In other words, the strategic management of managers differ significantly in terms of number of employees in the company.

As can be understood from the above context, 14 managers participating in the survey have no competition in the environment (1.6553), while the average of strategic management of managers (1.6916), who stated that there are some competition in the environment where 86 operators contribute to the study It was. Strategic management levels of managers are higher, which expresses that there is some competition in the environment where the business is located.

Table 15

Competitive Situation and Strategic Management Scale Group Analysis of the Operational Environment Independent Sampling T-Test

Strategic Managemen t Levene Test Equality of t-test averages

F Sig. t Df Sig. (2-tailed) Average Difference Std. Error Difference

4,308 0,041 -0,634 98 0,528 -0,0363 0,05734

Table 13

O m m x



m o x


Company Type Sum of squares df Sum of average F Sig. Post-Hoc and Scheffe

Between groups ,314 2 ,157 4,256 ,017 Cooperative Company.> Cooperative Company, Limited Company (Co. Ltd.)

Within groups 3,581 97 ,037

Total 3,895 99

Whether there is a meaningful difference between the strategic management of the managers according to whether or not there is competition in the environment in which the business is located is shown in the table above. (2-point). When the value of significance is less than 0.05, there is a meaningful difference between the two groups. Since the significance level of the analysis we have conducted is 0,528> 0.05, it is understood that the strategic management of the managers does not show any significant difference according to the situation of the competition in the environment in which the operator is located. The H16 hypothesis is rejected because the significance value of the

strategic management of the managers is p> 0.05 according to whether or not there is competition in the environment where the business is located. In other words, the strategic management of managers does not show any significant difference in terms of partitioning the situation of competition in the environment in which the operator is located.

The table above reveals that 69.9% of the variance belonging to the variable "Strategic management", which is accepted as an independent variable in the numerical value in the R Square, is explained by the other way and 70% of the perception management is shaped by this factor.

When the perception management's role on strategic management is p <0.05, it can be said that the perception management of company managers is the effect on strategic management.

Table 16

B Std. Error t Sig. R R Square F

(Constant) 0,557 0,076 7,292 0,000

Strategic Management 0,683 0,045 15,195 0,000 ,838a ,702 230,889

The Coefficients table presented above shows the regression coefficients used in the regression equation and their significance levels. The relationship between Perception Management and Strategic Management is reached as a result of p <0.00 significance level. According to this result, it can be said that perception management makes a meaningful contribution to strategic management.


The participation of textile management executives in perception management and strategic management statements in Bursa is "Rarely". In the framework of the opinions of the business managers regarding the perception management, "Percentage of the employees trying to improve the image of the society" and in the view of the strategic management, the participation rate is 100.0%.

Textile management managers; There was no significant difference between gender, type of company, presence of competition in the business environment, and perception management (p> .05). There is a significant difference (p <.05) between their age, marital status, educational status, working time in the company, number of employees in their companies, and perception management. There was no significant difference between the presence of competition in the environment in which the genders and enterprises were located and their views on strategic management (p> .05). There is a significant difference (p <.05) between age, marital status, educational status, working time in company, type of company, number of employees in company and opinions about strategic management.

The perception that perception management, which is accepted as a dependent variable, revealed a variance of 69.9% of the variance of the strategic management variable which is accepted as an independent variable, in other words the strategic management is shaped by 70% of perception management. When the perception management's role on strategic management is p <0.05, there is an effect on the strategic management of perception management of company managers. The correlation between perception management and strategic management was found to be at a significant level of p <0.00. According to this result, it can be said that perception

management makes a meaningful contribution to strategic


Strategic management effect on permission administration applied in enterprises

Kayabas Yunus Emre, Akperov I.

South Russian University

The purpose of this article is to reveal the opinions of textile management managers about the strategic management effect of perception management applied in their own enterprises in Bursa. In addition to the primary purpose of the research, it is also necessary to determine whether there are significant differences in perceptions management's strategic management influence according to demographic variables such as gender, age, marital status, educational status, how many years they are working in the company, type of company, number of employees in the company, intended.

This study, prepared in line with the stated objectives, it is important to point out how perception management's strategic management influence perceived by business executives is important to shed light on the driving forces of perception management and strategic management.

The universe of this research is the textile business managers in the field of activity in Bursa. Sampling was chosen randomly (n = 100). In the analysis of the data, a significance level of 0.05 was considered and all the analyzes explained were interpreted as appropriate for the purpose. One-way ANOVA test and independent sample t-test results and various hypothesis test results were examined. For all dimensions, frequency distribution, regression analysis was applied to measure the effect of perception management on strategic management.

As a result, the opinions of the textile management managers who are continuing their activities in the province of Bursa, the opinions of their management about age, marital status, educational status, working hours in the company and the number of employees in their companies and their opinions about strategic management in ages, marital status, educational status, and the number of employees in their companies. In addition, it was found that the relationship between perception management and strategic management was at a p <0.00 significance level, and perception management found a meaningful contribution to strategic management.

Keywords: Perception Management, Strategic Management, Business, Textile.


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