Koren'kova N.A.,
Senior lecturer
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod State University" 85, Pobedy St., Belgorod, 308015, Russian Federation
Kolosova E.R. Senior lecturer BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov 46, Kostyukova street, Belgorod, 308012, Russian Federation
Currently, the growing requirements for the professional level of training of young personnel are becoming an urgent problem of our time, and the lack of specialists in the field of natural and technical sciences prompts the need to show more interest in choosing their future profession from school. One of the modern approaches that can increase the motivation of students to various sciences and develop a career guidance line in the framework of school education is the implementation of marketing activities in the educational environment. This article analyzes the use of STEM technologies in computer science lessons as a tool for the marketing activities of a teacher.
Keywords: STEM education, information and educational environment, educational institution, technology, students, motivation, tasks, problems.
Every year, there is a rapid development of information technologies in the world, which provide new opportunities for improving the living standards of people. Recently, foreign teachers have been using a new approach to education - STEM technology, which is rapidly gaining momentum in Russian education. This approach is based on the combined use of science, technology, engineering, design and mathematics. Young people today, even those who are not STEM specialists, must have the skills and competencies necessary to meet the challenges of our information and high-tech society. Therefore, every year the question of choosing an actual and in-demand profession arises before today's youth.
The correct choice of the professional path depends on the level of awareness of the younger generation. It goes without saying that the earlier one starts work on the development of readiness for an informed choice of a profession, the more effective it will be.[2] In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a graduate of a basic school must be guided in the world of professions and his professional preferences, be ready to choose the direction of specialized education or consciously choose and build a further individual trajectory of education on the basis of an educational institution of secondary vocational education. [4]
The modern world demands more from young people rather than the ability to memorize facts and procedures. Thus, they should also be able to apply their creativity, knowledge and skills, skills within and between disciplines, as well as in real life situations. Along with the rather advanced education in the field of exact sciences, the Soviet school had one huge drawback, which became the main reason for the USSR's
defeat in the technological race - it ignored the study of the laws of the labor market.
At present science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are at the center of a technological revolution that is transforming our way of life and the way we work.[3] Therefore, the modern education system strives to lead this transformation. Particular attention should be paid to school teachers, because they can easily integrate elements of physics, mathematics and other subjects of the natural science cycle in their lessons. In turn, educators must have sufficient knowledge of the professional content and experience in assessing the new approach in order to design and implement high-quality learning experiences with students. Based on the provisions of the federal state standard for informatics, we can say that this category of teachers is able to fully implement the ideas of STEM education in the classrooms of Russian schools, while simultaneously carrying out marketing activities, forming vocational guidance for students.[1] The task of the contemporary teacher is to give knowledge not for school, but for life, that is, the main thing should be an understanding of the essence of a particular operation, the ability to use it in different areas of activity. Therefore, taking into account that competitive professions place high demands on the abilities of future workers, teachers should not only teach schoolchildren to adapt to today's information society, lay the foundations of information culture, which should become an integral part of the general outlook of a modern student, but also use their marketing skills for the subsequent formation of the professional choice of the future graduate.^]
The positive side of STEM learning is that this methodology forms in the student interdisciplinary
competencies, self-confidence and a desire to learn. STEM education is an opportunity to attract the attention of students to the subject of computer science, using their interest in other areas of knowledge.
Work in these two areas will give students the opportunity to acquire additional skills, knowledge about the world of professional work, consciously and independently make their professional choice, i.e. choose a way of future life. Thus, the use of STEM technologies, as a tool of the teacher's educational information environment, creates a solid motivation for the productive work of students and entails the use of the following methods [6]:
• Involvement of students in scientific practice. Examples of such a methodology include preparing students for project and research work, conducting elective courses in relevant narrowly focused specializations, etc. This will help young people understand what goals and objectives are set for them, how to specialists, how to independently find a solution to problems and determine for themselves a range of questions of interest in various fields of activity;
• Teamwork. Dividing a team of students into several subgroups will help students themselves show leadership skills in teamwork, and at the same time, learn to build competent communication in a group, working on one problem. Also, this technique allows you to "try on" the roles of various professions: programmer, tester, designer, designer, etc.;
• Study of widely relevant topics. The connection of the educational material with urgent modern problems helps the student to show interest in studying the subject in order to further determine his professional path. Schoolchildren will be able to gain knowledge about the profession that is important today, working conditions, work and rest regimes, career opportunities and learn how to integrate them into real life;
• Investigation of questions with unknown answers, the process of scientific discovery. The technique develops students' ability to express their own point of view in solving problems using their creative abilities, creative thinking. Students learn to discover in themselves the possibilities of finding various ways to solve a problem in non-standard situations;
• Application of practical experiments in the classroom. This approach allows students to consolidate the material they have passed and see the practical application of existing knowledge not only in the classroom, but also in life.
Nowadays in Russia, entire networks of educational centers in which training begins to be conducted according to the popular STEM education programs are being created. It is very important that such educational centers are implemented not only in urban schools, but also in rural educational institutions. For example, on the basis of MBOU "Bekhteevskaya Secondary School" of the Korochansk District of the Belgorod Region, an educational center "Growth Point" has recently
been opened. This center focuses on STEM education and is designed to improve the quality of training students in various areas.
So, for the implementation of the project, specialized classrooms which differ from the usual traditional classrooms have been equipped. Education for schoolchildren takes place both in class and after classes. With the help of modern equipment students explore topics of interest more effectively and in detail, introducing STEM technologies in the form of various creative discussions, seminars, projects and initiatives. Thus, training in the "Growth Point" center helps students from rural settlements and small towns to carry out educational activities in a non-standard form, showing their talents and abilities, as well as shaping their horizons in the image of future professional choices.
In fact, the use of STEM technologies in school lessons can become a popular format for motivating students to learn which in its turn can attract attention and increase interest. Working with STEM technologies will certainly enable students to acquire additional skills, knowledge about the world of professional work, as well as consciously and independently make their professional choice.
1. Konyushenko S. M. STEM vs STEAM - education: changing understanding of how to teach / S. M. Konyushenko, M. S. Zhukova, E. A. Mosheva // Bulletin of the Baltic State Academy of Fishing Fleet: psychological and pedagogical sciences - 2018 - No. 2 (44). - pp. 99-103. (Published in Russian)
2. Lyublinskaya I. E. STEM at school and new standards of secondary natural science education in the USA / College of Staten Island, City University of New York // Problems of teaching natural science in Russia and abroad / Edited by E. Petrova - M .: LENAND, 2014 .- 160 p. (Psychology, pedagogy, teaching technology. No. 44.) - pp. 6-23. (Published in Russian)
3. Polat E.S. Modern pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: textbook manual for higher educ. institutions/ E. S. Polat, M. Yu. Bukharkina. - 3rd ed. - M.: ACADEMIA, 2010. - 368 p. (Published in Russian)
4. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation". - M.: Omega-L, 2014. - 134 p. (Published in Russian)
5. STEM approach in education: ideas, methods, practice, perspectives. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (date of access: 09.01.2021).
6. Semenova R.I., Zemtsov S.P., Polyakova P.N. STEAM education and employment in information technologies as factors of adaptation to the digital transformation of the economy in the regions of Russia // Innovations. - 2019. - Issue. 10 (252). - ISSN 20713010 (Published in Russian)