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state policy / public-private partnership / innovative economy / space industry / space activity

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Serhii Karpenko, Oleh Holovko, Mykhailo Vikhliaiev

The purpose of the article is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of state policy regarding publicprivate partnerships in the space industry in the structure of the innovative economy of Ukraine and to develop relevant proposals for the current legislation. The methodological basis of the research is the comparative method, which allows to consider the most effective approaches to the analysis of state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry in the structure of the innovative economy of Ukraine, as well as system-structural, structural-functional methods, the method of moving from the abstract to the concrete. The results of the research are the formulation of the definition of state policy regarding public-private partnership in the space industry, under which it is proposed to understand the activities of public administration subjects, which is a set of formed and legally established goals, tasks, functions and interests, which are directed by these subjects at solving the tasks of development of public-private partnership in the space industry in the structure of innovative economy of Ukraine, and their practical activities for the implementation and achievement of the specified goal. The practical implications of the study are that the means of state policy regarding public-private partnership in the space industry in the structure of the innovative economy of Ukraine are an important tool for the implementation of state policy. The value of the research lies in the fact that the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry in the structure of the innovative economy of Ukraine performs the role of a means by which in a state-ordered society, in the form of developed state activity, goals determined objectively by public needs and national interests should be correlated to ensure the sustainable development of public-private partnership in the space industry and its available material and intellectual opportunities, subjective desires and goals of the dominant social forces with real historical conditions, which determine the main directions and tasks of state activity to ensure the achievement of these goals.

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Baltic Journal of Economic Studies

Vol. 9 No. 2, 2023 ---

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2023-9-2-137-145


Serhii Karpenko1, Oleh Holovko2, Mykhailo Vikhliaiev3

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of state policy regarding public-private partnerships in the space industry in the structure of the innovative economy of Ukraine and to develop relevant proposals for the current legislation. The methodological basis of the research is the comparative method, which allows to consider the most effective approaches to the analysis of state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry in the structure of the innovative economy of Ukraine, as well as system-structural, structural-functional methods, the method of moving from the abstract to the concrete. The results of the research are the formulation of the definition of state policy regarding public-private partnership in the space industry, under which it is proposed to understand the activities of public administration subjects, which is a set of formed and legally established goals, tasks, functions and interests, which are directed by these subjects at solving the tasks of development of public-private partnership in the space industry in the structure of innovative economy of Ukraine, and their practical activities for the implementation and achievement of the specified goal. The practical implications of the study are that the means of state policy regarding public-private partnership in the space industry in the structure of the innovative economy of Ukraine are an important tool for the implementation of state policy. The value of the research lies in the fact that the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry in the structure of the innovative economy of Ukraine performs the role of a means by which in a state-ordered society, in the form of developed state activity, goals determined objectively by public needs and national interests should be correlated to ensure the sustainable development of public-private partnership in the space industry and its available material and intellectual opportunities, subjective desires and goals of the dominant social forces with real historical conditions, which determine the main directions and tasks of state activity to ensure the achievement of these goals.

Key words: state policy, public-private partnership, innovative economy, space industry, space activity.

JEL Classification: O10, E60

1. Introduction

The state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine is an important tool for the implementation of state policy in the field of space - the activities of relevant authorized entities, which are entrusted with the tasks of implementing state policy in this area. Therefore, the content of the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine is determined by the tasks of the state policy in the field of space and is a set of formulated and legally established goals, tasks, functions and interests

1 University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine (corresponding author) E-mail: sr.karpenko@gmail.com

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-7736-2525

2 Black Sea Research Institute of Economy and Innovation, Ukraine ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0841-4534

3 Deputy Director of the Publishing House "Helvetica", Ukraine E-mail: vikhliaievm@gmail.com

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1906-5176

that the state authorities are guided by in their state management of the space sphere, as well as their practical activities to implement and achieve the planned result. In other words, the state policy of public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine is the state activity of authorized subjects related to the sphere of outer space.

2. The content of public-private partnerships in the space industry

The content of the state policy on public-private partnerships in the space industry of Ukraine is

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0

determined by the general direction of state policy, which is an important element in the development of statehood at any time. In response to the main challenges of modern times, the state determines the path of its development and implements state policy. At the same time, the space sphere is one of the areas of state regulation due to the multivector nature and wide applicability of the results of space activities. The (high) role of space activities in ensuring state security (Ghilorme, etc., 2021) and the development of the economic system as a whole has been noted more than once (Bulat, Osadcha, Kutumov, etc., 2018). Thus, it is believed that the sphere of space activities undoubtedly belongs to the sphere of direct interests of the state.

State policy as a broad concept can be the subject of study of various sciences, including administrative and legal sciences. It turns out that it is impossible

to talk about the activities of public-private partnership entities in the space industry of Ukraine without analyzing the concept and the main elements of state policy, which confirms the need to characterize the institute of public policy regarding public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine when studying issues of public management in this area. Public policy is an important component of the life activities of the society, which has a large number of dimensions and characteristics, it forms an appropriate system and mechanisms of socially oriented state administration, because it is aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens and ensuring social stability. The analysis of the definitions of state policy in the domestic scientific literature shows the presence of a wide range of definitions of state policy and variants of its understanding, however, each point of view is based on a corresponding criterion or emphasizes a certain conceptual aspect. All this allows to note that the issues of the concept and content of state policy are constantly at the center of attention of scientists who try to cover all aspects of state policy: processes, factors, institutions, tools and models, to consider the strengths and weaknesses of existing approaches to the study of state policy. The problem of the application of state policy in various spheres of public life requires further study.

An integral part of the state policy in any sphere should be the goals and principles established by the development of the state policy in a certain sphere of activity. Today in Ukraine there is no uniform practice of normative and legal consolidation of state policy. Thus, state policy in certain areas is established by law, for example, state regional policy, state regulatory policy in the sphere of economic activity, state policy in the field of science and scientific and technical activity. Often, separate elements of state policy are established by law,

for example, the goal of state policy (creation of conditions for dynamic, balanced development of Ukraine and its regions, ensuring their social and economic unity), principles of state policy (in the field of standardization, state export control, etc.), the goal and principles of state policy (in the field of higher education, in the field of employment of the population, etc.) or basic principles of state policy (in the field of labor protection, in the field of waste management, etc.).

There are also isolated cases when the state policy is embodied in legal acts of executive authorities, for example, the state policy in the field of preservation of library collections as a part of the cultural heritage and information resources of the country. The mentioned circumstances allow to conclude that in Ukraine today there is no unified approach to solving the problem of embodying state policy in normative legal acts of different legal powers, and there are also different bodies issuing these acts. In addition, unified concepts that would determine the directions of state policy have not been developed (Palagnyuk, 2012).

And meanwhile, the state policy fulfills the role of a means (program) by which in a state-ordered society, in the form of a detailed state activity, objectively determined by social needs and national interests, the goals of ensuring sustainable development of society and its existing material and spiritual capabilities must be correlated, subjective desires and goals of political elites with actual historical conditions, as well as determining the main directions and tasks of state activity to ensure the specified goals (Kovbasyuk, Vashchenko, 2014). The state policy for a certain period of time with the help of normative legal acts determines the will of the state concerning the exercise of state power both in certain spheres of social life and in society as a whole.

As it can be seen, ensuring an effective public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine is an important condition for successfully solving the tasks of state policy in the field of space activities. This is convincingly evidenced by a fairly large number of publications by domestic researchers, in which individual components of the public-private partnership mechanism in the space industry are considered: the shortcomings of its legislative support (L.F. Daderko, A.M. Gurova and others), promising ways of regulating legal relations in the field of space activity (A. V. Khridochkin, M. G. Okladna and A. R. Korchevska and others), the legal regime of the use of the results of space activity (O. S. Stelmakh, L. Zhuravlyova and others), the priority place of the results of space activity in the structure of the innovative economy (Y. V. Buhun, T. O. Garbuz and others).

However, the relevance of the problems related to the implementation of the development of the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine does not decrease. Moreover, new obstacles remain insurmountable and constantly appear on the way to reform the existing system of public management in the field of space activities. It is about the still inefficient state administration and the lack of coordination of the activities of public-private partnership entities in the space industry of Ukraine and the existence of outdated legislation, which does not correspond either to the European acts or to the current state of development of social relations in Ukraine. According to the author, there are still unduly complicated procedures for state registration and protection of rights to the results of space activities, which, due to their lack of publicity and transparency, pose risks of corruption and discrimination, as well as legal uncertainty regarding the jurisdiction of disputes in the field of space activities. There is also a separation of academic science from business due to the lack of modern infrastructure for commercialization of scientific achievements and their introduction into production, as well as the lack of culture and respect in society for the results of space activities, and transparent and accessible procedures for acquiring and protecting rights to the results of space activities (Ogurtsov, Polishchuk, 2014). In addition, the problems of public management of rights to the results of space activities created at the expense of the state budget and centralized national funds remain unsolved. There is also a problem of legislative regulation of issues of protection of interests of subjects of public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine. In particular, the domestic legislator pays considerable attention only to the procedure of granting rights, but does not think much about both the fate of the protected result of space activity in its further life cycle and the consequences of its implementation. And finally, today in Ukraine there is a problem in many areas, especially computer programs, where there are still incentives to consume products manufactured in violation of the rights of subjects of public-private partnerships in the space industry of Ukraine.

One of the main tasks of Ukraine at the current stage of development remains the implementation of European norms on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine, as well as international treaties, the binding approval of which was given by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

In addition, the absence of an effective state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry is explained, first of all, by the lack of a national strategy for the development of the sphere of space activity in Ukraine - a long-term plan,

according to which the tasks of public management of the sphere of space activity should be implemented. There is also an urgent need for direct legislative consolidation of this strategy, because today there is no single normative legal act that would generalize and define the state policy regarding public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine. A unified scientific approach to this problem is still missing. Ukraine urgently needs a document of a fundamental nature, which would determine the main directions of state activity in the development of space activities. In any case, the more important elements of any direction of state policy are its goals (defined on the basis of objective circumstances of development of the world community as a whole or one of the spheres of activity), tasks (which must be solved to solve the tasks) and principles (basic ideas of implementation of state policy, which determine the essential provisions on which the entire system of state administration in a separate sphere is built).

3. Principles ofpublic-private partnership in the space industry

The state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine should be based on certain principles, the clarification of which has an important theoretical and practical significance, as it allows to determine its direction, patterns of development and functioning. The principles of the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine are the basic regulations on which the activities of its subjects are based. They reflect the peculiarities of the sphere of space activities and determine the prospects for development and improvement of the legislation on space activities. At the same time, it is reasonable to assert that there are two groups of such principles (Kharkivska, 2014), the first of which is the basic (general) principles characterized by general, generally recognized provisions that apply to the entire state policy on state regulation in any sphere of public life. These include the principles of the rule of law, respect for human and civil rights and freedoms, continuity, legality, ensuring the unity of state policy, openness, transparency and accountability.

The second group of principles of state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine consists of special principles, which are characterized by a narrower scope of application and are determined by the specifics of such a particular sphere of state administration as the sphere of space activity. Taking into account the peculiarities of the sphere of space activities, a group of special principles should be defined.

The first special principle of the state policy in this sphere should be the recognition of space activity and its results as the highest socio-economic value of Ukraine. In fact, the main driving force of economic and social development in the world and especially in Ukraine is the innovative potential of the country. This thesis is confirmed by global trends: first, the most important part of the national public wealth is the product of space activity; second, economic activity is increasingly turning into a process of continuous innovative innovations (Horbulin, Shekhovtsov, Shevtsov, 2016); third, the competitiveness of business entities, the survival of entire industries and states directly depends on the ability to perceive and produce the product of space activity; fourth, the phenomenon of the result of space activity, i.e., the result of the discovery and exploration of outer space with the help of space technologies, acquires special importance in overcoming the crisis and reproducing the economy. Dynamic, large-scale and sustainable development of the space sector has become a decisive factor for any country in increasing the competitiveness of the economy, ensuring economic growth, raising the standard of living of the population, defense, technological and environmental security.

The next special principle should be the state guarantee of creating favorable conditions for the effective functioning of public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine. The fact is that the development of Ukraine, taking into account the current realities of economic, social and military challenges, is impossible without concentrating efforts on finding ways to develop and modernize the domestic economy. Such development, as a rule, is increasingly based on the creation and implementation of various objects in the economic and social infrastructure - products of space activity, and protection of the rights of scientists, engineers and inventors in the field of space. The experience of countries with developed economies confirms that activities in the space sphere, innovation and creativity of technical solutions in it mostly determine the strategy and tactics of rapid and complex development of the state, its high technical level of production, and integration of scientific, technological component industry. The organization of an effective system of law enforcement in the process of creation and use of various results of space activity directly affects the development of national scientific and technological and scientific and technical spheres of life of the state, improving their investment image and introducing a favorable innovation climate (Havrish, Voitko, Buhun, 2015). Therefore, preservation, strengthening and development of space potential of the state is considered one of the priority interests of Ukraine.

Today it is important to find ways to create an effective innovation system capable of ensuring technological modernization of the national economy, increasing its competitiveness on the basis of advanced technologies. It is necessary to improve the market of the results of space activities, the state system of legal regulation of the space industry, and to turn the scientific potential of the country's space sphere into an effective resource for economic growth. Recognition of the results of space activity as those that ensure the successful development of all other forms of socially useful activity requires the need to focus state capabilities (creative potential, material resources, funds, etc.) on the comprehensive development of public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine.

Another special principle of the state policy of public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine should be the state guarantee of creation of conditions for continuous improvement of educational, scientific and cultural development of the space sphere, as well as continuous popularization of knowledge about space. The issue of dissemination of knowledge about outer space is relevant for Ukraine, which is connected with the existing situation in the field of protection of outer space and problems, which sometimes arise as a result of insufficient level of knowledge and culture in this direction in society. Among them is the problem of space pollution, which is already a serious threat to the safety of people, property and health of the population of certain regions and the state of the environment. The world's oceans are gradually being polluted, the natural water cycle is being disturbed, changes in the composition of the atmosphere are taking place, although they are still insignificant, and so on. All this gives reason to say that space is gradually becoming a special part of human habitat and activity, and the meaning of the term "natural environment" is being expanded to include near-Earth space. Thus, the process of environmentalization of space is already underway, which is understood as "the expansion of the sphere of human habitation, its interaction with nature to cosmic scales, the exit of the sphere of interaction between society and nature beyond the borders of the planet, the process of development, "socialization" of the universe.

An important special principle of the state policy of public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine is the principle of a fair balance of private and public interests in the sphere of public-private partnership. The legal instruments necessary to ensure the proper functioning of public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine in the context of building an innovative economy should be designed based on the need to coordinate the

divergent interests of representatives of this industry, to prevent and neutralize potential conflicts between them (Beglyi, 2006). At the same time, with a certain degree of generalization, the carriers of private interests in the researched field should be considered as the creators of the results of space activity and subjects that involve the latter in economic turnover. Public interests in the general sense are embodied in the interests of the state and regional public authorities. A special place is occupied by the public interests focused on the needs of the society as a whole, end users and non-commercial consumers of socially useful results of space activities. The given characterization of private and public interests, diverse in content and subjective composition, which are implemented in the sphere of public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine, indicates that the effective functioning of the specified relations can be ensured only by legal regulation, organically combining dispositive and imperative principles, based on the equal subordination of all participants of these relations to the social-economic order.

In addition, special principles of the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine should become the principle of prevention of use of the results of space activities without the consent of the right holders, except for the cases established by law, as well as the principle of economic validity of establishing fees for the provision of services in the sphere of public-private partnership in the space industry and prevention of unjustified complications and delays in procedures for protection of the results of space activities. With the help of the system of specified basic (general) and special principles, the state approach to the state policy of public -private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine should be formed.

Considering the issue of the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine, it should be noted that one of the key elements of the development of the entire sphere of space activity is the determination of its purpose. Therefore, based on these conceptual theoretical foundations of understanding the essence of state policy, the goal of state policy regarding public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine should be defined as the creation of appropriate conditions for achieving the highest possible level of development of the space sphere by ensuring the functioning of effective mechanisms for protecting and ensuring the rights of sub-objects of state policy regarding public-private partnership, as well as stimulating space activities of members of society. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the goal of the state policy on public-private partnership

in the space industry of Ukraine is particularly relevant today in connection with the adoption by the President of Ukraine of the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine until 2030, which provide for the implementation of several socio-economic and political-legal reforms, the purpose of which is to bring national norms and standards closer to European ones (On the Goals of Sustainable Development of Ukraine, 2019). Fulfillment of these tasks requires gradual transition to civilized, legally regulated principles of interaction of the subjects of state policy in the sphere of public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine, introduction of a modern mechanism of state regulation of the sphere of public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine, as well as construction of the national economy based on active use of scientific knowledge and highly effective innovative technologies in it.

4. Priorities of public-private partnership in the space industry

The correct definition of its tasks, which represent the desired result of the activities of the subjects of public-private partnership in the space industry in this area at a certain, relatively stable interval or at a certain moment of social development related to the achievement of the goal of state policy in this direction. The need to introduce the concept of "the task of the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine" is due to the fact that the process of social development is dynamic, due to the influence of both objective and subjective factors. In this regard, the public authority, in order to achieve the goal of the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine, is forced to periodically correct the formulation of tasks, and accordingly - to specify and modify the principles, methods, policy directions and methods of using state resources. The existence of the state policy tasks related to the public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine allows to divide the process of achieving the state policy goal in this sphere into intervals and to highlight its main directions, for which one can formulate one's own "desired" results of the activities of the relevant entities of the public-private partnership. The objectives of the domestic state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine should be as follows: improvement of the national system of public-private partnership in the space industry in Ukraine and abroad, taking into account internationally recognized norms and principles; adoption of laws providing for the use of strong dissuasive administrative and criminal sanctions against violations of the right to the results of space

activities and their harmonization with international norms and standards; empowering law enforcement agencies to take the necessary measures to detect violations in the sphere of public-private partnership in the space industry; provision of the court with powers to simplify the confirmation of rights to the results of space activities in order to expedite legal proceedings, prohibiting illegal activities; creation of the necessary conditions for the functioning of a civilized market of the results of space activities and implementation of an effective mechanism for their commercialization; stimulation of the creation and rapid introduction into the economic circulation of new results of space activities, commercialization of scientific and technical achievements in the field of space; state support of invention, innovation and creative intellectual work in space; activation of the processes of creation of non-governmental organizations for the protection of the results of space activities, promotion of public initiatives of right holders interested in the protection and enforcement of their rights, formation of a legal culture among the population.

One of the most important stages in the formation of a proper system of public-private partnership in the space industry in Ukraine is the justification of the strategic vector of the development of the state policy in this area through the determination of priority directions. The effectiveness of the implementation of this policy, the degree of achievement of its goals and the solution of relevant tasks depend on the correctness and justification of the choice of priority directions of the state policy regarding public-private partnership in this field. Analysis of the situation in Ukraine with the definition and implementation of priorities forces us to return to the understanding of the very concept of priority and its role in the implementation of a certain state policy. It has already been repeatedly noted that the priority directions for the development of space in Ukraine, as well as the strategic priorities of space activity, are too broad to be a reliable means of concentrating the scientific creative potential, the efforts of the entire society to solve the most urgent problems of today (Ryzhenko, Galagan, 2018).

In addition to the reasons related to the shortcomings of the system of state regulation, the insufficient innovative culture of the apparatus and the purely bureaucratic tendency of the latter to replace the real case with its imitation, an important role was also played by the fact that the very concept of priority with regard to the sphere of space activity was not clearly formulated, as its functions in the implementation of the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine were not sufficiently clearly defined. Meanwhile, the c

ategorical concept of "priority areas" involves selecting from the set of tasks the most important ones, the implementation of which will contribute the most to the achievement of the set goal. Priorities can be seen as a formalization of assigning different weights to properties, giving more importance to some properties and less to others. They are an important element in strategy formulation and decision making. Priorities are a kind of hierarchy in which certain goals are prioritized over others. At the same time, they are guided both by political expediency and the demands of society, the current moment and the results of formal analysis (Hurkovsky, Druk, 2017). Moreover, one gets the impression that some scientists and managers have already formed the idea that the introduction of state priorities means that, in general, only those directions that are included in the list of priorities can count on state support, and all others should be stopped. Obviously, with such an understanding, most experts could not afford to formulate too narrowly, because that would mean taking responsibility for the termination of many interesting and, at least in the long run, important works. Therefore, when formulating priorities, attempts are made to be as broad as possible, so as not to leave anyone out. However, in the absence of a unified strategic line, forecasting further consequences, state policy measures in the field of space activities do not have the proper effectiveness, which is confirmed by many years of foreign and domestic experience.

In this paper, it is believed that the priority directions of the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine should be determined precisely with due regard to the above circumstances. And the first of these priorities is the creation of favorable socio-economic, organizational and legal conditions for space activities. Undoubtedly, the main determining factor in the development of the sphere of space activity is the technical nature of modern production, which is global in its content and manifests itself in the translation of the entire complex of production processes into a set of operations that are programmed in nature and automated in their functioning. In this case, the demand for scientific intelligence is growing sharply, since the automation of production entails the emergence of a social demand for creative professionals capable of implementing complex algorithms of production processes.

Therefore, the successful development of space as a strategic resource depends, first of all, on the decentralization and liberalization of the process of state management of scientific, technical and innovative activities (Kolodiazhna, 2018). It is also important to note that the most promising results of space activities are, as a rule, created as a result of

space activities carried out on the basis of relatively small scientific centers and enterprises. Successful development of space activities is impossible if the state does not create appropriate conditions for it. That is, the task of the state policy regarding public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine should be, on the one hand, the creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of the creative abilities of each person through the relevant state (regional) educational and scientific programs, and, on the other hand, the promotion of the development of scientific and technical and innovative activities on the ground.

The next priority direction of the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine is to stimulate the use of the results of space activities in economic and innovative activities. As it is known, the innovative way of development includes the improvement of the production sphere with the use of certain innovations. The world-class innovations are provided first of all by patented inventions, and if the enterprise modernizes its production on the basis of modern patent or license solutions, then it is a truly innovative way of development. The possibility of such a path is primarily determined by the scope and level of research and development work implemented in patented technical solutions. The process of implementation of the results of space activities is a complex and multifaceted problem. At the same time, the main role of the state is to regulate the processes of legal protection and introduction of the results of space activities into the economic circulation and to ensure the protection of rights and legitimate interests of authors, organizations, investors and the state as a whole.

It is common knowledge that in all industrialized countries the state scientific and technical policy consists of three main elements: definition and establishment of priorities of scientific and technical development, according to which technologies are created (Smernytskyi, 2017) (as a rule, directions are chosen in which there are already certain successes ("technologies"), financial and resource support for the creation of technologies and their commercialization ("finances"), infrastructure and management (management). The specified parts should form a single mechanism of commercialization of innovative activities, and the absence of one of them makes the whole. In addition, during the implementation of the policy of stimulation of innovative activity of industry by financial methods of direct state regulation, there is a strong and constantly growing trend of transition from state subsidization of industrial enterprises developing new science-intensive products to mechanisms that increase the financial responsibility of industry for

obtaining development and use of scientific results. The most common among them today are state loans or state guarantees to ensure the receipt of bank loans; state contracts for the development, production, and supply of strategically important science-intensive products; share participation in financing is ordered by the scientific research industry (as a rule, up to 50% (Lebedeva, 2017). Non-financial mechanisms of direct government regulation include, in particular, export-import quotas, which are used to ensure the necessary level of competition in national markets for knowledge-intensive products.

Another priority of the state policy in the field of public-private partnership is the provision of effective protection of the results of intellectual creative activity and the right to them. In the conditions of globalization, the following factors pose particular difficulties for the protection and protection of the results of space activities: informational transparency of the borders of the nation-state, inconsistency of individual elements of the political and legal field regarding the protection of the results of space activities in the nation-state, the desire to increase competitiveness on the scale of the state and increase competition between states, which stimulates the desire to introduce innovative technologies not only on the part of individual companies, but also on the part of the state (Kuznyakova, 2015).

In this regard, the problem of improper use of the product resulting from space activities becomes not only a problem of unfair competition, but also acquires a scale of problems that are actively discussed at the international level.

Among the priority directions of the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine, international cooperation in this field occupies an important place. The creation of a modern system of public administration in the field of space activities in Ukraine, its improvement and development are impossible without international cooperation in the field of space activities. International cooperation has a significant impact on the socio-economic development of Ukraine, in particular on foreign trade, entrepreneurship, innovation and investment policy, and the formation of Ukraine's scientific and technological potential. Today, Ukraine's participation in international cooperation in the field of space activities is realized mainly in the following forms: active cooperation with the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT), including specific participation in the work of its governing bodies, permanent specialized committees and working groups of this international organization; cooperation in the field of space activities with

the European Space Agency (ESA) in the form of work aimed at the integration of Ukraine into the European Union (a particularly important aspect is technical cooperation with the European Commission). The Ukrainian side has the opportunity to use various instruments of external technical assistance, such as the instruments of the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), the European Satellite Telecommunications Organization (EUTELSAT), etc.; participation in Unions, Treaties, Agreements, Conventions, the administrative functions of which are performed by the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT)); participation in Unions, Treaties, Agreements, Conventions, the administrative functions of which are carried out by the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT); cooperation with regional international organizations (in particular, the Arab Satellite Communications Organization (ARA.BSAT)); bilateral intergovernmental cooperation and cooperation at the level of relevant departments of foreign countries (indeed, the fruitful cooperation in the field of space activities with the US Government continues). In bilateral relations with Ukraine, the US pays special attention to the issue of protection of rights to the results of space activities. At the initiative of the US government, the Ukrainian-American Space Enforcement Cooperation Group plays the role of an effective means of solving pressing problems of rights holders and government agencies (Zhuravlyova, 2016). Throughout the years of the organization's activity, many meetings have been held to discuss issues of improving Ukrainian legislation in the field of space activities, increasing the effectiveness of combating its violations in Ukraine; cooperation with non-governmental and public organizations whose activities are related to the sphere of space activities (American, European and Ukrainian companies in Ukraine: Committee for Space Research (COSPAR), International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Polish Space Agency (POLSA)), European Space Agency (ESA), National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA) and others. Bilateral cooperation in the field of intellectual property also takes the form of intergovernmental commissions and committees).


5. Findings

Thus, the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine should be understood as the course (main directions of development) of state regulation of social relations, developed in the process of interaction between the state and public institutions, as well as individual citizens, arising during the implementation of state management in the sphere of space activity, prepared for implementation and implemented by executive authorities. And although when defining the state policy one of the components of the definition is often the "activity" of the state management bodies, the state policy itself is a static phenomenon and must be implemented by a state machine consisting of state bodies and institutions. The implementation of the policy is entrusted to the executive authorities. Solving the problem of delimitation of competence of executive authorities in public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine and developing proposals for improvement of the system of state regulation is impossible without studying the administrative and legal status of these authorities.

6. Conclusions

According to the author, the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine should be understood as the activity of the relevant subjects of state administration, which is a set of formed and legally established goals, tasks, functions and interests, which are guided by these subjects during the time of solving tasks for the development of space activities, and their practical activities for the implementation and achievement of a defined goal. It performs the role of a means by which in a state-ordered society, in the form of developed state activity, objectively determined by public needs and national interests, the goals of ensuring sustainable development of the sphere of space activity and its available material and intellectual capabilities, subjective desires and goals of the rulers must be correlated social forces with real historical conditions, which determine the main directions and tasks of state activity to ensure the achievement of the specified goals. The state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine with the help of legal acts fixes for a certain period of time the will of the state on the exercise of state power in this sphere.

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Received on: 02th of March, 2023 Accepted on: 18th of April, 2023 Published on: 23th of May, 2023

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