Научная статья на тему 'State policy and activati on of its functions in the development of animal husbandry'

State policy and activati on of its functions in the development of animal husbandry Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Lavruk Alexander Valerievich

The article points to the aggravation of socio-economic problems in the development of the animal husbandry, which require an active regulatory role of the state through the formation and implementation of public policy in order to ensure stable economic, legal and social prerequisites for its further functioning. It is emphasized that the importance of these topical and strategic issues should be under close attention of the state and its state policy, which is constantly to ensure coordination of the interests of livestock enterprises of the regions and the state. It is noted that the further unstable production activity of animal husbandry will lead to such a critical situation when the state does not receive the necessary amount of the most important food products of its own production, which will affect the state of food security of the country. It is indicated that currently require scientific understanding and justification of organizational, regulatory and legal support for the introduction of modern instruments of state policy in animal husbandry. The role and components of the functions of state policy, which have a direct impact on the increase in the genetic potential of animals and animal husbandry production, are considered. The methods and mechanism of realization of various types of functions of state policy in the production of quality products of the animal husbandry are substantiated. The main functions that should be subordinated to the implementation of local executive authorities and local governments, as contribute to the effective development of the animal husbandry. The expediency of the state to introduce special social programs to support animal husbandry and create favorable conditions for its effective functioning is pointed out. The structural classification characteristics and the main components of activation of the functional orientation of the state policy on innovative development of animal husbandry are offered.

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Указывается на обострение социально-экономических проблем в развитии отрасли животноводства, требующие активной регулирующей роли государства за счет формирования и реализации государственной политики с целью обеспечения стабильных экономических, правовых, социальных предпосылок его дальнейшего функционирования. Подчеркивается, что важность этих актуальных и стратегических вопросов должна находиться под пристальным вниманием государства и его государственной политики, которой предстоит постоянно обеспечивать согласование интересов животноводческих предприятий регионов и государства. Отмечается, что дальнейшая неустойчивая производственная деятельность животноводства приведет к такой критической ситуации, когда государство не получит необходимого объема наиболее важных продуктов питания собственного производства, что повлияет на состояние продовольственной безопасности страны. Указывается, что в настоящее время требуют научного осмысления и обоснования вопросы организационного, нормативно-правового обеспечения внедрения современных инструментов государственной политики в животноводстве. Рассматривается роль и составляющие элементы функций государственной политики, которые имеют непосредственное влияние на увеличение генетического потенциала животных и объемы производства животноводческой продукции. Обосновывается механизм реализации различных видов функций государственной политики при производстве качественной животноводческой продукции. Определяются основные функции, которые должны подчиняться выполнению местными органами исполнительной власти и органами местного самоуправления, поскольку способствуют эффективному развитию отрасли животноводства. Указывается на целесообразность государству внедрять специальные социальные программы для поддержки животноводства и создания благоприятных условий для его эффективного функционирования. Предложены структурные классификационные характеристики и основные составляющие активизации функциональной направленности государственной политики на инновационное развитие животноводства

Текст научной работы на тему «State policy and activati on of its functions in the development of animal husbandry»

UDC: 338.43.02:636 (477) 71

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-17-2-122-133

Lavruk Alexander Valerievich,

doctoral student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: arhangelprime@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-7932-0036

Лаврук Олександр Валершович,

докторант кафедри публгчного адмж-стрування, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Kuïe, вул. Фрометiвська,2, тел.: (067) 4659725, e-mail: arhangelprime@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-7932-0036

докторант кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (067) 465 97 25, е-mail: arhangelprime@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-7932-0036


Abstract. The article points to the aggravation of socio-economic problems in the development of the animal husbandry, which require an active regulatory role of the state through the formation and implementation of public policy in order to ensure stable economic, legal and social prerequisites for its further functioning. It is emphasized that the importance of these topical and strategic issues should be under close attention of the state and its state policy, which is constantly to ensure coordination of the interests of livestock enterprises of the regions and the state. It is noted that the further unstable production activity of animal husbandry will lead to such a critical situation when the state does not receive the necessary amount of the most important food products of its own production, which will affect the state of food security of the country. It is indicated that currently require scientific understanding and justification of organizational, regulatory and legal support for the introduction of modern instruments of state policy in animal husbandry. The role and components of the functions of state policy, which have a direct impact on the increase in the genetic potential

Лаврук Александр Валериевич,

of animals and animal husbandry production, are considered. The methods and mechanism of realization of various types of functions of state policy in the production of quality products of the animal husbandry are substantiated. The main functions that should be subordinated to the implementation of local executive authorities and local governments, as contribute to the effective development of the animal husbandry. The expediency of the state to introduce special social programs to support animal husbandry and create favorable conditions for its effective functioning is pointed out. The structural classification characteristics and the main components of activation of the functional orientation of the state policy on innovative development of animal husbandry are offered.

Keywords: public policy, government, animal husbandry, management, revi-talization, effective development.


Анотащя. Вказуеться на загострення соцiально-економiчних проблем у розвитку галузi тваринництва, як потребують активно!' регулюючо!" учасл держави за рахунок формування i реалiзацiï державно!' политики з метою за-безпечення стабшьних економiчних, правових, сощальних передумов його подальшого функщонування. Шдкреслюеться, що важливють цих актуаль-них i стратепчних питань мае перебувати шд прискшливою увагою держави i ïï державно!" полiтики, якiй належить постiйно забезпечувати узгодження iнтересiв тваринницьких шдприемств регiонiв i держави. Зазначаеться, що подальша нестiйка виробнича дiяльнiсть тваринництва призведе до тако!" критично!" ситуацп, коли держава не отримае необхщного обсягу найбiльш важливих продуктiв харчування власного виробництва, що вплине на стан продовольчо!" безпеки краши. Вказуеться, що на даний час потребують на-укового осмислення й обгрунтування питання оргашзацшного, нормативно-правового забезпечення впровадження сучасних шструменпв державно!" поллики у тваринництвi. Розглядаеться роль та складовi елементи функ-цiй державно! полггики, якi мають безпосереднiй вплив на збшьшення гене-тичного потенщалу тварин та обсяги виробництва тваринницько! продукции Обгрунтовуються методи та мехашзм реалiзацi'ï рiзних видiв функцш державно!" полiтики пiд час виробництва яюсно! тваринницько!" продукцй". Визначаються основш функцi'ï, якi повиннi пiдпорядковуватися виконанню мiсцевими органами виконавчо!" влади i органами мюцевого самоврядуван-ня, оскшьки сприяють ефективному розвитку галузi тваринництва. Окрес-лено доцiльнiсть держави впроваджувати спещальш соцiальнi програми для шдтримки тваринництва i створення сприятливих умов для його ефектив-ного функщонування. Запропоновано структуры класифiкацiйнi характеристики та основш складовi активiзацi'ï функщонально!" спрямованостi державно!" полiтики на шновацшний розвиток тваринництв.

Ключовi слова: державна политика, держава, тваринництво, управлшня, активiзацiя функцiй, ефективний розвиток.


Аннотация. Указывается на обострение социально-экономических проблем в развитии отрасли животноводства, требующие активной регулирующей роли государства за счет формирования и реализации государственной политики с целью обеспечения стабильных экономических, правовых, социальных предпосылок его дальнейшего функционирования. Подчеркивается, что важность этих актуальных и стратегических вопросов должна находиться под пристальным вниманием государства и его государственной политики, которой предстоит постоянно обеспечивать согласование интересов животноводческих предприятий регионов и государства. Отмечается, что дальнейшая неустойчивая производственная деятельность животноводства приведет к такой критической ситуации, когда государство не получит необходимого объема наиболее важных продуктов питания собственного производства, что повлияет на состояние продовольственной безопасности страны. Указывается, что в настоящее время требуют научного осмысления и обоснования вопросы организационного, нормативно-правового обеспечения внедрения современных инструментов государственной политики в животноводстве. Рассматривается роль и составляющие элементы функций государственной политики, которые имеют непосредственное влияние на увеличение генетического потенциала животных и объемы производства животноводческой продукции. Обосновывается механизм реализации различных видов функций государственной политики при производстве качественной животноводческой продукции. Определяются основные функции, которые должны подчиняться выполнению местными органами исполнительной власти и органами местного самоуправления, поскольку способствуют эффективному развитию отрасли животноводства. Указывается на целесообразность государству внедрять специальные социальные программы для поддержки животноводства и создания благоприятных условий для его эффективного функционирования. Предложены структурные классификационные характеристики и основные составляющие активизации функциональной направленности государственной политики на инновационное развитие животноводства.

Ключевые слова: государственная политика, государство, животноводство, управление, активизация функций, эффективное развитие.

Problem setting. An important condition for the continuous and effective functioning of the main sectors of the country's economy is the continuous improvement of public policy measures, which should be based on its pri-

ority use of modern science, technology and technology for the effective development of animal husbandry.

Now the condition of animal husbandry, as one of the vital branches of agriculture, is quite complex, because

the achieved level of development does not correspond to its strategic capabilities. Moreover, the aggravation of socio-economic problems, the continuity of the production process and the strengthening of the requirements of the market mechanism for the production of high-quality livestock products, requiring the active regulatory participation of the state through the formation and implementation of state policy to ensure stable economic, legal, social and environmental prerequisites for the development of animal husbandry.

At present, the formation of market relations in Ukraine encourages the active development of small and medium-sized livestock enterprises, family mini-farms, whose business activities are aimed at achieving certain results (in most cases, not sustainable) in the production of animal husbandry products. The importance of these topical and strategic issues should be under close attention of the state and its state policy, which should constantly ensure coordination of the interests of livestock enterprises of the regions and the state.

Recent research and publications analysis. The substantiation of the problem of state policy, the application of its methods and tools is reflected in the improvements of foreign scientists: D. Anderson, M. Brown, D. Weimer, V. Dunn. Theoretical and methodological study of aspects of regulation of socio-economic processes of the country, the state of development of the animal husbandry and ways to improve its efficiency was carried out in the scientific works of domestic scientists: V. Andriy-chuk, P. Berezivsky, V. Bovsunovsky, V. Heyets, P. Kutueva, A. Levkovets,

O. Mamalie, M. Misyuka, I. Swinous, P. Puccenteil and others.

Theoretical and methodological analysis, strategy, mechanisms of formation and implementation of public policy, devoted their scientific works such scientists as V. Bakumenko, O. Valevsky, Z. Varnal, V. Goshovskaya, O. Kilyevich, M. Latinin, V. Mamonov, E. Romanenko, V. Romanov, V. Ter-tychka and many other scientists.

However, the complexity and severity of the situation in the country's animal husbandry requires in-depth and comprehensive research in terms of forming their own vision of the potential of the industry, the search for priority ways of formation and activation of effective functions of state policy for the further development of the animal husbandry.

Paper objective. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the theoretical foundations and the formation of conceptual approaches to the definition of the main functions of public policy and their direction to the effective development of the animal husbandry.

Paper main body. According to the results of the study in the country there is a crisis (in most cases unregulated) socio-economic condition of agriculture. It requires mandatory implementation of urgent measures (reflected in the state programs) of state policy, which should be aimed at suspending the destruction of the industry's assets, equalizing conditions and overcoming destructive processes in production and economic activities, increasing the volume of livestock products, increasing the level of profitability of animal husbandry.

It would be advisable to identify the most significant factors and take into account the obstacles that hinder the implementation of public policy measures in animal husbandry: low financial support of the state; insufficient amount of own funds in most economic entities; imperfect system to stimulate innovation and low level of perception of innovative changes by producers; low adaptive capacity of livestock to the requirements of the modern market environment; low competitiveness of innovations; imperfect level of scientific and technical sphere; unprepared-ness of domestic livestock enterprises to global changes; high level of shadow economy.

It is worth noting that the research paradigm of the substantive structure of the state policy is mainly based on the reflection of her goals, the daily political life of the population and the strategic development of the country [1, p. 4]. In another case, it is argued that a promising area of research is the problem of the environment of public policy analysis, especially its socio-political aspect [2]. Usually, the constant increase in the role of politics leads to the fact that it turns into a kind of center that unites all the elements of the social system and is in no way limited to the state [3, p.40].

In the above interpretations, state policy is a reaction of the state to the specific problems of society, citizens and non-governmental organizations. At the same time, the common interests and own positions of the part of citizens who are engaged in the main branches of production activity are almost not taken into account, while the animal husbandry is acutely aware of the need

for a well-thought-out and scientifically sound state policy. Moreover, communication between the state and citizens contributes to the formation of a social climate in the state and provides an opportunity for state institutions to get acquainted with the real concerns of citizens [4].

It is characteristic that the local authorities and public authorities and directly livestock enterprises are not interested in contributing to the revival of previously achieved milestones in the development of animal husbandry, which leads to a reduction in the size and volume of livestock production. At the same time, newly created by private entrepreneurs family mini-farms are experiencing difficulties in the organization of management, because they do not have the appropriate state support, and therefore are not able to produce (according to the needs) the necessary amount of production for consumption by the population. Moreover, a significant part of the production is used for family needs, the other is processed by producers on their own, which affects the level of its competitiveness for low quality and high cost.

In order to stabilize the market situation, it is important for the state to guarantee the population a high level of demand for meat, milk and products of their processing. But now the situation in animal husbandry is critical, as there is a decrease in the conditional livestock per 100 hectares of agricultural land in the context of natural and economic zones of the country (Fig.1). During the same period of research, the volume of gross livestock production per the same area of land in the area of "Polissia" decreased by 2,3 thousand

Fig.1. Changes in the number of conditional heads of animal husbandry of zonal territories of Ukraine [5, p. 136-137]

UAH., "Lisostepu" 1,5 thousand UAH., "Stepu" — 5,3 thousand UAH.

We believe that further reduction of livestock will contribute to negative changes in the structure of biological potential, the use of land, means of production, feed and labor resources. In this case, the situation should be taken into account by the state in the state policy, as the reduction of livestock leads to the emergence of problematic issues: there is a shortage of livestock products, and this leads to its import and leaching of foreign currency from the country's economy, the number of jobs is reduced, which causes an increase in unemployment in rural areas, decreases the yield of organic fertilizers, which is the primary cause of the decline in crop yields, the possibility of making a profit due to the reduction in the volume of sales of livestock products, etc., is reduced. In the future, it is important that the state introduce special social programs to support animal husbandry and create favorable conditions for its effective functioning.

First of all, it is proposed to include in the structural content of the state policy such a composition of functions that should be subject to the implementation of local executive authorities and local authorities, as they contribute to the effective functioning of the animal husbandry:

• strengthening the country's food security;

• acceleration of social and economic development of the united territorial communities of the country's regions;

• expanding opportunities to meet the population's demand for animal products;

• reduction of social tension in the united territorial communities due to a significant expansion of the scope of employment;

• increasing the biological mass of animal waste to create renewable energy sources;

• accumulation of organic fertilizers for one of the ways to increase soil fertility, as they dramatically lose the humus component;

• organization of a network of service enterprises that would ensure the optimal functioning of animal husbandry (farms-reproducers, artificial insemination stations, feed mills, etc.)

In this case, the state should intensify its functions and determine which in the conditions of the crisis will be a real support for the development of animal husbandry and contribute to the state regulation of food prices. It is especially important to ensure the development of new approaches to the management of modern technologies and scientific discoveries on the maintenance and service of animals on medium and mini-farms. Now the executive authorities and local governments require revision and regulation of the issue of formation of breeding stock of animals, increasing the productivity of animal husbandry, reducing the cost of production, ensuring the protection of animal husbandry from sharp fluctuations in product prices, the introduction of innovative technologies of livestock production.

Only an integrated approach to enhancing the implementation of regula-

tion and management decisions will contribute to the real possibility of revival and profitable development of the animal husbandry. For this purpose, in the structural content of the state po_ licy it is advisable to provide activities in the part of training of young scientists and qualified specialists, as animal husbandry is an important innovative industry and a platform for scientific achievements in the field of technical and technological modernization and the introduction of advanced technologies.

It should be noted that the objectives of the state policy in the development of animal husbandry should be: ensuring the growth of the level of economic efficiency of livestock production and profitability of the industry, rational and effective use of resource (especially genetic) potential, ensuring stable prices, high level of employment and social protection. All this leads to the need to consider the scope, types and activities of public policy (Fig. 2).

Taking into account the territorial direction of state policy, it is advisable

Fig. 2. Structural classification characteristics of state policy

(author's development)

to provide for measures to compensate for the impact of adverse natural and socio-economic factors on the development of animal husbandry, equalization of differences in the use of production resources, compensation payments to mountainous and depressed areas, the spread of diversified forms of activity.

At the same time, the sectoral direction of the state policy provides for the activation of its functions for the intensification and growth of production, expansion of entrepreneurial activity, promotion of investment and innovation processes, selection activities, etc. In most cases, the industry features of animal husbandry and unregulated market of animal products leads to the fact that producers do not receive significant resources and the efficiency of their business remains low [6]. In addition, the preservation of animal husbandry and the development on an intensive basis may not occur because of a violation of harmonization of interests of economic subjects (the state, producers, consumers) [7, p. 13].

It should be noted that the state carries out its policy through various functions (activities of the state) in the humanitarian (social, humanitarian, environmental, cultural and educational), political (democratization of public life, national security, protective), economic (economic-stimulating, economic-organizational, scientific-organizational) areas that belong to the group of internal functions of the state (its internal policy is implemented and specified, which reflects the economic, ideological, social and other aspects of the life of society and its citizens). Most of these functions are inherent in the animal husbandry, and therefore their suc-

cessful implementation, in accordance with the tasks set by the state, is able to ensure its effective development.

It should be noted that the process of formation and implementation of state policy takes into account the functions of the state through the use of various forms of state activity, among which a significant place is occupied by legal (legal means), since the state should build its activities on the basis of law and within the existing legislation. At the same time, state bodies and their officials form and apply legal acts that are directed to the implementation of the functions of the state and public policy measures.

The most used legal forms that ensure the implementation by the competent state bodies and their officials of the various functions of the state are: law-making (development, editing, sys-tematization, adoption and abolition of normative legal acts); law enforcement (use of legal norms and mandatory implementation of individual legal regulations); law enforcement (implementation of contemplation and control over compliance with the law, protection from offenses, protection of subjective rights of citizens and assistance in the performance of their legal duties).

On the contrary, the process of formation of legal acts is not linked to the activities of state bodies that use organizational forms of implementation of the functions of the state. In the practice of the state are used such forms as organizational and economic (material support of the process of performing various state functions, in particular in animal husbandry the organization of supply of production resources, sales of products); organizational regulation

(solved current political issues, the task of ensuring the effective functioning of a number of links of the state mechanism); organizational and ideological (constant educational and explanatory work among animal husbandry workers regarding the perception and understanding of the relevant laws, regulations, state policy and the formation of their own opinion on improving the state of affairs in the industry).

Note that the functional orientation of state policy depends not only on the generated functions of the state undertaken under certain forms, but use its methods: conviction (carrying out legal education of the population and the number of preventive measures among workers of animal husbandry), promotion (lighting, material and moral encouragement of excellence of the work of breeders, as well as those individuals who are active in combating crime in the workplace), coercion (the use of different interventions, re-education and inducements to eliminate the offense and the harm caused, improving behavior and work performed in the workplace).

The above gives grounds to the conclusion that the functions of the state are the unity of the content, forms and methods of exercising state power in a certain sphere of state activity, which is reflected in the current state policy. On the basis of this there is a need to consider the measures proposed by the Ministry of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine, which relate to the implementation of the main tasks of state policy in animal husbandry [8]:

• organization of implementation of legislative and regulatory acts and control over their implementation;

• participation in the formation and implementation of state policy in animal husbandry and the development of measures to ensure food security of the country;

• implementation of scientific, technical and technological policy in animal husbandry;

• development and coordination of the process of implementation of national and sectoral animal husbandry development programs;

• formation of draft legislative and regulatory acts, participation in the development of technical regulations, standards, norms and regulations that are relevant to animal husbandry.

The above gives grounds to propose functional components of the state policy, which have a direct impact on the development of animal husbandry (Fig. 3).

In the context of the above, it is necessary to determine the main measures of state policy that will contribute to the development of animal husbandry through its activation of innovation:

• strengthening of legislative provisions to improve innovation processes and stabilize production in the animal husbandry;

• formation of an effective mechanism for the provision of feasible state assistance to livestock enterprises that introduce innovations and sell innovative products;

• promotion of the possibility of obtaining loans (with a reduction in the credit rate) in order to establish innovation in animal husbandry;

• improvement of motivation of employees of animal husbandry to conduct innovation activities;

compliance with laws and regulations

Fig. 3. The main components of activation of the functional orientation of the state policy in the development of animal husbandry (development of the author)

• the rational usage of sources of financing of the process of preparing the highly skilled workers of animal husbandry, able to introduce innovative solutions.

In the formation of public policy, it is essential to take into account its nature, which is manifested in its effectiveness in considering the problem of livestock development (active or abstaining from action), problems (aimed at addressing problematic analytical issues, the choice of means, forms and methods of policy implementation with minimal costs) and creativity (part of the activities of state bodies, aimed at solving the problem of effective functioning of animal husbandry). Conclusion the implementation of state policy should be clearly carried out in stages: the choice of the decision is made (taken by government officials and state institutions), the adopted version of the decision (political products) becomes effective and through the system

of power relations is embodied in the life of citizens, the implementation of the political process ensures the final result, through which the living conditions of society are regulated.

Conclusions of the research. We believe that the animal husbandry is a complex production and economic system that operates under the influence of political, organizational, legal, social, economic, scientific, technical and natural factors, which determines the need for the formation of public policy and the use of its effective measures to ensure its further development.

State policy makes it possible to introduce effective measures to ensure the intensive development of animal husbandry not only for public authorities, local self-government, but also business entities and contributes to the unification of their efforts to improve the welfare of the population. In the future, it is vital for the state to guarantee

the population the demand for the necessary and highly nutritious products of animal origin. To this end, the state policy should be based on the development of measures in the content of which animal husbandry should be the flagship (a stable source of profit) for the development and increase of economic growth of other sectors of the agricultural sector.


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