Научная статья на тему 'State cultural policy as prepotent factor of economic development'

State cultural policy as prepotent factor of economic development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Lavrentyeva Irina Viktorovna, Sergienko Polina Grigoryevna, Arefyev Stepan Anatolyevichssia

The factor of influence of culture on forward economic development in the state is analyzed In the presented article. The thesis is substantiated that, economic problems have primarily a spiritual dimension, the material and value aspects are interrelated. The facts are given, indicating the regularity of the influence of cultural state policy and economy. The thesis of the insolvency of the cultural policy oriented to pragmatic principles of market relations, the main dominant of which is the realization of the concept of economic Darwinism, the cult of money is substantiated. The facts of destruction in the economic, social, demographic continuums of the state structure are given. Attention on negative trends in the formation of cultural values among young people is focused. The author substantiates the conclusion about the need to reformat the life of society through a new state cultural policy based on human values.

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Текст научной работы на тему «State cultural policy as prepotent factor of economic development»

Lavrentyeva Irina Viktorovna, Doctor of economy, associate professor, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Chelyabinsk branch,

Chelyabinsk, Russia. E-mail: astralavr@mail.ru Sergienko Polina Grigoryevna, master, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Chelyabinsk branch, Chelyabinsk, Russia E-mail: corn-serg@mail.ru Arefyev Stepan Anatolyevichssia, master, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Chelyabinsk branch, Chelyabinsk, Russia E-mail: astralavr@mail.ru


Abstract: The factor of influence of culture on forward economic development in the state is analyzed In the presented article. The thesis is substantiated that, economic problems have primarily a spiritual dimension, the material and value aspects are interrelated. The facts are given, indicating the regularity of the influence of cultural state policy and economy. The thesis of the insolvency of the cultural policy oriented to pragmatic principles of market relations, the main dominant ofwhich is the realization of the concept of economic Darwinism, the cult of money is substantiated. The facts of destruction in the economic, social, demographic continuums of the state structure are given. Attention on negative trends in the formation of cultural values among young people is focused. The author substantiates the conclusion about the need to reformat the life of society through a new state cultural policy based on human values.

Keywords: cultural policy, culture, economic factor, economic basis, spiritual dominant.

The discussions, that were so popular in the last communities that distinguish the existence of people

century and which have not lost their relevance in in the natural environment and the animal world"

our time - the dominance of the material (basis) [13], we can distinguish the principle of controlla-

and the ideal (superstructure) - have not been much bility of economic science, the foundation of which

closer to understanding the fact that state cultural is the world outlook and cultural values. policy is fundamental to the economic development The practice of living in market conditions (since

of society. the last century to this day) has shown the presence

From numerous definitions of culture as "forms of a large number of studies confirming the patterns

of vital activity and the integral integration of large of mutual influence of the economy and culture. A

number of scientists, in their studies, pointed to the dominant influence of culture on different sides of society and the state:

• dominance of cultural factors above the achievement of personal gain [1; 3; 4];

• connectivity between the pace of economic development and the country's cultural systems [9];

• Insufficiency of setting up of economic incentives in entrepreneurial activity and building up production relations [5];

• definition of economic (business) activity through the totality of mental properties and functions that accompany the management [6];

• relationship between the moral and emotional state of society and the development of the population economy [11; 12; 13; 14];

• consideration of capitalist relations as a cultural and spiritual phenomenon [7];

• capitalist spirit as a concentrate of human sins and passions and the factor of the decline of mankind [8].

The main message of numerous studies on the interrelation between culture and economy points to a "proportional" relationship between the state of culture and the economy - the fact that the economic behavior of the population is affected by the level of culture that dominates the society. In turn, culture, as is known, is variable and depends on the level of morality inherent in it and can contribute to either impede the evolutionary development of mankind.

The cultural policy of the present is built according to the pragmatic principles of the era of market relations, the main dominant of which is the realization of the concept of economic Darwinism, the revival of the cult of money, the unrestrained growth of capital in pursuit of profit, the ignoring of moral values. The economic confrontation of world systems forced states to work actively in the ideological field.

Market ideology, declaring the multiplying and protecting its own wealth and power, redirected all

its power into the sphere of material interests: all for the sake of money, in the name of money, through money. Cultural-information "memes" that introduce the consciousness of the younger generation and the adult population through movies and plays, literature, etc., form the behavior of a person with an animal, a robotic and demonic type of psyche, immoral in nature. The consumer society born under this cultural diktat has the grounds and purpose of satisfying parasitic needs leading to the degradation of the individual, and then, mediating through the economic behavior of the population, to the degradation of the country, which has been repeatedly confirmed by history.

Not transferred genetically, but formed by external factors (religious, ideological, educational, political, etc.), culture, depending on the dominant type of worldviews, can have a colossal influence on the course of the history of state development, as was repeatedly pointed out by the great minds of the past and the present-the dominant influence ideological, religious, educational and cultural factors are inevitable.

From studies of the interrelationship between culture and economics, it becomes clear that economic problems are primarily a spiritual dimension, the material and value aspects are interrelated, and economic growth depends on the moral atmosphere and emotional state of society, the level of culture in society. The problem of economic growth and increasing GDP is the problem of the formation of values and worldview. Repeated ignoring of the factor of culture or its use in a destructive key always led to economic collapses.

Particularly disturbing is the influence of the cultural factor on the younger generation. Powerful impact through media channels - television, Internet technologies, advertising - form a "narrow sense horizon with a value space, defined primarily by entertainment media, mass culture and gloss, a magical mirage of 'big money", the formation of vague and conflicting political orientations and preferences, pragmatic attitude to the West as a

source of material wealth, employment and recreation opportunities [15].

The consequence and the main reason for the impact not only on youth, but also on the general population is the phenomenon of "ekonocyde" (Silaste G. G.), associated with the collapse of employment in the labor market, a reduction in savings, increasing risks of crediting [12]. So, from 2013 by 2018 the average per capita income of Russian residents increased by 5547 rubles (from 25928 to 31475 rubles per month), but the inflation accumulated during this time "ate all the accumulations". Every third citizen of working age earns less than 15,000 rubles a month, and more than 5 million people have a salary at the level of SMIC, and 13% of the population lives below the poverty line [16]. According to Rosstat, real disposable incomes of the population of Russia declined in 2017 by 1.7% [17].

Defining the law of spiritual determination, a number of researchers [10; 11] point to the relationship between spiritual ill-being and the dynamics of births and deaths of labor resources and reveal the spiritual and cultural collapse in the dominant

cause of depopulation. The predicted values of the population's vitality ratios (ratio of fertility rates to mortality) tend to decrease to year 2031. According to the demographic forecast of Rosstat, the natural population decline will increase and from 2025 will exceed 400 thousand people annually; the slowdown in population decline is projected only closer to the 2030s. International migration (according to the forecast, the inflow of migrants will be less than 300 thousand people per year) in the long term will not be able to compensate for population decline [18].

While analyzing economic phenomena and processes, the majority of economists ignore the cultural factor, in the long-term perspective, the interrelationship of the dynamic laws of the mutual influence of culture on the economy is obvious. Culture should be perceived by society as a fundamental institution of economic, demographic, social development. The primary task of reformatting a society with the means of a cultural factor from destructive to constructive development of society is a task that requires a decision at the state level both in strategic and tactical plans.


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