STAGES OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT IN EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
creativity / ability / research / analysis / intelligent / quick thinker / flexibility / originality / approach / methods / creative thinking. / creativity / ability / research / analysis / intelligent / quick thinker / flexibility / originality / approach / methods / creative thinking.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Hakberdiyeva Sh.T.

The problem of developing students' creative thinking is of particular importance for a modern school. Today, the education of creative and creative abilities of students is considered an important task. In this regard, the role of the school in the education of active, initiative, creatively thinking, creative people is increasing. The problem of strengthening creative thinking in the education of schoolchildren is especially relevant in the modern era, when the creative activity of all strata of society has increased. The future of this person in society largely depends on how creative abilities are formed at school.

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The problem of developing students' creative thinking is of particular importance for a modern school. Today, the education of creative and creative abilities of students is considered an important task. In this regard, the role of the school in the education of active, initiative, creatively thinking, creative people is increasing. The problem of strengthening creative thinking in the education of schoolchildren is especially relevant in the modern era, when the creative activity of all strata of society has increased. The future of this person in society largely depends on how creative abilities are formed at school.


Hakberdiyeva Sh.T.


"Biology and Teaching Methodology" department Termiz State Pedagogical Institute Uzbekistan, Termiz


Annotation. The problem of developing students' creative thinking is of particular importance for a modern school. Today, the education of creative and creative abilities of students is considered an important task. In this regard, the role of the school in the education ofactive, initiative, creatively thinking, creative people is increasing. The problem of strengthening creative thinking in the education of schoolchildren is especially relevant in the modern era, when the creative activity of all strata of society has increased. The future of this person in society largely depends on how creative abilities are formed at school.

Keywords. creativity, ability, research, analysis, intelligent, quick thinker, flexibility, originality, approach, methods, creative thinking.

The goal of today's education system is to educate an intellectual person, in which scientific research work is being carried out to update the content of education, teaching methods and tools. The educational system is aimed at the formation of highly developed, intellectual individuals who have a holistic view of the world scene, understand the deeply connected phenomena and processes that represent this scene. Creativity, which is just coming into science, is important in this. If the concept of creativity is considered in a broad sense, it can be understood that it is different from creativity. While creativity is the highest cognitive process, creativity (lat., eng. "create" - creation, "creative" - creator) is the creative ability of an individual that describes the readiness to produce new ideas and is part of talent as an independent factor.Shaxsning kreativligi uning tafakkurida, muloqotida, histuyg'ularida, muayyan faoliyat turlarida namoyon bo'ladi. Kreativlik shaxsni yaxlit holda yoki uning muayyan xususiyatlarini tavsiflaydi. Creativity is also reflected as an important factor of talent. In addition, creativity determines mental sharpness, ensures active involvement of learners in the educational process. The issue of individual, creative abilities of a person L. Vygotsky, A. Leontev, D. Elkonin, O. Vasilchenko, E. Melkumova, V. Miretskaya, M. Sukhomlinova, E. Emmanuel, E. P. Torrance, N. Rogers, J. Purnell, P.Roberts, A.M. Galligan, Sh. Tatsuno, A.H. It was reflected in the research of scientists such as Maslow and P. Drepeau. The term creativity appeared in Anglo-American psychology in the 60s. It means the ability and quality of an individual to create new concepts and new skills.

J. Gilford shows a number of individual abilities that characterize creativity:

- be able to direct the thought according to the purpose;

- uniqueness (originality);

- curiosity;

- the ability to create hypotheses;

- to imagine (fantasy)

Paul Torrance identified four creativity cones.

1. Fluency. The ability to come up with many ideas is based on the word


2. Flexibility. The skill of coming up with different ideas is based on the word change.

3. Uniqueness. The skill of coming up with an idea that is different from others and stands out is based on the word unique.

4. Creativity. The skill of expanding ideas is based on the word addition.

In psychology, P.Torrens developed a test that determines individual

creativity. According to P.Torrens, personal creativity shows the following signs:

4. Creativity. The skill of expanding ideas is based on the word addition.

In psychology, P.Torrens developed a test that determines individual creativity. According to P. Torrens, personal creativity shows the following signs: A.H. Maslow divides creativity into 2 types: creativity of talent and creativity of individual self-actualization. Since the creativity of self-actualization of the individual is inextricably linked with the personality, we can encounter it in everyday life and in many areas of professional activity.

Patti Drepeau also points out four ways to successfully develop the qualities of creativity in a person:

1. Formation of creative thinking skills;

2. Development of practical creative movement skills;

3. Organization of creative activity processes;

4. Use of creative products (developments).

Creativity, like any quality (virtue), is not formed suddenly. Creativity is consistently formed and developed at certain stages. It is important to develop creativity in learners

1) encourage them to ask a lot of questions and support this habit;

2) encouraging children's independence and increasing their responsibility;

3) creating an opportunity for children to organize independent activities;

The following factors hinder the development of creativity in a person:

1) avoiding risk;

2) allow rudeness in thinking and behavior;

3) underestimation of personal fantasy and imagination;

4) subordination to others;

5) thinking only about success in any case

The development of creativity in the participants of the educational process is facilitated by the following qualities:

- creative direction - logical thinking;

- erudition (maturity) - rich imagination;

-Creative effectiveness and initiative - full expression of one's creativity;

- the ability to reflect - a wealth of emotions and, as a result, the ability to make new decisions based on existing experience and knowledge.

The role of biology is very important in guiding students to the profession. Because this science is a science of life, it encourages students to study living nature, the existence that surrounds us, to be friendly to it, teaches students to protect and preserve carefully. In addition, it is based on providing students with worldly knowledge. The teaching theory of science is important in preparing students for the profession. The difference between the teaching of biology and other subjects is that it relies on practice, not just theoretical knowledge. Organization of laboratory and practical training, trips to open nature and historical places. It increases students' interest in science.

The third component of the educational content is the development of problem-based questions and exercises based on the problem-based educational technology in the educational process in order to create creative experiences.

Students, after graduating from higher educational institutions of pedagogy, continue their studies in the continuous education system, enter into personal, social, economic and professional relationships during their independent life, take their place in society, and face in this process it is necessary to have the basic competencies necessary to solve the problems that arise, and most importantly, to be competitive in one's field and profession.

A competent approach to the educational process is a set of general principles that allow the organization of the educational process on the basis of innovative technologies and the analysis of the results of the enrichment of the educational content in order to achieve the educational goals.

Summary. By systematically delivering high-quality, important, necessary and practical information to participants in the educational system - creative, that is, able to quickly receive information, process it, make the right decision in different situations, every It is possible to educate a mature person in all aspects. This brings to the agenda as a necessity that the pedagogue has the qualities of professional competence, the basics of pedagogical skills, and the ability to be creative.

Such innovations entering the economy, political and social life of our country, the innovations being created, the process of modernization in the educational system are the state and social order before education - education, which is one of the priority directions of education in raising a competitive staff and a well-rounded person. created the need to establish a competent approach to the process.


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