Научная статья на тему 'Сравнительный анализ устойчивости российских сортов люцерны к засухе и засолению почв по некоторым морфологическим и физиологическим признакам'

Сравнительный анализ устойчивости российских сортов люцерны к засухе и засолению почв по некоторым морфологическим и физиологическим признакам Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Жансая Ерболат, Шинэхуу Жугдэ, Адъяасурэн Молор, Энхчимэг Ванжилдорж

Во всем мире из-за скотоводства наблюдаются негативные последствия для окружающей среды, особенно из-за абиотических стрессов. В сельском хозяйстве Монголии засуха и засоление почв являются основными экологическими стрессами, которые ограничивают рост, развитие и выживаемость растений, что приводит к огромным потерям урожая. Целью данной статьи было сравнение солевого стресса и стресса, вызванного засухой, русской люцерны (Vogo87, Toyojmyo) по морфологическим и физиологическим показателям, а также поиск возможности ее высадки в сухих и суровых природных условиях Монголии. Для выявления засухоустойчивости и устойчивости растекния к засолению почв в лабораторных условиях мы использовали NoCl и полиэтиленгликоль. По морфологическим и физиологическим признакам сорт Toyojooyo оказался более устойчивым к засолению и засухе, чем сорт Vogo87.

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Livestock production globally is facing the increasing pressure of negative environmental implications, particularity because of abiotic stresses. In Mongolian agriculture drought and salinity are the main environmental stresses which are limiting plant growth, development, and survival rate, leading to enormous yield loss. The purpose of this study was to compare salt and drought stress of Russian alfalfa (Vega87, Tayejnaya) by morphological and physiological parameters and to seek a possibility to plant it in Mongolian dry and harsh environmental conditions. To expose salt and drought stresses we used NaCl and Polyethylene glycol in laboratory condition. According to the morphological and physiological results Tayajnaya variety was tolerant to salinity and drought rather than Vega87.

Текст научной работы на тему «Сравнительный анализ устойчивости российских сортов люцерны к засухе и засолению почв по некоторым морфологическим и физиологическим признакам»

УДК 663.31:581.54(517.3)

DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2020-1-79-91


Jansaya Yerbolat, Shinekhuu Jugder, Adyasuren Molor, Enkhchimeg Vanjildorj

© Jansaya Yerbolat


Institute of Animal Science and Biotechnology Mongolian University of Life Sciences Zaisan 17024, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia E-mail: jankayajanka927@gmail.com

© Shinekhuu Jugder


Department of Pasture, Nutrition and Chemistry Mongolian University of Life Sciences Zaisan 17024, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia E-mail: shine@muls.edu.mn

© Adiyasuren Molor


School of Animal Science and Biotechnology Mongolian University of Life Sciences Zaisan 17024, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia E-mail: adya.molor@gmail.com

© Enkhchimeg Vanjildorj

PhD, A/Prof.,

School of Animal Science and Biotechnology Mongolian University of Life Sciences Zaisan 17024, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia E-mail: enkhchimeg.v@muls.edu.mn

Livestock production globally is facing the increasing pressure of negative environmental implications, particularity because of abiotic stresses. In Mongolian agriculture drought and salinity are the main environmental stresses which are limiting plant growth, development, and survival rate, leading to enormous yield loss. The purpose of this study was to compare salt and drought stress of Russian alfalfa (Vega87, Tayejnaya) by morphological and physiological parameters and to seek a possibility to plant it in Mongolian dry and harsh environmental conditions. To expose salt and drought stresses we used NaCl and Polyethylene glycol in laboratory condition. According to the morphological and physiological results Tayajnaya variety was tolerant to salinity and drought rather than Vega87.

Keywords: Russian alfalfa; salt stress; drought stress; morphological and physiological features.

Для цитирования

Jansaya Yerbolat, Shinekhuu Jugder, AdyasurenMolor, Enkhchimeg Vanjildorj. A Comparative

Analysis of Drought and Salinity Tolerance in Russian Alfalfa Varieties According to Some

Morphological and Physiological Features // Природа Внутренней Азии. Nature of Inner

Asia. 2020. № 1(14). С. 79-91.

DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2020-1-79-91


Climate change is seen as a major impact to the survival of many species and ecosystems, and sustainable livestock production are main issue to end poverty and hunger in all its forms everywhere.

Sustainable livestock production globally is facing the increasing pressure of negative environmental implications, particularity because of abiotic stresses [Sejian et al., 2013]. There are several common abiotic stresses namely heat, drought, salinity and flooding. Mongolia is vulnerable to extreme climate events, and is often affected by episodes of anomalously cold winters and droughts [Morinaga Y., 2003]. In Mongolian agriculture drought and salinity are the main environmental stresses which are limiting plant growth, development, and survival rate, leading to enormous yield loss.

In Mongolia, currently the number of animals is increasing along this significant expansion herdsmen face a problem of pasture degradation and overgrazing. However, alfalfa is an essential hay product which grows in arid and semi-arid regions. Because of its depth and straight roots, this species is able to absorb even depth waters about 5 m depth and more. This advantage saves plant's life in long term drought [Ingram J. and Bartles D. 1996].

Ghasem Ali Dianati Tilake et al., [2009], Hamidi and Safarnejad [2010], Castroluna et al., [2014], Adiyasuren [2017] are reported alfalfa seed germination under drought condition. In addition, Safarnejad [2008] established some morphological parameters of alfalfa plants and Adiyasuren [2017] presented some results of drought and salt tolerance by morphological and physiologic parameters ofM.sativa, M.falcata, M. varia Marthz, M. varia Martyn.

Moreover, there is a limited comparative analysis of salt tolerance research has been done in alfalfa. Nevertheless, a comparative salinity stress tolerance research is made in Medicago falcata and Medicago truncatula by Min Liu et al., [2014] and Adiyasuren and Enkchimeg [2018] studied 4 types of alfalfa: 2 wild types and 2 varieties by physiological and morphological features.

However, the effects of drought and salt stress on alfalfa plants in laboratory conditions have been established only fewer.

The purpose of this study was to compare salt and drought stress of Russian alfalfa varieties (Vega87, Tayejnaya) by morphological and physiological parameters and to seek a possibility to plant them in Mongolian environmental condition in future to increase supply of animal feed sources.

Material and Methods

Method of Salinity Stress Tolerance

Preparation of NaCl solution

The solutions were prepared with electrical conductivity of 0 (control), 50mM (moderate level), 100mM (high level), 150mM (extreme level), 200Mm (extremely high level).

Determining salt stress tolerance by seed germination

The experiment was carried out in three replicates where 20 seeds from each cultivar were separately germinated on sheet of Whatman No.1 filter paper in Petri dishes. Priority, 10 ml from one respective test solution was poured into the plate. The plates were placed into an incubator at 25±2°C in darkness for eight days. Germination index is the percentage of germination salinity stress tolerance index is determined as below: Germination index: nd2 (1.00) + nd4 (0.75) + nd6 (0.50) + nd8 (0.25) nd — day of seed germination

Seed germination index is the percentage of seed which germinate at 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th day of observation as indicates by nd2, nd4, nd6 and nd8. Percentage of seed germination stress tolerance index is determined as below:

Germ ination index (%)

Germination index of stressed seeds Germination index of control seeds

■x 100

Determining salt stress tolerance by morphological parameters The experiment was carried out in pots. Ten seeds from each cultivar were separately sown per pot at the depth pf 3 cm the experiment has three replications. The pots were placedon a growth chamber for 16 hours light photoperiod (200 pmol photons m-2, s1'. 8 hours dark and humidity 70% and a day/night temperature 20°C, Genomics Laboratory. After 2 weeks (2-3 fully expanded leaves) watered by 0, 50mM, 100mM, 150mM, 200Mm solutions for two weeks. Phenology observation was done daily. The data for the shoot length, root length, weight of root and weight of shoot were measured and recorded as [Akbarimoghaddam et al., 2001] formulas:

Shoot weight stress tolerance index, gr =

Shoot length stress tolerance index, cm = Root weight stess tolerance index, gr =

Shoot weight of stressed plants Shoot weight of control plants

Shoot length of stressed plants Shoot length of control plants

Root weight of stressed plants

Root length stress tolerance index, cm

Root weight od control plants Root lenght of stressed plants

Root length of control plants

Determining salt stress tolerance by water uptake

Water uptake was recorded at 24 hours after planting. Water uptake percentage was calculated by the formula given below.

Water uptake, % = (W2-W1/W1)*100

W1— initial weight of seed

W2 — weight of seed after absorbing water

Determining drought and salinity stress by chlorophyll measurement The Minolta SPAD-502 (Konica Minolta sensing, Japan) is a hand-held light meter used to measure the relative greenness leaves in a rapid manner. The latest model,

SPAD-502 determines the relative amount of chlorophyll present by measuring the trans-mittance of the leaf in two wave bands (600-700 and 400-500nm). Single fully expanded leaf samples from each species and varieties were obtained at the 14th day in stress. Triplicate reading using a SPAD-502 were taken around midpoint near the midrib of each leaf sample and averaged.

Method of determining drought stress tolerance

Preparation of osmotic solution

The solution was prepared based on Mongi Zekri methods by using polyethylene glycol (PEG-4000) with electrical conductivity of 0 (control), -0.3, -0.5, -1.0MPa osmotic potentials.

Determining drought tolerance by seed germination

All petri dishes and filter papers were disinfected in 121°C for 25 minutes in autoclave. The experiment was carried out in 3 replicates where 20 seeds from each species and variety were separately germinated on sheet of Whatman No.1 filter paper in Petri dishes. Priority, 10ml from one respective test solution was poured into the plate. The plates were placed into an incubator at 25±2°C in darkness for eight days. Seed germination index is the percentage of seed which geminate at 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th day of observation. Percentage of seed germination drought stress tolerance index is determined as below:

Determining drought stress tolerance by water uptake

Water uptake was recorded 2 weeks of watering by PEG4000. Water uptake percentage was calculated by the formula given.

Relative saturation deficit, gr = (Saturated weight — Fresh weight) / Saturated weight

Determining drought stress tolerance by morphological parameters

Shoot weight stress tolerance index, gr =

Shoot weight of stressed plants Shoot weight of control plants

Shoot length stress tolerance index, cm —

Shoot length of stressed plants Shoot length of control plants

Root weight stess tolerance index, gr =

Root weight of stressed plants Root weight od control plants

Root length stress tolerance index, cm

Results and Discussion

Root lenght of stressed plants Root length of control plants

Result of salt stress tolerance in alfalfa plants

The seed germination under salt stress

Soil salinity blocks the water uptake, consequently, it negatively affects the plant growth and seed germination. Seed germination of Vega87 at 50mM was 25% and

Tayejnayawas 21.5% towes tRsn diu!; oRcontrol inlant^.a^(^nthe concentsation ^n^r^se<S uftil lfemMa seed attrmin^tiaa^t^i^]^ei^^(3d in all alfalfej^iaas.Seeee^nf^rr^atid,n obsaned 0% uh VadmM uaS 2ddmM (Tubla 1, Fid. 1).

Tab le 1

T5a maua aV aaaS geNuinatioa aV ulVulVu gluaSt uffasS^ddy MffataaS loste oV NuVl,%

PlrnSt O lOmM VddmM 1aOmM 2OOmM Mnfn

Vadu87 6O 41 1O O O 23

Tupnjaapu 7O aa 21 O O 3O

Means of 3 replicates (Petri dishes)

Fig. 1. SaaddurmieuaioRof frVfrVueutinSina uffnsSna bp aiffntneS laealaoVNuCl (LnfS-Vndu87,Rid5S-Tupnjaupue

Result of relative water content

W5aa soRsaRatuaioR iastauaa, wuSat ugafka ubiliSp it dastauaad ia somgutiaoa So soaSrola. Wuaat ugauaa ia Vagu87 uS IdmM wut dasliRad bp 14.8%, uS lOOmM wut 24.6%, uS llOmM wut 27.9%, uS 200mM wut 37.8% lowat Slua SluS of soaSrol gluaSa. Tupajaupu uS IdmM wut dasliRad bp 4%, uS lOOmM wut 8%, uS lldmM wut 16%, uS 200mM wut 32% lowat Shua soaStol glfRaа (Tubla 2).

Table 2

WuSat ugauka bp ulfulfu glfaaа uffasSiad bp tula аaraаа, d

PlfnSa O lOmM VddmM 1aOmM 2OOmM

Vagu87 3.O + ad.dv 2.6 + O.O2 2.3 + d.dV 2.2 + d.dV 1.9 + O.O2

TupajRupu 2.1 + O.O2 2.4 + O.O1 2.3 + O.O3 2.1 + d.dV 1.7 + d.dV

Means of 3 replicates±SE.

Result s/chlorophyll content

The chlorophyllcontentwas declined be cause of inductionoR chloropRyKase er^z^p^me. ^^t^oi^^^^, aecymulation oi^mir^tjcals in dcloroplasHs ene of the rearoneof decoeasmg cleltDtRoaili^l0 undgr salt ptoess condMon. EJe^^ed on chlnrophyllconteo1 of dfalfa ^aitc eaa be aooanged ia the feUewing eodro: 1) TtRejatRdi 4) nega8S (tip. 4).

tenti i 3E,8 34,6 ,9 £ £ rf $ ■A. T ^ ®


Fig. 2. The effect ef diffeoeac NaCl eeaeeatoatiea en eCreoesCRU eeaCeaC

4 dar e of eall strea e. Meaneofr replicatae + SE.

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Result of morphological parameters by measuring root, shoot length and weight

Shoot, rootlength andweight were measured afterl4 day sof irrigatiag with diffeoeac eoncentoatien ef Nad

Table 3

The tCeeC reaptC ed alfalfa plants affeeted by diffeoeac revel ed NaQ, em

PSaatc 0 50mM 100mM 150mM 40OmM

Vepa8S 1E.1 + 3.E 13 + P.4 1P.9 + P.E 9.8 + 1.1 1.P8 + P.P6

Ta.elisya 15.7 ±4 11.5 ±0.5 11.2 ± 0.3 10.5 51 2.1 5.2±0.05

Thepalues aie the meac of% rrnPlcal/tinn

The final shoot lengthis measured at 14thdayof saltstress.

Meaa ed cheeC reapcC vaoiet betweea E.4-1.P8 em. The leapest tCeeC rengtO ebteoved ia TaRejaaRa. SCeeC length ia TaRejnaRa wat 46% lengeo than Vepa8S (Table 3, tip. 3).

>,\ fc


i i 1

1* 1 r t j ..

Fig. 3. Aldalda slaat'c poewCO affeeted by salt afteo 14daRt. A-Vepa8S, B-TaRrjedRa (Left tideP,EP,1PP, 1P,4PPmM).

Table 4

The shoot weight of alfalfa plants affected by different level of NaCl, g

Plants 0 50mM 100mM 150mM 200mM

Vega87 0.6 + 0.01 0.27 + 0.03 0.14 + 0.01 0.10 + 0.02 0.01 + 0.01

Tayejnaya 0.5 + 0.02 0.15 + 0.01 0.13 + 0.02 0.11 + 0.03 0.05 + 0.01

The values are the mean of 3 replications. The shoot weight is illustrated at 14th day.

As a result of comparing by shoot weight Vega87 was 9.5% lower than Tayejnaya. The significantly lowest shoot weight observed in Vega87 (Table 4).

Table 5

The root length of alfalfa plants affected by different level of NaCl, cm

Plants 0 50mM 100mM 150mM 200mM

Vega87 9 + 3 7.5 + 0.3 5.5 + 0.2 5.1 + 0.9 1.1 + 1

Tayejnaya 7 + 2.6 6.5 + 0.2 6.3 + 0.3 6.2 + 0.6 3.4 + 0.6

The values are the mean of 3 replications. The percentage is illustrated at 14th day.

While increasing NaCl concentration root length of alfalfa is declined. Root length of Vega87 was decreased by 16.6% at 50mM, at 100mM — 38.8%, 150mM — 43.3% in comparison to control plant. Tayejnaya showed the declined root length by 7.1 at 50mM, 10% at 100mM, 11.4% at 150mM than control. Among species Tayejnaya had longer root length than Vega87 (Table 5).

Table 6

The root weight of alfalfa plants affected by different level of NaCl, g

Plants 0 50mM 100mM 150mM 200mM

Vega87 0.55 + 0.08 0.18 + 0.01 0.15 + 0.02 0.14 + 0.02 0

Tayejnaya 0.49 + 0.1 0.28 + 0.02 0.22 + 0.01 0.21 + 0.01 0.06 + 0.01

The values are the mean of 3 replications.

The final seed germination percentage is illustrated at 14th day.

Based on root weight, Tayejnaya showed highest than that of Vega87 by 24.4% (Table 6).

Result of drought stress

Result of seed germination under drought condition

The data indicated the significant variation among alfalfa varieties (Table 7, Figure 4). PEG4000 with -1.0MPa osmotic solution inhibited all alfalfa plants seed germination. As shown in Table 7, seed germination decreased with escalating PEG 4000 concentration.

Table 7

ТЪе seed germinationof alfalfa pi antsin different osmotic solution level, %

Pints 0 -О.ЗМПа -С1.5МПа -1МПа Mean

Vega87 70 15 0 0 21.25

Aayejuaya 85 no 1! N 41.25

Means o/3 replicates.

The final seey germina tion percentage is illustrated a 18th day.

Fig. 4. SnnA germination of alfalfa plants affected by different levels of тsmтtic solution (left siAe-Vega87, right siAN-AayNjuaya)

Result of water uptake

For species Vega87, water uptake was decreased by 31.2% at -0.3MPa, 37.7% at -0.5MPa, 60.7% at -1.0MPa compare to control (Aable 8). Whereas, the lowest water uptake was observed in Aayejnaya variety by 24% at -0.3MPa, 32% at -0.5MPa and 60% at -1.0MPa(Aable8).

Table 8

Effects of PEG 4000 cтucNutratiтu on water uptake by alfalfa plants, g

Plants 0 -0.3MPa -0.5MPa -1MPa

Vega87 3.05 + 0.1 2.1 + 0.2 1.7 + 0.3 1.2 + 0.2

Aayejuaya 2.5 + 0.2 1.9 + 0.1 1.6 + 0.2 1 + 0.03

The values are the mean of 3 replicates + SE.

Chlorophyll content

Drought stress imposed at the vegetative, flowering stages and total chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll content varied among the accessions under well-watered (control)

conAieionn. ]jbien watou oler^^s (-OMMPa) liireb ^iVnat on diloefnUabb contisnt of the ^10aC:f£e pJnnts. AH alMta pkntl s.uri'uil .he shasp tlaae^CLSii in crhloaojt^bLun nontonh uo^ LOMPu 1Fiifura 5, 6). Thn oMorophyn way measured after )ji elnys aftou fhe

^^eAHf^l^s bt the snnhs were plournh iu rhn soil. Ahon the snebuh kot, ir has bnnu stressed ittr A days without ianiroribu. dhn hijhnsr ehlrabphyll fb-rnur bbsnarnh iu doynjuoyo with 3.07 % hiffnanufn.

to Vnoo87 -■- doy ejpcya

40 30





ne'g. f.QOorophytf ctalpnC ur^ ]piab^^ i^i^c^srr 0sautSt stresn aftes 14ft Aj^^s, 4PADvalue) Tua eornmhe inOicotrthemean of rreplifatibps

Fig. 6. Soornliuo affnftnh by PEG4000 trn te hoys (A-Vnjo87, B-doynjpayo)

Result of morphological parameters by measuring root, shoot length and weight Ahtoa 2 weeks rt Ojbuoht rreotmnur shbbr, jbbr lnujrh ouO weight wean reebjOoO. dhn lbPonsr shbbt lnuoth wos refbjOnO iu doynjuoyo. doynjuoyo hoa the lbPonsr jbbt lnuoth rhap Vnjo87 rojinutins (dobln 9).

Table 9

Plant's morphological parameters

Alfalfa plants Shoot length, cm Shoot weight, g Root length, cm Root weight, g

Control Vega87 18.4±2.5 0.15±0.01 10.3±0.4 0.13±0.01

Control Tayejnaya 19.4±0.7 0.16±0.03 11.4±0.7 0.13±0.01

Vega87 10.1±1.0 0.07±0.01 7.2±0.4 0.07±0.06

Tayejnaya 12.2±3.9 0.07±0.06 9.1±1.0 0.11±0.01


According to Castroluna (2014), Bolormaa (2016) and Adiyasuren et al., (2017) research of salt stress tolerance in alfalfa showed declining result in seed germination and vegetative stage. Soil salinity blocks the water uptake, consequently, it negatively affects the plant growth and seed germination. Seed germination of Vega87 at 50mM was lower than control by 25% and seed germination of Tayejnaya at 50mM was 21.5% lower than control. When the concentration increased until 100mM seed germination decreased in all alfalfa plants. Seed germination observed 0% at 150mM, 200mM whereas Mongolian M. varia Marthz and M.varia Martyn seed germination showed 0% at 200mM. Adiyasuren et al., (2017) concluded that the NaCl is one the reason for inhibiting the Medicago L. plants seed germination. Similarly, Bolormaa B (2016) reported that drought stress caused by PEG6000 decreased seed germination percentage in two Mongolian (var. Burgaltai and Nutag Belcheer -2) and two Taiwanese (Known Your alfalfa, Middle east) varieties especially at -1.8MPa and osmotic potential solution obtained 0% of alfalfa.

Ghasem Ali Dianati Tilake et al., (2009) and Adiyasuren et al., (2016) used PEG6000 and 4000 to make drought in laboratory. The drought stress caused by PEG showed a negative effect on seed germination. It can be clearly seen that due to rise of PEG concentration seed germination rate went down gradually. Our research revealed that Russian Vega87 stopped germinating at -0.5MPa while Tayejnaya's germination stopped at - 1.0 MPa. Likewise, Ghasem Alit Dianati Tilakte et al., (2009) and Adiyasuren et al., (2016) showed that Medicago L. seed germination stopped at -0.8 MPa and - 1.0 MPa respectively.

Plant growth is a function of complex interplay between sources and sink limitations of the two main organs of a plant, the root system and the shoot, establishing functional equilibrium. The permanent or temporary water deficit severely hampers the plant growth and development more than any other environmental factor (Anjum et al., 2011). Salinity effects are the results of complex interactions among morphological, physiological, and biochemical processes including seed germination, plant growth, and water and nutrient uptake (Akbarimoghaddam et al.,2011; Singh and Chatrah, 2011). Our research data gives a declining result in both morphological and physiological features, particularly Vega87 was more sensitive than Tayejnaya to salt stress. Noticeably, shoot and root weight presented the lowest result compare to other parameters.

According to Chazen et al., (1995) established that polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a marker under laboratory conditions for inducing drought stress because of its reputation as an osmotic agent resulting in increasing solute potential and blockage of absorption of water by the root system. Safarmajed A (2008) and Bolormaa (2016) reported that shoot and root length and weight were reduced with an increase in PEG concentration. Adiyasuren et al., (2016) concluded that M.sativa (Russian wild type plant) was more tolerant to drought stress compare to other wild type - M.falcata while our result shows that Tayejnaya is more tolerance to drought than Vega87 respectively.

In addition, both water deficit and salt stresses have a detrimental effect on plant growth that might be related to a reduced leaf expansion rate, lesser final leaf size, diminished leaf production rate and accelerated senescence (Greenway and Munns, 1980; Munns, 2002; Munné-Bosch and Alegre, 2004; Parida and Das, 2005). Chlorophyll content in both Russian alfalfas showed a slight decrease depending on the concentration of salt and PEG solution. After drought treatment on alfalfa it recovered quickly based on chlorophyll content. The highest chlorophyll observed in Tayejnaya compared to Vega87 due to low relative water content which causes inhibition of photosynthesis.


Tayejnaya is more salt and drought tolerant than Vega87 by morphological and physiological measurements. Chlorophyll content declined in both alfalfas due to the concentration of NaCl and PEG solution. However, after drought treatment Tayejnaya recover was higher than Vega87. Thus, Russian Tayejnaya is convenient to plant in Mongolian salty and dry environmental conditions. Meanwhile, it protects soil from degradation and improves vegetation cover.


This study is supported by Winter feeding management of growing beef cattle project funded by KOPIA MONGOLIA CENTER in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.


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Жансая Ерболат, Шинэхуу Жугдэ, Адъяасурэн Молор, Энхчимэг Ванжилдорж

Жансая Ерболат магистр,

Институт животноводства и биотехнологии, Монгольская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия Зайсан 17024, г. Улан-Батор, Монголия E-mail: jankayajanka927@gmail.com

Шинэхуу Жугдэ доктор,

Монгольская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия Зайсан 17024, г. Улан-Батор, Монголия E-mail: shine@muls.edu.mn

Адъяасурэн Молор магистр,

Институт животноводства и биотехнологии,

Монгольская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия

Зайсан 17024, г. Улан-Батор, Монголия Е-таЛ: adya.molor@gmail.com

Энхчимэг Ванжилдорж доктор, доцент,

Институт животноводства и биотехнологии, Монгольская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия Зайсан 17024, г. Улан-Батор, Монголия Е-таП: enkhchimeg.v@muls.edu.mn

Во всем мире из-за скотоводства наблюдаются негативные последствия для окружающей среды, особенно из-за абиотических стрессов. В сельском хозяйстве Монголии засуха и засоление почв являются основными экологическими стрессами, которые ограничивают рост, развитие и выживаемость растений, что приводит к огромным потерям урожая. Целью данной статьи было сравнение солевого стресса и стресса, вызванного засухой, русской люцерны (Vega87, Tayejnaya) по морфологическим и физиологическим показателям, а также поиск возможности ее высадки в сухих и суровых природных условиях Монголии. Для выявления засухоустойчивости и устойчивости растекния к засолению почв в лабораторных условиях мы использовали №С1 и полиэтиленгликоль. По морфологическим и физиологическим признакам сорт Tayajnaya оказался более устойчивым к засолению и засухе, чем сорт Vega87.

Ключевые слова: русская люцерна; солевой стресс; стресс от засухи; морфологические и физиологические особенности.

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