Научная статья на тему 'Способы эффективного формирования иноязычной компетентности будущих специалистов в процессе профессиональной подготовки в неязыковом вузе'

Способы эффективного формирования иноязычной компетентности будущих специалистов в процессе профессиональной подготовки в неязыковом вузе Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Рудомётова Лилия Тарасовна

В данной статье описываются средства и представлены результаты практических исследований формирования иноязычной компетентности иностранных языков будущих специалистов технических специальностей. Описаны результаты проводимых педагогических условий, направленных на формирование иноязычной компетенции. Доказана эффективность выбранных средств и разработанного комплекса педагогических условий.

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Means and the Principles of the Effective Formation of Foreign Competence of Future Specialists in the Process of Professional Training in a Non-linguistic Institution

This article describes means and provides the results of practical research of foreign language competence’s formation of future specialists of technical specialties. The results of conductive pedagogical conditions aimed at the language competence’s formation are described. The effectiveness of the chosen means and complex of pedagogical conditions is proved.

Текст научной работы на тему «Способы эффективного формирования иноязычной компетентности будущих специалистов в процессе профессиональной подготовки в неязыковом вузе»

Перспективы Науки и Образования. 2018. 4 (34)

Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)

Адрес статьи: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive18/18-04/ Дата публикации: 1.09.2018 № 4 (34). С. 106-110. УДК 37.02

Способы эффективного формирования иноязычной компетентности будущих специалистов в процессе профессиональной подготовки в неязыковом вузе

В данной статье описываются средства и представлены результаты практических исследований формирования иноязычной компетентности иностранных языков будущих специалистов технических специальностей. Описаны результаты проводимых педагогических условий, направленных на формирование иноязычной компетенции. Доказана эффективность выбранных средств и разработанного комплекса педагогических условий.

Ключевые слова: иноязычная компетентность, ценностно-смысловая компетенция, общекультурная компетенция, профессиональная компетенция, педагогические условия, профессиональная подготовка, профессиональная активность, структурный компонент, ролевая игра, тексты профессиональной направленности, мультимедиа презентации, конкурсы профессионального перевода


Perspectives of Science & Education. 2018. 4 (34)

International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)

Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive18/18-04/ Accepted: 15 June 2018 Published: 1 September 2018 No. 4 (34). pp. 106-110.


Means and the Principles of the Effective Formation of Foreign Competence of Future Specialists in the Process of Professional Training in a Non-linguistic Institution

This article describes means and provides the results of practical research of foreign language competence's formation of future specialists of technical specialties. The results of conductive pedagogical conditions aimed at the language competence's formation are described. The effectiveness of the chosen means and complex of pedagogical conditions is proved.

Keywords: foreign language competence; value-notional competence; common cultural competence; professional competence; pedagogical conditions; professional training; professional activity; structural component; role-playing; texts of professional orientation; multimedia presentations; special translation com

One of the main goals of professional education is the preparation of a qualified worker of the appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, oriented in related fields of activity, ready for continuous professional growth, social and professional mobility. Currently, in connection with the development of international relations, the internationalization of spheres of public life, economy, culture, and production spheres, an increasing number of citizens are involved in the actual process of communicating with representatives of foreign states in the course of their professional activities. The analysis of studies has shown that knowledge of a foreign language becomes one of the important requirements for specialists in the modern labor market and is one of the components of their professional competence (A.V. Khutorskoy, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.K. Markova and etc.). The theoretical and methodological basis of this study was the works containing the experience of the system approach in education (N.M. Borytko, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.V. Kraevsky, D.A. Novikov, etc.); theory of competence approach (J. Raven, A.K. Markova, V.I. Bidenko, A.V. Khutorskoy, V.V. Frumin, S.E. Shishov, S.N. Chistyakov and others,); the main provisions of humanistic psychology (K. Rogers, A. Maslow and others,); activity approach (A.A. Bodalev, A.V. Brushlinsky, L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, A.N. Leontiev , N.N. Nechaev, N.F. Talyzina, V.D. Shadrikov); personal-oriented approach (N.A. Alekseev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.I. Danilchuk, V.V. Serikov, I.S. Yakimanskaya), studies on the problems of foreign language competency and competencies (M.N. Vyatyutnev , Prolo M. Canal, M. Svein, P. Douaye, V.V. Safonova, S. Savignon, G. Pifo, etc.), works containing experience in the formation of communicative competence in the process of teaching a foreign language (D. Hymes, I.L. Bim, N.I. Passov, N.I. Gez, and others,); work on the linguistic basis of translation and the methodology for teaching the translation of scientific texts (T.N. Malchevskaya, L.I. Zilberman, R.M. Frumkina).

One of the most urgent tasks in our time within the framework of modernization of Russian education in higher education is the need to change training courses and work programs, taking into account the new methodology, the basis of which is the competence approach. The urgency of the complex of problems of forming foreign competence in the process of vocational training, covering from different sides the process of improving the professionalism of future specialists in the system of higher education, acquires special significance in the conditions of modern society.

The relevance of the presented study is obvious, which is aimed at resolving the contradiction between the aspiration of the pedagogical science to adapt European and world experience in education in accordance with the needs of the Russian economy and an unclear reason for its relevance in the theory

of education, taking into account the "prebolonian" history of the competence approach in domestic pedagogy; the need of society to understand the result of professional education and the lack of elaboration in the pedagogical science of its content and types within the framework of the theory of the competence approach. At the didactic-methodical level, we determined the contradiction between the society's need for replenishing high-skilled engineering personnel capable of competing at the international level and the lack of elaboration in the pedagogical science of models for the formation of foreign competence in the vocational training of specialists in technical specialties and directions; the need for higher education in scientifically based technologies, the means and methods for training competent specialists, and the lack of theoretical comprehension of pedagogical conditions for the effective use of available pedagogical experience.

The following empirical research methods were used: direct, indirect, included observation to identify general and specific features of student learning outcomes, questioning, conversation, ascertaining and forming an experiment, analyzing the products of students' activities; statistical processing of results.

The purpose of this article is to consider the developed pedagogical conditions and means for the effective formation of foreign language competence of future specialists in the process of professional training in a non-linguistic institution.

In our research, foreign language competence is considered as a relatively independent result of the professional training of a future specialist and means the professional knowledge of a foreign language necessary for a particular type of activity. Its structure includes value-semantic, general cultural and professional competences. Value-semantic and general cultural competence refers to the composition of general competences. Professional competences act as special ones and include educational, cognitive, informational and communicative competences. The content of all these competences is determined by the type of future professional activity of the specialist, therefore, by the formation of the students' foreign competence; we mean the presence of positive dynamics in the development of value-semantic, general cultural and professional competencies in accordance with the chosen profile of professional activity.

Within the research, a pedagogical model was developed for the formation of students of technical specialties and directions speaking foreign languages, the structural components of which disclose the internal organization of the process of forming the competency to be studied. These included: the content-target component associated with the identification of the value-semantic attitude of students to the study of

foreign languages; operational-activity component, containing a choice of adequate methods and forms of teaching a foreign language, and a performanceevaluation component that determines the level of the formation of foreign-language competence of students in accordance with the selected criteria and indicators. Determination of the level of the formation of foreign-language competency of students was established in the interaction of the teacher-student, obtaining information on the effectiveness of the process of forming a student's foreign language competence, including his achievements, as well as emerging difficulties (assessment, self-assessment).

The system-forming element of the model was a set of learning situations that allows actualizing the student's subject activity as an indicator of the personal significance of the results of education for the student. The choice of teaching methods was determined by the degree of reality of the created learning situation, the participation of students in its organization.

Formation of foreign language by foreign language means is always carried out by us during the period of the academic year in the process of working with students of specialties Industrial and civil construction, Mine surveying, Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits on the basis of the North-Eastern State University.

The main bias in the implementation of the operational and activity component of the pedagogical model of the formation of foreign competence in students of engineering specialties studying foreign language in a non-linguistic university was done to form and develop a value-semantic, general cultural, educational, informational, communicative competencies in the criteria of attitude, possession of which is necessary for successful professional activity. Let's consider each of the means of the pedagogical conditions and their importance for the formation of foreign language competence in more detail.

Conducting discussions of the problems of the multicultural world space, the peculiarities of national cultures, social phenomena and traditions contribute to the formation of a general cultural, educational, communicative competence by the criterion greatly. During such work all students receive knowledge, which subsequently develop into skills with a help of the complex of pedagogical conditions .

At each lesson students are involved in discussions of problems and news received through the reading of the Moscow News in English or information they have received from the media. Over the course of the academic year, more than 150 newspaper articles are analyzed. All this contributed to the formation of a general cultural competence, the discussion of articles and texts contributed to the improvement of communicative competence among students. To the next pedagogical condition

for the effective formation of the foreign language competence of future specialists in the process of professional training in a non-linguistic high school, we attribute the work with special literature, mostly texts of professional orientation. One of the main tasks that foreign language teachers solve in a non-linguistic university in the process of forming foreign competence in future specialists is to teach students read literature on the specialty and extract the necessary information from it. The purpose of such texts is to prepare students for independent reading of literature in the specialty with minimal use of the dictionary. All texts had a clear professional orientation. During the implementation of the pedagogical model of the formation of foreign language competence, students are offered to read, translate and analyze over 50 texts, taking into account the professional orientation. The texts are selected from both English sources and from educational and methodological literature.

A broad characteristic of the complexity of such texts can be attributed to the wide coverage of language material, the complex content, the complexity of grammatical constructions. One of the main tasks that we always face when forming professional competencies is to teach an adequate translation when working with texts of a professional orientation. That is, such translation, in which the thoughts of the author are transmitted accurately, the appropriate terminology is used, the stylistic norms of the native language are observed.

Work with scientific texts of a professional orientation is conducted taking into account the linguistic bases of the translation and the methods of teaching the translation of scientific texts: the ideas of T.N. Malchevskaya about mastering the students' skills of understanding text at the structural-verbal level and forming automatic skills of structural-semantic analysis of the text [2, p. 5354]; ideas of I.R. Galperin on the structural-semantic and communicative unity of the text; ideas of R.M. Frumkin about skills of probabilistic prediction when reading text with full coverage of the information contained in it [2, p. 72].

The tasks that we develop for the texts provided for the students to learn the method of self-education, which allows them to master the methods of extracting information from texts and the ways of its transmission in the form of annotations, translations, in the form of oral reports and messages on the topics of their specialty. As practice shows well-performing and interested in learning a foreign language, students when preparing abstracts at the graduating department included materials extracted from literature in a foreign language. Understanding of texts is achieved by implementing two types of reading: studying reading and reading with a general coverage of content. All texts can be characterized by the presence of a large number of terms - words or phrases that have one strict definite meaning for a certain field of science and

technology. While working with texts, students are asked to compose their own dictionaries in English. At the end of the school year, this dictionary contain more than 500 words, phrases and terms from the future profession.

Accurate and full understanding of the text is carried out by studying reading, which presupposed the ability to independently conduct a lexico-grammatical analysis of the text. The result of such reading is an adequate translation of the text into Russian with the help of a dictionary.

At the same time, we develop the skills of students to use branch terminology dictionaries. The read texts serve as the basis for exercises aimed at the development of oral speech. For each text, we develop tasks that involved discussion of the text and question-answer exercises: comment on the following; express your opinion; try to explain the terms; speak about.

The work done in the process of implementing the operational and activity component of the model of forming the foreign language competence of future specialists contributed to the improvement of the students' abilities to work with the dictionary, with special literature and terminology, and also the formation of professional knowledge, communication skills, general cultural and professional knowledge.

The next pedagogical condition, which we used in the course of forming foreign competence of future specialists, is conduction of business and role games, group discussions, round tables. Business and role games in the formation of foreign language competence in engineering students are one of the most active forms of organizing practical classes in a foreign language used by us in a non-linguistic university. Such games are considered by us as a quasi-professional activity, which carried the features of both the doctrine and future independent activity. Mastery of business qualities is combined with mastering the methods of professional activity, training acquired a collective character. Games of this plan model the professional activity of the future builder-engineer, geologist-engineer and ensure the integrated education and use of special knowledge by students, development and improvement of professional skills. The business and role plays that we conduct during the academic year contribute to the formation of common and professional competencies of future specialists. The formation of the value-semantic competence took place in the process of forming a holistic view of students about professional activity in its development, shifting the emphasis from external motivation to internal: providing conditions for the emergence of professional cognitive motivation, developing professionally significant research skills, improving and further developing acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. The formation of general cultural and professional competencies on the criteria of attitude and knowledge occurred through the development

of professional theoretical and practical thinking, mastering of subject-professional and social experience and the adoption of individual and joint solutions. In the process of forming competencies by the criterion of knowledge, they were directly formed and improved by the criterion of skill.

The main method that we use while working within the framework of ongoing business and role games, round tables is the method of group discussion. Such group discussion increases the internal motivation and personal involvement of participants in solving the problems discussed. As part of the discussion, students have to use not only knowledge of a foreign language, but also formulate their own opinion, find means to defend their personal positions. In general, during the conducted business and role games, group discussions, roundtables, students raise the level of their communicative competence. They learn to use phrases of professional communication in speech, such as: to begin or to end a conversation, to express one's opinion, to agree or disagree with the opinion expressed, to ask the interlocutor, to move on to another topic, etc.

As our own pedagogical practice shows regular work with the original literature and scientific texts of a professional orientation, a group discussion based on the discussion of the read texts, work with branch terminological dictionaries, conducting special translation competitions contribute much to the formation of professional competence among the students of the experimental group. All this combine influenced the positive dynamics of the formation of the professional (educational, cognitive and communicative) competencies of all the students.

The next pedagogical condition aimed at the formation of students' foreign language competence is the holding of presentations. This type of work is aimed at: developing students' ability to find and systematize information on various sources, according to a certain criterion; increase computer literacy by means of owning new information and multimedia technologies. Students learn to work with the search systems in the Internet, with electronic dictionaries, with programs of translators, etc. Often students are asked to make a research and prepare a presentation (with a periodicity of one presentation per semester).

In our work we have developed and justified pedagogical conditions conducive to the formation of foreign language competence of students of technical specialties and directions in the process of professional training in a non-linguistic university.

So, the study has shown that the specially created pedagogical conditions contribute to the effective implementation of the proposed model: the selection of the content of the educational material taking into account the future professional activity, the creation of professionally-oriented language situations, the conduct of business and role games,

round tables with the native speaker, the application of the group discussion method, the participation of students in special translation competitions, the establishment of personal contacts with foreign firms, working out and development of the individual educational routes.

The indicators of the significant positive dynamics of the formation of the value-semantic, general cultural and professional competencies of all the students give the right to speak about the

effectiveness of the pedagogical conditions of the formation of the foreign competence of future specialists in the process of professional training in a non-linguistic university. It should be noted that these pedagogical conditions are effective only in complex and with their regular use. In case simple training is used without using a set of special pedagogical conditions and the principles of the competence approach, the dynamics will be insignificant.


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Информация об авторе

Рудомётова Лилия Тарасовна

(Россия, г. Магадан) Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Северо-Восточный государственный университет E-mail: secret-79@mail.ru

Information about the author

Lilia T. Rudometova

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages North-Eastern State University E-mail: secret-79@mail.ru

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