SPIRITUAL AND MORAL BASIS OF STRUGGLE AGAINST MISSIONARY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
rights / personality / missionary work / education / youth

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sharapadin Maulenbergenovich Tanimov

The article examines the constitutional and legal nature and features of the missionary activity in Uzbekistan

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Sharapadin Maulenbergenovich Tanimov

Assistant teacher of the Department of National Ideology, Fundamentals of

Spirituality and Law Education Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz


The article examines the constitutional and legal nature and features of the missionary activity in Uzbekistan.

Keywords: rights, personality, missionary work, education, youth.


Youth is the most important labor and economic potential of society, on which its progressive development depends. Therefore, the policy of any state should be structured exactly in such a way as to ensure the most effective upbringing, full-fledged education, successful specialization.

Today it can be argued that a new generation has formed in the Republic of Uzbekistan. State youth policy is a driving force in integrating the efforts of various youth state and non-governmental organizations, in creating legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for the self-realization of a young person's personality and the development of youth associations and movements.

In our country, the education system is designed to contribute to the spiritual and moral education of young people. All educational institutions have introduced the subject "The idea of national independence and the basis of spirituality." In the educational process, non-traditional and advanced teaching methods are widely used. "Lessons of spirituality" and open lessons, held with the participation of scientists, psychologists and leading specialists, serve as an important factor in the growing generation's deep awareness of their social duty and responsibility for the fate of the country, family, society, and Motherland.


At the present time of rapid globalization, there is a growing threat of a negative impact on the attitudes and training of young people through the Internet, mobile phones and other modern Wed dstv St. ides, as well as a variety of films, literature and music videos. This requires further strengthening of cooperation between educational institutions, representatives of public organizations, makhallas

law enforcement agencies, parents in the fight against religious separatism, missionary work, immorality, the negative influence of "mass culture", increasing the ideological immunity of youth, vigilance and caution.

In order to protect young people from the negative impact of these influences, in cooperation with the public youth movement " Yoshlar ittifoqi" and the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for National Ideas and Ideology, propaganda films and materials have been prepared. Social polls were conducted among young people. Various events in this direction are held in the capital - the city of Tashkent, regions and districts, educational institutions and makhallas . Their main goal is to protect the younger generation from anti-humanistic and immoral ideas, to educate young men and women in the spirit of respect for the priceless spiritual heritage of our people.


Today, the state youth policy is carried out through the implementation of the target program "Harmoniously Developed Generation - the Basis of Uzbekistan's Progress." It includes solving issues that concern young people: education, employment, recreation, housing for a young family.

The program provides for solving the problems of forming a legislative and regulatory framework, developing and gradually introducing a system of long-term lending and other forms of financial support for young people in obtaining education and building housing. In addition, a system of bodies dealing with youth employment, development and support of youth entrepreneurship has been developed. At the same time , special attention is paid to the support and development of various forms of artistic creativity of youth, the creation of conditions for the spiritual and moral education of civil and patriotic formation, a system of educational centers for the training and retraining of specialists in working with youth.

In a word, there is a purposeful activation of the social activities of all youth in Uzbekistan, work is carried out taking into account all age categories, all professional spheres, with coverage of all territorial and ethnic identities.

In recent years, youth organizations have become a truly wide field for the realization of a huge intellectual and creative potential, spiritual energy, and the creative spirit of the younger generation.

It should be noted that an intellectual socio-cultural process is taking place in Uzbekistan, that is, a massive surge in the educational and creative impulse of young

people, which opens up unexplored spaces of the spiritual potential of the younger generation.

The ultimate goal of this process is the comprehensive preparation of young people for life, for independent development, who are able to resist various ideological influences and solve life problems.

To the extent that the state will respect the religious feelings and rights of believers, so the believers must respect the laws and policies of the state. Only with such a balance there will be no mutual grievances. " Religion has always served and serves man, at all times it sowed the seeds of virtue, mercy and tolerance. Tolerance is in the very nature of existing religions. Religious tolerance means mutual understanding and cooperation of people belonging to different religious confessions, and is an important factor in ensuring the stability of society, social and interethnic harmony, contributes to the development of the person himself and social progress in general.

Observing the norms of international covenants and agreements on human rights concerning freedom of conscience, the Constitution and laws of Uzbekistan take into account the main provisions and requirements of these international acts and determine the principles and procedure for exercising constitutional freedom of conscience.

Some time ago, on the territory of Uzbekistan, the activity of the missionary activities of the adherents of the Center and the Church of Full Gospel Christians (TSHPE) and the groups " Iso Masih " (proselytizing direction of the CCPE), the Korean Protestant churches and the groups created with them - proselytes " Masikhi ", the Churches "Adventists of the Seventh of the day "and Evangelical Christians-Baptists, as well as the religious organization" Jehovah's Witnesses ". Agitation and propaganda work on the dissemination of the beliefs of the above-mentioned confessions, organizations and sects among the local population is carried out by missionaries arriving in the republic through various channels, as well as followers of some faiths from among the citizens of the republic. During religious meetings, those present undergo psychological treatment, which is both individual and group oriented.

In this case, the goal is set as follows: suppression of critical, rational perception and thinking abilities of a beginner. At the same time, a characteristic feature is a detailed system of psychological pressure on the members of the group themselves and on everyone who fell into the orbit of their missionary activity. The purpose of this stage is to prepare a beginner for the ritual of "water baptism" or

"ablution", after which he becomes a full member of the religious movement, that is, a period of proselytism begins.


Proselytism - the desire to convert persons of other faiths to their faith, is the end result of missionary activity. What is the danger of missionary work? First of all, in the suppression of a person as a person, his complete psycho-moral enslavement. In this case, it is convenient for them to manipulate, he becomes not only completely and completely dependent on his mentors, but also completely subordinate to them. It is easy to manage the masses of " zombie " adherents, to direct them in their own interests, and this is already a real leverage to advance their interests, including politically beneficial events. In addition, active missionary activity, as the analysis has shown, has a significant impact on interfaith relations.


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