SPECIFICITY OF AFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN WITH ASD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Ключевые слова
hypersensitivity / eye contact / tactile contact / emotional regulation / affective development

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Savina T.

The article presents the specifics of the development of children with ASD, considered from the standpoint of the level organization of their affective development. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the violations identified in the process of research at the levels of: environmental impacts; affective expansion; affec-tive communication; affective stereotypes; symbolic regulation. The presented results indicate violations of all levels of regulation of the emotional sphere in children with ASD.

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Savina T.

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Russian State University for the Humanities. Institute of Psychology L.S. Vygotsky


The article presents the specifics of the development of children with ASD, considered from the standpoint of the level organization of their affective development. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the violations identified in the process of research at the levels of: environmental impacts; affective expansion; affective communication; affective stereotypes; symbolic regulation. The presented results indicate violations of all levels of regulation of the emotional sphere in children with ASD.

Keywords: hypersensitivity, eye contact, tactile contact, emotional regulation, affective development.

Investigating the problem of affective development of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), first, I would like to clarify what is meant by ASD.

Autism spectrum disorders include a wide range of disorders, ranging from psychological disorders to mental disorders. It is a lifelong complex of impairments that entails changes in the development of communication and social interaction. Children with ASD hear and understand the world in their own way, which is manifested in the specifics of their behavior, play and communication [3]. The picture of these manifestations is very diverse, but the main signs are: impaired communication, the presence of fears and increased anxiety, a high level of stereotypes and autostimulation [4]. A distinctive feature of children with ASD is the specificity in the development of their perception [2, 4].

Due to the wide range of behavioral manifestations in children with ASD, a problem arises related to making an accurate diagnosis at the early stages of development in order to successfully integrate them into society. In general, the prognosis for children with ASD is unfavorable and largely depends on the timeliness of intervention and diagnosis [2, 3]. In our work, an attempt was made to study disorders of emotional regulation in preschool children.

The research was carried out according to the author's method of V.V. Lebedinsky and M.K. Bardyshevskaya, in the version adapted by Yu.A. Mi-khailova "Assessment of affective development at an early age" [1]. V.V. Lebedinsky and M.K. Bardyshevskaya base this technique on the concept of development of level emotional regulation. The authors distinguish five levels included in the organization of the structure of emotional regulation - these are: the level of assessment of environmental influences; the level of affective stereotypes; the level of affective expansion; the level of affective communication; the level of symbolic regulations [1].

In the diagnosis, a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the disorder was used. The study involved 6 boys aged 5-6 years. Diagnostics taken together lasted about three months in total and included observation of the child in different situations (i.e., with parents, with strangers, with children, indoors, during a single game, etc.). To conduct a quantitative analysis, a scoring was introduced: 0 points - no violations are noted; 1 point - mild / moderate disorders; 2 points -marked violations are noted [1].

During the study, the following results were obtained (see tables 1-6). Results are presented as group averages.

Table 1

General characteristics of emotional regulation

Criterion Indicator (in points)

The ratio of protective and active forms of behavior 1,83

Active forms of protection 0,91

Passive forms of protection 1,83

Regulation with an adult 1,58

Self-regulation 1,83

Regression rate 1,5

The general background of mood in children with form of behavior in the form of solidification, encapsu-

ASD is mainly reduced, mimic depressive manifestations prevail, communication is not happy, there is no interest in new toys (apathy). In the general characteristics of emotional regulation, the use of protective forms of behavior, which prevail over active ones, was revealed. Specific is the use of a protective passive

lation and self-isolation. Self-regulation of the emotional state is impaired, the child calms down with great difficulty, using autostimulation, crying to exhaustion and directed / undirected aggression. There are marked functional regressions against the background of increased emotional stress.

Table 2

Reactivity level (I level of emotional regulation)

Criterion Indicator (in points)

Hypersensitivity to physical objects

Olfactory 0,7

Gustatory 1.3

Temperature 1.3

Visual 1,75

Auditory 1.3

Painful 1.7

Vestibular 1,7

Hypersensitivity to humans

Eye contact 2,0

Voice contact 1,6

Tactile contact 2,0

At the level of assessing the intensity of environmental influences in children, pronounced hypersensi-tivity was revealed in many modalities (gustatory, temperature, vestibular, etc.), both to physical stimuli and to a person. Painful hypersensitivity, high intolerance

to visual and tactile contacts was noted. This level performs the most primitive functions of adaptation and allows you to assess the dynamics of external influences of the environment.

Table 3

Stereotypes of behavior (II level of emotional regulation)

Criterion Indicator (in points)

The rhythm of physiological processes

Sleep rhythm 1,17

Food rhythm 1,17

Selectivity 1,91

Strength of adaptive reactions 1,5

Autostimulation 1,58

Using stereotypes 2,0

Hyperactivity 1,5

At the second level of the development of affective stereotypes in children with ASD, violations of biological cycles were revealed, persistent phenomena of high selectivity in food were noted, in some cases, the use of little edible was noted. The sleep cycle is disrupted (sleep interrupted, only with your toy or on a pillow brought from home). In a situation of psycho-emotional stress and anxiety, a stereotyped game is used

(laying out toys / cars in a row). Affective stereotypes here act as the basis for the development of more complex forms of behavior. The specificity of autostimulations associated with fine motor skills (expressed in playing with fingers, pens, ropes) is noted. The majority of children were found to have pronounced hyperactive behavior.

Table 4

Expansion level (III level of emotional regulation)

Criterion Indicator (in points)

Sense of self-preservation 1,9

Reaction to a physical barrier, to a distance of 0,5

Reaction to item difficulty 1,6

Impact of fears 1,6

The degree of formation of "I" 2,0

Lack of gender identity 1,8

Defensive aggression 1,9

Quasi-aggression 2,0

At the level of affective expansion, disorders in children with ASD were significantly pronounced. This is due to violations of the basal components of this level (the instinct of self-preservation, exploratory activity, sexual identification, the unformed boundaries of "I"

and defensive aggression), as well as the formation of more mature patterns of behavior (quasi-aggressive behavior). A high problem area at this level is expansion in difficult new conditions (reaction to the novelty of an object, in a situation of prohibition / conflict).

Table 5

The quality of emotional attachment (IV level of emotional regulation)

Criterion Indicator (in points)

Adult Care 2,0

Eye contact 2,0

Voice (voice contact) 2,0

Relationship with other children 2,0

Selectivity 2,0

Alarm regulation 2,0

Contact initiation 2,0

Contact depth and duration 1,8

Tactile contact 2,0

Using emotions. infection 1,0

Empathy 2,0

Exhibiting Group Attachment 2,0

At the level of affective communication in children with ASD, pronounced disorders in verbal communication with adults and gross violations in communication with children were revealed. The eye, tactile and voice contact is broken at this level. Due to problems in verbal communication, the regulation of behavior with the help of speech is not formed, and an insufficient depth and duration of contact is noted. Also,

gross violations in the area of basic attachments to an adult were revealed, the reaction to the arrival / departure of a significant adult was significantly pronounced. The formation of the mechanism of emotional infection is important for this level, which will allow in the future to carry out corrective work with these children.

Table 6

Generalization of emotional experience at the symbolic level (V level of emotional regulation)

Criterion Indicator (in points)

The level of development of speech and play 1,91

The use of external regulatory speech 2,0

Ability to talk about your emotional experience 2,0

Ability to represent your desires in the game 1,83

Emotional experience projected in game 2,0

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At the level of symbolic regulation in children with ASD, gross violations were revealed due to the lack of formation of the basal level of the emotional regulation system, as well as violations in speech communication. The ability to talk about their emotional experiences is lacking. In play, projects defensive behavior with rejection. At this level, in children with ASD, a certain specificity of behavior in the choice of toys can be noted. Autistic hard objects, numbers, logos, signs, letters, "empty symbols" are of interest.

Thus, the analysis of the results obtained indicates the presence of disorders at all levels of affective development in children with ASD. The study allows you to determine the target of correction, taking into account the specifics at an early stage of development, to develop an individual route, with the aim of subsequent adaptation and integration of this category of children into society.


1. Bardyshevskaya M.K., Lebedinsky V.V. Diagnosis of emotional disorders in children. - M.: Ko-gito-center, 2019 - 320 p.

2. Gilbert K., Peters T. Autism. Medical and pedagogical impact. - M.: 2005 - 144 p.

3. Nikolskaya O.S. Autistic child: ways of help / O.S. Nikolskaya, E.R. Baenskaya, M.M. Liebling. -M.: Terevinf, 2007 - 289 p.

4. Savina T.A. Features of the group activity of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders // Modern science-intensive technologies. - 2020. - No. 8. - P. 191-195. DOI.10.17513/snt.38197.

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