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Science and innovation
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Ключевые слова
idea generation / learner / adolescent / teacher / creativity / thinking / thinking / active creativity / collaborative / critical / reasoning / communication / relational / social experience / interpersonal relations.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rustamov Nazir Chorievich

In this article, the problem of developing the ability to generate ideas among students of adolescent age is raised, the relevance of this problem, its main direction, pedagogical importance, the description of the possibilities of its realization, and the approaches of experts who think in this direction are described. The article serves as a resource for the scientific-pedagogical community, researchers, teachers.

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Rustamov Nazir Chorievich

1 year doctoral student at PSSRI RUz https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo. 10719212

Abstract. In this article, the problem of developing the ability to generate ideas among students of adolescent age is raised, the relevance of this problem, its main direction, pedagogical importance, the description of the possibilities of its realization, and the approaches of experts who think in this direction are described. The article serves as a resource for the scientific-pedagogical community, researchers, teachers.

Keywords: idea generation, learner, adolescent, teacher, creativity, thinking, thinking, active creativity, collaborative, critical, reasoning, communication, relational, social experience, interpersonal relations.

The educational process plays an important role in raising creative thinking students. Today, the basis of the social order that the state and society of Uzbekistan puts before the educational process is the task of educating a creative thinker capable of creating new ideas. The ability to generate new ideas, that is, to create, is directly related to the ability of a person to think creatively.

Generating ideas refers to the human activity of generating new ideas, solutions, feedback-based brainstorming, diagramming, making connections, prototyping, and brainwriting.

New ideas serve as a basis for development. They are the basis for the formation of moral standards, values, and a sense of patriotism in students. Students rely on their acquired knowledge, perspectives, and experiences to generate ideas. In his time, K.E.Tsiolkovsky was considered a generator of pedagogical ideas. That is why unique pedagogical ideas have a priority in his legacy. Any idea is a product of active creative search of a person.

Idea (a. - goal, aspiration; intention, intent) 1. An idea, concept, imagination that reflects objective existence, reality in the mind of a person, expresses a person's attitude to objective

existence, reality, forms the basis of people's worldviews, leads people to a goal.......3. The idea

of doing something, a thought; intention, purpose.[1]

An idea is a force that motivates people to be creative. Individuals who have the ability to create ideas take an active part in the life of society as well-developed subjects educated on the basis of humanitarian principles.

For this, it is necessary to systematically develop students' self-confidence, intuitive thinking ability, effective communication, creative imagination, flexibility, and teamwork skills. Therefore, one of the important tasks of the educational process includes the formation of certain qualities in students. Because in the process of traditional education, students were not given the task of forming and developing the ability to generate ideas. Teachers are mainly engaged in providing students with the knowledge expressed in textbooks and performing a number of educational duties. One of the biggest problems observed in the educational process is that students are not engaged in the activities related to the acquisition of knowledge, turning it into skills and competencies, and the creation of new ideas and approaches. It should be emphasized that it is not

the acquisition of knowledge, but the ability to generate ideas that are based on them, that makes it possible to ensure competitiveness.

Educating young people with potential opportunities is promising for all eras. The results of the research show that, based on the development of the skills of generation of ideas among students of teenage age, they have the opportunity to form immunity against foreign ideas, develop competitive qualities, and develop creativity. In order to effectively develop the skills of generation of ideas in adolescent students, it is envisaged to change the system of knowledge presented to them, to provide educational materials that serve to develop the ability of creative thinking. The problem of teaching students and students to think creatively was studied by R.Safarova, G.Ibragimova, F.Esanova, G.Yusupova, G.Akramova, and the issues of idea and ideological education by M.Kuronov, O.Musurmonova, S.Nishonova.

Today, in order to develop the spiritual life of the society, it is required to expand the creative thinking human resources. A number of problems are observed in the educational system that are waiting for their solution. They are:

- lack of teachers who have the competence to develop students' idea generation skills. In order to provide a solution to this problem, the qualities of creativity, dedication to one's profession, responsibility for fulfilling obligations, competence and enthusiasm should be formed in teachers. It is also important that students' aspirations are supported by their interest in regular learning.

- inclusion of educational topics and educational materials with artistic aesthetic content that encourage students to think creatively in educational programs and textbooks;

- paying special attention to the orientation of the educational process to the development of students' thinking;

- placing of complex educational tasks in front of students;

- development of convenient forms of cooperation between teachers and parents in the formation of students' ability to generate ideas;

- it is necessary to provide students with social life skills necessary for the 21st century: creativity, communication, critical thinking, collaborative activity skills.

It is required to pay attention to students' acquisition of regressive analysis, striving for reliable results, creative thinking methods. The educational process should first of all be directed to the development of students' creative thinking. Experts paid special attention to the problem of developing open-minded thinking in students. Socrates was one of the first to show that any knowledgeable person should be able to solve everyday problems, make judgments aimed at solving problems correctly. It is extremely necessary to form the qualities of self-control, intelligent behavior in students, and to develop the skills of generating ideas in them. According to Socrates, a person's activity directed at virtue indicates his knowledge. Because intelligence and knowledge show the development of thinking in a person.

In the educational process, active deep thinking is manifested in connection with the formation of creative problem-solving methods. Because creative processes and critical thinking are interrelated phenomena. It should be noted that Repe Descartes has shown four rules of thinking. They are:

1. Not to accept something as truth until you are sure that it is true, that is, to avoid haste and prejudices, to put forward clear and unquestionable opinions.

2. To study the difficulties that have arisen in parts.

3. Controlling the process of development of thoughts based on simple, quickly learnable things and ensuring that things are arranged in a natural order, gradually reaching complex cognitive processes.

4. Making sure nothing is missed is to make a complete list and comment.

Thinking, according to Descartes, is not simply receiving knowledge, it requires thoughtful analysis and consideration of all options for solving problems.

Henry Thoreau thought of a system of knowledge in which the student is tasked with mastering the entire system of knowledge. As a result, they are required to formulate directions of problems, to have experience in their investigation.

A person should study and learn throughout his life, and have the ability to generate ideas that come into being as a result. The teacher should make regular changes to the educational process, analyzing the situations that have arisen, and methodically ensure the processes of creative activity of the students. In the developed countries of the world, certain works have been carried out in the field of changing the educational process, directing it to the development of creative thinking skills of students, creating ideas and expanding its generation activities. The following approaches advanced in this direction can be distinguished:

1. Changing the educational process. For example, presentation of didactic materials based on a targeted sequence in order to ensure deep learning of educational materials by students; transition from reading electronic materials to developmental education; providing students with active work in a group, teaching to analyze mistakes made in solutions, organizing active work on them.

2. Changing the psychological approach to the learning process. In order to help students, their thinking is changed by supporting and encouraging them, improving the general principles of teaching and the assessment system.

3. Changing the relationship between electronic materials and its practical study. In order for students to successfully generate ideas, it is required to organize the processes of mastering additional educational materials.

For this:

- organization of relations between teacher and student in a new context;

- implementation of innovative approaches to educational programs and teaching process;

- it is required to expand the cultural environment aimed at the development of students.

One of the characteristics of the modern teaching process is to provide students with a large

amount of educational information. Students gain experience in creative and critical thinking, collaboration, creation and synthesis of new ideas as a result of interaction and acquisition of socio-cultural experience. Therefore, educational models in general secondary schools should be developed taking into account conceptual changes. The first step is for students to put forward their own beliefs and ideas, combining them with new information. The next step is to discuss the information and systematize and coordinate new ideas. In addition, during the educational process, students are required to adjust their thinking according to the changes. To do this, the teacher should put specific tasks in front of them, gathering the same-minded students in one group. In addition, during the educational process, it is assumed that the student will develop his thinking and perception in accordance with the changes. It is known that in the process of education, students are able to master different types of knowledge.

Today, there is an increasing need to focus on expanding students' practical experience based on arming them with theoretical knowledge. For this, first of all, it is appropriate to analyze the relationship and difference between theoretical and practical knowledge. Theoretical and practical knowledge are different phenomena not according to their quality, but according to their content. In addition, there are close relations between them. Because it is impossible to acquire the necessary competencies without mastering theoretical and practical knowledge.


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