SPECIES COMPOSITION OF HALOXYLON PESTS. Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Science and innovation
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Ключевые слова
saksovul / zararkunanda / hasharot / qo‘ng‘izlar / kapalaklar / shiralar / tripslar / chirildoqlar / chigirtkalar / saratonlar / pashshalar / termitlar.

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Z.O. Bekbergenova, I. I. Abdullayev

Maqolada Janubiy Orol buyi saksovul zararkunandalari tur tarkibi buyicha maʼlumotlar berilgan. Tadqiqotlarimiz natijasida: 8 turkumga mansub 243 tur: Termitlar (Isoptera) turkumi – 1, To‘g‘riqanotlilar (Orthoptera) turkumi – 28, Tripslar (Thysanoptera) turkumi – 1, Tengqanotlilar (Homoptera) turkumi – 16, YArimqattiqqanotlilar yoki qandalalar (Heteroptera) turkumi – 7, Qattiqqanotlilar yoki qo‘ng‘izlar (Coleoptera) turkumi – 120, Ikkiqanotlilar (Diptera) turkumi – 17, Tangaqanotlilar yoki kapalaklar (Lepidoptera) turkumi 53 tur ruyxatga olindi.

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Текст научной работы на тему «SPECIES COMPOSITION OF HALOXYLON PESTS.»


1Z.O. Bekbergenova, 2I. I. Abdullayev

1Karakalpakstan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, 2Khorezm Mamun Academy


Annotatsiya. Maqolada Janubiy Orol buyi saksovul zararkunandalari tur tarkibi buyicha ma'lumotlar berilgan. Tadqiqotlarimiz natijasida: 8 turkumga mansub 243 tur: Termitlar (Isoptera) turkumi - 1, To'g'riqanotlilar (Orthoptera) turkumi - 28, Tripslar (Thysanoptera) turkumi - 1, Tengqanotlilar (Homoptera) turkumi - 16, YArimqattiqqanotlilar yoki qandalalar (Heteroptera) turkumi - 7, Qattiqqanotlilar yoki qo'ng'izlar (Coleoptera) turkumi - 120, Ikkiqanotlilar (Diptera) turkumi - 17, Tangaqanotlilar yoki kapalaklar (Lepidoptera) turkumi -53 tur ruyxatga olindi.

Kalit so'zlar: saksovul, zararkunanda, hasharot, qo'ng'izlar, kapalaklar, shiralar, tripslar, chirildoqlar, chigirtkalar, saratonlar, pashshalar, termitlar.

Аннотация. В статье приведены данные по видовому составу насекомых вредителей саксаулового леса Южного Приаралья. В результате наших исследований зарегистрировано 243 видов, относящихся к 8 отрядам: Термиты (Isoptera) - 1, Прямокрылые (Orthoptera) - 28, Трипсы (Thysanoptera) - 1, Равнокрылые (Homoptera) - 16, Полужесткокрылые или клопы (Heteroptera) - 7, Жесткокрылые или жуки - 120, Двукрылые (Diptera) - 17, Чешуекрылые или бабочки (Lepidoptera) - 53 вид.

Ключевые слова: саксаул, вредители, насекомые, жуки, бабочки, тли, трипсы, сверчки, саранчи, цикады, мухи, термиты.

Abstract. The article provides data on the species composition of insect pests in the saxaul forest of the Southern Aral Sea region. As a result of our research, 243 species were registered, belonging to 8 orders: Termites (Isoptera) - 1, Orthoptera - 28, Thysanoptera - 1, Homoptera -16, Heteroptera - 7, Coleoptera - 120, Diptera - 17, Lepidoptera - 53 species.

Keywords: saxaul, pests, insects, beetles, butterflies, aphids, thrips, crickets, locusts, cicadas, flies, termites.

1. INTRODUCTION. Haloxylon is a plant in the form of a tree growing in the desert, belonging to the Chenopodioideae family. Haloxylon is of great importance in the national economy. It is mainly used as firewood, nutritious fodder for sheep and camels, sand stabilizer and wind breaker. Haloxylon forests play an important role in protecting the soil from erosion. Haloxylon lives 50-60 years. Basically, it grows from seed and starts normal seeding in 5-7 years. As soon as it gets cold, Haloxylon shed their leaves. With the arrival of spring, Haloxylon trees are covered with small flowers. Haloxylon seeds are produced by autumn.

It can be found mainly in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, as well as China, Iran, and Afghanistan. [1].

There are mainly 3 types of saxophones: Haloxylon aphyllum I., Haloxylon persicum B., and Haloxylon ammodendron B. Since 80% of our region consists of sand dunes, the service of Haloxylon to block the sands is very important. [2].

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 15, 2019 "On measures to accelerate the establishment of "green covers" - protective forests in the dry areas at the bottom of the Aral Sea", rising sand, salt and in order to reduce the negative impact of dust particles, to effectively organize the establishment of forests protecting desert plants in these areas, and to mitigate the negative impact of global climate changes, the

drying up of the Aral Sea, on the development of agriculture and the life of the population. several things are being done.

Taking into account the many useful aspects of Haloxylon, protecting it from harmful insects is relevant today. Research in this direction has not been conducted in Karakalpakstan.

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Our research was conducted on the basis of generally accepted entomological methods. In the process of catching insects, the traditional method of entomological catching nets and insect traps was used.

Our research on the study of the Haloxylon entomofauna species composition, bioecological features, dynamics of seasonal numbers in the years 2012-2023 was carried out in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. As a result of our research, 243 species were registered, belonging to 8 orders: Termites (Isoptera) - 1, Orthoptera - 28, Thysanoptera - 1, Homoptera - 16, Heteroptera - 7, Coleoptera - 120, Diptera - 17, Lepidoptera - 53 species.

Species composition of saxovul (Haloxylon) pests in the conditions of Karakalpakstan

Species name Harmful organs Meeting


1. Anacanthotermes ahngerianus Jacobs. stem +



2. Velarifictorus bolivari (Uv) leaf +


3. Pyrgomorpha bispinosa deserti leaf +


4. Thrinchus desertus B.-Bien. leaf +

5. Strumiger desertorum desertorum Zub. leaf +


6. Dericorys albidula Serv. leaf +++

7. Dericorys annulata roseipennis leaf +++

8. Anacridium aegyptium leaf +

9. Calliptamus turanicus leaf +

10 Calliptamus barbarus cephalotes leaf +

11 Heteracris littoralis littoralis leaf +

12 Heteracris adspersa leaf +

13 Egnatius apicalis Stal leaf +

14 Ochrilidia hebetata kazaka leaf +

15 Locusta migratoria migratoria L. leaf +

16 Acr otylus insubricus (Scop.) leaf +

17 Sphingonotus nebulosus leaf +

18 Sphingonotus octofasciatus leaf +

19 Sphingonotus maculatus maculatus leaf +

20 Sphingonotus carinatus leaf +

21 Psevdoshingonotus.savignyi Sauss. leaf +

22 Helioscirtus moseri Sauss. leaf +

23 Leptoternis iliensis Uv. leaf +

24 Leptoternis gracilis (Ev.) leaf +

25 Dociostaurus tartarus Uv. leaf +

26 Notostauru salbicornis (Ev.) leaf +

27 Notostaurus albicornis turcmenus (Uv.) leaf +

28 Eremippus simplex simplex (Ev.) leaf +

29 Eremippus comatus Mistsh. leaf +


30 Haplothrips arthrophyti J. +++


31 Cicadatra querula Pall. leaf +++

32 Cicadatra ochreata Mel. leaf +++

33 Adelungia calligoni Osch. leaf +++

34 Achrus albicosta leaf +++

35 Achrus nigronervosus leaf +++

36 Achrus robustus Hpt. leaf +++

37 Cic adatra guerula leaf +++

38 Caillardia azurea Log. leaf +++

39 Caillardia robusta Log. leaf +++

40 Caillardia notata Log. leaf +++

41 C.nana L. leaf +++

42 Xerophilophis (Brachyunguis) saxaulica. leaf +++

43 Schizotargina arthophyti Arch. leaf +++

44 Acanthococcus arthrophyti Borchs. leaf +++

45 Acantholecanium haloxyloni Hall. leaf +++

46 Phenacoccus arthrophyti Arch. leaf +++


47 Tar isa fraudatrix Horv. leaf +

48 T.elevata R leaf +

49 T.virescens H.S. leaf +

50 Brachynema germari leaf +

51 Brachynema virens Klug. leaf +

52 Lygus kalmi leaf +

53 Dolycoris penicellatus leaf +



54 Brenskea coronata R. stem +

55 B.varentzovi S. stem +

56 Chironitis moeris P. stem +

57 Anomala sp. stem +

58 Chioneosoma kisilkumensis S. stem +

59 Chineosoma komarovi F. stem +

60 Chioneosoma tschitscherini Sem. stem +

61 Chioneosoma tschitscherini Sem. stem +

62 Chioneosoma porosum Fisch. stem +

63 Stalagmopygus albella stem +

64 Adoretus nigrifrons Stev. stem +

65 Lethrus rosmarus Ball. stem +

66 Oryctes punctipennis punctipennis Motsch. stem +


67 Sarathropus fallax L., stem +

68 S.depressus Z., stem +

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69 Pisterotarsa gigantea F., stem +

70 Hedyphanes coerulescens, stem +

71 Die sia sexdentata F., stem +

72 Pimelia verrucosa, stem +

73 P.cephalotes, stem +

74 Tagona macrophtalma F., stem +

75 Trachyderma triangularis F., stem +

76 Adesmia gebleri, stem +

77 Podhamala acuta F., stem +

78 Trigonoscelis nodosa F., stem +

79 Sphenaria karelini M., stem +

80 Cyphostethe komarovi R., stem +

81 Colposphaena karelini M., stem +

82 C.brevicollis S., stem +

83 Leptoaphsena rubriceps R., stem +

84 Psammocryptus minutus intermedius B., stem +

85 C.karelini, stem +

86 Oogaster piceus subsp.lehmanni M. stem +

87 Ten tyria gigas Fald. stem +

88 Ocnera pilicollis Fald. stem +

89 Blaps heophila F.-W. stem +

90 Blaps parvicollis subcordata Seidl. stem +

Buprestii ae

91 Julodis variolaris, stem +

92 Julodis variolaris bucharica Sem., stem +

93 Sphenopteraparfentjevi Step., stem +

94 Sphenopterapotanini B. Jak., stem +

95 Sphenoptera hauseri (Reitter, 1895), stem +

96 Sphenoptera ignita (Reitter, 1895), stem +

97 Sphenoptera striatipennis (Yakowlew, 1885), stem +

98 Sphenopterapunctatissima (Reitter, 1895), stem +

99 Sympiezocnemis gigantea F. - W., stem +

10 Trigonoscelis grandis F., stem +

10 Sternodes caspicus, stem +

10 Turcmenigena varentzovi Melg.), stem +

10 Ischyronota conicicolis Weise., stem +

10 Corigetus exquisitus Fst., stem +

10 Leucochromus imperialis Zubk., stem +

10 Chromosomus fischeri Fahrs., stem +

10 Capnodis excise Men., stem +

10 Anthaxia stepanovi Richt., stem +

10 Acmaeoderellapersonata (Semenov, 1896) stem +

11 Lampetis argentata Mnnh. stem +


11 Cer ocoma scafferi L. leaf +

11 Mylabris elegantissima Zubk. leaf +

11 Mylabris tekkensis Heyd. leaf +

11 MMylabris triangulifera Heyd. leaf +

11 Mylabris scabiosae Ol. leaf +

11 Mylabris cyaneovaria Rtt. leaf +

11 Mylabris coerulescens Gebl. leaf +

11 Mylabris magnogutata (Heyd.) leaf +

11 M.schrenkei G. leaf +

12 M.sedecimpunctata G. leaf +

12 Mylabris frolovi Germ. leaf +

12 Mylabris quadripunctata L. leaf +

12 Lytta coccinea M. leaf +

12 Zonitis flava F. leaf +

12 Z.bipunctata G. leaf +

12 Hycleus scabiosae (Olivier) leaf +

12 Rhampholyssa steveni W. leaf +


12 Prionus turkestanicus S. stem +

12 Turcmenigena varentzovi Melg. stem +

13 Turcmenigena varentzovi Melg. stem +

13 Mesoprionus komarovi(Dobrn) stem +

13 Placaederus scapularis stem +


13 Antipa silensis W. leaf +

13 Cryptocephalus samargentus F. leaf +

13 Jschyronota conicicollis W. leaf +

13 Jschyronota conicicollis W. leaf +

13 Nyctiphanthus hirtus S. leaf +

13 Chrysolina sacarum leaf +

13 Aphilenia parvula W. leaf +

14 Collaphellus hoefti M. leaf +

14 Phyllotreta pallidipennis R leaf +

14 Stephanophorus verrucosus leaf +

14 Lepidotychius morawitzi B. leaf +

14 Chloebius latifrons F. leaf +

14 Ch. sterbai R. leaf +

14 Sitonia cylindricollis F. leaf +

14 Megamecus variegatus leaf +

14 Chromonotus vittatus leaf +

14 Parastylus truchmenus F. leaf +

15 Chromoderus fasciatus M. leaf +

15 Brachycleonus fronto leaf +

15 Ammocleonus guadrimaculatus M. leaf +

15 Theone costipennis Kirsch. leaf +


15 Lixus flavescens branch +

15 L.kraatzi branch +

15 L.desertorum G. branch +

15 L.astrachanicus branch +

15 L.strangulatus F. branch +

15 L.algirus branch +

16 Coniatus steveni C. branch +

16 Elasmobaris alboguttatus F. branch +

16 Myllocerus benignus F. branch +

16 Corigetus exquisitus Fst. branch +

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16 Leucochromus imperialis Zubk. branch +

16 Chromosomus fischeri Fahrs. branch +

16 Platymycterus trapezicollis B. branch +

16 Megamecus variegatus Gebl. branch +

16 Baris memnonia Boh. branch +


16 Agriotes meticulosus Cand branch +

17 Agriotes caspicus Heyd. branch +

17 Aeoloides grisescens Germ. branch +

17 Drasterius bimaculatus Rossi. branch +

17 Melanotus acuminatus Rtt. branch +

17 Cardiophorus longulus Er. branch +



17 Haloxylonomyia gigas Marik. branch +

17 Haloxylonomyia furtiva Marik. branch +

17 Asiodiplosos noxia Marik. branch +

17 Asiodiplosis meridianus Marik. branch +

17 Asiodiplosis ulkunkalkani Marik. branch +

18 Asiodiplosis stackelbergi Marik. branch +

18 Baldratia przewalskii Marik. branch +

18 Stefaniola gigas M. branch +

18 St.c ongregata M. branch +

18 St.deformans M. branch +

18 Asiodiplosis ulkunkalkani M. branch +

18 A.meridianus M. branch +

18 Baldartia kozlovi M. branch +

18 B.przevalskii M. branch +

18 Haloxylophaga infestans M. branch +

19 Ariodofavilla bicuspidata M. branch +


19 Erinna sp. +



19 Holcocerus campicola Ev. leaf +

19 H.insperus Ch. leaf +

19 H.glareosa leaf +


19 Hysterosia subfumida Flkv. seed +


19 Characia haloxyli Flkv. bud +++

19 Casignetella gallivora Flkv. bud +++

19 Col eophora saxauli F. +++


19 Scythrus cirra Flkv. bud +++

20 Scythrus haloxylella Flkv. bud +++


20 Scrobipalpa sp.2 leaf +++


20 Anoristia atrisparsella Rag. bud +++


20 Celerio lineata Esp. bud +++

20 Deilephila lineata Esp. bud +++


20 Zygaena truchmena Ev. leaf +++


20 Par aphtorarcha kasachstanika Stsh. bud +++


20 Lasiocampa eversmanni Ev. leaf +++


20 Lacydes spectabiis Tausch. leaf, bud +++

20 Tanera pardalina Pungl. leaf, bud +++

21 Phragmatobia fuliginosa L. leaf +

21 Arctia caja L. leaf +


21 Orgyia dubia Tausch. Seed, leaf, bud +++


21 Euxoa conspicua Hb. Seed, bud +++

21 Carderia ptochica Pungl. Seed, bud +++

21 Carderia irrissor Er. Seed, bud +++

21 Carderia sociabilis Grasl. Seed, bud +++

21 Polia ptochica Pungl. Seed, bud +++

21 Thargella fissilus Chr. leaf, bud +++

21 T.si tiens Pungl. leaf, bud +++

22 Pse udohadena chenopodiphaga Rmb. Seed, bud +++

22 Pseudohodena siri E. leaf +++

22 P.immunda Ev. leaf, bud +++

22 P.immunus Stgr. leaf, bud +++

22 P.siri Ersh. leaf, bud +++

22 Athetis albino Ev. bud +++

22 A.guadripunctata F. bud +++

22 Diadochia esurialis Pungl. bud +++

22 D.malitosa Alph. bud +++

22 Jaxartia elinguis Pungl. leaf +++

23 J.striolata Fill. bud +++

23 Odantelia distincta Chr. leaf +++

23 Odontelia arenicola S., leaf +++

23 Odontelia fissilis C. leaf +++

23 Scythcentropus scipturosa Ev. seed +++

23 Clytie syriaca B. leaf +

23 Dis cestra cociabilis G. leaf +

23 Hadula sabulorum A. leaf +

23 Cucullia boryphora F.-W leaf +

23 Aleucanitis flexuosa Men. leaf +


24 Colias erate Esp. leaf +

24 Zegris fausti Chr. leaf +


24 Lycaena icarus Rtt. leaf +


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24 Pyrameis cardui L. leaf +


«+++» - common species «+» - rare species

4. CONCLUSION. As a result of our research, 243 species were registered, belonging to 8 orders: Termites (Isoptera) - 1, Orthoptera - 28, Thysanoptera - 1, Homoptera - 16, Heteroptera - 7, Coleoptera - 120, Diptera - 17, Lepidoptera - 53 species.


1. Белицкая М.Н. Насекомые вредители саксаула черного в Прикаспии и меры борьбы с ними. Автореферат дисс. к.б.н. Воронеж 1986, 18 с.

2. Мамбетназаров Б.С и другие. Совершенствование семенного размножение саксаула (Haloxylon) с целью подготовки питомников для лесопосадок на осушенной части Аральского моря. Нукус-2019 ст. 1-5.

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