Научная статья на тему 'Spatial Assessment of Seasonal Changes in Pollution of the Air Ground Layer with Aerosol Particles in School Yards of Tiaret city (Algeria)'

Spatial Assessment of Seasonal Changes in Pollution of the Air Ground Layer with Aerosol Particles in School Yards of Tiaret city (Algeria) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
air pollution / technogenic dust / aerosol / mass concentration / remote sensing / cartography / health / Tiaret / Algeria. / забруднення повітря / техногенний пил / аерозоль / масова концентрація / дистанційне зондування / картографія / здоров’я / Тіарет / Алжир.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Naceur Khadidja, Maatoug Mhamed, Benaichata Lazreg, S. А. Stankevich, O. V. Titarenko

According to the data obtained in the autumn-winter period, the excess of PM2.5 in air during the schoolday after a short stay by pupils in the school yards was 1.5 – 2 times. The PM2.5 concentration in the autumn winter period was up to 1.5 times higher than that of the spring – summer time. High concentrations of dust particles are observed in areas close to heavy traffic in winter in the South-Eastern part of the city. Low concentrations were recorded in the autumn-winter time in areas adjacent to forests in the North –Western part of the city of Tiaret. However, the protective function of forest stands in the spring – summer period in the North-Western part of the city of Tiaret is less evident. The need for introduction of several nature protection measures in the city is obvious. Among them: fuel quality control and fines for the use of low-grade fuel, increasing the density of trees and shrubs in the city in the areas uncovered by vegetation.

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Просторова оцінка сезонних змін забруднення приземного шару повітря аерозольними частинками пилу на шкільних майданчиках міста Тіарет (Алжир)

Згідно з отриманими даними перевищення забруднення повітря частками пилу 2,5мкм (ЧП2.5) на шкільних майданчиках міста вже в ранкові години (з 7до 9 годину ранку) після короткочасного перебування там школярів доходить до 1,5 – 2 разів. Концентрація ЧП2.5 в осінньо зимовий період була майже у 1,5 рази вище, ніж у весняно – літній період. Високі концентрації спостерігаються на ділянках, розташованих неподалік від інтенсивного дорожнього руху в зимовий період. Низькі концентрації зафіксовані у районах, прилеглих до лісових масивів у північно –західній частині міста Тіарет. Однак влітку захисна функция лісових насаджень в північно-західній частині міста Тіарет проявляється в меншій мірі. Очевидним є впровадження декількох природо охоронних заходів в місті. Серед них: контроль якості палива і штрафи за використання низькосортного палива, збільшення щільність деревно-чагарникових насаджень в місті на непокритих рослинністю територіях.

Текст научной работы на тему «Spatial Assessment of Seasonal Changes in Pollution of the Air Ground Layer with Aerosol Particles in School Yards of Tiaret city (Algeria)»

Journal of Geology, Geography and Qeoecodogy

ISSN 2617-2909 (print) ISSN 2617-2119 (online)


Geoecology, 28(1), 140-147 doi: 10.15421/ 111915

Naceur Khadidja, Maatoug Mhamed, Benaichata Lazreg, S.A. Stankevich, O.V. Titarenko, M.M. Kharytonov

Journ.Geol.Geograph.Geoecology, 28(1), 140-147

Spatial Assessment of Seasonal Changes in Pollution of the Air Ground Layer with Aerosol Particles in School Yards of Tiaret city (Algeria)

Naceur Khadidja1, Maatoug Mhamed1, Benaichata Lazreg1, S.A. Stankevich2, O.V. Titarenko1, M.M. Kharytonov1

'Ibn Khaldou. University Tiaret. BP 78, Zaaroura, Tiaret, (Algeria) , e-mail: khadidia366@gmail.com 2Scientific Centrefor Aerospace Research ofEarth, NAS Ukraine, Oles Honchar st. 55 b. Kiev, 01054, Ukraine, e-mail: st@casre. kiev. ua

3Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Sergey Yefremova st.25, Dnipro 49600, Ukraine, e-mail: kharytonov.m.m@dsau. dp. ua

Received 29.12.2018;

Received in revised form 14.01.2019;

Accepted 03.03.2019

Abstract. According to the data obtained in the autumn-winter period, the excess of PM2.5 in air during the schoolday after a short stay by pupils in the school yards was 1.5 -

2 times. The PM2.5 concentration in the autumn - winter period was up to 1.5 times higher than that of the spring - summer time. High concentrations of dust particles are observed in areas close to heavy traffic in winter in the South-Eastern part of the city. Low concentrations were recorded in the autumn-winter time in areas adjacent to forests in the North -Western part of the city of Tiaret. However, the protective function of forest stands in the spring - summer period in the North-Western part of the city of Tiaret is less evident. The need for introduction of several nature protection measures in the city is obvious. Among them: fuel quality control and fines for the use of low-grade fuel, increasing the density of trees and shrubs in the city in the areas uncovered by vegetation.

Keywords: air pollution, technogenic dust, aerosol, mass concentration, remote sensing, cartography, health, Tiaret, Algeria.

Просторова оцшка сезонних змш забруднення приземного шару повггря аерозольними частинками пилу на шкшьних майданчиках мкта ^арет (Алжир)

Насер K.1, Маатуг M.1 , Бен'ячата Л.1, Станкевич С., Титаренко О.2, ХаритоновМ.3

'Утверситет 1бнХалдун, BPP78 Задроура 14000, Tiapem, Алжир,, e-mail:maatoug.moh@gmail.com 2Науковий центр аерокосмiчних дослiджень Землi, НАН Украши, вул. Олеся Гончара 55б. Кшв, 01054, Украша, e-mail: st@casre. kiev. ua

3Днтровський державний аграрно - економiчний утверситет, вул. Сергiя Ефремова 25, Днтро, 49600, Украта, e-mail: kharytonov.m.m@dsau.dp.ua

Аннотащя. Зпдно з отриманими даними перевищення забруднення повггря частками пилу 2,5мкм (ЧП2.5) на шкшьних майданчиках мгста вже в ранюж години (з 7до 9 годину ранку) тсля короткочасного перебування там школярiв доходить до 1,5 - 2 разгв. Концентраця ЧП2.5 в осгнньо - зимовий перюд була майже у 1,5 рази вище, тж у весняно - лгшш перюд. Висою концентраци спостери,аються на дшянках, розташованих неподалж вщ гнтенсивного дорожнього руху в зимовий перюд. Низью концентраци зафжсоваш у районах, прилеглих до люових масивiв у твшчно -захщнш частит мюта Тшрет. Однак влгтку захисна функция люових насаджень в швтчно-захдаш частит мгста Нарет проявляеться в меншш мiрi. Очевидним е впровадження декшькох природо - охоронних заходгв в мгстт Серед них: контроль якосп палива i штрафи за використання низькосортного палива, збшьшення щiльнiсть деревно-чагарникових насаджень в мсп на непокритих рослиннiстю територiях.

Ключовi слова: забруднення повтря, техногенний пил, аерозоль, масова концентращя, дистанцшне зондування, картографгя, здоров 'я, Нарет, Алжир.

Journal home page: geology-dnu-dp.ua

Introduction. Dusty atmosphere is currently the main problem of air quality management in cities. Fine dust particles come from a variety of sources, among which the main products are anthropogenic activities. Atmospheric particles can be divided into two categories according to their sources, namely primary and secondary sources. Particles of the primary sources are emitted directly into the air, while the particles of secondary sources PM2.5 are formed in the process of chemical reactions of such gases as sulphur dioxide (SO2), volatile organic hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and ammonia (Dunea D. et al, 2016).

The size and composition of primary source particle emissions depends on the source of emission. Urban vehicles, as well as chimneys and incinerators in industrial areas, emit large amounts of soot. Complex chemical composition and small particle size of technogenic dust are prerequisites for increased impact on the environment, including the reduction in visibility, changes in the processes of formation of clouds, the damage to forest plantations and crops (Tang et al, 2006; Myhre, 2009). PM2.5 contain many toxic compounds, such as acids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals, which, as shown in epidemiological studies, directly impair human health, especially respiratory functions (Pope and Dockery, 2006; Franklin et al, 2008).

PM2.5 remain in the atmosphere for days up to several weeks, depending on the particle size, the rate at which they are removed and possible precipitation (Chen et al, 2016).

It was found that unexpectedly high air pollution in cities and their surroundings is not a direct consequence of the sudden increase in emissions of pollutants. This is largely due to the prevailing adverse weather conditions (Han et al, 2015). First of all, this is due to the reduced ability of the atmosphere to disperse pollution and transport pollutants from other areas. It is established that the wind speed is the main meteorological factor determining the air quality in the city. Strong air pollution disappeared when wind speed exceeded 4 m / sec.

It is known that aerosol particles are mainly concentrated in the boundary layer of the earth's atmosphere. This is the first atmospheric layer, which is under the direct influence of the earth's surface. The composition of the surface layer varies during the day due to convection processes. Therefore, it is called a convective mixed layer (Stull, 1988).

The urban landscape is another factor that can affect the quality of the atmospheric boundary layer, as it exhibits different types of

anthropogenic activities. Vegetation cover, presence of surface moisture radiation and surface temperature are microclimatic variables obtained by multispectral satellite images. A large proportion of emissions from vehicles into the environment are from paved roads. Features of the landscape affect the urban surface runoff. Most human activities occur on the urban impervious surface (Carlson and Arthur, 2000). Therefore, the share of the surface of an urban area occupied by the impenetrable surface, to some extent, may indicate the intensity of human activity.

Thus, it is possible thanks to use of remote sensing data to assess the impact of relief on the flushing of man-made dust in an area of urban agglomeration (Farah et al, 2018). Recent studies of the impact of fine-grained particles of soil contaminated with mycotoxins on the health of residents of an suburban area, found deterioration of lung function and chronic lung disease (Capasso et al., 2015). Over the past decade, many residential areas in cities around the world have been exposed to PM2.5, resulting in poor air quality, and contributing to higher levels of respiratory morbidity and multiple clinical symptoms, especially in children (Henschel et al., 2012; Pope & Dockery, 2006; Ward and Ayres, 2004).

Living or attending schools near high-density roads exposes children to higher levels of vehicle air pollution, increases the frequency and prevalence of childhood asthma and shortness of breath (Gasana et al, 2012). Especially interesting is the assessment of seasonal changes in the concentration of PM2.5 in the atmosphere of cities. In particular, particle quantities and mass concentrations were measured in Beijing in winter and summer 2003. The ratio of PM2.5 / PM10 was higher in winter than in summer (Yu et al, 2005).

It is believed that frequent strong winds in winter increase the dispersion of pollutants and increase the average particle concentration by weight in winter compared to summer values (Glen et al., 1996).

Seasonal variability in the conditions of Morocco noted a decrease in the concentration of dust particles in the winter and rise in summer, testified to the manifestation of the processes of soil deflation in the region of Meknes (Ait Bouh et al, 2012). Studies of aerotechnogenic pollution in Katowice (Poland) have confirmed that meteorological conditions have a strong impact on the composition of aerosol particles, including wind speed and direction. It was found that compared to winter, the number of particles

enriched with some heavy metals in the spring was less. (Wawros et al, 2003).

The aim of this work was to conduct a geospatial assessment of seasonal changes of PM2.5 in the open areas of schools in Tiaret (Algeria).

Material and methods. The study was conducted in Tiaret city, located to the North-West of Algiers city in the mountainous region of Tell Atlas, about 150 km from the Mediterranean coast. The population of Tiaret city is up to 160 000 people.

The climate is Mediterranean semiarid with average annual precipitation of 400 mm. The predominant sector of the local economy -agriculture. The relatively cool climate and the availability of water sources contribute to the cultivation of cereals and livestock. The Tiaret region is located in an isolated position on the slopes of the mountains with an average height of 990 m.

The study of the direction and speed of the prevailing winds revealed some patterns of their dominance in the region and around it. Wind speeds recorded within Tiaret city sometimes exceed 4 m / s. However, the wind speed in

Sampling of PM2.5 was associated with the use of the installation DEKATI PM10 (ISO23210, www.dekati.com, 2017) in the center of the school yard at a height of one meter. Three samples were taken daily in each school: in the morning (from 7 to 9 am), at noon (from 11am to 1 pm) and at the end of afternoon (from 3:30pm to 5:30 pm). PM2.5 sampling was carried out in the presence and absence of pupils in the school yard. The duration of collection was given as 30 minutes. A total of

suburban areas often exceeds 5 m / s (Kasbadji Merzouk, 1999).

Tiaret city has more than 200 km of urban road network. The city's fleet consists of up to 157,000 cars of all types, about 70% of them run on gasoline, 30% - with the use of diesel fuel. It is still common to use anti - knock additives with lead in gasoline. Another method of increasing the octane number of fuel is associated with the addition of 500 g of naphthalene per 10 liters of gasoline , which increases the fuel octane number by 3-4 units: 92nd gasoline "turns" into 95th. Once in benzene, naphthalene leaves a significant amount of carbon, increases the number of harmful exhaust gases. In addition, it crystallizes, clogs the fuel system, from fuel pump, hoses, and ending with injectors. Thus, there is significant uncertainty associated with naphthalene emission factors of gasoline and diesel vehicles. Emissions tend to vary with season due to changes in temperature and relative humidity, fuel composition, and vehicle fleet composition (Cohan et al, 2013).

23 primary schools were selected for local and spatial assessment of air pollution by PM2.5


six samples per day were collected for each school sample. The study sites were selected either at the intersection of the grids or in the middle of each grid (grid size 0.5 km x 0.5 km). 138 samples were collected in just eight months from November 2016 to June 2017.

Calculation of PM2.5 concentrations, in ^g / m3, was performed according to a calculation model, on an Excel program (PM10 30LPM calculation sheet ver1.51), delivered with the

impactor, taking into account the values of the meteorological conditions outside the harvesting area (Maijamaki et al, 2000).

The data were processed using GIS mapping. Remote sensing mapping was performed using the satellite images of the satellite Sentinel-1, multispectral instrument (MSI) and thermal infrared sensor (TICHS) optical multispectral data in order to assess the

features of the spatial distribution of temperature fields and soil moisture (Sakhatsky et al. 2007). Results and Discussion. The data of scanning the heterogeneity of the temperature field distribution, as well as the humidity of the earth's surface in the Tiaret region was performed using the infrared radar of the Sentinel-2A/MSI Image satellite from November 4, 2018 are shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Maps of temperature fields (a) and soil moisture (b) spatial distribution



The analysis of the temperature fields and humidity data of the Tiaret region shows a rather uniform spatial distribution of these parameters. It was necessary to assess the possible risks associated with dry or wet deposition of dust particles suspended in the surface layer, as well as

to determine the places of formation of surface runoff of the analyzed area, taking into account the fact that the surface of the city of Tiaret is covered with both asphalt and stone blocks (Fig. 3).

It is necessary to take into account that the map of surface runoff was built taking into account the digital map of the terrain and the situation of the hydrographic network in the Tiaret region. Elevation changes in the area relative to sea level range from 1 to 16 meters. Comparison of the data allows us to note a sufficiently large dissection of the terrain in the city. This means that depending on the seasonal precipitation, the

surface will be cleaned, creating additional risks of contamination by toxicants after they enter open water bodies.

The results of determining the concentration of PM2.5 suspended in the surface atmosphere layer of the city of Tiaret, performed during the school day in the autumn - winter period are shown in Fig.4-6.

1 > /1 / ___—//

\y Jf

-/ 1 116,81 • 18

* / | 116,01 - 20

i I [20,01-22

\ \ J / | 122,01-24

/tiaret'4 I 124,01-26

| | 26,01 - 28

| 28,01 - 30

| 30,01-32

J | | 32,01 - 34

/ * / | | 34,01 - 36

/ * / * * * S | 36,01 - 38

| 38,01 - 40

> * ' | | 40,01-42

| | 42,01-44

Fig. 4. Isolines of PM2.5 from 7 to 9 am (^g/m ) in the autumn - winter period (a) in the presence of pupils (b) in the absence of pupils

According to the data obtained, the excess of air pollution in the school yards of the city in

the morning (from 7am to 9 am) after a short stay by pupils equals 1.5 - 2 times.

Fig. 5. Isolines of PM2.5 at noon from 11am - to 1 pm) (^g/m ) in the autumn - winter period (a) in the presence of pupils (b) in the absence of pupils

At noon, the above pattern is maintained. Comparison of the data of spatial air pollution from 3:30pm - 5:30 pm reveals a large

differentiation in the distribution of PM2.5 in the South - Eastern part of the city during the absence of schoolchildren from the school yards (Fig.6).






Fig. 6. Isolines of PM2.5 afternoon from 3:30pm - 5:30 pm) (^g/m ) in the autumn - winter period (a) in the presence of pupils (b) in the absence of pupils

The results of determining the concentration of PM 2.5 suspended in the surface layer of the atmosphere of the city of Tiaret,

performed during the school day in spring summer period are shown in Fig.7-9.



Fig. 7. Isolines of PM2.5 from 7 to 9 am (^g/m ) in the spring -summer period (a) in the presence of pupils (b) in the absence of pupils

It is interesting to note that in the spring and summer the situation with the spatial distribution of PM2.5 in the morning (from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning) remained, but the overall level of pollution decreased in comparison with this in the autumn by up to 1.5 times.

In the middle of the day, the overall level of pollution in the school yards of the city increased and became comparable to that in the autumn winter time. However, the character of the spatial distribution of dust particles in the spring -summer period was different.

The data obtained are consistent with the results of other researchers about the increased risk of contamination of the ground layer of air and associated health problems in particular with the manifestation of asthma, allergies and shortness of breath (Gasana et al., 2012) in high traffic areas (Henschel et al, 2012; Cohan et al, 2013) and near industrial areas (Dunea et al, 2016, Wawros, 2003). Analysis of maps of air pollution in the autumn - winter period makes it possible to assert that lower concentrations are recorded in the areas adjacent to forest plantations in the

North - Western part of the city. However, in summer, the protective function of the forest stands in the North-Western part of the city of Tiaret is less evident. According to Chinese scientists (Chen et al, 2016), obtained in the

conditions of the Beijing metropolis, forest stands have many protective functions, including purification of the atmosphere due to adsorption of PM2.5, providing better air quality than in uncovered areas.

20 22

24 2Ê 2a

3G 32 Î4


Fig. 8. Isolines of PM2.5 at noon from 11am - to 1 pm) (^g/m ) in the spring -summer period (a) in the presence of pupils (b) in the absence of pupils


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Fig. 9. Isolines of PM2.5 afternoon from 3:30 - 5:30 pm) (^g/m ) in the spring -summer period (a) in the presence of pupils (b) in the absence of pupils

Conclusions. The trend of exceeding the acceptable level of air pollution by PM2.5 up to 1.5-2 times was observed in the open areas of schools during the presence of schoolchildren in both seasons. The PM2.5 concentration in the autumn - winter period was up to 1.5 times higher than that of the spring - summer time. High concentrations were observed in areas close to heavy traffic in the autumn-winter period. Meantime, low PM2.5 concentrations were recorded in areas adjacent to forests in the North -Western part of the city of Tiaret.

The need for introduction of several nature protection measures in the city is obvious. Among them: fuel quality control and fines for use of low-grade fuel , increasing the density of trees and shrubs in the city in the areas uncovered by vegetation.


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