Научная статья на тему 'Space order of electromagnetic radiation the biosphere and noosphere'

Space order of electromagnetic radiation the biosphere and noosphere Текст научной статьи по специальности «Физика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Polyakova Olga

The article analyzes electromagnetic radiation, which pervades the entire cosmos and, in one way or another, affects all space objects, including and living beings, and their evolution. Homo sapiens is able to make a positive correction in the cosmic process.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Space order of electromagnetic radiation the biosphere and noosphere»

отличие от тех, кто «рас страивает». Культивация духа невозможна без создания внешних условий дальнейшего развития, сопровождающихся внутренними предпосылками (потенцией) дальнейшего совершенства. Бахтин М., описывая подобное состояние, называл его «милующим оправданием», которое снисходит только извне. Но ролевые ожидания не могут быть продиктованы извне полностью. «Для человеческих чувств количественное «отношение к иному» (пространство) выступает как порядок расположения предметов, а отношение к себе (время) - как последовательность состояний данного предмета» [8, С. 262]. Субъект деятельности оставляет за собой право выбора пути, исходя из которого реализуется проект в целом. Современное развитие социальной организованности обустраивающегося мирового пространства корректируется не только потребностями, но и ценностями -высотой духа - инкультурностью возрастного периода, воспринимаемого как отдельное, особенное, субъективное человеческое бытие.


1. Бахтин М. М. Эстетика словесного творчества. - М., 1986. - 445 с.

2. Ерошенко Т. И. Трансформация методологических стратегий социального познания и практика социального творчества. - Ростов н/Д, 2012. - 104 с.

3. Золотухин В. Е. Парадоксальная сущность труда. // Социс. - 2010, № 10. - 158 с.

4. Гегель Г. Энциклопедия философских наук. Т. 3. Философия духа. - М., 1977. - 471 с.

5. Бергсон А. Два источника морали и религии. - М., 1994. - 384 с.

6. Ильенков Э. В. Диалектика идеального // Философия и культура. - М., 1991. - 464 с.

7. Федосеенков А. В. Философия жизни: экзистенциальный аспект социальной маргинальности. - Ростов н/Д, 2014. - 138 с.

8. Майданский А. Д., Федосеенков А. В. О категориях качества и количества // Проблемы регионального управления, экономики, права и инновационных процессов в образовании: IV Международная научно-практическая конференция. Том 3. Гуманитарные науки в современном образовании. - Таганрог, 2005. - 322 с.

Space order of electromagnetic radiation the biosphere and noosphere Polyakova O. (Russian Federation) Космический порядок электромагнитного излучения в биосфере и ноосфере Полякова О. О. (Российская Федерация)

Полякова Ольга Олеговна /Polyakova Olga - аспирант, директор независимого научно-исследовательского общества «Астроисс», кафедра философии, факультет Евразии и Востока, Челябинский государственный университет, г. Челябинск

Abstract: the article analyzes electromagnetic radiation, which pervades the entire cosmos and, in one way or another, affects all space objects, including and living beings, and their evolution. Homo sapiens is able to make a positive correction in the cosmic process. Аннотация: в статье анализируется электромагнитное излучение, которое пронизывает весь Космос и в той или иной мере влияет на все космические объекты, в том числе на живые существа и их эволюцию. Человек разумный способен положительно корректировать этот космический процесс.

Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, the evolution of space objects, levels of evolution of living matter, the mind, the mind, the biosphere, the noosphere.

Ключевые слова: электромагнитное излучение, эволюция космических объектов, уровни эволюции живого вещества, рассудок, разум, биосфера, ноосфера.

Electromagnetic radiation pervades the entire cosmos and all the objects in the Cosmos experiencing its effects.

Astrophysical research using modern devices reveal the evolutionary levels of space objects with different wave radiation spectra. Russian astronomers A. V. Zasov and K. A. Postnov bring the latest scientific information on research into thermal and non-thermal spectra, subdividing the thermal spectra of several varieties: «a) the intrinsic emission spectra of opaque bodies (planets and other solid bodies, interstellar dust particles, neutron stars) - in the soft X-ray range. B) spectra of stars such as the sun or a cold - only in the visible region. B) The spectrum of the background (CMB) radiation of the universe... The CMB has a cosmological origin. It quanta born with primordial plasma recombination, the cooling due to expansion» [11, p. 48].

Thus, on the basis of modern astronomical data, we see that the evolution of matter in the universe is possible within the limits of the thermal radiation spectrum. Here, the formation of matter, since its inception at the beginning of the expansion of the universe prior to the decomposition of the substance in the hard X-rays. Note that the sun and stars similar to it evolves in the visible part of the spectrum - optics.

Also, we hold the view expressed by the scientists of the St. Petersburg University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics K. G. Korotkov, M. Borisova and others that biological life (Vernadsky - biosphere). Based on the energy of light [6], add - it is one of the visible part of the spectrum that distinguishes our eyes.

Emissions outside the visible part, such as infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray, gamma and cosmic radiation are harmful to living in harsh rays, allowing life to soft radiation. Life on Earth is made possible thanks to the protection of organic cells from the hard ultraviolet, first under a layer of water of the world ocean, and then thanks to the accumulated oxygen to the ozone layer, which have developed over billions of years, the blue-green algae.

One of the hypotheses of this study is concluded that the evolutionary development of biological levels of life on earth and, in particular, the physical condition of the human body (the biosphere), is one of the stages of the evolution of matter in the expanding universe and occurs in gradations corresponding to the visible colors of the optical part spectrum.

What happens in the invisible rays of optics?

Invisible colors optics corresponds to the evolution of the invisible but real phenomena occurring in the human mind and the minds of other higher animals (the noosphere). Condition of modern science so far does not allow to obtain reliable empirical evidence of this conclusion, however, it appears rational, by logical constructs.

Repeated suggestions of scientists and philosophers in those days, when the science is not yet able to empirically prove their assumptions - the «graduation» of all living things (Aristotle and Lamarck), the «ladder of creatures» from simple organisms to the angels and archangels (Bonn) [4], and other ideas - we talked about the fact that logical constructions are able to produce a plausible hypothesis is confirmed by a rational inferences -«inexplicable, but true».

Then, the Darwinian theory of evolution, paleontology and anthropology research proved the historical evolution of the kinds of gradations.

Not proven is the very reason that leads to the evolution of the gradation of species of living organisms. Guess V.I. Vernadsky that life on Earth depends on the position of the Earth and the solar system in space [10, p. 258, 270], perhaps, hypothetically open to us that the Earth together with other planets in the solar system evolved in the light range of the electromagnetic radiation, therefore, probably, and the order of the planets in the solar system dispersion is distributed in the «graduation» of frequencies of optical spectrum is


also likely, as many real orders, for example, seven periods in the periodic table of elements in the periodic table or man-numeric and alphabetical order in the noosphere phase of evolution - all written and drawn has the properties of being manifested.

We can assume that we, humans, are in the solar system are experiencing the effects of electromagnetic radiation, which evolve in the frequency distribution of the order as specified by the plan, which was originally guessed many thinkers, attributing this law idealistic divine powers. Some once-idealistic views in science will eventually become as materialistic accumulation of scientific evidence. Assumptions about the gradation of evolution were initially idealistic, but they are moving in a materialistic phase of which is proved empirically - the accumulation of scientific data on the evolution of species of living organisms and to conduct astronomical research based on man-made devices.

Derived astrophysicists main stages of the evolution of cosmic matter in the universe can be supplemented by a number of parallels the evolution of the biosphere in the spectrum of visible light that we see in the form of seven primary colors of the rainbow, and about the human exploration of the noosphere in the spectra invisible radiation, like an invisible light region between the colored stripes in a double and over the rainbow.

The parallels are possible:

a) in the manner of distribution of electromagnetic waves of different nature, from the invisible long-wave radiation (radio waves, relic, infrared), etc., of the visible spectrum of radiation, such as the 7 colors in the rainbow, invisible to the short-wave radiation (ultraviolet radiation, gamma and cosmic radiation) [2];

b) in the manner of distribution of cosmic matter in the universe, including the planets in the solar system, and probably like planets in other star systems;

c) in evolution existed historically and currently existing organisms on Earth, including humans [5] in the biosphere and the noosphere.

Let us consider the parallel gradations of light and the order of arrangement of the stars and planets in the solar system (Figure 1.) Unwittingly using numerological order both that shows us the unseen and the properties of the numbers:

1) red range of light - the sun in the gravitational interaction with the Earth;

2) the orange color range - Moon in the gravitational interaction with the Earth and following the visible color optics meet other planets visible to the naked eye in the gravitational interaction with the Sun, we, earthlings as outsiders, do not participate in these gravitational interactions, but catch them as receiving antennas:

3) yellow color in parallel corresponds to Mercury;

4) green - Venus;

5) blue - Mars;

6) blue - Jupiter;

7) purple - Saturn.

But in the double and triple rainbow can be seen the gap region invisible light, and then again appears the visible spectrum. The invisible part of the spectrum related to our eye indistinguishable bands of electromagnetic radiation, which may correspond to the order of indistinguishable to our eyes of celestial bodies in the solar system:

8) UV - Uranus;

9) clear radiant (the followers of certain religious practices observed it as a halo over his head spiritually enlightened people) - Neptune;

10) x-ray - Pluto;

11) gamma radiation - the Kuiper Belt planetoid transplutonian;

12) cosmic radiation at the interface energy in the mass [3] - perhaps the position of celestial bodies at the edge of the solar system, belonging to the Oort Cloud.

On the other hand, the visible red spectrum suitable invisible electromagnetic radio waves (from kilometer to meter), including: relict background radiation (centimeters), fills the cosmos as the memory of the state of the universe at the moment of the Big Bang [11, p.

48; 9, p. 32], and directly in front of the red spectrum - the invisible infrared radiation, which appears in the formation of thermal units.

With radio waves and infrared radiation associated noosphere human inventions in the field of radio, television, and microwave ovens. Infrared radiation in space can detect thermal radiation from a black non-luminous bodies.

All life is born and operates in the field of optics, and therefore beings reflect the order of electromagnetic radiation, first the fact that the evolution of the complexity of living organisms is probably in the order of electromagnetic radiation, and secondly by the fact that every living organism endowed with «antenna» to read electromagnetic signals - certain chakras sequence fits in the spectral range of above.

In the initial phase of the visible spectrum of red and orange range can evolve very dense energy, and therefore visible and perceptible manifestation of living matter, probably due to the phenomenon of gravitation:

1) Red - The sun shines its light all things visible and lies at the origin of the material manifestation of matter, from the inorganic composition of rocks and minerals to living beings, since prokaryotes (protozoa, in a cell which has no nucleus [3, p. 99-101]) at the first level of the biosphere, which is inherent in the reproduction by division.

2) orange - Moon may be associated with the appearance of water on the Earth, and after that - life in it simplest form a fixed eukaryotes (unicellular organisms, with a nucleus in the cell) [5, p. 101-105] - fungi, plants on the second level of evolution of living beings. Perhaps the model of the Earth-Moon gravitational binding in a sense, has a parallel in the structure of living cells as a cell model with a nucleus. Perhaps at this level of evolution of living organisms appeared on Earth sexual reproduction process with the separation of the sexes, the functions of all the senses, which are responsible for sensations connected with the outside world. Feelings are divided by a dual principle: from simple living organisms is the division of feelings to sensations such as light-dark, heat and cold, etc., while in the higher evolutionary life forms dual selection is more diverse sensations - until the concepts benign evil, good-bad.

Gravitational connection Earth-Moon is so strong that it creates a stable angle of Earth's axis to the plane of the solar ecliptic, with the result that on this planet there is a regular change in different cycles, such as the seasons and the time in days that allows organisms to be reborn again and again, and thicken over time. Maintaining a constant angle of inclination of the Moon the Earth's axis of rotation creates the conditions for a sustainable evolution of once living organisms appeared. Modern astrophysics and astrobiologists from Columbia University and Princeton University David Spiegel, Kristen Menou and Caleb Scharf using a special mathematical model which describes the change of temperature on the surface of earth-like planets to study in the changing characteristics of the angle of inclination of the axis of rotation and the speed of the planet. They determined that the stability of living conditions sets a constant angle of inclination of the axis of the planet, in this case provided by a massive companion moon, while on Mars, two satellites do not provide a constant angle of inclination of the axis of the planet, which does not form a protective atmospheric layer, and repetitive cycling, so necessary for the evolution of species of living organisms [1]. On this basis, we can assume that the evolving life on other planets in other star systems, it makes sense to look for where there is only one satellite at a massive planet that defines a constant angle of inclination of the axis of rotation of the planet. It is possible that Mars was once one satellite and then was life on Mars, which reveal traces of astronomers, but elementary organisms there now.

Sun and Moon are involved in the direct gravitational relationship with the land, and because of their influence felt by us on sensory levels, are responsible for the survival instinct - the power (the Sun) and reproduction (the Moon). The electromagnetic radiation is prevalent reddish tint optics.

The remaining number of celestial bodies in the solar system does not give us immediate sensations, because we do not participate in their gravitational connection with the Sun, but


the wave disturbances from the rotation of the bodies in the solar system have an impact for us at the information plans, which are read by our chakras-antennas.

Analysis of information takes place in the mind that is configured to receive the external and internal information. The psyche of living beings - is the product and the condition of the signaling interaction between a living system and its environment. It is arranged as a receiver-reflector wave radiation on the sensory and information levels (sensations, perceptions, feelings, thoughts, ideas, etc.), followed by information on the available for a specific living organism, the level of evolutionary development.

3) Information perception levels may begin with the third level of the evolution of living matter, the corresponding optical radiation yellow band excited by the rotation of Mercury around the sun. Here begins the collection and analysis of information, both internal and external. In the evolutionary cut this level delineated the advent of mobile multicellular, the worms, coelenterates, about 900 million. Years ago [5, p. 105-114]. At this level, there are moving insects with information nerve nodes and visual organs. They appear conditioned and unconditioned reflexes - initial manifestations of the information in the memory of mobile organisms (to remember where to go back and forth.), As opposed to fixed plants and mushrooms that have emerged in the previous level of evolution, which does not need memory movement.

4) The fourth level corresponds to an evolutionary radiation of the green. There can be perceived informational energy from the rotation of Venus. This evolution of the band appeared vertebrates and arthropods, about 500 million. Years ago [5, p. 117]. Perhaps there is formed spiritual level of a living organism. It appears commitment to finding harmony, peace and warmth of communication, development of nests and shelters. At this level of evolution in living organisms formed cardiovascular system, and the skeleton, since fish class. But the voice, the means of communication, not yet, so the soul «is silent, like a fish.»

5) The fifth level of evolution corresponds to the position of the Earth in the solar system after the Venus, but to Earthlings as onlookers, sensing wave from the outside, is the fifth Mars corresponding blue color. In evolutionary terms, this level was showed 250 million. Years ago in the Mesozoic brachiopods from [5, p. 174] - amphibians, birds and animals developed pulmonary system and the vocal cords, which are responsible for a variety of sound expression of snarling and birdsong to articulate human speech. From this level, apparently began the evolution of the relationship, manifested in the active manifestation of love for others beings with distinct elements of the beauty of creation in heterosexual beings, voice games, as well as concern for the education of children, which is not observed in fish at the previous level of evolution in view lack of vocal apparatus. The fifth level is created not only beautiful, good, bright, but also as every possible reality with light and dark features, love and creativity can turn into hatred and wars on the fifth level, this melee and similar battles for love, yet without support improvised, as it usually happens in the animal world.

It is interesting to note that all previously listed luminaries and planets have plasma (sun) or strong (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) basis and correspond to the evolution of the internal physical structure of the bodies of living creatures on the Earth up to the perfection of the extremities, including five fingers in humans. For Mars, the planet crushed solid (Asteroid Belt) and that, in some way corresponds to the evolutionary transition from the internal structure of organisms in the outer circle of relations, first of all, education of offspring. Further, the number of planets in the solar system there are gas giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, which can simultaneously meet the future evolution of relations between individuals. Before the asteroid belt inclusive rocky planets formed «substantive» the evolution of the structure of the internal organs of living organisms, but after the asteroid belt gaseous giants already contribute not «objectivity», and due to its gaseous evolution of relations between individuals, which are not perceived as «things», but invisibly felt in the presence of certain drivers of social forces.

6) The sixth level of evolution corresponding to the emission of blue color and the position of Jupiter in the solar system, improving the nature of today's species of flora and


fauna, approximately 65 million. Years ago, from the Cenozoic Era [6, p. 188]. It may begin to evolve a collective energy, causing higher animals stray into the herd and flock-chosen leader. In human society at this level could go through the evolution of social forms of society from a mini-family (mother-children) on the fifth level of evolution to the tribal system, the distribution of labor relations at the sixth level of evolution. It is also important place small collective accommodation - outlines invisible lines area - the herd, flock, tribe. The people at the sixth level of the evolution of individual creative work of individuals becomes a collective work, matriarchy patriarchy replaced, mainly in the family and the tribe becomes a man, the leader. The area is guarded by a tribe with the help of improvised and fabricated collective labor resources from natural materials - copies, knives, axes, celts and others.

7) The seventh level of evolution corresponding radiation violet color and position of Saturn - the last, visible to the naked eye, the planet -. In the Quaternary period, approximately 5.5 million years ago, there was Homo habilis, Homo habilis, which left a Olduvai and pebble culture [5, p. 220]. At this stage, I could begin to evolve rational thinking part of the representatives of the higher animals - wisdom, order, ability to rational analysis. In humans, there appears the ability to take time to build analog structure and the real system -. Art, writing, cultural, religious, etc. There are organized community-based coexistence of various tribes - ethnic, with the memory of history and culture, laws hostel set, formed religious egregors, temples are built, and around them - settlements and cities, still walled, works engineering thought, for wars is invented an improved weapon, yet out of natural materials of the biosphere - bows and arrows, crossbows, spear throwers, rams, basics world order are religion, dictatorship, monarchy. At this level, the evolution of religion have been advanced carriers bright ideas moving forward the public consciousness.

The mystery of the boundaries of rational and reasonable, subconscious and consciousness, the biosphere and the noosphere in the nature of the evolution of living matter, apparently, can be slightly opened in the study of the transition from visible to non-visible range of optics and their respective planets in the solar system:

UV - Uranus - the observation of the starry sky, humanitarian and scientific ideas;

Transparent glowing - Neptune - the divine ideas, fantasy, music, poetry, psychology;

x-ray - Pluto - nuclear energy, etc.

Pluto and following it planetoids - again solid, but not spherical body, and the stones of irregular shape. Perhaps this indicates the evolution over solid, but in the opposite order -beginning with the radiation decay of nuclei in the atoms of the substance.

Philosophy is on the verge of understanding and reason, materialism and idealism, visible and invisible - and philosophy infinitely knows this face, how can delve into it with the help of reason, as the endless positive and negative numbers are close to zero.

8) On the eighth level of evolution, manifested emission eighth of the planet stars in our case, Uranus, read the invisible ultraviolet spectrum of light, and evolution has been going on in the environment are not visible to the eye and created material nature, and artificial intelligent being, in the earthly case - a person able to operate invented or present in the minds of ideas. Here, REASON comes into its own. This is the beginning of the noosphere, imply a supernatural superstructure created superiority of mind over mind. Improving public relations is moving towards nation building and state systems that combine different cities, nation and religion. Now in the States there are boundaries, while in the cities, these boundaries disappear as unnecessary, the state inside ruled cities, peoples and religions, solving the contradictions between them. Different religions continue to carry their light function through egregors local prayers in temples - places of energy force by reference to one for all the divine absolute. At the same time, the mind, the more advanced forward on the evolutionary chain than religion, generates science and scientific laws that are more reasonable religious canons. Humanism and democracy become a measure of justice. It becomes clear manifestation of invisible threads of love, friendship without showing private-proprietary («subject») instincts. Enthusiasm inexplicably becomes the engine of


progress, without binding to the system of payment for their work (subject of money for substantive work). There were ideas of communism: from each - according to his ability, to each - according to his needs, based on the ideas of humanism and a desire to help one's neighbor. Communist ideas are not to be confused with attempts to translate them into real life - the reality always makes its own adjustments, accompanied by errors in practice, which should be taken into account subsequently, not to repeat the negative experiences. Part of the radiation level of Uranus was shown before - at the dawn of humanity formation as such, it was a manifestation of the beginning of the human mind - the knowledge available, but really existing sky with stars whose rotation has shown to mankind in the future global universal laws of the universe that will allow to develop astronomical, physical and other scientific knowledge, rather than just knowledge of natural terrestrial phenomena accessible to reason in all the animal kingdom on the previous levels of evolution. But first, it was only a few sentient beings, the number of which has increased over time, the majority - and then the amount transferred in quality. Universal education contributes to this. On Uranus level noosphere phase of the knowledge of the nature of lightning, fire, electricity, and all that is possible to create from this, both for the benefit of developing civilizations, and, unfortunately, to the detriment of. On the same level of evolution was invented firearms and smoking - something that brings the death of a living organism. Just as UV: is soft, in small doses on the basis of promoting the destruction of harmful bacteria treatment only, and have a hard ultraviolet, in large doses, kills and larger organisms. All living things feels good in the visible spectrum of light and its soft rays of the invisible spectrum, but is killed in the hard light. The positive evolutionary manifestation of Uranus radiation include the invention of electricity, radio, telephone, television, computer, the Internet - as a basis for the future unification of mankind, but in parallel there and harm from the same systems -distorted or aggressive information television broadcasting, computer game addiction, smoking, firearms. What happens to a person who has learned to use firearms, but did not give knowledge on astronomy and other sciences? Mad terrorism.

9) The ninth level of evolution, manifesting the tenth in a row on the planet stars in our case, Neptune, includes an invisible radiant light spectrum, not identified by scientists in a separate part of the spectrum of light, but actually exists which sees some clairvoyants as «halo» over his head the holy people, or which is visible as a bright flash of light before the atomic explosion, such, for example, some residents have seen an explosion in front of the Chelyabinsk meteorite February 15, 2013, - a flash that the optics of any high level, was not able to determine the spectrum of light, because . in metering is not laid detect shining light spectrum. The Ninth level of evolution is improving all that we can be perfected - is approached to the ideals. This may be a divine absolute (as defined by Hegel), passing important thread through all religions and determines, in fact, all of their ideals in the form of common to all mankind, the absolute God, no matter how it is called in various religions. It is also for atheists, God is in the soul of each of us in the form of conscience and a conversation with his own conscience, which is ideal for a particular individual. This may be a platonic love for man, the apparent perfect no claim to master it as a property. The concept of Nirvana in Buddhism - the achievement of an ideal state of mind, not in need of earthly pleasures. In this sense, God-absolute scientific knowledge above the eighth level of evolution, have not yet attained knowledge of all the laws of the universe. We are sometimes surprised scientists faith in God. But this faith is not of God, which was created by the imagination of mankind to the previous levels of evolution, when folded intertribal relationships and formed separate religion and belief in the divine absolute in the soul of each of us in his or infallible conscience. At this level of evolution of intelligence reaches its height, sometimes giving tips in the form of images of the future or the past, as a prophecy in the form of discoveries in sleep (as Mendeleev dreamed of the periodic system of elements) in the form of audible music and poetry. This level higher senses: clairvoyance (prophetic dreams), clairaudience (audio prompts) clairsentience (psychology) and clairvoyance (prophecy). All the prophets who ever appeared in the history of mankind,


reached his consciousness of this high-level, unlike the rest of the common people, still do not reach such heights. But humanity in the mass and tightened to this level. When people are able to higher senses will be more than half of humanity, people anywhere in the globe will understand each other without much knowledge of other languages, understanding perfectly - then occurs a qualitative leap in the evolution of mankind, the border from the States disappear as unnecessary, although administrative duties they will remain the same as now were administered in cities. Creation in the past empires, in the rough design idea of combining or unions on a voluntary basis between the states is already testing ways to planetary combinations. Science, which for the most part, yet does not pass the knowledge on higher senses only because it lacks clear scientific evidence of their existence, eventually come to terms with the knowledge that higher senses really exist, regardless of the scientific evidence about this, as well as when -That religion did not allow scientific knowledge, but they had to put up with science as with the real system, despite the fact that religions are not inherent knowledge of science. While some scientists say «no» (it's easier to live), and deny the existence of higher senses as normal natural phenomenon, other scientists to create a device to prove their existence.

Astrology is on the verge of knowledge of astronomy and psychology. This knowledge is constantly improved, corrected previous mistakes, as well as adjusted scientific knowledge. Astrology in his knowledge of the field will know everything - negative and positive, but as the father of the church, who knows about the dark, so-called devil's power, prayer helps to get to the light divine powers, and the astrologer should not be afraid dangers that really may occur and suggest a positive outlet for what would be the danger is not realized, for example, advised to engage in music, poetry, medicine, psychology, or go to the temple to communicate with the divine and absolute nirvana instead of smoking, drinking and drug use. Astrology on people monitor the impact of the cosmos and created a system of reading astrometric space and time, which gave the foundation of modern astronomy. The order and properties of the rulers of the planets correspond to the order and the properties of the respective signs of the zodiac in order electromagnetic radiation: the Sun - Leo, Moon - Cancer, Mercury - Gemini, Venus - Taurus, Mars - Aries, Jupiter -Pisces, Saturn - Aquarius, Uranus - Capricorn, Neptune - Sagittarius, Pluto - Scorpio, the Kuiper Belt - Libra, the Oort Cloud - Virgo (Figure 2, 3).

The Ninth level of evolution are already some of the highest representatives of the animal world, although they have not passed the stage of formation of creative evolution with the help of the limbs on the fifth level of evolution - such as dolphins, which always sail to the aid from any end of the world ocean, when at the level of receive information higher senses Kindred of dying or people demonstrating humanism and enthusiasm as possible. Shining the light spectrum is the latest in the light, the optical spectrum of electromagnetic radiation in front followed by a devastating radioactive radiation. On the ninth level of destruction are no molecules of the nucleus, as is the case of radiation on the tenth level. But in the molecule may occur movement of electrons, which, in principle, change the nature of the substance. It is an invisible property of matter is manifested in chemical reactions as a natural character (graphite and diamond have one carbon nature, but have different crystal lattice distribution of atoms around the nuclei in the molecule), and the artificially created human chemicals, medicines, nanotechnology products, reaching a for the benefit of mankind, and harm. Harmful inventions that level of evolution are poisons, alcohol and drugs. In small doses, these drugs may be therapeutic, but abuse leads to disastrous consequences for the living organism. Also harmful inventions that level of evolution is a chemical, gas, psychotropic, climatic weapons.

10) The tenth level of evolution, manifested the tenth planet of the star, in this case, a solid planetoid Pluto, going after the gas giants (planetoid, by definition, astronomers is solid and has an irregular shape, in contrast to planets with regular spherical shape). At this level of radioactivity is read is not the light spectrum, and X-ray. Here there is the collapse of the core material, resulting in the release of huge amounts of energy. Living organisms in the hard X-


rays are killed, soft - mutate. The inorganic nature of the nucleus degradation manifests itself as a gradual, long-term decay of radioactive substances, which could result in another substance. For example, naturally occurring isotopes of uranium with thorium in the half-life becomes a half-life of 24 days in 4.5 Ga, which is then converted to palladium with a half life 6 hours, etc. After more than ten stages of decay turns out, finally, a stable isotope of lead [8]. Mankind, and here learned to artificially create the processes of nuclear fission to produce huge amounts of energy by using this invention in both positive and negative purposes. The positive purposes in low doses of radioactivity is carried out X-ray examinations and treatment of medical patients body. At high doses in nuclear power plants produce energy production to convert it then into electricity to be used for the necessary needs of civilized population. The devastating for nuclear fission reaction is used in nuclear weapons.

11) On the eleventh level of evolution, manifested planetoid beyond Pluto and the following located in the Kuiper belt, there is a pervasive gamma radiation that passes through any molecular lattices. If radiation is still possible to stop the lead or thick concrete walls, the gamma radiation is difficult to build a barrier on the land available means. We, earthlings, from the ubiquitous gamma saves only a thick the ozone layer of our atmosphere. The nature of the soft gamma radiation alters the genetic nature of living organisms. Mankind has learned to use this energy in genetic engineering, using the knowledge achieved, both in positive and negative way. In the positive sense of the creation of new genetic types of organisms in virology for treatment of dangerous diseases, and so on. In the negative sense, are genetically modified foods could affect the body's immune system until the degeneration of the species.

12) At the twelfth level of evolution, manifested planetoids in our case, the following for the Kuiper belt, obviously being in the Oort Cloud at the edge of the solar system, is read by cosmic radiation permeates the entire universe. Here is the last frontier of life and death, where soft light does not save. Humanity is approaching the level of mastery of the energies, creating a civilization program, prolonging life, including improving people's living conditions, creating mechanisms and processes that replace exhausting manual labor. Cosmic radiation is the high frequency in the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, but what's next?

And then high-energy all smaller and smaller wavelengths are extinguished and disappear in an invisible for us and is not available for devices of dark energy and dark matter (black hole). There, over time, accumulated limit antimass, which encouraged an explosion of energy again degenerate into long-wave low-frequency electromagnetic radiation, sound at first - where reign radio, kilometer, then the meter and centimeter, while the wave is not reduced to a relic and then transformed into infrared radiation, prior to the light optical spectrum of life. In nature it looks natural: how to double or triple rainbow, between the visible light spectrum is an invisible field - there, in the area of invisible rays -and ultraviolet light, and shine, and radiation and gamma radiation and cosmic rays, and dark energy, and dark matter, and sound. People with higher senses can capture the information of these invisible radiation spectra in a natural way. Also, this kind of wave picture we see when removing the cardiogram of a living organism - a power surge and then decreases to a minimum and wave power surge again, etc.

Mankind in the noosphere phase of development of almost all of these invisible waves (except for dark energy and dark matter) has long been taken into service by learning to use them for transmitting radio and television signals, using both in a positive and in a negative as, for example, in the form of positive or the negative of the transmitted information, which significantly affects the formation of world humanity.

But, individually Man decides what quality he needs for the future, choosing one or another manifestation of personality:

- Love or hate on the fifth level;

- Professionalism and authority on the sixth level;

- The law and the dictates of religion or culture, history and philosophy at the seventh level;

- Science, humanism and astronomy or smoking, compulsive gambling computer, or even worse, terrorism on the eighth level;

- Music, poetry, medicine, chemistry and psychology, or alcohol and drug use on the ninth level. Here the desire for rapid achievement of subtle sensations of nirvana) by means of alcohol and drugs (Ninth level of evolution corresponding to shine), through its impact on the physical body (red spectrum dense material energy of the first level), gives the destruction of a living organism through the neighborhood in the invisible part of the electromagnetic radiation as in the spectrum of light between the light and red, separated by an invisible area of the world (as in the invisible part between the light flows in a double or triple rainbow), but extending opposite way of evolution (from the red spectrum supply through sound, dark energy and dark matter gamma radiation and radiation to nirvana), in the way of the black energy imbued - in this case we have, unfortunately, not a conscious and intelligent person, and with the product zombie dark energies. This person then came to himself, can not even remember what he was doing and saying. Conscious positively evolving person, it makes no sense to communicate with the person in the «zombie» state because through «zombie» is injected into a bottomless «black hole» bright life-affirming forces.

Apparently, with the cycles of the planets around the Sun and related human lifespan, depending on the level at which evolution is humanity.

We are now at the eighth scientific-state level of evolution corresponding to the emissions of Uranus, which orbits the Sun every 84 year. The average life expectancy of modern rational man also makes 84 years - this is the age to which the person is still able to serve himself and think wisely. Further, if a person still thinks he is the second round of the same cycle of Uranus - falls back into childhood - is happy as a child, communicating with their grandchildren, or throwing objects out the window in a state of insanity is not able to properly think, some growing dairy teeth (known medical fact), or, in the best case, people have the opportunity to receive well-deserved recognition and popularity that they could not get in childhood. If the person did not live to that age, it is likely that once he had not made a choice in the direction of the light forces, hated or resented, not heard or ignored their tips higher senses, warning of the danger.

Once upon a time, when mankind was on the seventh level of the evolution of religion and dictatorships, which corresponds to the position of Saturn in the order of the planets in the solar system, the average life expectancy was about 30 years old, as well as the treatment cycle of Saturn around the sun. Such a short life expectancy contributed to war, disease, the sacrifice, they did not allow people to live up to its most natural limit of life, though, the unit survived and this has already been made. REASON then was not held in high esteem. But with the advent of universal literacy and universal education, and then, the level of scientific knowledge and understanding increased in the majority of humanity - the number turned into quality, and now humanity prefers KNOWLEDGE illusory faith. KNOWLEDGE and humanism allow the person to look to the future.

But faith is improved, as well as all, once had the beginning of the world. She gets some form, first the belief in knowledge, humanism, and then into a general belief in the absolute. The next evolution of the current level will be the ninth level shown by radiation from the rotation of Neptune, which revolves around the Sun for 168 years. It can be expected that the average length of a person's life will then be approximately that age - medicine, the daughter of Neptune, will find a means of prolonging life and maintaining REASON for years to come.

In this case, it will not necessarily be a question of increasing the volume of the power of humanity, than concerned about the ideology of the «golden billion» of humanity, which, supposedly, in the future only be able to feed the Earth - they cover their sadistic idea of «well-fed billion.

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It works the other psychological factors (psychology too Neptune's daughter). The fact that the energy replenishment occurs not only in the physical layer in the form of food consumption - they certainly need, but in fact is not so much necessary to maintain the viability of the organism.

Dining takes place at all levels of power, in the form received with joy, it is only when we are bad we are «running to the kitchen», to replace all sorts of dissatisfaction on the sated satisfaction of the first energy level. Delicious food pleases.

On the second level, you can get sexual pleasure from sexual relations or from heat, basking on the beach of the sea or other water basin.

At the third level, the information we receive information in the form of feeding an interesting and positive information. Negative information poison - it is necessary to seek to replace the positive information in the form of good news (the third level of Mercury), feeling the coziness (fourth level of Venus), reading books about love (fifth level of Mars), reading the wise philosophical or religious books (the seventh level of Saturn) learning the scientific and information space (the eighth level of Uranus), reading fiction or listening to classical music (ninth Neptune level) or, finally, «to run to the kitchen» (the first level of matter - the sun).

On the fourth level of mind occurs makeup joy of communicating from the heart, from the aesthetic sense of beauty of the surrounding reality.

At the fifth level of creativity and love, we fueled the joy of creativity and of communicating with a loved one and children.

On the sixth level - favorite work can inspire so as «to not want to go to lunch».

At the seventh level - the joy of reading a wise book, drawing and design, or temple -introduction to light energy.

On the eighth level - the joy of discovery or invention, companionship, enthusiasm.

The ninth level - the joy of communicating with his ideal, may be religious, or reading fiction, or hearing, or maybe writing, music and poetry.

As you can see, mankind has mastered all the levels of evolution and is in the process of self-perfection itself, in the sense to learn how to use energy in a positive, progressive, life-affirming plan, extends to the whole of human life, minimizing the destructive tendencies, created by the same person in the noosphere.

If we return to the question about the search for intelligence in the universe, the example of our solar system, apparently, it is necessary to look for the star systems in the light of evolution of the spectrum, where there is a 8-12 moving objects around the star, allowing to include a reasonable level of evolution of living organisms.

Describes the author's ideas previously published in the literature [7], but supplemented with more detailed descriptions.


Title waveband radiation and them sources Length wave Frequency of waves cyclic of solar Levels of evolution


Space - border

energy transfer into a mass, creative nuclear processes in interstellar space as a compound of hydrogen atoms into helium nuclei, oxygen, nitrogen, silicon and iron. 3x10-8 - Cloud Oort -the The border of life and

N O N T E R M A L I 0 N 1 Z I N G E 4,6x10-8 nm more 6x1019 Hs boundary of the solar system death. Questions of immortality.

Gamma - nuclear radioactive decay processes. 4,6x10-8 - 5x10- 3 nm Kuiper Belt Healing. Genetics. Selection N O O S P H E R E T R

X-rays - atomic decay processes under the influence of accelerated charged particles 5x10-3 - 10 nm 3x1016 -6x1019 Hs Pluto 90700 days 246.4 years Radiation. Transformation. Psychic. Parapsychology A N S C E

Divine Absolute. N

Transparent (radiant) Neptune 60188 days 164.79 year Music. Poetry. Fantastic. Psychology. Chemistry. Medicine. Altruism. Sverhchuvstva: clairvoyance, clairaudience, D E N T



Ultraviolet - the Uranus REASON. Ideas. Discoveries. Astronomy. Mathematics. Physics. Philosophy. Ideology. Humanism.

radiation of atoms under the influence of accelerated electrons 10 -380 nm 7,5x1014 -3x1016 Hs 30685 days 84.01 years

T 0 P T 1 C A L The emergence of humanoid ~ 5.5

E Saturn 10759 days 29,46 years million. Years ago.

R M A L Visible - violet 475380 HM 750 -680x1012 Hs MIND. Wisdom. Laws. Procedure. All real operating systems: religious, governmental, academic, financial B I O S P H E R E I M M A N E N T

light and so on.

molecules and atoms 680 -620x1012 Hs Jupiter 4332.58 days 11,86 Modern species of flora and fauna.

at thermal and indigo 485 -475nm Cenozoic ~ 65 mln. Years ago.

electrical Flocks, herds, clan,

effects years tribe, band.

Asteroid Belt Start Evolution

relations. Love and

raise offspring

495 - 620 - Mars Brachiopods. Mammals. Birds.

blue 485 nm 600x1012 Hs 656.98 days Mesozoic ~ 250 mln. Years ago. Pulmonary system. Vote.

green 565 -495nm 600 -530x1012 Hs Venus 224.7 days Insects. Chordates and vertebrates. Fish, reptiles. Paleozoic ~ 500 mln. Years ago. The cardiovascular system.

yellow 580 -565nm 530 -510x1012 Hs Mercury 87.97 days Multicellular, the worms, coelenterates ~ 900 million. Years ago. Move the creatures.

orange 595 -580nm 510 -480x1012 Hs Moon -Earth 27.32 days Eukaryotes (single cell with a nucleus). The simplest and green algae. The sexual process. Proterozoic ~ 2.5 billion. Years ago. Root base.

red 780 -595nm 480 -405x10 12 Hs Earth -Sun 1 day Inorganics and prokaryotes (without a cell nucleus). Blue-green algae and bacteria. Delenie.Geterotrofnoe food (inorganic substances). Archaea ~ 4 billion. Years ago.

Infrared - radiation

of atoms and molecules in thermal and electrical effects. 780nm*-1mm 150x10 9 — 429x10 12 Hs Thermal radiation of black bodies (unseen) N O O S P H E R E T

R A D I O Relic - background radiation of cosmological origin. 1 mm -1m Start of expansion of the universe. ~ 14 billion. Years ago R A N S

N Ultrashort 1 m - 10m 30x10 6— 150x10 9 Hs C E

O N Short 10 m-100m 3 — 30x 10 6 Hs Radar, microwaves, N D E N T

1 E R M A L W A Medium 100 m-1km 300x10 3 - 3x106Hs radio, TV

V E Long 1km-10km 30 — 300 x10 3 Hs

Extra-long 10km h more less30x10 3 rHs** Underground or underwater radio

*1 Newton Metre. 1 nm =10 9 m; **1 Hertz is one oscillation per second: 1 Hs = 1/c.

Fig. 1. Energy order of radiations in the solar system and the levels of evolution

Fig. 2. 3D-spatial dependence of the effect of electromagnetic radiation in the form of the order of the qualities of the planets in the context of the axial field on the spatial characteristics, in particular, in the conventional astronomical sky concept on the division of the zodiac signs

Zodiac signs Planet stewards

Daytime Night

Aries (J Mars ^^ Pluto

^^ Taurus Venus KKuiper Belt

It ^ ^ Gemini 0 * Mercury OOort Cloud

* Cancer ^ Moon

Leo 0 ^ Sun

T[P Virgo OOort Cloud ^^ Mercury

Libra KKuiper Belt Venus

Tli * Scorpio ¥ Pluto cT w Mars

1 Sagittarius % 1 Jupiter ¥ Neptune

^ Capricorn Saturn ¥ * Uranus

Aquarius X Uranus Saturn

¥ T Neptune % 1 Jupiter

Fig. 3. 3D-spatial dependence of the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the order of distribution of the zodiac sign of quality in accordance with the characteristics ofplanets-rulers


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