Научная статья на тему 'Some thoughts on commercial discourse'

Some thoughts on commercial discourse Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Kholisova Gavharoy Mannobjon Kizi

This article illuminates important tasks of linguistic stylistics at the present stage of its development is the study of functional styles. Besides, in the recent time increasing transparency between cultural models, strengthening intercultural social and business relationships is being transformed, traditional communication styles and, above all, commercial discourse are being updated.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Some thoughts on commercial discourse»


Kholisova Gavharoy Mannobjon kizi, 2nd year doctorate at Andizhan State University,

Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: oybek.komilov@bk.ru


Abstract. This article illuminates important tasks of linguistic stylistics at the present stage of its development is the study of functional styles. Besides, in the recent time increasing transparency between cultural models, strengthening intercultural social and business relationships is being transformed, traditional communication styles and, above all, commercial discourse are being updated. Keywords: linguistics, modern stage, development, physical, communicative, presentation.

Introduction Without business communication today, it seems

One of the most important tasks of linguistic sty- impossible to reach an agreement in any sphere of

life: from the military to the cultural, to the sphere of art, therefore, understanding the features and specifics of the modern business discourse is an urgent, significant problem. Methods

First of all, it is necessary to dwell on the study of the essence of commercial communication. E. G. Azimov, A. N. Shchukin is understood by commercial communication as "a type of communication whose purpose is to exchange information in the professional, commercial and non-commercial fields of activity" [1, P. 448], emphasizing that the main difference between business communication is the sphere functioning. According to scientists, in the course of business communication, each of the participants seeks to solve, first of all, the tasks relevant to their own profession, which allows us to conclude that business communication is always focused.

Results and discussions Business communication takes place in the professional sphere, reflects the focus of communicants on achieving certain professionally significant goals, covers the whole variety of interactions in the profession, which lead to the formation of various forms of business communication. A. M. Sosnovskaya dis-

listics at the present stage of its development is the study of functional styles. Today, increasing transparency between cultural models, strengthening intercultural social and business relationships is being transformed, traditional communication styles and, above all, commercial discourse are being updated.

It should be noted that the concept of commercial discourse combines the totality of interactions in the economic, political, technical, social, scientific and cultural spheres of human activity. Modern business communication is faced with the need to adapt to modern communicative requirements, new conditions and means of communication, as a result of which commercial discourse over the past decades has acquired new features that have become "canonical", determining its textual and linguistic-stylistic identity. At the same time, despite the widespread recognition that commercial communication, like communication in any other field, is undergoing profound transformations and changes today, to this day new signs that have emerged in recent decades, the essential characteristics of commercial discourse remain poorly understood, little studied in modern scientific literature. Meanwhile, business communication is an integral part of the life of each individual, society, nation-state and state alliances.

tinguishes the following forms of commercial communication [2, P. 92, 117]:

1. A business conversation is "the desire of one person or group of people through words to arouse the desire of another person or group of people to take action that will change the situation or establish new relations between the participants in the conversation" [2, P. 92]. In the most general form, a business conversation is understood as oral contact between partners, interlocutors.

2. Negotiations are "interdependent processes of the development, exchange and fulfillment of certain sets of promises (contracts, agreements, treaties, conventions, etc.) that satisfy the basic interests of the contracting parties" [2, P. 96];

3. Press release - "press release; an informational message containing news about the organization (possibly a private individual) that issued the press release, an exposition of its position on any issue and transmitted for publication in the media " [2, P. 105]. There are several types of press releases:

a) Press release announcement - an informational message about an upcoming event;

b) Press release-news - an informational message about an event that has already occurred;

c) Informational press release - an informational message about the current, unfinished event;

d) Background grader - "informational PR material for the media, representing information about the organization, its profile, products and services, history of creation, development, etc." [2, p.106];

e) Fact sheet - information material for the press containing reference information about the organization, its products and services. Unlike the background grader, it may contain information about the organization's management, statistics, lines of business, etc. A fact list is usually created for publications that work directly in the area in which the organization issues goods or services.

4. Briefing - a brief informational message that is usually voiced by an official: a representative of the government, commercial structures, international

organizations, etc. with media representatives in order to inform about important events, the progress of negotiations, conferences, results achieved, etc.

5. Business meeting - "a discussion of the organization of production, company management, marketing activities, conducted by the first person or his replacement specialist";

6. Presentation - "the presentation of one's abilities, one's product or one's company to partners, customers, investors or consumers in order to obtain the necessary solution (action) from them" [2, P. 111].

Of course, commercial communication is not limited to these forms. In a separate type of communication can distinguish commercial, business letters, documents, etc., which can accompany a business conversation, negotiations, etc.

As you can see, business communication can take a variety of forms of its implementation, covers a totality of the most diverse situations, one way or another related to the achievement ofprofessionally significant values, is characterized by high variability, can occur verbally and in writing, be aimed at the implementation of certain functions, which significantly complicates the processes of researching business discourse.

The form of business communication and communicative intentions determine the characteristics of the formation of commercial discourse. Moreover, other communicative factors also influence the formation of commercial discourse. V. A. Zhelamskaya names the following factors as such [3, p. 116-117]:

1) the nature of the addressee (s), first of all, the criteria of certainty / uncertainty of the addressee; number of recipients.

2) the nature of the addressee (s);

3) positional (role) relationships: whether the addressee occupies a higher or lower social position or are the communicants equal

4) socio-psychological distance: for example, close distance, which may be in commercial communication between colleagues, or far, which may be in interactions between individual commercial organizations.

These factors are external to the commercial discourse, form its communicative context, their significance, influence significantly differ depending on the form of commercial communication, as well as communicative intentions.

At the same time, despite the high variability and variety of manifestations of business communication, it seems possible to identify a number of unifying signs that allow us to identify the interaction as commercial. First of all, such characteristics should include the sphere of communication - professional, which determines the characteristics of the course of interaction, the formation of significant features, characteristics of communication.

The objectives of commercial interaction are directly related to the profession, the functioning of commercial organizations or institutions. V Zhelem-skaya names the following as the goals of commercial discourse [3, p. 97-101]:

1) Information, information function, which dominates in the field of commercial communication. One way or another, all forms ofbusiness communication, all commercial discourses serve the purpose of informing;

2) A description of the fact, event: as a rule, the initiation of commercial communication in this case is due to a certain fact, an event that necessitated the implementation of communication. Achieving this goal, as a rule, is carried out on the basis of a representation offacts, a chronological sequence ofevents;

3) Fixation of a specific fact or event - communication devoted to the preparation of estimates, catalogs, registers, etc. It is important to add that not only real, but also alleged events can be recorded;

4) Confirmation / denial of a certain fact;

5) The establishment / consolidation of a certain order: this communicative intention is associated with the need to regulate the economic, production activities of the organization, institution. Decisions, documents resulting from this form of communication are binding, as they constitute the legal basis for the activities of the organization, institution;

6) the prescription of action - one of the most important functions of commercial communication, which determines the order of actions, the circle of persons, actors involved in commercial, industrial or other activities. In other words, as noted by G. I. Bubnova and N. K. Garbovsky, the implementation of the indicated intention "consists in prescribing to the addressee a specific character of action, for which it is necessary to name the addressee, indicate the action that he needs to perform, and indicate the conditions, in which this action can or should take place" [4, P. 20];

7) Request for action - a form of communication initiated by the author so that certain actions are taken to correct the negative, according to the initiator, situation. As a rule, this form of interaction consists of two parts: the first sets out the features of the current situation, the factors that led to its occurrence; the second contains information that clarifies the actions and their sequence, which will make it possible to change the situation for the better;

8) the establishment of legal relations between the parties - forms of commercial communication involve interactions with various individuals and legal entities, moreover, these interactions are most often accompanied by the presence of certain obligations to each other, therefore, there is a need for the establishment, coordination and legal consolidation of these obligations;

9) expression of an authoritative opinion - a form of communication, which, as a rule, consists in the fact that an authoritative specialist offers his opinion, vision regarding a particular situation, actions that should be taken to increase the efficiency, productivity, effectiveness of commercial interactions.

Researcher A. M. Sosnovskaya names the following functions, intentions of business communication [2, P. 92]:

1) The beginning of promising events, processes;

2) Control function - control and coordination of already begun activities and processes, regulation, coordination of joint actions of partners;

3) Supporting function - support for business contacts;

4) The search, promotion and development of work ideas;

5) A communicative function - establishing new connections and relationships, getting to know potential partners, exchanging ideas, points of view;

6) The distracting function is to gain time [2, P. 98].

In other words, commercial communication is always focused, focused on achieving professionally significant goals, regulating interactions between authors, working out agreements, agreements, and the legal basis for interactions.

Based on the analysis of theoretical sources, the relationship of various forms of commercial communication, communicative intentions and communicative factors can be presented in the form of (Table 1):

Table 1. - The relationship of forms of commercial communication, communicative intentions and communicative factors

Form of commercial communication

Communicative intentions

Communicative factors

Business conversation

Informational; description of fact, event; fixing fact, events;

confirmation / denial of a certain fact; establishing / securing a certain_

specific addressee and addressee; role relationships and socio-psychologi-cal distance can be any

Business meeting

order; prescription of action; request for action;

establishment of legal relations between the parties;

expression of authoritative opinion; the beginning of promising events, processes; control function; supporting function;

search, promotion and development of work ideas

specific addressee and addressee; as a rule, the addressee is in a higher position than the addressee socio-psychological distance may be close or far


informational; description of fact, event; fixing fact, events;

confirmation / denial of a certain fact; establishment / consolidation of a certain order; prescription of action; request for action;

establishment of legal relations between the parties;

communicative function; control function;

distracting function_

specific addressee and addressee; as a rule, the addressee and the addressee occupy equal social positions; socio-psychological distance tends to close

1 2 3

Press conference informational; description of fact, event; fixing fact, events; confirmation / denial of a certain fact; request for action; expression of authoritative opinion; communicative function; control function; distracting function The addressee can be either specific (target audience) or uncertain. The message is always directed not to an individual person, but at least to a group of people, most often, to a mass audience.

Press release Briefing informational; description of fact, event; fixing fact, events; confirmation / denial of a certain fact; request for action; communicative function; control function; distracting function Destination always defined Role relationships can be different Socio-psychological distance is far, even if the producer of the statement seeks to express closeness to the audience

Presentation informational; description of fact, event; fixing fact, events; confirmation / denial of a certain fact; establishment / consolidation of a certain order; prescription of action; expression of authoritative opinion; the beginning of promising events, processes; control function; supporting function; search, promotion and development of work ideas; communicative function; control function; distracting function The addressee can be either specific (target audience) or uncertain. Destination always defined Role relationships and socio-psycholog-ical distances can be different

As the data in (Table 1), forms of commercial communication differ both in their basic functions and in their communicative factors. If business conversations and negotiations, as a rule, are designed to optimize the activities of an individual institution, are multifunctional, then press releases, briefings are intended primarily for "external" to the actor's institution, their functional potential is somewhat different.

Goals, functions of commercial communication determine the style characteristics, features of commercial communication.

At its core, communicative interaction in the business sphere refers to the business functional style, which, according to O. A. Krylova, is a system of linguistic means of all levels, which was developed and formed in the process of functioning of the language in the field of official business com-

munication [5, P. 214]. In other words, the sphere of business communication operates with special language units, the choice of which is determined by the requirements of the communicative situation, as well as the communicative attitudes of the participants in the interaction.

In the most general form, all the principles of business communication in French linguistic culture are presented as follows: the desire for clarity, accuracy, the need to adapt to the requirements of the audience, emphasized courtesy and the desire to avoid any demonstration of excellence [6].

As noted by E. A. Konyaeva, the influence of business speech etiquette finds its representation in the choice oflanguage tools that are understandable only to specialists in this field, a certain grammatical, syntactic and stylistic specificity [7, P. 28]. Features of business communication are formed under the influence of the desire to save language resources, due to the desire for compression.

Achieving officiality, accuracy, standardization, conciseness of commercial communication is achieved through the selection of appropriate lexical, syntactic tools. According to V. A. Zhelamskaya, the lexical system of commercial communication is organized by three stylistic meanings [3, P. 137]:

1. "Norma" - "a literary processed language standard that is regarded as the best example of a national language and is introduced by society through the educational system and through the mass media" [8, P. 74]; "The rules of pronunciation, grammatical and other linguistic means, the rules of word use adopted in the social and speech practice of educated people" [9, P. 163]; "The conditioned socio-historical result of speech activity, fixing traditional system implementations or creating new linguistic facts in the context of their connection both with the potentialities of the language system, on the one hand, and with realized patterns, on the other" [10, P. 9]; "The choice of one of the functional variants of the language sign historically accepted in this language collective" [11, P. 22].

2. Functionally marked vocabulary - clericalism [12, P. 36],

3. "Norm plus terminology" [13, P. 34].


Taking into account the nature, diversity, variability of commercial communication, we can conclude that the vast majority of commercial texts will refer to multi component, complex texts, including several equal components. Moreover, each of the components can have its own structure, its own design features, language tools and designs.


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