Научная статья на тему 'Some rare and interesting Gasteromycetes (agaricomycota) in dry areas of Besaparski Hills, thracian Plain (Bulgaria)'

Some rare and interesting Gasteromycetes (agaricomycota) in dry areas of Besaparski Hills, thracian Plain (Bulgaria) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Lacheva Maria Nikolova

The paper reports 9 rare and interesting Bulgarian gasteroid fungi collected in dry areas of Besaparski Hills Protected Area, Thracian Plain. Brief descriptions are provided for rare species Tulostoma fimbriatum based upon the Bulgarian specimens. Calvatia gigantea, Chlorophyllum agaricoides, Geastrum melanocephalum, Tulostoma fimbriatum, are illustrated. Five (5) species includes in the Red List of fungi in Bulgaria: Chlorophyllum agaricoides, Cyathus stercoreus, Geastrum melanocephalum, Tulostoma fimbriatum, and T. volvulatum. In addition, for 4 other gasteroid species new chorological data are given or confirmation of older records is made. All taxa are presented with brief chorological data and notes on their distribution in the country.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Some rare and interesting Gasteromycetes (agaricomycota) in dry areas of Besaparski Hills, thracian Plain (Bulgaria)»


Lacheva Maria Nikolova

PhD, Senior assistant professor department of Botany, Agricultural University Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Abstract. The paper reports 9 rare and interesting Bulgarian gasteroid fungi collected in dry areas of Besaparski Hills Protected Area, Thracian Plain. Brief descriptions are provided for rare species Tulostoma fimbriatum based upon the Bulgarian specimens. Calvatia gigantea, Chlorophyllum agaricoides, Geastrum melanocephalum, Tulostoma fimbriatum, are illustrated. Five (5) species includes in the Red List of fungi in Bulgaria: Chlorophyllum agaricoides, Cyathus stercoreus, Geastrum melanocephalum, Tulostoma fimbriatum, and T. volvulatum. In addition, for 4 other gasteroid species new chorological data are given or confirmation of older records is made. All taxa are presented with brief chorological data and notes on their distribution in the country.

Key words: gasteromycetes, Besaparski Hills Protected Area, Bulgarian mycobiota, fungal conservation, larger fungi


After more than a century studies of the Bulgarian my-cota some peculiarities of the Bulgarian mycological literature were reviewed by [14] and [9], who found a pattern suggesting that possibly many species might be under-recorded. The conscientious recording is especially important for rare species worthy of conservation, which has been emphasized by several authors [11-13; 16; 17, and others]. This report presents information about some rare and interesting Bulgarian gasteroid fungi.


Fungi were collected during 2006-2012 in dry areas of Besaparski Hills Protected Area, mostly by the authors. The examined specimens are kept in the Mycological collection of the Agricultural University-Plovdiv (SOA) and are documented with photographs and/or appropriate field notes. The sources used for the determination are listed under everypar-ticular taxon as "Reference literature".

The microscopic examination of the samples was conducted in Lactophenol under LM. Identification of the specimens was performed according appropriate monographs [2-8; 24].

The previous records are listed according to the respective checklist for the larger basidiomycetes [10], unless other references are provided. The conservation status is indicated according to the Red List of fungi in Bulgaria [18]. The fungus species with conservation value are designed in the list with CV.


Due to the studies carried out in dry areas of Besaparski Hills, Thracian Plain the following interesting gasteroid fungi were recorded:

Bovista pussila (Batsch. : Pers.) Pers.

Specimen examined. Thracian Plain, Besaparski Hills Protected Area, on meadow (dunghill), coll. et det. M. Lacheva (SOA 60 00373).

Note: Previously reported from Black Sea coast, Sofia region and Znepole region.

Reference literature [10; 20].

Calvatia gigantea (Batsch. : Pers.) Lloyd. [=Langer-mania gigantea (Batsch. : Pers.) Rostk.] (Fig. 1)

Specimen examined. Thracian Plain, Besaparski Hills Protected Area, in the shrubs, among grasses, coll. et det. M. Lacheva (SOA 60 00382).

Note: Possibly not a rare species, but recently recorded for the Bulgarian mycota and so far known only from Northeast Bulgaria, Danubian Plain, Sofia region, Rila Mts.

Reference literature [10].

CV Chlorophyllum agaricoides (Czem.) Vellinga [=Endoptichum agaricoides Czern.] (Fig. 2)

Specimen examined. Thracian Plain, Besaparski Hills Protected Area, on meadow (dunghill), 12.10.2007, coll. et det. M. Lacheva (SOA 600); ibid, 09.10.2010, coll. et det. M. Lacheva (SOA 60 00374).

Note: Endangered species, in Bulgaria known from the Stara Planina Mts (Western), Znepole region, Mt Belasitsa, Mt Sredna Gora (Western), Rhodopi Mts (Eastern), Thracian Lowland, and Tundzha Hilly Country.

Reference literature [10; 20; 22].

CV Cyathus stercoreus (Schwein.) De Toni

Specimen examined. Thracian Plain, Besaparski Hills Protected Area, on dead branches in enriched soil, 01.10.2008, coll. et det. M. Lacheva (SOA 60 00375).

Note: Possibly not a rare species, but recently recorded for the Bulgarian mycota and so far known only from Northeast Bulgaria, Mt Slavyanka, and Thracian Plain.

Reference literature [10; 20; 23].

Disciseda candida (Schwein.) Lloyd

Specimen examined. Thracian Plain, Besaparski Hills Protected Area, on dry meadow, 24.10.2009, coll. et det. M. Lacheva (SOA 60 00376).

Note: Possibly not a rare species, but recently recorded for the Bulgarian mycota and so far known only from Thracian Lowland.

Reference literature [10; 20].

CV Geastrum melanocephalum (Czern.) V.J. Stanek (Fig. 3)

Specimen examined. Thracian Plain, Besaparski Hills Protected Area, in the shrubs, among grasses, coll. et det. M. Lacheva (SOA 60 00378).

Note: Vulnerable species, known from Stara Planina Mts (Western), Pirin Mts, Rila Mts, Mt Sredna Gora (Western), and Thracian Lowland.

Reference literature [10; 20].

Scleroderma areolatum Ehrenb.

Specimen examined. Thracian Plain, Besaparski Hills Protected Area, on meadow, on sandy soil, 17.05.2011, coll. et det. M. Lacheva (SOA 60 00377).

Note: This species has been reported only once before in Bulgaria, from the Thracian Plain (Halm "Bunardzhika" and Park „Ostrova", Plovdiv town, as well Besaparski Hills, Pa-zardzhik distr.) by [21].

Reference literature [6; 15; 19; 23; 21].

CV Tulostomafimbriatum Fr. (Fig. 4)

Specimen examined. Thracian Plain, Besaparski Hills Protected Area, on stony meadow, 23.08.2012, coll. et det. M. Lacheva (SOA 60 00379).

Note: Near Threatened species, in Bulgaria known from the Stara Planina Mts (Western), Valley of Struma River, Rhodopi Mts (Central), and Thracian Lowland.

Reference literature [6; 10; 20; 22; 23; 24].

CV Tulostoma volvulatum I.G. Borshch.

The species consists of only one stout basidiocarp 50 mm long. Spore-sac up to 20 mm diam. and 20 mm high. Mouth circular, slightly projecting, 2-3 mm diam. Exoperid-ium relatively thick, difficult to study because of the age and condition of the material, enclosing numerous sand grains, but in some zones apparently sloughing off in small scales. En-doperidium cream coloured, smooth, covered basally by the remains of the exoperidium. Gleba ferrugineous. Stem stout, 28-30 mm long and 8-10 mm wide, covered by greyish ap-pressed scales, with remains of a basal volviform structure.

Spores 5x4-5 ^m diam., globose to subglobose, yellowish, low verrucae are seen, frequently anastomosed in low crests tending to become arranged in rows, or meridians. Capillitium but very variable, even in the same thread, subhyaline, somewhat branched, wall variously thickened, lumen lacunar, sometimes moniliform, septa absent. Exoperidium formed by hyaline hyphae, 3-5 ^m wide, mixed with sand in its more hy-phal portion, thick-walled, not thickened at septa. Endoperid-ium formed by compactly interwoven, branched, thick-walled hyphae, 3-6 ^m wide, whose lumen is continuous, somewhat broadened at the usually uncoloured septa.

Specimen examined. Thracian Plain, Besaparski Hills Protected Area, on sandy soil, 02.06.2011, coll. et det. M. Lacheva (SOA 60 00381).

Note: Critically Endangered species. Previously reported only from Black Sea coast. Recently reported from Thracian Lowland (Besaparski Hills and Plodovitovo village) by [20; 22].

Reference literature [1; 6; 10; 20; 24].

Figs 1-5. Basidiomata of gasteroid fungi. 1. Basidiomata of Calvatia gigantea. 2. Basidiomata of Chlorophyllum agaricoides. 3. Basidiomata of Geastrum melanocephalum. 4. Basidiomata of Tulostoma fimbriatum


1. Altes A., Moreno G., Wright J.E. Notes on Tulostoma volvulatum and T. giovanellae. Mycological Research, 1999. - 103: 91-98.

2. Altes A. and Moreno G. Tulostoma striatum (Gasteromycetes,Basidiomycotina) new for Europe. - Cryptogamie Mycologie, 1991. - 12: 149-153.

3. Baseia I.G. and Milanez A.I. First record of Scleroderma polyrhizum Pers. (Gasteromycetes) from Brazil. Acta Bot. Brasil., 2000. - 14(2): 181184.

4. Baseia I.G. and Milanez A.I. Tulostoma Persoon (Gasteromycetes) from the Cerrado region, State of

Sâo Paulo, Brazil. Acta Bot. Brasil., 2002. - 16(1): 914.

5. Binyamini N. and Wright J.E. New records of Tulostoma (Gasteromycetes) from Israel. Nova Hedwigia, 1986. - 43: 453-457.

6. Calonge F.D. Flora Micologica Ibérica. Vol. 3. Gasteromycetes I. Lycoperdales, Nidulariales, Phallales, Sclerodermatales, Tulostomatales. J. Cramer, Stuttgart, 1998. - 271 p.

7. Cortez V.G., Baseia I.G and Silveira RM.B. Gasteroid mycobiota of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Tulostomataceae. Mycotaxon, 2009. - 108: 365-384.

8. Cortez V.G., Baseia I.G. and Silveira R.M.B. Gasteroid mycobiota of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil:

Boletales. J. Yeast & Fungal Res., 2011. - 2(4): 4452.

9. Denchev C.M. and Bakalova G.G. 2002. Centenary review of the fungal diversity investigations in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Mycological Society & Bulgarian Biodiversity Conservation Programme, Sofia.

10. Denchev C.M. and Assyov B. Checklist of the larger basidiomycetes in Bulgaria. Mycotaxon, 2010. - 111: 279-282.

11. Dimitrova E. and Gyosheva M. Hypogeous ascomycetes in Bulgaria. Phytologia Balcanica, 2008. - 14: 309-314.

12. Dimitrova E. and Gyosheva M. Bulgarian Pezizales: diversity, distribution and ecology. PhytologiaBalcanica, 2009. - 15: 13-28.

13. Dimitrova, E. and Gyosheva, M. Checklist of Bulgarian Helotiales. PhytologiaBalcanica, 2010. -16: 3-21.

14. Droumeva-Dimcheva M. and Gyosheva-Bogoeva M. Macromycetes in Bulgaria, 1993. p. 1-34.

15. Guzman G. and Ovrebo C.L. New observations on sclerodermataceous fungi. Mycologia, 2000. - 92: 174-179.

16. Gyosheva M. and Dimitrova E. New records of larger fungi established in habitats of glacial relict plants in Bulgaria. PhytologiaBalcanica, 2011. - 17: 165-167.

17. Gyosheva M., Assyov B. and Stoykov D.Y. Some noteworthy Agaricales and Cantharellales from Bulgaria. PhytologiaBalcanica, 2012. - (18)2: 107111.

18. Gyosheva M.M., Denchev C.M., Dimitrova E.G., Assyov B., Petrova R.D. and Stoichev G.T. Red List of fungi in Bulgaria. Mycologia Balcanica, 2006. -3(1): 81-87.

19. Karadelev M., Rusevska K. and Stojkoska K. Distribution and ecology of the Gasteromycete fungi - orders Phallales and Sclerodermatales in the Republic of Macedonia. Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, 06-09.10.2007, Struga. Special issues of Macedonian Ecological Society, Vol. 8, Skopje, 2008.

20. Lacheva M. Gasteroid fungi of Agaricaceae (Agaricales) in Thracian Lowland. - In: Petrova, A. [ed.], [Proceedings of the 7th National Conference of Botany], 29-30 Sep 2011, Sofia, 2012a. - pp. 245250. Bulg. Bot. Soc., Sofia. (In Bulgarian)

21. Lacheva M. Rhizopogon and Scleroderma (Boletales) in Bulgaria. - In: Petrova, A. [ed.], [Proceedings of the 7th National Conference of Botany], 29-30 Sep 2011, Sofia, 2012b. - pp. 245-250. Bulg. Bot. Soc., Sofia.

22. Lacheva M. New data of some rare larger fungi of Agaricaceae (Agaricales) in Bulgaria. Science and Technologies, 2012c. - 2(6): 24-29.

23. Moreno G., Lizarraga M., Esqueda M and Coronado M.L. Contribution to the study of gasteroid and secotioid fungi of Chihuahua, Mexico. Mycotaxon, 2010. -112: 291-315.

24. Wright J.E. The genus Tulostoma (Gasteromycetes). A World Monograph. J. Cramer, Berlin-Stuttgart, 1987.


Лебедева Александра Михайловна

Научный сотрудник ФГБУ «НИИЭМ» СЗО РАМН, г. Санкт-Петербург

Бурова Лариса Александровна Доктор мед. наук, ФГБУ «НИИЭМ» СЗО РАМН, г. Санкт-Петербург

Фрейдлин Ирина Соломоновна

Доктор мед. наук, член-корр. РАН, профессор, ФГБУ НИИЭМ СЗО РАМН, г. Санкт-Петербург

Самойлова Кира Александровна Доктор биол. наук, профессор, ФГБУН ИЦ РАН, г. Санкт-Петербург

Введение. При инвазивной стрептококковой инфекции в крови накапливаются как продукты, секретиру-емые живыми клетками, так и продукты их деградации. Лейкоциты крови становятся мишенями для этих продуктов.

В качестве модели моноцитов крови используют перевиваемую линию клеток ТНР-1. Эти клетки по своим генотипическим и фенотипическим характеристикам близки к моноцитам периферической крови человека. Однако клетки THP-1, как и клетки других перевиваемых линий, несут черты злокачественно трансформированных клеток. Это может оказывать влияние на различия характера ответа клеток THP-1 и моноцитов крови человека на действие продуктов разрушения бактерий.

Цель данного исследования состояла в сравнении чувствительности моноцитов крови человека и клеток перевиваемой линии ТНР-1 к продуктам деградации S. pyogenes.

Материалы и методы. EA.hy 926 - линия эндоте-лиальных клеток (ЭК) человека; получена путем гибридизации первичной линии клеток HUVEC с клетками карциномы легкого А-549, предоставлена Dr. Cora-Jean C. Edgell (Университет Северной Каролины, США). По основным фенотипическим, морфологическим и функциональным характеристикам клетки линии EA.hy 926 схожи с эндотелиальными клетками макрососудов человека.

Мононуклеарные лейкоциты выделяли из периферической крови условно здоровых доноров. Разделение фракций гранулоцитов и мононуклеарных лейкоцитов проводили с помощью осаждения клеток на градиенте плотности фиколл-верографина.

Клетки инкубировали при 370C во влажной атмосфере с 5% CO2. Во всех экспериментах жизнеспособность составляла не менее 95%.

Супернатант разрушенных стрептококков (СРС) был приготовлен из Streptococcus pyogenes серологической группы А (тип М22, штамм AL168). Данный штамм

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