SOME NEW HUMAN FRIENDLY ENERGY PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Kervalishvili P.J., Utiamishev I.R.

Energy production creates a number of problems. One of the most important of them is irreversible infringement of ecological balance or global environmental pollution. The discussed problems demand acceptance of urgent efforts for their decision, but at the same time it is necessary to estimate real technological and economical opportunities, develop technologies and means of clearing of harmful emissions and recycling of waste products. As compromise alternative there are new technologies of deep processing of rigid low potential fuel, which can be used on a way of transition for renewable power sources. One of the main advantages of deep processing is ecological cleanness of the process. Among the new energy production technologies the hydrogen based fuel ones look very promisable. Their sufficient ecological safety of use, acceptability for thermal engines without essential change of their design, high caloric output, opportunity of a long-term storage, the transportations on an existing transport network, no toxicity etc. allow as to use them as alternative sources of energy. As a result of the carried out works a simple high-efficiency device for decomposition of water and manufacturing unprecedented low-cost hydrogen by means of method of gravitational electrolysis of electrolyte solution called Electro Hydrogen Generator (EHG) has been recently invented. The necessity in developing of models and technologies for molecular mixture preparation has arisen in the connection with an increasing needs of fine-dispersed, water-fuel emulsions, used as a fuel for engine of internal combustion, gas turbine and boilers plants. Introducing work belongs to mixing processes and their novel equipment, which is based of developing analytical approaches and modern construction device, permits to obtain the stable mixtures based on the substances with different chemical nature.

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P.J. Kervalishvili, I.R. Utiamishev

International Scientific Technologies, Inc. 1701 K Street, N.W., Suite 900, Washington D.C. 20006 Tel.: (1) 202 8570945, fax: (1) 202 6599852

Сведения об авторе: 1949 г.р., кандидат технических наук (ГИРЕДМЕТ, Москва 1979), доктор физико-математических наук (ИАЕ им. И. В. Курчатова, Москва 1984), профессор (МИФИ).

Профессиональный опыт: в 1971 - 1992 годах после окончания Грузинского Политехнического Института он работал в научно-технологических центрах Министерства Среднего Машиностроения СССР, в 1992 -1994 в различных центрах США и Европы, в 1994 -1999 в Грузинском Правительстве. В настоящее время работает профессором в Институте Технической Физики Грузинского Технического Университета (г. Тбилиси).

Публикации: более 250 научных работ в области физики конденсированных сред, ядер-Кервалишвили Паата ных и лазерных технологий, сенсорных и информационных систем.


Education: Moscow Physical Technical Institute, 1977

Scientific degree and ranks: Dr.Sci.Tech., emician of the Russian academy of Natural Sciences; European Academy of Natural Sciences; Academy of Medical Egineering Sciences; Academy of Industrial Ecology. Headed scientific divisions in the research organizations, was the leading expert - the coordinator of a direction (medical images) Coordination Center of countries - COMECON members on development of medical engineering.1978-1990 - the head of problem laboratory All Union Research Institute of Electric Current Sources "Quant" Corp. of Ministry of Electrical Industry of the USSR. 1980-1983 - the head of laboratory of medical imaging systems (All Union Research Institute for Medical Engineering). 1998-2002 - a member of Executive Committee and the Regional representative for Central and East Europe and the CIS countries the World Association of Industrial Technological Research Organizations WAITRO. 1990 - at present Director, Applied Research Institute. 2005 - Deputy Director Gen- nc}ar д Utiamyshev eral, Russian Energy Efficiency Union

Field of activity and professional interests: Scientific and technical projects in the field of the power, alternative fuel; promotion of industrial technological investment projects; work c foreign firms and the organizations -potential partners and investors on promotion of perspective Russian industrial products of technologies; the organization and carrying out of large international scientific and technical actions in the Russian Federation and overseas (forums, seminars, exhibitions)

Publication: The author of more than 70 scientific publications, 2 monographies in the field of optical holography, medical introscopy, alternative and renewable energy sources.

Energy production creates a number of problems. One of the most important of them is irreversible infringement of ecological balance or global environmental pollution. The discussed problems demand acceptance of urgent efforts for their decision, but at the same time it is necessary to estimate real technological and economical opportunities, develop technologies and means of clearing of harmful emissions and recycling of waste products.

As compromise alternative there are new technologies of deep processing of rigid low potential fuel, which can be used on a way of transition for renewable power sources. One of the main advantages of deep processing is ecological cleanness of the process.

Among the new energy production technologies the hydrogen based fuel ones look very promisable. Their sufficient ecological safety of use, acceptability for thermal engines without essential change of their design, high caloric output, opportunity of a long-term storage, the transportations on an existing transport network, no toxicity etc. allow as to use them as alternative sources of energy. As a result of the carried out works a simple high-efficiency device for decomposition of water and manufacturing unprecedented low-cost hydrogen by means of method of gravitational electrolysis of electrolyte solution called Electro Hydrogen Generator (EHG) has been recently invented.

The necessity in developing of models and technologies for molecular mixture preparation has arisen in the connection with an increasing needs of fine-dispersed, water-fuel emulsions, used as a fuel for engine of internal combustion, gas turbine and boiler's plants.

Introducing work belongs to mixing processes and their novel equipment, which is based of developing analytical approaches and modern construction device, permits to obtain the stable mixtures based on the substances with different chemical nature.

Solid Fuel Deep Processing

Decreasing resources of oil and natural gas has forced to search new alternative to liquid and gas fuel.

The situation on the world oil market isn't favorable for most of consumers. The prices had been increase 2 -3

times compared to conventional and reached the level 60 USD per barrel. In this situation production of oil and gas from cheap materials looks attractive and promising.

As well known deposits of brown coal, shale oil are huge and can be used during the life of several gener-

* Статья была представлена в виде доклада на Второй конференции по возобновляемой энергетики «Энергия будущего», проходившей в Ереване 27-28 июня 2005 г.

ations. At present this materials cannot compete with traditional fuel used at thermal power stations, transport etc. The main problem is low efficiency, high level of pollution: ash, asphalt fractions, sulfur and nitrogen oxides.

From the other hand these raw materials contain sufficient amount of necessary liquid and gas fractions which can be extracted from the solid substance.

The cost of processing technology is 4-5 times higher but we can definitely predict the growth of oil prices in future that makes new technologies competitive with existing fuel.

One of the main advantages of deep processing is ecological cleanness of the process.

There are two basic technologies of solid fuel processing [1].

One is known from the period of World War II and was practically implemented in Germany. It is based on high temperature hydrogenization of coal powder.

The second one based on low temperature pyrolisis of low quality coal, brown coal and shale oil. The sufficiently temperature of the process is 800-850 °C. It means that atmospheric nitrogen do not react with oxygen and no nitrogen oxides are produced. The sulfur oxide output is also decreased 4 -5 times neutralized by CaO contained in processed material.

As a result of processing many chemical valuable products as ichthyol, ichthyol-sodium salts, sulphikh-ton, plastisizers, building mastics, shale oil benzene and tholuene, road asphalt materials can be extracted. Special products on the base of thiophene and derivatives especially valuable for medicine such as 2-methylthio-phene, 3-methythiophene . The cost of these materials can reach $ 1000/kg.

As to brown coal processing an set of effective activated cal sorbents can be produced as additional product.

Table 1 Solid Fuel Deep Pyrolisis Processing

Type of raw material Liquid fuel output, kg per tonne* Gas output, kg per tonne*

Coal and Brown Coal Shale oil 50-200 Up to 130 Up to 300 40-50

Fig.1 Structure of the plant

P -coal for power; T- technological coal; 1 - crushing, drying, 1' - crushing 30-10, 2 - pyrolisis, 2'- pyrolisis 30-10 waste % T, 3 - activation, 3' - activation 10 - 20, 4 - adsorber, 4' - adsorber 10-20 worked out sorbents 20 - 40 % T, 5 - adsorber, 5' - adsorber.

The coal is heated in pyrolisis block up to 500oC where it is dissolved indo solid state semi coke and vapor-gas mixture, which is burnt in power block as a fuel. Semi coke is activated for sorbents (4 types). All the gases are burned. The plant is positioned at the thermal power station and represents single associated complex. Only 1 -2 % of coal is used for processing into sorbents in blocks 1,2,3. All the dust and gas waste products 1',2',3' are returned to power station and are burned in fire-boxes. Worked out sorbents 4', 5' are also burned there. The full technological process is totally waste less.

The cost of ready product is 3 - 4 times less comparable to similar sorbents manufactured by other companies.

Table 2 Technical parameters of sorbents

* Output value depends on humidity and ash content

Coal Sorbent Production

The process can find its application in heat-power engineering and other branches of industry.

Fine cleaning of water of pollutants is among the most important environmental problems. The most efficient technique for fine water treatment to remove toxic pollutants is sorption on carbon sorbents, i.e., highly porous granular substances which absorb pollutants from water running through then However, the high cost of such sorbents hampers their wide application. Therefore, it is of importance to develop new technological processes for the efficient production of inexpensive sorbents. The proposed method of sorbent production is based on the boiling-bed technological principles and high-production equipment, which are used in petroleum refining and other branches of industry.

Index Unit Value

Particle size composition: particle size mm 0-5

The percentage of particles less than 0.5 mm % 3-5

Abrasion strength g/cm3 60

Apparent density 0.4-0.5

Total pore volume by moisture capacity cm3/g 0,57-0.59

Adsorption activity by iodine % 45-65

Sorption activity by phenol mg/g 55-60

Volume of micro pores cm3/g 0.26-0.29

Volume of mesopores cm3/g 0.019-0.17

Specific surface area m2/g 450-701

< £

The main applications of activated coal sorbents in the power sector\are: water preparation for thermal power stations; drainage water cleaning from oil components, regeneration and industrial water cleaning from organics; water cleaning from radio nuclides, reduction of burial volumes tens thousands times, iodine gases purification.

In communal service: decrease of organic pollution during volley industrial discharge and floods; 100 % water purification from microbiological pollution, local

drinking water systems, systems of biological purification and additional purification and disinfection of sewage flows into water sources, local sewage systems.

In oil production: industrial flow waters purification; oil terminals, auto transport companies, refueling, car washings (flow and recirculation water cleaning); washing water cleaning (power plants); tanker ballast water.

Other applications: chemical engineering; food industry; pharmaceutical industry; wine production; metallurgy.

Hydrogen generator

It became obvious last decade that the further intensive development of modern energetic and transport leads to large-scale ecological crisis. The prompt reduction of mineral fuel resources will force industrial and advanced countries to expand a network of nuclear power stations, which will increase a danger of their operation. A problem of radioactive waste utilization is actual and complex.

Taking into account this dangerous tendency many scientists and practice definitely express for the benefit of the accelerated search of alternative untradition-al sources of energy. They address their views to hydrogen. Undisputable advantage of this fuel is sufficient ecological safety of use, acceptability for thermal engines without essential change of their design, high caloric value, opportunity of a long-term storage, the transportations on an existing transport network, no toxicity etc. However the high price of industrial manufacturing of hydrogen is essential and not overcome problem today. More than 600 firms, companies, concerns, university laboratories and public scientific and technical associations work hardly on the problem of reducing the price of hydrogen in Western Europe, USA, Australia, Canada and Japan. The successful solution of this important task will be revolutionary step to change all global economy and will improve an environment.

There is a lot of known ways of decomposition of water: chemical, thermo chemical, electrolytic etc., but all of them have the same large technological lack - the process of hydrogen production consumes high potential energy which is produced by burning of mineral fuel (coal, natural gas, petroleum) or electric power, produced on power stations. Such hydrogen manufacturing naturally, always will remain uneconomical and ecologically dangerous, and, hence, looks unpromising.

At the same time our planet in a literal sense bathes in a flow of a thermal energy coming from the Sun, from underground sources and from human economic activity. All the problems are reduced only to that how «to enter» this inexhaustible source of low potential heat into industrial technology of hydrogen manufacturing from water. Therefore there is a question of low potential energy concentration up to necessary thermodynamic parameters.

Traditional way is an application of optical infra-red Sun radiation concentrators (concentrating lenses, mirrors etc.) or use of thermal pumps, usually, when thermal potential is insignificant, for example, in case of dissipation of heat from environmental air or water. First of the named technical decisions strongly depends on the climatic and scale factors, is not stable in time, and therefore has limited practical application. The second one is

less depending on these factors, but does not provide necessary degree of concentration (usually no more than 710 times), that in practice is not sufficient for practical use for decomposition of water.

It seemed, perspective on the first sight this direction of development of power is simply impracticable. The decision of a problem becomes obvious, if process of water solution electrolysis and subsequent burning received of hydrogen and oxygen is considered as the uniform closed thermodynamic cycle of the thermal pump.

It is known the reason of a prodigal expense of the electric power at classical electrolysis is spent for overcoming hydrate ion connection forces with molecules of water and compensation of endothermic effect of decomposition reaction. Therefore it is necessary to apply the higher voltage for restoration of ions on the appropriate electrodes, than in case, when this physical phenomenon would appear. On this and other reasons of the electric power consumption for manufacturing of one cubic meter of hydrogen with over voltage at traditional industrial electrolysis conditions is 18-21,6 MJ, and the total energy consumption including manufacturing of the electric power itself exceeds 50 MJ, that makes hydrogen is unacceptable expensive.

As a result of the carried out works a simple high-efficiency device for decomposition of water and manufacturing unprecedented cheap hydrogen by means of method of gravitational electrolysis of electrolyte solution called Electro Hydrogen Generator (EHG) was invented and patented according to RST system (international application RU98/00190 from 07.10.97). The device is actuated by a mechanical drive and works at usual temperature in a mode of the thermal pump, absorbing through heat exchanger necessary heat from an environment or utilizing industrial or transport energy installations heat losses. During water decomposition process the superfluous 80 % mechanical energy applied to EHG can be transformed into the electric power, which then is used by any consumer for external loading. Thus on each power unit spent for generator drive is absorbed from 20 up to 88 power units of low potential heat depending on the given mode of operations, that actually and compensates negative thermal effect of chemical reaction of decomposition of water. One cubic meter of conditional working volume of the generator working in an optimum mode with efficiency 86-98 %, is capable to produce 3,5 cubic meters of hydrogen per second and simultaneously about 2,2 MJ of a direct electrical current. The thermal power of EHG can vary from several tens of Watts up to 1000 MW depending on technical task. Calculated specific energy consumption for manufacture of gaseous hydrogen is 14,42 MJ per cubic meter. Cost of manufacturing is $ 0,0038 per cubic meter that is 1,5-2 times less of total cost for production and transportation of natural gas. Wide range of regulation and the unordinary specific parameters of the process guarantee successful application of the invention in the high and small power energetic, for all types of transport, in agriculture and municipal service, in chemical, concrete, paper, refrigerating, nuclear and space industry, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, sea water desalination, welding works etc.

The physical essence of EHG working process is rather simple and is logic development of known physical experiments of Tallman and Stewart carried out in 1916. It is known, that electrolyte at dissolution is dissociated into ions, which are hydrated by molecules of water. As a

result hydrate envelopes of various durability are formed around of them. The energy of interaction of hydrated opposite sign ions sharply decreases and becomes comparable to Brown motion energy of water molecules. The ions concentrated disassociated electrolyte solution which has significant difference of anion and cathion weights placed in a strong artificial gravitational field, for example in rotating capacity of EHG (estimated rotation frequency for various electrolytes and parameters of the device 150025000 rev/min), will be partly separated.

The heavy ions, influencing against each other by electrical field, will be displaced to periphery of capacity. Extreme will nestle on its internal surface of the anode and will create spatial concentration electrical potential. Thus the resulting centrifugal force affecting on nearest to the anode ions (anions) will destroy their hydrate envelopes, as weakest. The light ions are less influent to gravitation and are covered by stronger envelopes, therefore cannot give up heavy ions their hydrate water molecules. As a result they will be concentrated above heavy ions and in the field of an axis of rotation (at the cathode), forming electrical potential of an opposite sign. Under action of anion spatial electric charge free electrons in the anode will move on the cathode (Faraday cylinder principle).

After reaching the necessary minimal (threshold) frequency of rotation of capacity with electrolyte for selected construction of the device, i.e. critical size of electrical potentials on electrodes, the balance of charges will be disturbed. Electrons will leave the cathode and ionize molecules hydrogen, oxygen and anode gases, emerging to an axis, as their density is less, than density of a solution. As a result the sum of the mechanical moments of initial and final products of electrolysis is close to zero, i.e. the mechanical work in a solution is not made practically. It is used to overcome friction in EHG. An anode deposit and the emerged gases enter secondary chemical reactions with water and oxygen, forming initial structure of a solution.

Secondly, the intensive self-cooling of a solution provides conditions for absorption of heat from an environment or from other sources for compensation of endother-mic effect of reaction of decomposition of water, i.e. work in a mode of the highly effective thermal pump.

Thirdly, it is capable to produce a direct electrical current on external loading in the case when frequency of rotation of capacity is higher than minimally necessary (thresh-

Fig.2 Minipower operation scheme








cooled electrolyte

old). Then EHG represents properties of the electro generator with capacitor type volt -ampere characteristic (voltage on clips is directly proportional to external loading).

In - fourth, for EHG simultaneously in one device combined and carried out functions of two devices - electro generator of direct current and electrolyser.

All these features provide gravitational electrolysis with incomparably high efficiency of transformation of heat in chemical energy of hydrogen and oxygen restored from water and, hence, large profitability. The electro hydrogen generator has simple design, compatible with configuration of various power impellent installations of vehicles, for example, automobile, bus, agriculture machine or tractor and it is well aggregated with them especially with thermal turbines. Parallel to the basic technical and economic task caused by double increase of fuel profitability by means of useful application of heat losses of internal combustion engine, in summary reduction of toxicity and increase of efficiency up to 68-70 %. All of these are a base for creation essentially new, perfect vehicle - mass electro mobile, vessels, aircraft with the long running distance, operating on thermal mechanical source of electric current.

The supply with EHG of drives for boring and road-building engineering, various self-propelled machines will decrease 1,7-2 times the consumption of diesel or gas fuel, that will cause reduction of gas output cost price.

Floating mobile electric gas generator stations can supply actually by gratuitous thermal and electrical energy the large coastal occupied items, industrial or agricultural objects. Settlement cost of manufacture of MJ of heat in the Russian conditions thus will be 0,027-0,04 cents, and electric power 0,08-0,11 cents.

The circuit of EHG application with heat exchangers on aircraft, carrying out power connection between them and turbine engines, it should contain additional onboard water steam condenser, auxiliary gas turbo propeller internal-combustion engine, working on a pure hydrogen-oxygen of hydrate envelopes, and those will transfer charges captions. So it will look as electrolytic capacitor clamp and ion discharge will start with initiation of free hydrogen on cathode and oxygen and anode gases (deposit) at the anode place. The voltage of electrical current will depend on a difference of speeds of chemical reactions on the cathode and anode.


ABC + t t

electric power for consumer




exhausted gases




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heated water





cooled water




heated electrolyte

According to physical principle of convertibility of energy the gravitational field will cause energetically electrical field, adequate to it, which will overcome hydratation energy and will carry out electrolysis. This process proceeds with absorption of heat through heat exchanger by a solution and requires constant dilution by water up to initial concentration. The basic energetic scheme has similarities with traditional electrolysis scheme, but it uses cheap outside heat instead expensive electrical current.

Here it is necessary to note four rather essential features of gravitational electrolysis.

First, the work of a mechanical inertial field spent for fall out of water molecules of, light and is especial of heavy ions, practically is completely compensated by kinetic energy of capacity of mix, that will enable repeatedly to use the minimal value of turnaround water in the closed cycle, and also supply a vehicle with the electric power. Such technical design will cause decrease flying weight by means of reduction of a stock of fuel, and, hence, will increase loading capacity of the aircraft depending on its class and flight distance in some tens of tons, that will sufficiently reduce the cost price of transportations.

The simplicity of EHG design for the industrial enterprises enables organize serial production in several months for the most simple models of the generator for small power energetic without principal technical efforts and significant capital investments. The modernization of working cargo automobile and bus parks in the country can be the first stage large-scale implementation of the invention in transport. Some more large expenses and time are required for EHG development for other types of transport and powerful energetic complexes, but the final qualitative results will be also non-comparable above. For serial product of the generator in specific Russian conditions the cost price of manufacture of this product is estimated $ 15-25 per kW of thermal capacity. The settlement profitability of capital investments in development of the innovation makes more than 60 % at term of investment justification less than 1,5 years. Annual average economic benefit of application of the generator is 40-60 dollars per one kW of thermal power.

The minipower station works as follows: the electric power from buffers (storage battery -SB of starter capacitor - SC, inertial accumulator - IA), through distribution device DD comes to valve to valve-jet engine (VJE), which gradually untwists electric hydrogen generator EHG till 30-40 of thousand rev/min. The known processes of water decomposition on hydrogen and oxygen are produced in the EHG. Further the hydrogen-oxygen mix comes into the internal combustion engine (ICE), which is stared by means of the valve-jet starter generator (VJSG) i and after start-up ICE the VJSC at once passes in a generating mode, returning back small portion of produced electric power to the buffer and ICE. In a short time during warming-up of water the heat exchanger "gas - water" (HEGW), the conditions of natural self circulation of water in the contour: HEWG - heat exchanger "water-electrolyte" (HEWE) - heat generator (HG). HG provides an extraction of additional energy from water to factor of transformation 2,5-2,7 is taking place in this contour, which is transferred to electrolyte in HEWE circulating by means of the circulating pump (CP) in the contour: HEWE - EHG, filling up absorbed heat during the hydrogen generation process.

Another dynamic machine - gas turbine or static devices: thermo emission converters or fuel elements can be used as transforming devices for electric power production. As at last two The factors of transformation (for electric power) for two last ones can reach 70-75 %, for maintenance of the circuit completely working on a hydrogen-oxygen mix. The transformation factor of in HG should reach 9-10. If a thermal channel of the circuit is tight, there is no need of exhaust gases emission of in an atmosphere. Thus the efficiency of the circuit will be raised.

Rough energy balance with reference to ICE: energy of a hydrogen-oxygen mix is accepted for 100 %, further 25 % acts to the consumer in the form of electrical energy of necessary parameters. Others 75 % comes to HEGW, whence 35 % unused leave in an atmosphere, and 40 % with transformed into 110 % of energy of heated up water, which is converted in the energy heated electrolyte.

The use of HG allows to make small-sized sources of electrical or thermal (or combined) power, completely independent, that is rather problematic in the case of use of energy of an environment especially for high power.

Molecular Mixture Preparation

Understanding the mixing processes within inhomo-geneous liquids are crucial in technologies for oil based fuel preparation. Examples of interesting problems are: (i) the core structure, stability and chemical activity of mixed substances, (ii) the coupling of flow and orientation near flat confining walls, (iii) the structure around and interaction between moving molecules. These phenomena all involve the volume- and time scales intermediate between the molecular and macroscopic.

The mixing liquids and actually the interactive molecules are characterized by director of an action process, which usually represented by a vector n. The simplest theoretical models are based on elastic deformation free energy (the Frank free energy) written in terms of gradients of the director field

F [n(r)] = jvdr {1/2 Kn[V. n(r)]2 + 1/2K22[n V a n(r)2 + 1/2 K33[n a .V. a n(r)]2}

Similar terms are added to describe the coupling with the container walls (surface anchoring).

Numerical solution of the resulting equation of motion - for interactions on a molecular scale the technique is known as Molecular Dynamics (MD). Extensive computations are also often required for this kind of task because of the range of length and time scales involved [2]. The results of the simulations are the experimental observations, in the sense that a simulation run is an experiment conducted on an actual substance. MD simulation is readily extended to deal with molecules each constructed from a rigidly linked atomic framework. In the process of modeling the large scale molecules interactions it is necessary to use approach of the intermolecular forces, which is based on the Polymer models of alkane chains as well as more complex molecules. Integration can be carried out in various ways. One is advance the system over the single timestep by integrating the unconstrained equations of motion and then - adopting a relaxational approach - iteratively adjusting all the coordinates until the constrains are satisfied by the new state [3]. Another is to solve the full problem

of liquid motion by the using the Navier - Stocs analyses [4]. The models of mixturing of the liquids, which can be eliminate on the base of the last one show the whole and detailed picture of motion for the complicate molecules of hydrocarbons and simple water as well.

During the last decades of the XX century it was investigated and shown in the several works within the research for the Soviet and American rocket technologies, as well as in inventions belonged to the novel fuel preparation machines, mixer for liquids producing the mixed fuels. Most of the offered constructions containing vertical body, where there was placed bar with two screw threads with opposite directions of coils. The long-term experience of using the above mentioned devices showed that this kind construction of mixer insufficiently raises the effectivity of mixing the liquids and doesn't provide obtaining of small-dispersion emulsions.

At the next times the several modifications were made and finally it was offered the new construction of machine for mixing liquid-flowing media containing cylindrical body with two set pneumatic plates. It might be mentioned that one of them has central aperture and branch pipe for supply mixing components and in between of plates are located leading blades [5]. But this device destinated for mixing rough liquid-flowing media. Coal and cokechemical industry can't be used for obtaining highdispersial emulsion.

On the base of elaborating analytical and computing models the novel device was designed [6]. It permits to raise the quality of emulsion, which is reached by the following way: Cylindrical body with central pipe and partitions located there, forms two opposite vertical pipes, and turbulencer of internal pipe and is done as a doublenozzle rectangle snail. It is necessary to underline that the nozzle of the snail has a view of segmental slits, and mixer's camera is supplied by central cone reflect the turbulencer.

Mixer ( figure below) consists from cylindrical body-pipe, in which central pipe is attached on the flances. Lap robe of pipe is divided on the cameras. Flance has central opening-diaphragm, and on the other one there are done two segmental slits. Camera with curved on the spiral of Archimed petal and branch pipe forms singlenoz-zle entrance snail-turbulencer for the first pipe, and direction of the first turbulencer is opposite of direction of the second one.

Camera with central cone reflector and radial petals is the mixer's camera, and for the bringing mixed liquids and for going out of mix there are also branch pipes.

Mixer consists from two combined opposite vertical pipes and mixer's camera and turbulencer for vertical pipe is done as a reclangle entrance snail, built on the spiral of Archimed <t by minimal radius, equal of internal radius of pipe. ¡i

Turbulencer for vertical pipe has opposite direction, 2 and is done as a doublenozzle rectangle entrance snail J with minimal radius, equal of the radius of diaphragm, « and nozzles have a view of segmental slits. For the for- | mation of steady vortical current, length of pipe must be g not less than 10-12 of their diameters. «=

Mixing device works by following way: first liquid, for | example fuel, under the high (10 kg/m2 and more) pres- ^ sure on the branch pipe moves to turbulencer, which twists 8 liquid and forms in pipe intensive twisted turbulence cur- © rent, and on the axis of pipe is formed discharging.

On the branch pipe and axis of pipe, under pressure moves second liquid, for example water, current of which in discharged space, expands and begins in tangle with vertical current of first liquid.

In mixer's camera, by intermediation of reflector and petals happens intensive turbulension and intangle of liquids. On the segmental slits, mix of liquid gas to turbulence, changes direction of reverse and through the diaphragm goes to vertical pipe. Here is formed powerful vertical current, which strengthen turbulization and mixing of liquids, because of the dispersion phase (molecules of water), homogenually distributes in dispersion media (fuel - molecules of hydrocarbons) and ready, steady small dispersional emulsion - molecular mixture goes out from mixer to branch pipe.

The above mention construction of mixing machine permits to form two opposite vertical current of liquids, which raise their turbulization, preparation of molecular liquids and mixing. Thanks of this, raises quality of emulsion.


Presented materials show the ways of using new technologies of energy production: law quality fuel processing for liquid oil and gas production, which should be competitive to natural oil and gas in nearest future; renewable unlimited natural power ecologically clean power sources; and high quality emulsions preparation useful as the effective fuels.

References §


1. I. Utiamyshev, G. Kutovoy, V. Simonov. Tech- i nological Issues of Power Installation Influence on En- | vi ronment Stability. Georgian Enginnering News, N 3, ^ 2004, pp. 112-121. J

2. A. Gosman et al. Computational Methods of Investi- c gations of the Viscous Liquid. Mir. Moscow. 1972. 323 p. £

3. A. Brandt et al. Multiscale Computational Methods | in Chemistry and Physics. IOS Press. 2001.363p. o5

4. P. Kervalishvili, I. Remizov. On Possibilities of g Perfection of Melt Mixing During Crystal Growth. Trans- @ actions of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Inorganic Materials. Vol. 16. N 10. 1980. pp. 1727-1732.

5. A. Merkulov. Turbulence Effects and Their Technical Applications. Atomnaja Energia. Moscow. 1986. 459p.

6. P. Kervalishvili, O. Kutsnashvili, Some Aspects of Molecular Mixture Preparation. Georgian Enginnering News, N 3, 2002, pp. 75-82.

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